Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Obviously Jaiden is too bright for "the Thing, Diana." He didn't say the martyrs built the church, he said the church was built by the "blood of martyrs," a common saying referring to the sacrifice of faith. Stupid Thing Diana actually thinks that when Jaiden points to the physical building that Jaiden means the physical building. LOL!! But then when you've drunk KAKA all your life this is what happens to your brain.


  1. It's funny how this person saw what he wanted to see. I saw a very passionate young man who believed in his faith. We need more young people like him. I applaud the efforts of this young man. He stood up for what he believed in. Every person interviewed were eloquent and firm in their belief. Great job!

    1. Mathew 18:1-5 1. At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" 2. He called a child over, placed it in their midst, 3. and said, "Amen I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 4. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.

    2. One thing that will always disturb me is when someone, and in this case, the Idiot "Diana"s, start "abusing" children. Get this, "IDIOT"....... children are innocent people. As in scripture; Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

      Diana, You Are a Hindrance to God's Children.

      Jesus also said, "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." Matthew 18:6

  2. What a desperate reference. I am sure that the young man was not referring to the physical structure. Why do you not salute the fervor that this young man, who loves his church and in-spite of spending a weekend day with friends decided to spend his time expressing his love for the Church and working for the elimination of the cancer that has infected our Church. I congratulate him and may God Bless him.

    1. The answer my dear Thomas is obvious: Las Dianas, Pius, and other Cristobals are in full panic when they get confronted by a real man of Faith. For them it is even a bigger slap in the face, that this is a young man whose faith is bigger than many others combined.
      Nothing is more scarry for evil to be confronted in name and in full light. This is exactly what this young person has done. Giving us a well deserved lesson of humility and sending shivers down the spines of the evil cohorts of Pius the putrid and his ilks.

    2. PIUS THE PUTRID. I like that. Nice ring to it.

    3. Nice try, Frenchie. Didn't you hear Diana say that boy is part of a grand conspiracy to get rid of the Archbishop? A conspiracy, I say!!! A CONSPIRACY!

    4. Dear anon @ 9.09.
      The choice of words is obviously important.
      I refer to the young man, because of his maturity, self awareness and courage while the Dianas refer to the boy.
      It is self explanatory, and shows the utter contempt this sect has for believers with strong individual Faith.
      The NCW is founded on the need for zombies with the minds and will of children.
      The difference is so blatant, so obvious that even a child should see it.
      But you know the popular saying about the blindness of people that refuse to see.

  3. The overly educated "Diana". Not?..vs..The under educated young lad who's so on point.

  4. What is dumb Diana talking about? Jaiden Got it right all along, for in this church which you will find in all catholic churches is the head of the Church, Christ himself reposed in the tabernacle, the most holy of holies on earth. the very substance of which all churches exist that which the same Christ himself founded and instituted. Yes the church is the body of Christ, but it is Christ himself first and foremost, and where Diana do you find Christ ? in the Churches. But of Course the NCW does not believe in the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. So we know where they are coming from. God Bless you Jaiden for revealing to us the most obvious place that Christ exist on earth.

    1. Diana barely literate. Especially of late. Bye

  5. Diana and her NCW cult fail to understand that Christ is pre-eminent before all creatures, Diana and the Neo’s place an emphasis on the prominence of man and its human members as the focus of the Church and losing sight of all that is God, the source and summit of all that we are.

    The Church will never be what it is without Christ, He is the head, and he is found in the Tabernacles of all the churches Body Blood soul and divinity, yes Diana even in the Agana Cathederal.

    From the mouth of babes is the proud confounded, God Bless you Jaiden for pointing out the most obvious place that Christ is found on earth, in the tabernacles of all our Churches.

  6. When you are refuse to acknowledge Christ in the tabernacle, all you'll see is a structure.

    I pray for their poor souls. No wonder they are hungry. Don't they know that He is the Bread of Life, and not Fr Pius or Kiko?

  7. All comments aside.
    Las Dianas reaction, is actually what they brainwash them with.
    Part of the NCW teachings is that Churches as buildings are not important.
    According to their credo, the Church is where the people are, where they meet.
    This is why they have no problem celebrating in a banquet room, or in a basement.
    Tim and Chuck already covered this.
    It is also related to their beliefs regarding parishes versus communities. To them parishes are things of the past, what really counts are the communities.
    As you see this fall into this "logic".
    It is then logical for a mouthpiece for the Cult to regurgitate this type of goolygook.
    This has been hard wired into them from the beginning of their "rediscovery" of faith.
    The sickening list of heretic positions of that sect is exhaustive.

    1. I agree with Frenchie. Thus the real reason they want "our churches" is because it's quite costly to celebrate in the banquet rooms. Tåya' nai salape! They should check out the village mayors to use their Community Centers for their beloved communities! Biba Kåtoliku
