Saturday, July 4, 2015


Note: While it looks like the storm is going to miss us, we're saving our own storm for Monday. Meanwhile, there are several good items to share with you including this one:

frenchie has left a new comment on your post "DEAR ROME: READ THIS CAREFULLY. IT'S YOUR TURN.":

Dear R Yaeger, and anons, 

Those that know me would most likely tell you that I am the prince of cynics.
Yet at the same time, I have faith. This is not something that is easy to come to, you have to cultivate it, to nurture it.

For every act of evil around us, you have the choice to either ignore it and hope someone else will handle it, or you can try to do something about it.

To many on this blog, the evidences of AAA and the NCW ilks' crimes are evident. Hence the high level of frustration some might have in this perceived lack of actions.

Lets look at it in a more neutral way. Only a year and a half after the start of the denonciations of the abuses by Apuron, Pius and their minions, Rome did take actions. 

This is actually quite astounding considering the track record of Rome.

We were sent a high level delegation to investigate the issues on island. Not some whitewash commission, like the kikobots in Rome would have liked to, but a real investigative team.

They took the time to meet with everybody, even those, I would say especially those the Chancery had tried so hard to silence.

Now what you have to understand is how things work, after such facts finding group comes back with their report.

We saw this spring, that the Arch was pressured to try to make good with the priests that had been slighted by the Chancery, before Easter. 

The half hearted attempt from Tony and the denunciation by Tim on this Blog of such attempts as sandbagging, ended that initiative.

This means that the corridors of the State administration at the Vatican are the scene of a muted but savage struggle between Kiko and his goons, and the foreign affairs nuncios and several key players against Kiko.

When I met with my connections back in December, they made no secret that Kiko and his defrocked girlfriend were putting a lot of pressure on their allies there, to bury our little problem.

We are a small Diocese, not the smallest of course, nor a big one, but the faithful of this diocese have friends and allies not only in Rome but also close to us in the Pacific Region.

Our Nuncio has done a great job, communicating with the powers in Rome without getting entangled in all the bureaucracy. He is probably our best advocate, but he also knows too well the pitfalls along the way.

Like Tim has said many times, and that Typhoon Toves has underlined in his unique style, it is ultimately up to us to move forward to the next step.

The next step might be a lawsuit, or two or three. It might be a victim or victims of Apuron or Pius that find the courage to face their abusers, it has to be big enough to force the roadblocks and the delaying tactics of Kikos allies in the Vatican. That is the only thing that will overpower them, once and for all. (at least for our small island)

There are also some glimmers of hope regarding the financial shenanigans of Genarini and Co.
But as I was told by officials investigating that side of the story, it might take months, may be years to retrace that complex web of financial coverup, and get some action on the federal level.

Keep the faith.

Pray for help and discernment .

The shadow knows. 


  1. Did I see frenchie in a movie before?

  2. Tim, your blog may have been hacked or bugged.

  3. Pages are acting eratically.

  4. Anyone else noticing these web problems?

    1. No problem here. Maybe clear your cache and restart your computer.

  5. Could be an attempt to mute the stomp dropping shoe

  6. Could be an attempt to mute the stomp of a dropping shoe

  7. I thought I was the only one who was having problems with blogging here. Once, maybe my computer's fault, twice, a coincidence. But four?!! Four times my computer screen froze while I was in the middle of writing my comments!!@@##$$!! Wth? I had to recompose my thoughts and try to comment again. I wanted to report it before but I thought it was just me or my computer??

    1. to avoid that problem, type up your comment in a text editor (like notepad or microsoft word) and then copy and paste it into the comment box. that way, if there's an internet hiccup, you haven't lost your original comment. you can just paste it again.

    2. It happens to me from time to time, and it gets especially frustrating when I lose my comments in the process.

    3. Thanks, rey d! We learn so much from this blog, and not just about the problems in the Catholic Church. Will do, sir!


  8. No problems off island with web page.

  9. Works fine for me

  10. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJuly 4, 2015 at 1:32 PM

    The latest posts from Frenchie have come at a time when I needed to read them. In my earlier comments this week, my frustration over the "Rome, help us" cries coupled with the unwillingness for people to step up with names, dates and details regarding things they claim are happening within their families was quite evident. I still believe that as long as people maintain their silence while stating that they "KNOW THINGS," we should not be surprised at Rome's perceived inactivity.

    Frenchie's reassurance that things are happening — albeit slowly — behind the scenes is a welcome read for me. I stopped praying some time ago for the removal of AAA and instead have prayed for guidance on what I can do for myself and my family to continue nurturing the Faith in light of the ongoing battles. While I may not be around to see how this all plays out, I pray that I will have been able to do to the best of my ability to keep my family AUTHENTICALLY CATHOLIC.

  11. On top of Mary Lou's comments, I thank you, Frenchie, for your insights. It gives hope to the some of us who are not that much in the “in” with what gives with the Vatican’s apparent silence and inaction. Some months ago, there was even some speculation that the two archbishops (Krebs and Tai-Fai) with the Vatican Delegation back in January 2015 may be complicit in covering up for AAA (“birds of a feather flock together”). I saw that as idle speculation – and never give it even a second thought. With your sharing, it give me (personally) some reason to believe that there is indeed “a light in the tunnel”, and that solution to our problems will indeed come about. All in God’s due time! In the meantime, we do not put our guards down – and continue to do what we need to do, prime among which is prayer. I pray for our deliverance. And I pray that our recovery be as rapid and lasting – as Japan’s recovery was, following WWII. The phoenix will resurrect from its ashes to an even more renewed and refreshed faith – and the practice of that Faith. May all stand firm in the faith (Fortes in Fide). "Stay thirsty- for the truth- my friends."- jrsa.


  12. This blog teaches the truth of the internal operations of Archbishop Anthony Apuron.

    By coming to this blog we share the common ground of educating our people for the urgent need for a new bishop of Guam.

    1. Dear Anon at 12.20, in general you are right in your assessment.
      Unfortunately, Tim, Chuck and several outside contributors from New Jersey, Malta and the Antilles have also demonstrated that our problem goes far beyond the replacement of AAA.
      Replacement, yes! but with whom? Another pawn, in the pocket of Pius, Genarini and their bosses?
      That would be unquestionable. Sadly that is exactly what Carmen and her Boyfriend have been planning for years, and are still pushing.
      This was at the core of the sidelining of Msgr James and Fr. Paul, both truly charismatic figures, that could take us back in the right path.
      The fight is therefore more complex, and with much higher stakes that the simple removal of AAA.
      Keep praying and participate at all level.

    2. John C.Ada Toves "Typhoon "July 5, 2015 at 4:41 PM

      French, I'm just ur Lucy. I will fight till they leave my island. I will pull out every plant and shake the dirt until the entire house is messy. Raynor won't mind. I just am at critical mass. Ditte ma qui va passé. I listen to you Leo.

  13. Father Albert in Agat announce last night that the first and second collections do not go anywhere all the money stays in Agat, unless someone asks for it. If you have any questions about the money you need to ask him. ;>)

    1. "...unless someone asks". LOL. He thinks the people of Agat are stupid.


    2. This is the problem Tim. presbyters think people are stupid . Unless people question the presbyters question these guys they will continue trying to fool people.

    3. Apparently presbyter Albert has enough following to make him think that he can get away with saying stupid things. His followers don't dare to question him. Yes, his followers are as stupid as he thinks.

    4. They're not stupid. They're just naive and easily to manipulate. What they all need to do is pick up the Bible and let God speak to them. They are new to the word of God and what they are being fed is not the word but an interpretation by man.

      For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

      James T.
