Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Posted by Frenchie

Well, here we go folks!  Stepping up to the plate to continue this blog after three years of non stop efforts by Tim.

With all the hoopla of the public revelations about Archbishop Apuron's sexual escapades, and the consequent arrival of the "Do Nothing" Archbishop Hon, we have kind of lost view of the main reason why the Neocatecumenal Way and their henchman on island, the horrid Pius, are really clinging to this rock with all their might:

The property at Yona posing as a Seminary.

Thanks to the complicity of a few bought off clergy, who have been revealed over these past three years, Pius the Putrid was able to pull off one of the biggest snow jobs on Guam in recent history:

The establishment of a factory of presbyters who are not vetted, with no real faculty to teach anything, as a pretend Seminary.

Actually when the whole subterfuge was revealed on this site a couple of years ago, our failed Archbishop Apuron even had the gall to give us two fake seminaries for the price of one.

So now, Archbishop Hon, the pretend Administrator of this Diocese, has created several committees to try to sweep under the Magical Rug some of the issues at hand. Many of us have speculated that Archbishop Hon is most likely trying to divert and distract with these ad hoc committees.

Fr. Jeff was fed to us as the head of the committee in charge of reviewing the seminaries. I guess it is assumed that Fr Jeff having been in charge of the Administration of Fr. Duenas School, is a "specialist" on education.

I would venture, that it is a very far cry between running a high school, albeit a storied one such as Fr. Duenas, and having knowledge (beyond his years of studies) of how to run a seminary.

But for the sake of the argument, and out of Christian charity, lets grant to Fr Jeff these faculties.

The challenge to Fr Jeff then, shall be: WHAT DO YOU FIND BEHIND DOOR # 1??
  • Can we expect a real inquiry?
  • What is the status of the Faculty?
  • How many "students" does the Factory have?
  • Has the Faculty demonstrated due diligence in giving the students all the education necessary?
  • Who has administrated the required exams?
  • Are the results of said exams available?
  • Is the seminary still affiliated with the Lateran University?
  • Who is sitting on the committee for the review of candidates to the Diaconate?
  • What is the process established to accept said candidates?
  • Who decides which priest goes where, how, and for how long?
  • Is there any paper trail of who is incardinated in the Archdiocese of Agana?
  • What is the location of the graduated students at this time?
These are just a few of the many questions the Laity of this Diocese, which has paid a high price for this factory, is expecting to have answered by this committee led by Fr Jeff.

We know that unlike other Redemptoris Mater Seminaries around the world, where candidates must still follow classes at the Diocesan seminary and the local bishop ultimately decides which candidate is ready or not, Guam has no such process.

Actually it appears that Guam has no system in place at all, except for the unilateral decisions of Pius and Genarrini.

If this is the case, it is in grave contravention of all rules and regulations as established by Canon Law, and as highlighted by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in his 2012 Motu Proprio regarding seminaries.



  1. Ouch, Father Jeff feeling a big pinch running from FD to The Hill. One missing question, are there RMS seminarians who didn't graduate high school?? Not an idle question. What about criminal and psychological screening??? Who is the screener? Think I know the answer. Sheesh, lots of work for Father Jeff. Let's not 'task' a Neo priest to do this thorough study. That would, indeed, be a joke.

  2. Fr. Jeff, all eyes and hearts are now focused on you and your findings of your probe on the RMS Seminary, to be fair, we are suspect of Hon's boss who is purported as one of the biggest defenders of NCW in Rome. We are skeptical of the outcome of your investigation, Not withstanding the power and influence of Hon, you are duty bound to protect Mother Church and expose these fake seminaries. You have an obligation to God and to the Laity, to truthfully report your findings. May the Holy Spirit, guide your investigation. Fr. Jeff, pray to Holy Spirit to assist you in reporting the true nature of Kiko's seminaries. The ball in in your court!!!!!!!

  3. Merci, Frenchie, for taking the helm of managing the blog from Tim. It is a daunting task that comes with many responsibilities, which very few good men would be willing to undertake. You are a true Christian soldier who has risen from the ranks and volunteered to lead us in our holy war. Bienvenide, monsieur! This is a good way to start for you- all excellent questions that indeed, need probing. Father Jeff and Bishop Hon, we expect the answers soon. Don't keep the masses waiting.

  4. Father Jeff has a Master's degree in education. He is the principal of FD and now he has another full-time job as Apostolic Delegate. With these responsibilities, I do not see how he would have the time to conduct a thorough investigation of the seminary.

