Tuesday, May 3, 2016


PNC used a portion of this interview for its news cast, here is a more complete version. Thank you to those who stood up and stood long against the abuses of Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron.

Peaceful Protesters at the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica from Undercover Neo on Vimeo.



  1. Diana proclaimed everyone was dressed so modestly...my eye went right to the mini. Haven't even watched the video yet.

  2. Using the same Kid Again TIM ?? lady looks she's wired up!!! kids and drugs ????

    1. On the irony. A kid has the courage to put his face and name to his beliefs. And you??? LOL. Bye.

    2. The sad item is, if this young man wants to become a priest in the future, he cannot unless he moves away from Guam. This young man would not be allowed to pursue a priestly vocation unless it was with the Neocatechumal Way.

    3. Speaking of wanting to become priests, were the JP II seminarians forced to attend the last few days?? This is all a lot of distraction for these guys. And disillusionment, may I Guess.

    4. Anon 1:00, Com'on Man (or Woman)....Is that all you have? That "kid" has more gumpshon than you do, Anonymous....He has placed his identity out there for all to see. Where is your "face?"....Coward.

    5. I didn't see you there TIM?????? yeah Right courage....LOL. Bye.

    6. And the NEO onslaught continues against the Faithful Catholics, the true Christians. If you don't like the way we protect our Faith, then build your own church. This kid has more gonads that Archie, Adrian, David, Larry, Kikobird, and Putrid altogether.

    7. Oh, Yawn, 3:35. Pius' talking point. My name is on this blog. Where's yours? LOL. Bye.

    8. 1:00 seminarian.

    9. At 3:35pm. Don't you get it? Tim is not there because he is not leading this group. Nobody is leading this group as a matter of fact. It is the frustration that they have in many things that is leading this group. I, for one, I am there because of the injustice they have done to Fr. Paul. I still can't understand why he was punished for welcoming back a returning brother to the church. I still can't understand why Msgr James is being accused of mismanagement when the Finance Council proved the allegations wrong. They have not presented anything to the contrary. So, you see, Tim doesn't have to be there. Why do you keep harping on that and taunting him. Courage, you say. Start with identifying yourself before you call somebody out. Courage. You need that. God bless.

    10. Anon 1:00 PM, the kids name is Jadin. He is not afraid to use his name. Why are you? OH that's right your Neo, which rhymes with coward.

  3. FR. Matthew Blockley.May 3, 2016 at 1:02 PM

    Very soon i may well have to fly to Guam to speak to Guam Media

    1. Do it,Fr. Blockley! Let the people know the truth. That you are not not just some cry baby priest spreading lies!!@

  4. Stay Home blockley.

  5. Fr. Blockley, I hope you come soon. We welcome you.

  6. To all the courageous anonymous Neos that are daring Fr. Blockley to come, I have only one thing to say: Watch out what you are wishing for. You shall have your hands full soon enough. You will not want having that issue to hang around your neck, as well.
    I guess the days of reckoning are coming near.

    1. Frenchie,
      He can come. He cannot celebrate mass here in the Island without the approval of the Bishop. So we ain't worried. He's gonna come and speak shit about the diocese and he is not even from here. Haha Joy Frenchie.

    2. Poor Mario, as delusional as ever.

      If and when Father Blockley does come to Guam, he won't come to celebrate Mass. Anyhow, if he did, you most likely would be lost.

      He is not and I quote (excuse the french) " gonna speak shit about the diocese". Father Blockley has no beef with the diocese and/or the faithful, on the contrary.

      Most likely he shall go public, and with proofs to back him up, about actions and statements from the Archbishop and Pius the Putrid. This is why they tried to off him.
      Now with all the public scrutiny, they would not be able to do so.
      Rome knows about these facts, but has asked Fr. Blockley for discretion,patience and pastoral approach; because of the potential tidal wave the scandal shall provoke. Fr Blockley has followed these instructions, despite the insults and taunts from the likes of you and your brothers. As always Rome tries to find a middle road of conciliation.

      The Zombies of your sect, believe that non condamnation means approval. It does not, believe me. The awakening shall be even ruder that anything you might think.
      Anyway the Arch and the putrid, are going to be so busy, that they would not want to have that kind of cherry on their cake.

      As for your last inane statement: "he is not even from here".
      Since when has that been an issue for the NCW, Genarinni, Pochetti, Cordes, Pius, the Juice? They are not from here either, so what gives?

      Well little Mario, time for you to take your little bucket and go play in a sand box, that is more your size.

    3. Actually, Guamboy, freak, he IS from here. He was invited to be a priest in this diocese and brought to Guam by Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron himself. But Adrian went wild with jealousy and Blockley thought it better that he go elsewhere, which he did - to Saipan. And when he tried to stop the NCW from entering Saipan his life was threatened - and still is.

    4. Solicitation to commit aggravated murder, terrorizing, (hreatening to murder) Fr. Blockley are very serious offenses. Justice must be served!

  7. FR. Matthew Blockley.May 3, 2016 at 5:00 PM

    Thankyou to all our readers.
    Should i land on your shores i will be the cause of a revolution
    The sun will rise tomorrow.The Truth will set us all free.

  8. I just saw on PNC news an interview with the Cardinal and Generini. A full interview will be aired later.

    1. Cordes in the interview says "To say it in a very simple way, become holy then this will help and it will make you happy." Is he implying that holiness and therefore happiness comes from within yourself? Very troubling hearing this from a spiritual leader in the Church. As Catholics we say that you should Pray to God who is the source of all holiness, and surely the source of all happiness. Didn't he learn that in Moral Theology Class? Would like to learn what other words of wisdom comes from this great teacher.
