Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Dear Mrs Calvo.

With my Greetings and Prayers from Makati City Republic of the Philippines.

It is my understanding on Monday November 3rd 2015 I made a comment on Junglewatch web page which has caused stress to you and the family. May I sincerely apologize to you personally for the reference I made to you in that post . It was not my intention to cause stress to you or the Calvo family.

We are living in difficult times today when unfortunately our church leaders have lost all common sense, decency, and respect. The leadership of Guam's Catholic Church has reduced the people of God to mere ATM or providers of wealth and property to foreign invaders on your shores.  My concern is only to remind everybody on Guam to please be vigilant with their personal wealth and property to ensure that it remains in the hands of families and is not given to individuals seeking to enrich themselves in the name of the Catholic Church.

Once again my sincere apologizes to you and the Family.

Father Matthew Blockley
Makati city.

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