    1. Hence, the questions...

    2. Degrees have always been a thorn in my side! One can get a degree with a "C" average and then all of a sudden they know "everything" and are experts! Having a piece of paper does not mean one knows "everything"! To me, "Experience" and "Common Sense" is more realistic!

    3. Your comments, Anonymous 7:03 AM, are on point and well taken. However there is something to be gained by seeking to further one's education. A person might not get good grades or even quit school / college / advanced studies. Exposure to new ideas, seeing things from a different perspective, interacting with faculty and other students, etc. are very important parts of the education process. The degree is not as important as the ability to synthesize and utilize all that you learn. There are many intelligent people who have a basic education and many idiots with advanced degrees.

  5. Fr. Jeff, we expect you to answer all the questions outlined for you in this blog. We expect no less. Be loyal to your vocation and not Kiko's agenda and influence. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength.

  6. Father Jeff, God bless and keep you safe as you enter the NCW seminary. There is smoke in that house. Girt yourself.

  7. I sure hope and pray that Fr. Jeff is up to the challenge of answering truthfully and transparently the questions Frenchie posed. I had prepared something similar to this for the CCOG over a year ago to submit to AAA when we were questioning him about the transparency and accountability of the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal, because we knew that the bulk of the money collected goes to RMS. So - are we getting our money's worth out of supporting RMS? It would be most revealing to have Frenchie's questions answered truthfully. I will be chiming in on this topic much more in detail in the future.

    For now, I am holding my breath that Fr Jeff takes to heart (and heeds) my advice to him in approaching his job - "to yourself, be true!" The truth about the true nature of RMS as a training ground for priests (or is is presbyters?) is something the Laity needs to know - after all it is the Laity that is supporting its existence. To Father Jeff, I again urge: "Be a St Thomas More" - you know what I mean! I am praying for you for divine guidance.

    Thank you, Frenchie, for bringing this issue to the fore. (jrsa: 7/13/16)

  8. The question should be, Who should you be obedient in truth to Fr. Jeff? God or Hon and His Boss? Isn't there a code of ethics for priests and bishops also? If questionable practices and procedures are being carried out at RMS, are you not expected to follow in these questionable acts, but out of obligation to the truth report any improper practices? secondly, If the Seminary is paid for or certain percentage of it by the people of Guam, Should there be an accountability to the faithful who financed the existence of this seminary on our island? Or is Hon going to censure this information as not being our business? Please Show us Fr. Jeff that we can count on you to be an example for the object of that intellect that God has given you. The Search for the truth.

  9. Father Jeff, here are a few more questions to think about:

    1. Will Adrian be replaced as vocational director? I hope so!
    2. Would the seminarians not associated with the NCW be allowed to study off island for a more structured priestly formation the way you were afforded to do? I hope so!
    3.. Is the RMS divided into a Minor or Major Seminary? If not, why! Please check into this!
    4. Would you do the right thing for the young men who want to pursue their education elsewhere? I hope so!
    5. Would you allow the itinerants/ catechisists/ major honchos to decide who gets ordained or not? I hope not!
    6. Would you bring up all these questions to AB Hon so that he can rectify the situation? I hope so!

    Every one who wishes to apply to an off island college should be given the choice and the opportunity to do so. DO THE RIGHT THING!

    1. In reference to "Will Adrian be replaced as vocational director?", what ever happened to the idea of having a non-neo vocational director?

  10. FYI - Beware 2nd round of parish pastoral visits started. Again they want to check our church finances. This time they are using several priest that are not neos.

    1. What Church Finances?

    2. Granted the church baskets have been lighter this past year, but there are still some ostriches with their heads in the sand that continue to donate hard earned money. But this 2nd visit to the parishes will better assess which parishes might be preyed upon to relinquish funds for questionable causes. Non-NEO parishes, stand strong!

    3. Ha! Your play on "preyed upon" vs."prayed upon" not lost on me!

  11. Mahalo Frenchie for stepping up! Yes indeed, what's behind door #1? Based on the "fruits" this seminary has spit out it is safe to say Fr. Jeff drew the short straw with this assignment. (Or was it convenient?) Time will tell, hopefully Fr. Jeff will surprise us and AB Hon! Keep an eye out for Gennarini and his mafia thugs arriving soon!

  12. How absolute is the vow of obedience? Hypothetical situation: Fr. Jeff and the committee find the curriculum at RMS insufficient for the formation of priests. AB Hon tells them everything is fine as it is and not to reveal what they found to anyone. Do they obey AB Hon or do they speak the truth?

