Continued from Part 7
On December 14, 2015, I decided to pay a visit to the office of the Deputy Registrar of Titles, occupied by a certain Mr. Andrew D. Santos. Mr. Santos is a friend of mine and I bear him no ill will nor do I want to infer that he has done anything of his own that is untoward.
On December 14, 2015, I decided to pay a visit to the office of the Deputy Registrar of Titles, occupied by a certain Mr. Andrew D. Santos. Mr. Santos is a friend of mine and I bear him no ill will nor do I want to infer that he has done anything of his own that is untoward.
I only bring Mr. Santos into this discussion simply because he is at the center of the controversy of the bogus certificate of title, published by the Archdiocese of Agana in its official newspaper, the U Matuna, on November 29, 2015.
Mr. Santos admitted seeing the issue of the U Matuna at Mass that weekend, and upon seeing the published copy of the certificate realized, in his words, that "something was wrong." He then informed me that he was in the process of correcting it.
I then asked Mr. Santos who asked him to correct it. Mr. Santos answered "law offices." Naturally I replied, "law offices who?" Mr. Santos in turn replied that he couldn't recall which "law offices," just that it was "law offices."
I then asked: "Law offices of Jackie Terlaje?" Mr. Santos neither confirmed nor denied, and reverted to something along the line of "I think so."
There is more that transpired at that meeting that I will later reveal. And I am holding back because the matter of the bogus, er, I mean "incorrect" certificate of title is a matter for the Director of Land Management to address, and I am told he is on it. So I'll wait...for now.
Meanwhile, though my suspicion that the "law offices" mentioned by Mr. Santos was actually the "Law Office of Jackie Terlaje" was confirmed when I found a copy of this email dated ONE DAY AFTER my visit to Mr. Santos:
And there is more.
The U Matuna of November 29, 2015 published a front page story along with the bogus certificate of title entitled "Ownership of Seminary property confirmed." The story quoted Msgr. David C. Quitugua, Vicar General.
It was believed that the reason David the VG was at the center of the story was because Archbishop Apuron was thought to be off-island, at least according to the following itinerary, which shows that he was not due back on Guam until at least November 30. (The itinerary has him at the Kansai International airport in Osaka at 420PM, presumably on his way back to Guam.)
However, the Certificate of Title Sign-out Logbook at the Department of Land Management...
...shows the signature of a certain "Archbishop of Agana, Anthony S. Apuron," dated November 19, 2015, and a request for copies of certificates of title for the four lots which make up the "seminary property."
Now, let's look at this part:
A certain "Lovelynn Maidesil" is the person who prints and signs her name next to Apuron's. According the the Title Guaranty of Guam website, "Lovelynn Maidesil" is a "Researcher" and apparently she was conducting business in behalf of "Archbishop of Agana, Anthony S. Apuron."
If you look at the complete page of the logbook and zoom in, you will see that most of the people who signed in are requesting copies of certificates of title in their own behalf. Thus the name in the "NAME" column is the same name as the name in the PRINT NAME and SIGNATURE columns.
However, there are also some instances recorded above where one party is requesting in behalf of the owner, in which case the NAME of the holder of the certificate is printed or written clearly, and the person doing the actual requesting prints and signs their own name.
In this case, it appears that Ms. Maidesil was not just acting in behalf of the Archbishop, it looks like he himself was there. Compare the signatures above to his signature on a recent letter:
The bogus certificate was published in the U Matuna on November 30, 2015:
Signature is not the same. Forgery....
ReplyDeleteI assume you jest.
DeleteTongue in cheek, Tim....Hahaha
DeleteWell you can bet the dungbat will tell us it was. Wonder what happened between Apuron and Harold that caused Apuron to come home early. BTW, anybody seen Harold? LOL.
DeleteHarold, the big mouth prebyter among the missing??? No! Don't tell us! Forget it. Bye
DeleteHow about Petey Boy? Is he back from Columbia? Did Cunnalingus get promoted in some unforsaken land?
DeleteRaymond correct, forgery. Bad one, too.
ReplyDeleteThe charade never ends. Why not bring this issue to Attorney General? Who would have standing to request AG to look into this matter? The only way that this issue can be resolved is through the courts.
ReplyDeleteI will soon provide references to the Guam Code to outline the legal process this entails, but as regards standing, the Director of Land Management is required to petition the court to resolve this. Since, DLM is a government agency, the AG would represent DLM, and more specifically, its current director. I understand at this point that the AG is already involved, but whether or not they move forward depends on whether or not they are willing to do their job. We have already seen the disappearance of the case re the teacher at St. Thomas last year who was "sexting" one of her students (she was big in the Neo). And of course there is the Luis Camacho case, which - we are told - was not prosecuted by the AG because the girl claimed that the act they were caught in was "consensual." But then we were only "told" these things. Given that Jackie Terlaje is demonstrably involved in this, I can't help but wonder if she hasn't already moved to derail any AG inquiry. We shall see. Or maybe we won't. Anything involving Apuron and his Kikos seems to mysteriously disappear.
DeleteMoney (the root of all evil) at work...
DeleteScripture actually says "the love of money," but essentially the meaning is the love of anything above God is destructive. In this case though, I'm beginning to believe that it is not about money as an end. This is about undermining the Catholic Church with a false religion, a religion that believes Jesus is not God, that he not the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, that, in fact, there is no Trinity, that Jesus "is a sinner" like us, and that all power and glory centers on its prophet, Kiko Arguello. If only this was about money, it would be easy.
DeleteThe charade never ends because the tentacles of evil are firmly wrapped around Our Church and island. We will only make headway when they are cut off. Archbishop Apuron, Adrian, and David, may God have mercy on your souls. You will see what your greed and hunger for power will do to you!
DeleteNCW tenets run contradictory to traditional Catholic teachings. Wondering why Congregatio Pro Doctrina Fidei, the Vatican arm that investigates and defends orthodoxy in Magisterial instruction had not gotten involved and issued a condemnation of this wily subterfuge. Are we to believe then the reality of a Church in cahoots with the destruction of authentic Catholic Church teachings? The attack from within is an infection that will pervade without decisive intervention.
ReplyDeleteYes we are. And it won't be the first time. A reading of the history of the Church shows that it was most often the laity who provided the "decisive intervention." Coincidentally, in my re-read of "Triumph: The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church" by Harry Crocker III, I am in the chapter where the Church had two popes and two colleges of cardinals, both excommunicating and making war on each other. The laity had to fend for themselves in those it appears we must do now.
DeleteThe director of DLM us the brother on law of eisebio's daughter
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Intel about the family relationship - not published here. I'll look into it. We knew something was up.
ReplyDeleteThe MAD doctor? Makes sense. Very much sense.