Wednesday, June 29, 2016


I noticed something funny about the 2016 Directory showing the names of incardinated priests away from the archdiocese.

There is a name missing. A certain Fr. Louis Brouillard. Perhaps you don't know him. His name turned up recently in 2013 after the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota, was forced to turn over secret documents regarding clergy sex abuse. 

As you can see, as late as 2013, he is listed as a Priest of the Diocese of Agana. It says "diocese" because Agana was not yet an Archdiocese when Brouillard was removed from ministry here in Guam, probably around 1981, and sent to Duluth. 

And as you can also see from this 2005 document, Apuron has kept him on our diocesan payroll:

Before I get to the real point of this post, you probably already noticed the discrepancy: I am estimating that Brouillard was removed from Guam in 1981 (because that's when he shows up in Duluth) and Apuron's 2005 list says he left Guam in 1972. 

I think I'm right because on July 5, 2013, the Umatuna ran a feature article about the 40th anniversary of San Isidro parish, established in 1973, and noted that Brouillard was its first pastor:

Hmmmm. Now why would Apuron want us to think that Brouillard was already gone by 1972? 

Perhaps it has something to do with the real meat of this post which is: Why is Brouillard still a priest of the "Diocese of Agana" (meaning he's still on our payroll)  in 2013, when he was removed from ministry nearly thirty years previously and by the diocese we apparently squirreled him off to? ((I guess Qatar and Ballin weren't available back then.)

Perhaps you are asking why he was "squirreled away" out of Agana in the first place. Well, we've been collecting the stories, and they are pretty horrific. Don't worry, you'll hear about them in time. We're being careful with this. At least one of his victims has already met with a local attorney, and from what I have learned, there are many more. 

So here's the deal. Brouillard was never laicized even though he was removed from ministry in Guam. And then, apparently because he kept up his molesting ways, was removed from ministry again in the diocese we sent him to. Why wasn't he laicized? "Defrocked?" Why is Apuron still paying him? Could it be that Brouillard knows about Apuron and Apuron knows about Brouillard? You think? 

If Brouillard was made pastor of San Isidro in 1973, and from the Duluth records, not moved there till 1981, then he would have been here during the late 70's when Apuron was "allegedly" helping himself to the bodies of little boys. 

You know, you gotta wonder how someone like Apuron with this horrible history, could have been made a bishop. Guam is too small for Apuron's sickening sex spree not to be known. We know from Walter Denton's testimony that at least one priest knew, and it is quite possible that several priests knew, including Brouillard and maybe a few others that are still around. (Guess who?) 

Apuron was made a bishop in 1984. Brouillard had already gone off to Duluth to molest white boys (instead of brown ones). Brouillard was removed from ministry in Duluth in 1985. From 1981 to 1985, since he was active in ministry in Duluth, it would be expected that he was paid by Duluth. But once he was removed from ministry in 1985, the responsibility for his welfare reverted back to the the diocese where he is incardinated: Agana. 

Apuron was made Archbishop in 1986 upon the death of Archbishop Flores. Could it be that Apuron made a deal with Brouillard to take care of him as long as he kept his mouth shut? After all, one word from Brouillard and Apuron would have been quickly toppled from his episcopal chair which he had barely yet warmed. I think there may have been a few other deals made like that as well. (Guess who?)

Archbishop Hon, this is not going to go away. There are many boys (now men in their 60's) who know the name Brouillard and I have heard the most awful, unbelievable stories. Oh, and he was a scoutmaster. GEEZ!!! And you are not going to believe what he made those boys do on their camping trips. It wasn't tying square knots - at least not with ropes. 

Apuron had to know all this, but we'll wait for our court date for all that to come out. You know, under penalty of perjury and all that. Meanwhile, Brouillard's name needs to go back in the directory. He's still alive, you know. In fact, he recently just had a visitor. (I have the picture.) Courage. 


P.S. Let this post serve as an ad for anyone who was molested or otherwise sexually used or abused by Louis Brouillard. Contact me at and I'll send you to the attorney who can assist you. This is where that INSTITUTIONAL LIABILITY is going to kick in. Too bad, Archbishop Hon. If only you would have done the right thing to begin with. You didn't. 


  1. Did one of those deals include making someone a Monsignor?

    1. I'm guessing probably. David C. is not very impressive.

  2. As the story unfolds, it becomes more twisted, sadistic, sordid, utterly jaw droppingly unbelievable and above all else, a sad and disturbing reality of the past 40 years of our Church history. I truly believe in my heart, though it pains me to say, that Apuron will burn in hell unless he admits his guilt, repents, asks forgiveness from all his victims, resigns as archbishop, faces a jury of his peers, pays for his crimes and above all else, seeks forgiveness from God. All this is but an infinitesimally small price to pay to save your soul from eternal damnation. It's not too late Archbishop. Think about it. REALLY, REALLY think about it.

  3. Tim, why don't you leave these old guys Louis and Bibi alone, for Gods Sake?

    1. Hmmm. Was it I who lied about the diocese reaching out to the Victims?

      As for Brouillard, all roads lead to Apuron.

