Some ask what is the connection between the Neocatechumenal Way and Apuron's crimes. I was about ready to write a whole dissertation. But then I got this note from LAPAZ. LAPAZ is an ex neo-cat, whose family has suffered greatly for daring to depart. English is not her first language and I am copying her comment as received with my emphases:
LAPAZ has left a new comment on your post "PRESS RELEASE JUST NOW":
Neocatechumenal Way was the best hiding place for a bishop with such a background. People must aware of this: Kiko teachings of not resisting evil do hide those crimes. Neocatechumenal Way preaches exactly the opposite of the position of Pope Francis about it. When a movement within catholic Church can be used to avoid justice, please start running away!
JesusChrist cries with victims. Now, in front of this painfully cases, I will like to see Kiko and Gennarini crying for a banner with "please, go home". They called the Police just for it, while abused and really damaged are told in the Way not to resist the evil. Phalse prophets and pharisees! Now we understand the spurious interests of a bishop who was able to go against his sheeps resorting to lies and manipulation to defend the Neocatechumenal Way over all...his safe conduct.
In short, it is the very theology of "don't resist evil" that has given refuge to amoral monsters like Apuron. In Apuron's case, however, the evil was far greater. Gennarini and his putrid ilk used Apuron to suck his diocese dry and in return, and in return, they gave Apuron the one thing he craved more than little boys: strokes to his disease-infested ego. See for yourself:
you should include the picture with his perm...i think that was late 80s early 90s.
ReplyDeleteyes,wow just wow.
ReplyDeleteThat explains why he gives his CD's and photos to everyone, including his victims, Apuron has insatiable desire to always be in the lime light, to be in the media, his ego craves attention from everyone. It seems that he is willing to do anything including lie, cheat, deceive, get rid of people, whatever it takes for him to preserve his image, and the NCW is where he finds comfort and encouragement.
ReplyDeleteThat's why it had gone this long. The NCW is where he could do no wrong. And that is why they are to blame for all this mess. Noone even gave constructive criticisms. Didn't even think there was anything wrong that the parents of the girl caught with Fr. Luis didn't say anything about the whole affair. Oh, sorry, nothing happened. It was just a rumor spread by Deacon Steve.
Delete"Don't resist evil?" How can anybody think that's a good thing and Catholic too? Can you send me a link to understand why they would encourage that? I cannot wrap my head around it and I am a pretty smart kid.
ReplyDeleteHe is a pathetic man there is no other term for him. He gave a home to pius to allow him to build his kingdom. In return Apuron hid within the NCW. This is what happened. Apuron was always worried if his own priests tirned against him. By building NCW on Guam he was building a club to protect him. Anyone who spoke against him was removed. Sad reality in twenty years he destroyed the church.
He attempted to destroy the Church, He however made it stronger, because once the Laity became aware of what was going on. The Faith (True) handed down from generations fought back, to take back the Church. What Apuron did was he woke a sleeping giant. Our Ancestors are resting easy because we fought evil and will continue to fight evil at our gates. Holy Spirit and St. Michael were very much on the Laity side.
DeleteThe cd is really horrible ridiculous when you listen to it. I mean who does that. And that horrible picture of his permed hair he would give out. I use to use it on my dart board. I mean its really horrible. The guy really has no taste at all. He really thinks people like that cd when infact they hate it. Then to insist his songs are played on radio. My God his ego is so big. His image is really sickening. Video from st. Peters Square he looks deformed to me. Really sad.
ReplyDeleteJust study photos so conceited not an ounce of humility in him. Me Me Me. Look at me give me the power and glory. Pompous ass.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe ArchNEO Cult Anthony Sablan Apuron had the audacity to threaten these young Altar Boys "If you tell anyone, no one will believe you" after stealing their childhood from them. Well Brother Tony, we have heard their public cry and yes after the 30+years of your web of lies, WE BELIEVE. I say 30+ years because your lies started the minute you laid your filthy hands on these innocent young boys with no regard on the future torments that lied ahead for them. Your continued quest for fame and power magnified these transgressions upon Holy Mother Church. No power on earth will save you from what is to come. Instead of praying for you, I'd rather reserve my prayers for all the victims that stemmed from your 40+ years where you impersonated as a Holy Priest. You are a criminal and a master manipulator. The letter to CCOG is a pure example of what KAKA and the 40+ years of impersonating a Holy person can do.
ReplyDeleteThe NEO cult breeds an environment of deceit and cover up. The fact that they all know each other's dirty little secrets because they have to confess them out loud leads to this culture of protecting those when the secrets become public.
ReplyDeleteSince Tony is an addicted pedophile, I bet there are many more young boys that he abuse since most refused see him after their first assault. Unlike the three individuals who were identified, maybe he found a young child who is to scared to run.
ReplyDeleteHe does always need to be in the limelight. He came to visit us in Washington about 20 years ago now and I went to the Mass he celebrated at Our Lady Queen of Heaven in Tacoma. After the Mass he was in the social hall SELLING his CD's and signing pictures like a movie star. About 10 years later he came to another parish and during his homily he said "I may not be your Archbishop in this diocese, but I am your Archbishop by culture!" Actions like that and comments of that nature, only emphasize how ego-centric he is.
ReplyDeleteRome/Pope should remove him completely!