Monday, June 22, 2015


No wonder he signs his diseased comments as "Joker's Wild." At least in the U Matuna this weekend, he actually signs his real name to more of his diseased commentary. 

In the headline article for the U Matuna (June 21, 2015), Adrian writes:
“The Archbishop met with his pastors…to discuss the preparations of the Jubilee celebrations…and the financial summary of the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal.” (See copy of full article at the end of this post).

Adrian appears to have forgotten the letter he wrote to Fr. Mike Crisostomo (though he had Apuron sign it) in which he stated the reason for the meeting (which included NOTHING about the Jubilee):
"Dear Fr. Mike....The results (of the Appeal) are not favorable…Please meet with me on Wednesday, June 10, at 3:00p.m., at the Chancery Office. We will discuss how the AAA was organized at your parish, what strategies were taken to promote the appeal to the people, and what we can do to mer your parish’s suggested goal." 
However, Adrian did NOT forget. He just thinks that we are all too stupid to notice that he's lying to us. 

Adrian continues (in the U Matuna):
“From July 2014 to May 2015, only 26% of the amount collected for the AAA went to the Redemptoris Mater Seminary….It is false to say that all the monies collected by the AAA goes to the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.”
Really? Then what was this all about? This was the chart given to the pastors in 2014 showing the destination of the AAA several months before the so-called JP2 seminary (which now only houses 2 people and is NOT a seminary) was officially erected. And by the way, Adrian, what do you do with the nearly $30,000 per year the U.S. Navy gives you for the Navy chaplaincy?

Adrian writes:
“Seminarians (at RMS) are trained for ministry in the Church, they are not trained for the Neocatechumenal way as was falsely noted.”
Apparently Adrain is calling those who wrote the RMS Articles of Incorporation liars because here's what they state:

Adrian, you are either stupid beyond belief of you are the Church's most unscrupulous liar. It says right here that the men are prepared "following the life and itinerary of the Neocatechumenal Way", yet you lie to us in a headline article in our own Catholic newspaper and say they are "NOT trained for the Neocatechumenal Way." You so blatantly insult the intelligence of the Catholic faithful and yet you want to be bishop? Well as a matter of fact, if Rome wants to keep Guam an example of failure then you would in fact be candidate No. 1.

Adrian writes:
“But, the priest is also to have solicitude for the missions as well. He may also request of his bishop to be sent to a legitimate mission in another country where there is a need for priests.” 
Precisely! "Legitimate mission in another country where there is a need for priests." So what the hell was Wadeson doing in San Francisco all those years? Another country? LOL! (Oh, BTW, in your list of where certain priests are, you left Wandering Wadeson and xxx Louie out. Wonder why?)

The truth is that "legitimate mission" in neo-speak is wherever Catholics are still regular Catholics and not yet members of the Neocatechumenal Way. And "Fathers Edwin, Aurelio, Fabio and Jason are on mission in other countries." Really? What countries? Which bishops asked for them? 

How about we send you "on mission" Adrian? Forever! Oh, that's right. No real bishop would have you. 


  1. You are correct Tim...Adrian is STUPID beyond belief.

    1. So let's review. Was it Adriana or David the lesser who took extra courses to pass? Dumb and dumber. Who just happen to hold positions of authority. Where's Harold when we need him??

    2. Both of them, actually, had to go to Berkeley to finish up.

    3. Both stupid .

    4. Adrian thinks we're as dumb as he looks!

  2. I posted before: what bishops asked for these presbyters? Would it be bishop Arguello? Or bishop Generrini? Hmmmm? We were never told. More crystal clear transparency! Apuron, tell us now.

  3. At the very least, the archbishop, vicar general and chancellor should get their act together before they make conflicting statements in public. This, to me, is the height of moronic leadership. If you have to lie, at least be consistent with what you lie about. Sheez!

  4. It is clear, words are not important to these people. Lest it is lost on us, here are the two answers of Archbishop to the demand of people to keep the Neo out of their parish.

    At SBCC: Okay, for as long as you have priests.
    At Toto: Okay, for now.

    In both occasions he has left himself a backdoor to assign a neo priests in these parishes. As Mr. Tanaka pointed out. There are more than 40 seminarians at RMS. We only have 26 parishes. You do the math on that. He might not assign them as pastors but definitely assign them as priests somewhere on Guam.

    1. Refresh my memory, please. What did he say at the parish meetings at Yona (St. Francis) and Agana Hts (OLBS)?

  5. This is why he was not welcomed back to finish his studies at St. Pats Seminary and was forced to go to Berkley, along with David C. Quituga. Btw: not that there is anything wrong with the seminary in Berkley, but thats usually where the St. Pats "rejects" end up.


    1. Both considered unsuitable candidates for priesthood. They did not get the votes from the seminary faculty for ordination.

    2. And they will not get the votes to become a Bishop.

  6. This epic battle reminds me of the Japanese strategy at the end of the WW2, when all was lost, they decided to use Divine Wind (Kamikaze) to stem the tide of the American victory. AAA, Kiko, your dream to destroy parishes in favor of communities have gone down in flames. The people's faith is much stronger than you thought. AAA save what little respect you have left and resign. Allow the laity to practice our Faith as we have and always will.. NCW will go down as the rest of the heretical movements in the past. The Church through the Holy Spirit will prevail until the end of time.

    1. Amen to this my brothers and sisters in Christ. We must not allow the NCW heretics to poison the minds of our children. Neos believe we, the sinners that we are by nature, can bless the Lord. Jucatan has repeated this in concluding his homilies. His words, "Let us bless the Lord" sounds so wrong, but then the neos teach that Jesus Christ is a sinner (just like the rest of us).
      We must purge the Church from these heretics.

  7. Adrian is a Hypocrite!

    1. He knows he's a hypocrite but it doesn't bother him one bit. Spoiled brat Adrian will resort to anything in his attempts to elevate himself in the Church hierarchy. He chose the name Jokers Wild here in JW because his ego makes him think he's slick and superior to us. NOT!!

  8. It's peculiar that they make NO MENTION of Fr. Luis. I wonder why?

  9. Adrian cannot possibly be mentally sound with all the lies he puts forth, expecting people to believe him. How can one attend his mass, or um, his "celebration" around a floral laden table knowing that he's as unholy as they come. Adrian, since your such a fan of this blog and read and comment quite frequently, know this. You have been exposed as the liar that you are and there's no chance in hell of becoming a bishop in the Catholic Church. Must suck to know that your lifelong dream will never be achieved. Sucks to be you Adrian.

    1. With the arch as his role model, he has learned his lessons well.
      Eileen Benavente-Blas

  10. The article in Today's (Tuesday, June 23, 2015) PDN provides the perfect opportunity to expose the liars at the Chancery. CCOG should put out a full-page ad rebutting the statements made as to the uses of any monies raised by the Annual Appeal, using Adrian's own words to show how he contradicts himself with his lies. Truly a tangled web he weaves.

    If CCOG needs to raise funds for this ad, I will be willing to contribute.

  11. Adrian is not only a Joker, he is a Joke!!

  12. Meanwhile we kick out the students at St Thomas under the guise of making it the new JP2 (NCW run) seminary. With that diversion we take the other multimillion dollar property (Malojloj) and turn that into a Kiko Haven that is worthy of housing Kiko should he decide to visit his brethren on Guam. So who will fund this one again?

    1. STA students, alumni, parents, faculty and staff will NEVER forget. Archbishop to archvillain, all for the sake of his NCW pals. SMH
