Tuesday, November 10, 2015



  1. it's how it's been since ever since. as genesis says: "the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise."

  2. And the NCW continues to turn a blind eye to this because Kiko says that it doesn't apply to them. Even our Archbishop listend and saw the fruits of their labor in the form of mammon but still the almighty Kiko must be right somewhere, right Archie?

  3. I am not a fool to short change Jesus. As we all know, God, had sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for us so we could live. He is our only Savior since and ever since yesterday, today and forevermore. Jesus will never change. Man does. And boy Archbishop Apuron, you have changed. You cannot even control your flock entrusted by you. What leader does this so opposite from Saint Padre Pio. Common sense tells us that when something is broken it must be fixed. Unity in our Catholic Church on Guam is broken. Fix it. Or with the Holy Spirit's gift to the people they shall move their mountains. Sorry Kiko, I shall never bow down to man like you.

  4. Family and friends: You tell me "Neo saved me" Truly, it was destroying your family relationships. How could this "new evangelization" be so wonderful when you have distanced yourselves from your father, mother sisters and brothers? When you know your archbishop is not leading the flock he has promised to lead..all of us, not just your community. If you are part of the one, holy, apostolic church why are you so bent on meeting in secretive groups? The archbishop is lost and can no longer lead but leaves it up to the dianasusanna blog. You know he is wrong but you have been emotionally and psychologically blackmailed to hide behind his cloak. I hear you grumble about the financial and time commitments that are required, yet you continue to do whatever Pius and the rest of the gang tell you. But until then, I will continue to tell you of my frustrations as you continue to try to take over my church. Keep trying. I WON'T QUIT!

  5. Yes, it is the Church that Christ left us, any group that teaches new doctrines against what the Church teaches should be avoided.
