The archbishop said, "They will announce it as well as other items out there that you may see icons, statutes, figurines whatever." -KUAM
By the way, isn't Apuron supposed to be the "honoree"? What's he doing emceeing his own event?
It seems so strange really that a group of people would protest a birthday celebration - no less than that of the Archbishop himself. What people see looking from the outside is only an iceberg glimpse of the anger seething from within the Catholic Church on Guam. This demonstration would not have happened if the Archbishop genuinely sought to resolve issues within his realm, by listening to his constituents and by producing legitimate proofs of his claims. The faithful Catholics would have rejoiced and even topped the rather somber celebration with a huge fiesta if things were normal. How can one celebrate under a huge shadow of mistrust and anger? This turn of events is an indication of the big divide in the local Catholic Church. All the while the Archbishop hides under the shade of his neo-commnity, ignores the bigger island community, and enjoys the mirage of thinking there is no division and that he is untouchable. How can he ignore the pleas and act as if nothing is wrong? And he is a man of the cloth? This behavior is not even condoned with politicians, why he gets away with it, is an even bigger question.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous at 6:31 AM:
DeleteHe gets away with it because he can. Can we stop him? No. Should we remain silent? No. Join the next peaceful demonstration. It gives you a sense of power to stand up in public unashamed to let the entire island know how you feel. I hope to join the next one. Don't be afraid to stand up for your beliefs. If another NEO succeeds the arch our traditional Church as we know it is doomed. Will that break my faith? No. If every Mass turned NEO I would not attend one. I do not wish to dance around an altar or hold the consecrated Host in my hand go back to my seat to stand and wait for all to consume the Host in unison.
I would willingly give up Mass attendance. I don't recognize those ordained from Guam RMS as fully-formed Catholic priests.
I wonder about the admissions requirements when applying to Guam RMS. In stateside seminaries, a recent psychological evaluation is required. Had Luis Camacho, neophyte Neo presbyter, submitted to a psychological evaluation prior to becoming a seminarian, he probably would have been rejected. Had he been rejected he could have avoided being caught with his ordained mouth in a place where it doesn't belong. He was not traditional priest material but he meets the non-existent criteria as a NEO presbyter.
Eileen Benavente-Blas
elieenbb, fully agree with your suggestions, We are left to our own devices to exert whatever we can do to show resolve that this battle to take back our church will not end until we are successful with or without Rome. I also agree that the laity whose parishes have been taken over by Neo Presbyters should attend non-neo parishes, so that the lack of attendance can convey a strong message to Apuron that we will not be a part of the charade. The central objective of the Neo's is the destruction of the parishes and convert them into communities. One possible rallying point is to hold a protest before a Mass in a Neo controlled parish to reflect that we demand that the parish be returned to a non-neo Priest. This protest should be peaceful and can be organized by the non-neo members of that parish. After all if we want to protect our Faith as we know it we should be willing to do whatever is necessary to preserve it.
DeleteWell said Mr. Tanaka I greatly respect your views. Catholics of Guam should only attend Mass offered by a Priest who is not a member of the cult or a silent advocate of the cult.
Since he has no control over what goes on in the archdiocese, I guess he was thrown a bone and allowed to emcee.
ReplyDeleteEileen Benavente-Blas
It was his chance to move more kiko art...
DeleteAlso, he's a Scorpio and they love to be the center of attention.
DeleteWith all the money kookoo makes selling his icons, art, and other paraphernalia to neos world-wide, he has the bucks to fund the Guam's RMS, faux seminary but not th desire to give financial help.
Eileen Benavente-Blas
Our local church is incredibly broken ...unbelievably messed up. And Rome does nothing. This can only mean one thing.
ReplyDeleteRome can do nothing because they have the same problems there as we have here. Unless they grow the cajones to fix their problems they will not lift a finger to act on ours.
This is not to say that the Vatican is filled with evil. But it exists to the extent that it effectively is able to squash resistance to the current corruption. Our action must continue to clean our local church of the evil that has snuck into our midst. But we must also pray for our Mother Church in Rome that she can effectively clean herself of the secular feel good that has invaded it.
I'm all for feeling good. But only if I feel good because I do right, not if I feel good because I do whatever I want. My nana used to always tell us not to compromise our values - they are the only permanent treasure we can count on.
Pray, stay the course, and continue to fight and speak out!
AAA...Archbishop Asshole Apuron. Of course, of course. Lol
ReplyDeleteHe can't help himself. Remember, he wants to use his popularity - if he can call it that. Reality is, he can't because he isn't.
ReplyDeleteStatues? were any of the missing statues from the parishes auctioned?
ReplyDeleteWay funny!!
ReplyDeleteI picked up on this point and I laughed. Firstly, the sleeping St. Joseph statue you can pick up in Rome or Manila for $10.00. My advice to art collectors on Guam is if your going to collect art at auctions make sure it has respected provenance. Otherwise you will have a useless collection of pieces with no history. Something given by Tony he picked up in a Rome gift shop unfortunately does create a respected provenance. It really is a joke.
6" Sleeping Joseph you can get at $9.00 at a local religious store. It's $3.00 in Tutuban! Larger piece is @ $20.00 and $9.00 in Tutuban!
