Wednesday, October 7, 2015


The intrusion of Wellington Oliveira into our local diocesan issues permits us an opportunity to examine the question of "stealing priests.". 

Wellington is from Brazil, but he is studying for the "priesthood" (he's neo so not sure we can call it that), in the diocese of Boston, and will be incardinated there. 

Now why is that? Does Brazil not need priests? How about Italy? Poland? Spain? Ecuador? Argentina? Mexico? Or any of the other many countries most of these neo-seminarians come from? 

Of course they do. Catholicism in those previously Catholic countries is collapsing many times faster than it is in the United States (including Guam). 

Yet O'Malley, Chaput, Apuron, and the rest of the neo-bishop-servants are taking them into their well-to-do dioceses lickety-split. 

Why is that?

Is it because bishops like the above-mentioned are too lazy to do the hard work of producing their own vocations? Probably. But beyond that, isn't it a crime to be stealing young men from countries that are many times worse off than our own?

The neo's like to quote "Ad Gentes" as their basis for the shuffling of neo-seminarians and presbyters off to more well-to-do countries. However, Rome has already seen the problem and in 2001 issued a warning:
This exchange among the Churches, the fruit of universal communion, must preserve a strong missionary thrust to counteract the prevalent trend of a certain number of diocesan priests who, incardinated in their particular Churches in mission territories, want to leave their own country and reside in Europe or North America, often with the intention of further studies or for other reasons that are not actually missionary.
Often their motives are based on the higher living conditions which these countries offer and the need for young priests in some of the established Churches. These priests are then convinced by such reasoning not to return to their own country, sometimes with the tacit permission of their own Bishop, or at other times in opposition to his request that they return home. A certain permanency is then given to such irregular situations by virtue of the vast distances and poor communication. 
It is quite obvious that O'Malley, Chaput, and Apuron et al are running a quasi-legal immigration operation. It's actually the perfect cover. Governments give great latitude to "missionaries" especially when a bishop is the sponsor. These guys get to "come to America", and Apuron et al get numbers they can brag about and guys who carry their bags and clap when they sing.

The Vatican also exactly foresaw the problem we have seen explode in front of our faces here in Guam regarding the education of seminarians:
The formation of seminarians in mission territories . The seminary's educational programme must ensure that seminarians are well trained in a true and proper manner concerning the nature and duties of a pastor, adapting themselves to the pastoral needs of their own particular Church where they will be incardinated  from the moment of their diaconate ordination.  It is also necessary that they are taught to broaden the horizons of their mind and heart to the specifically missionary and universal dimension of the life of the Church
In the mission territories one needs to be particularly attentive during the seminarian's formation not to allow an attitude that clamours for the supposed right to pursue further studies after ordination nor that the bishop has the obligation to send him abroad.

First, it is sick that Apuron considers Guam a "mission" territory after 400 years of Catholicism. In doing so, he has placed an indictment of "major fail" on his own head since he inherited a solidly Catholic diocese and turned it into a See of emptying churches.

Next, "adapting" themselves to the pastoral needs of the Church where they will be incardinated???? Yah, like that is what we see from these kiko-formed guys?

"Broaden mind and heart? Huh? They can't even bring themselves to show respect for the Mass, the REAL one.

And pursuing "further studies after ordination"? Ummm Edivaldo, I believe that would be you...and who else is out "pursuing studies after ordination" our expense....once again!


  1. Chaput and O'Malley have quite a few guilty abusers to make up for. You heard Chaput shout to Kiko? Give me more! I want more! What -ever. Education in RMS Guam is in NO way adequate! If it is, prove it, Apuron.

  2. Studying abroad seems to be afforded to a single group...neo presbyters. No real diocesan priest has been given that opportunity in years. The last I can think of is Fr David Q the JCD/Vicar General, who took 8 years to get a 2 year JCD degree, then he turned all neo on us.
    Why cant we have some real priests go to get the further studies that would benefit OUR diocese?
    Instead, we have Presbyter Miguel, Presbyter Julio, Presbyter Harold, Presbyter Edivaldo, and Presbyter Pablo all going off-island for further degrees, and then at sometime they will be assigned to China, or Africa. While incardinated on Guam, most Catholics dont even know these priests, and those that do wish they didnt.
    Thanks Archbishop for promoting our local sons!?!

  3. Does Fr Pablo belong here now? Was thinking he belongs to Rome.

  4. The Diana's blog states over 40,000 people went to the meeting with kiko in Philadelphia. That arena holds 20,000. And it wasn't even full. 1000 families stood up? Again more lies.

    1. I'm speechless. Watch the video....senseless. Sooner or later going to implode . Oh, one more thing. Sir Wellington is being educated at Saint Johns Accredited seminary. Our Seminarians at RMS being scantily educated in Yona. We want to see the program of study there. Now.

    2. Zoltan math in play. All Neos are required to learn Zoltan math. LOL

  5. Julio can stay there. ARROGANT Julio with a Doctorate? Wow.

  6. All priest coming from RMS will be assigned by Pius or Giuseppe to any part of the world to serve not the church but NCW. But they will receive the benefits given by Archdiocese and are incardinated here. I say stop NCW.

  7. Whatever happened to Volcheck ? Presbyter for Guam Right ? It appears that Guam is the payroll department for all these Neo Characters, and we are funding the bayroll, benefits, AAA making sure these guys set for life, by putting them all on payroll even if they are serving NNCW elswhere., What a circus..

  8. When this blows over, and it will..... The new person in charge, will have to do a hell of an audit, and decide what to do with all that deadwood.
    This is a huge snow job for the NCW on dioceses. I believe we can become a great case study for Bishops around the world to learn about this.

  9. STOP HATING.....Holding onto anger is like holding a match and expecting the other person to get burned.

    1. LOL. Typical Kiko. Anything opposed to ncw is hate. Well no hate here. Just amusement...and truth.

    2. I agree Tim and particularly with Frenchie at 4.42pm.
      David Taranto, Melbourne.Australia.

  10. Someone posted in Diana's blog that her sister is doing some missionary work in South America and asked her why the seminarians coming to Guam -- no seminaries in SA? Her sister says where she's at they need priests. Diana responded by posting a link saying there is an increase in priests in the Americas. How's that for a non-answer?