    1. Good Questions Andrew! Will the committee do the right thing or just go along with the flow of "Everything is Fine" just like last year? We Need to Know that Truth and then work on how we can "fix" things.

  13. A super perceptive question, Anon at 10:29pm – a $64K question! IF Fr. Jeff’s review uncovers major deficiencies (scholastically and/or theologically) and or teachings/practices NOT in conformity with the teachings/practices of the Catholic Church (more on these later), should he report them as such to Hon, or out of courtesy and/or abeyance to him, conveniently not report them?

    We know the answer, but what would Fr. Jeff do? Would Fr. Jeff be beholden to exposing the truth – at any cost? Hence, my reference to advising him to be a St. Thomas More who chose the guillotine rather appeasing King Henry VIII who had appointed him to the highest ecclesiastical authority in England at the time, with his famous last words “I remain a faithful servant to my king – but first to my God”. It’s a tough job for Fr Jeff, not an enviable one – and we should pray for him for divine guidance. What would you or I do if we were in his shoes? Would we be brave and upright, or buckle under pressure to outside forces? Easy for us on the outside to sit in judgment!

    I, therefore, only pray that Fr. Jeff does THE RIGHT THING – and offer for his consideration and meditation Romans 13: 1-ff. “Let every soul be subject to the higher powers” and Acts 5:27ff “…we ought to obey God, rather than men…”

    I think Fr Jeff should simply “call a spade, a spade”, and let Hon handle it, as indeed he (Hon) should – and must! He (Fr Jeff) cannot be on both sides of the line. He has to choose. Let’s hope and pray he makes the right choice.

    I address these same remarks in follow-up to Bruce’s, Andrew’s, and Anon July 14 @ 6:52am’s comments – all also very well posed. (jrsa: 7/14/16).

  14. Marilu D. MartinezJuly 14, 2016 at 3:53 PM

    I have a question of my own which I hope Father Jeff could clarify for us once and for all. It is this: Is the entity, the Neocatechumenal Way, a member of The Archdiocese of Guam? Does it exist on Guam as a legitimate and bona fide member of our Archdiocese in the same level, manner and status as our individual parishes; or exists in the same manner, level or status as the Capuchin Friary Seminary exists in our Archdiocese? The answer to my question might determine the scope and manner in which Fr. Jeff will need to address questions and issues concerning the RMS’ existence in our Archdiocese (even the NCW’s existence); the issues revolving around RMS property and more importantly, in determining whether our parishes and the laity of this Archdiocese should have to be burdened by and be required to carry any level of financial responsibility to maintain RMS’ sustainability or continued existence in our Archdiocese.

    My question stems from my memory of how AB Apuron once responded to a question posed to him inquiring why the NCW was not required to provide a public annual financial statement or report -- considering our individual parishes' and the Catholic faithful's significant financial contributions and donations to the NCW for the RMS in Yona. What I remember his answer to be was: because the NCW is not a member of this Archdiocese, it is therefore not required to submit a financial report to the faithful of our Archdiocese!

    1. Maybe the NCW is part of the archdiocese when it is convenient and beneficial.

    2. Are any of the funds being used towards the NCW?

    3. Good answer to Marilu's question, Andrew! RMS IS NOT a part of the Archdiocese when it comes to making financial reporting to the Archdiocese (I do remember this argument that AAA made, claiming RMS is an NPO with its own Articles of Incorporation. I think he might have been correct in that if one looks at the purpose of RMS - "for the formation of priests (presbyters) in the Neocatechumenal Way". Certainly, it can never be a part of the Catholic Archdiocese since RMS' purpose is to form presbyters in heretical ways!

      But - at the same time - AAA insists RMS is part of the Archdiocese when it comes to defending his Deed of Restriction because (per AAA's argument) the RMS property still belongs to the Archdiocese - ownership had not changed. (NO; it did!) It is still safely with the archdiocese, AAA says; RMS is conveniently in this instance a part of the archdiocese. Therefore, the archdiocese has the obligation to support it, and thus 90%+ of our monies from the Annual Appeal must rightfully go to support RMS.

      What duplicity! Marilu's question to Fr. Jeff is certainly a valid one! Let's see how Fr. Jeff handles this! More importantly, how would AB Hon handle it! (jrsa: 7/14/16)

    4. It's a sort of quantum mechanics phenomenon: it depends on who's observing the property.