    2. @3:40 AM, why didn't Louis and Bibi leave those poor, innocent souls alone?

    3. Anonymous June 30, 2016 at 3:40 AM - Tim, why don't you leave these old guys Louis and Bibi alone, for Gods Sake?

      I hope you are JOKING but To add to Tim's responses - IT IS FOR GOD'S SAKE that we are not leaving these "poor old guys" ALONE! When Your Catholic Church and Abused Children are under fire, We Will Fight Back with Soap and Water and every means to Clean out the Evilness.

      There are real abuse victims here, physically in your face, and your Bibi is ignoring them! How would you like it if it happened to your family and the current Catholic Church Leaders protected the abuser! I pray to God you will never find out!

      It is time to bring out the truth, clean out our Catholic Churches with all these evilness, and if your "Louis and Bibi" are involved, they will have to pay the Price!

      So What is Your Problem?

    4. Anon 5:07 it's lazy, misguided souls like you that keep these perverts employed. They were not old guys when they did their crimes and the victims were not 40, 50 or 60 year olds then. They were children!!! People like you who are silent and are willing to stay silent is the reason that the 16 year old who allegedly molested a 6 year old can get away with his crime! You would want to stay silent. These trusted monsters took advantage of their position and had their way with kids. I am a teacher, if I took advantage of my students would you be so forgiving of me? I don't think so!! What more a man, supposedly of God, who has the trust of the children, parents, and the community. They should be prosecuted now and whenever the allegations arise. No we should never "leave these old guys...alone"! We will be as relentless as they were when they violated their vows and the trust of the people. "Silent No More!"

    5. Joseph, you must be referring to anonymous at 3:40 AM

    6. The Jews are rightfully prosecuting very elderly Nazis. I agree with them. Whoever commits a terrible crime should be prosecuted to the maximum despite the perpetrator's current age.

  4. Why are we paying priests/presbyters who are off-island? And for how long are they going to be off-island? What excuse is being used? In the movie, Spotlight," priests who have committed the perverted crime of sex abuse of children are transferred to another diocese under the guise of "sick leave."
    BTW, you should see the movie.

    1. Yes, perverted priests are sick mentally and spiritually. They should have been stripped of their priestly duties and treated as sex offenders. Transferring them around was and continues to be a a very serious problem. It is very clear that, in many cases, those entrusted with correcting this problem aided and abetted these priests. Knowing that bishops are involved makes this scandal stink to high heaven! I pray that justice will prevail, but in the meantime the faithful must continue on and protest loudly with righteous anger. St. Michael the Archangel, we beseech thee to defend us and protect us in battle.

  5. You can watch the movie, Spotlight" for free at: or

  6. As I mentioned before, GUAM is a safe haven for pedophiles and other sex offenders. We are a small island and predominantly Catholics. NEO leaders and sex offenders know that our faith trumps the reality. They ask us to pray for these pedophiles instead of going to court. They expect us to believe in hell versus prison. They expect us to give our last penny for their charity over putting food in our table. They expect us to believe that a pedophile Archbishop is different from a pedophile priest. They expect us to believe that it is okay for a priest to take a kid out of school for counseling at a beach. They expect us to believe that reassigning religious sex offenders will fix the problem. If their ideas are right, then it is okay to tell a pedophile school teacher that you will not go to court and we will just pray for you, you will go to hell not prison, they will treat you differently, it's okay as long as you were counseling the child, and we will just reassign you to another school. Wake up GUAM, these NEO leaders are taking us local people for a ride.

  7. Maybe someone who attended Father Duenas Memorial School can explain why this priest, while teaching there, was given the nickname "Lekluk Louie"

    Louie was active with the cub scouts and boy scouts of Guam. He never missed marching with them during the Liberation Day Parade back then in his khaki scout uniform shorts.

  8. Wow, all these years, God Help Us!

    1. And He is Helping Us Now but We Still Need to Do Our Earthly Share!

  9. Thank you Tim Rohr for making Guam your home! Although many will not show face publicly in agreement for what you're doing, I know deep down they appreciate it and pray for justice, except for a few like Kin Perez, the self-appointed Mr. Knowitall, haha.

  10. Tim,
    Stay the course, Please continue to expose all these child molesters It is time to empty the closet of all the skeletons, and clean house. There has been too many poor souls damaged and scared for life, while these perpetrators go about continuing their rampage, appearing to be holy priests, however are wolves in sheep clothing. The offenders have preyed on the innocent too long, and the victims have suffered too long. Let us seek justice for all these injustice..

  11. Pretty accurate Tim, except for Brouillard"s tastes. He continued molesting brown boys in MN.
    He was assigned in the Cloquet area on the Ojibwe reservation there.
    Chase the natural, it comes back running.
    Brouillard's preys were always brown and coming from broken or economically challenged families

  12. "As the Hill Burns", all Christian soldiers are required to stand up and defend the Faith from the wickedness and snares of the Devil. Anyone know an Exorcist?