DeleteAnyone buying these objects for more than it's actual value is a fool! Scam, scam, scam!
Yes 11.36 . I was in divisoria the other day you can buy smaller versions for 75 pesos.if he had etiquette he could have purchased on his own money a table gift of the sleeping St. Joseph and given to every person who attended. These are the small things where by you see the real character of a person. standing up like he did auctioning religious items is not only a disgrace it shows a nation how cheap he is.
DeleteFather Blockley, maybe he can pick up a few more statues in Hong Kong and have HEROD COLONRADO PREY-DICK-TOO carry his goodies. Please don't forget to bring home some souvenirs from Columbia. Don't bring home "DRAGON FLIES" OR "SPANISH GOLDEN FLIES."
DeleteColumbia let's pray there not into drug smuggling.
Maybe no smuggling, but can you imagine the Prickbyters serving the appetizers with "coke" as an ingredient. Tony will sure be singing and dancing to the tune of "EL PESCADOR". Watch your drinks, a drop of the dragon or Spanish golden fly may send you to where Cunnilingus is at!
ReplyDeleteThe social etiquette of the Hyatt affair was a joke. It shows a group of people with money but with no style . I really find it very amusing. Thank God it was at Hyatt otherwise dinner would have been served on paper plates . Can you honestly imagine inviting people to your birthday and then emceeing your own event. Archbishop is certainly a super rich but he clearly never had style.
It was a sit-down dinner. No prosaic buffet for Tony's baloney.
DeleteEileen Benavente-Blas
ReplyDeleteTony Apuron, do you see the homeless on the streets of Guam?
Have you walked the pavement where they sleep?
Do you feel their hand when you give them alms?
Did you ever give them bread to eat?
Have you watched those with food and medication
While a mother tightly holds her child.
Do you see the poverty around you?
Do you show love and mercy
With true kindness compassion and humility?
For God loves the weak and the needy
just like me. !
Are you kidding me. Tony complains about the smell of the homeless sleeping in the garage at Cathedral when he comes to say the 5:45am mass. Of course it is the San Antonio mass. Just call me tony.
DeleteAre you kidding me. Tony complains about the smell of the homeless sleeping in the garage at Cathedral when he comes to say the 5:45am mass. Of course it is the San Antonio mass. Just call me tony.
Delete2.52pm this is the Problem. Tony has no love compassion or empathy for the poor. This is my very point. If Tony Apuron truly loved the poor he would have provided a shelter wash rooms for them in the same way the pope did in Vatican city. Instead tony Apuron sees the poor the homeless sleeping in the garage of the cathedral as he parks his $72,000 car. This is the Pronlem. He fails to see Christ in the poor, he fails to serve the poor. His only concern enriching himself with the money of Guam's Rich. He wants only the money of the rich and when they gave him, them he dumps them. Mrs Calvo you really need to be careful because for sure I know he wants your Manila property. Honestly, Mrs Calvo, neither myself nor the residents on our street want him here. So I ask you to please not give your condo to him.
DeleteSle ping Saint Joseph favorite of Pope Francis, so Tony's Favorite now too!
ReplyDeleteIs it true? Heard they were trying to tear the roof off of the Hyatt to lower people down to get a mere glimpse of Tony Baloney? He looks good for his age and attending third birthday party of the day. Next year at the Hyatt!!
ReplyDeleteIn addition to statues maybe there also statutes being offered, in particular 2008, as I hear they are hard to come by- worth a lot more than the 2002.
ReplyDeleteI've been reading the Jungle for a year now, I'm not a good writer you see, I wish that some of writers can submit their post on the local news paper so people can read and know whats going on. Some people can't read "Jungle watch" for several reasons (don't know how, don't have a computer, were told not too & etc.) Should start a series of "letters to the editor" like the one Tommy Tanaka wrote & others.
ReplyDeleteHe will forever be remembered as the "whatever" archbishop....or NOT!! lol!!
ReplyDeleteThey were auctioning off statutes too? No wonder Tony couldn't find them when we asked. They were stuffed inside his whatever box all this time. Yeah, we already knew that Tony, WHATEVER??
ReplyDeleteWhatever! This is what anon Archbishop is NEO!
ReplyDeleteAnonymousNovember 3, 2015 at 1:19 PM
Some like us embrace the Neocatechumenal Way. Some prefer a traditional approach to their Catholic faith. Why can't we just ignore them and continue walking in our communities? We know the next archbishop will be someone who has embraced our "way." That's all that matters, right?
Bull Shit - You clowns came to our island and took over some of the parishes without any concerns for those in the parish who do not wish to be in the NCW cult, This sad excuse of a bishop basically forced this heretical belief down our throats, and expects us to conform to these heretical doctrines? We will continue to oppose this heretical cult, and any NCW leadership that replaces him..
ReplyDeleteWe most welcome the WAY but please build your own Church and don't steal from the Parish whose Parents, Great Grandparents build with their very own Blood, Sweat, and Tears. Stop stealing from US. ROME is responsible for the outcome of our Island of GUAM and CNMI if you accept the way that is stealing from US TRUE CATHOLIC