Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Posted by Robert Klitzkie
Surprise, surprise Hon didn't respond!

Hey, Junglewatch, check this out!

How do I count the ways!  Just when you think you've seen every thing, AB Hon surprises.  Let's make this an interactive communication to Hon.  There is so much here to comment on that you can help me strive for completeness.  For this post use the COMMENTS to post all the things you want Hon to know about his appeal that we contribute to "...the formation of our future priests..."  If you can't resist commenting on "Unfortunately, the AAA collection this year... fell far below the expected goal..." that would be OK too.

So write your notes to Hon in COMMENTS. I can print the post and comments then either email, mail or deliver it all to the Chancery.  If you want to use your real name in the comments it's OK as it tends to add credibility. Anonymous is OK, though.

PS None of the $85,552.44 came from me. I contribute to Junglewatch and CCOG.


  1. The Junglewatch Covert Operations Branch still produces documents.

  2. Question: is Hon including the projected legal defense team funding in this, or is that coming from parish funds instead? Not a chance, pal.

    Question: which seminarians for the Archdiocese of Agana in particular are you sponsoring? Clarify these two and we'll see. Yeah, right. Not a chance, pal.

  3. Dear Archbishop Hon, the people of Guam are amazingly generous and helpful, especially in difficult situations and times of need. If you observe how neighbor helps neighbor, stranger helps stranger (especially after typhoons and other disasters) you would see how Christ lives in our hearts. In recent years our sincere concerns were met with deaf ears or dismissed out of hand by Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron. It is for this reason that many generous people decided that serving the church could be done in other ways: in-kind donations to our parishes, corporal works of mercy to the elderly and the sick, the poor, etc. The people of Guam have long had a culture of respect. When we are treated with dignity and respect, we reciprocate beyond what was given to us. Something to think about.

  4. Dear Archbishop Hon. FIRST please show us PROOF that RMS is a legitimate seminary. Show us the list of professors required for the affiliation with the Lateran. Show us the actual list of courses required and provided by RMS. Show us the current certificate of affiliation with the Lateran and proof that the problems discovered during the last term of affiliation were corrected. Tell us where all these priests are that we have already paid for and ordained. Where are they? Why are they gone? Why don't you GET GONE!

  5. Deacon Dominic Kim told the Mongmong Parishioners that the RMS is a 1 million dollar a year operation, and the Archdiocese subsidizes 20% of that annually.

    While this years collection does not cover that $200.000 needed, what is already covered are the Archdiocese costs (almost by double). That's fine by me.

    1. Isn't the RMS for the Neo presbyters? Should the 20% be financed by us. The Neo presbyters stay here on the average 2 years (if I am not mistaken, except for Edivaldo because he chose to be a visible pain in the neck. I am sure now that he is not going to be archbishop, he will do what the others did. Be assigned somewhere). Just asking.

  6. Dear Hon, stop trying to milk the cash cow that was neglected, used, and abused. We all know the bulk of the money will go to the Neos and Apuron. Please accept my donation of $000,000,000.00 for now until such time you give us a REAL seminary and correct the injustices perpetrated by Apuron and his Neo cronies

    1. C.Felix ur a devil's advocate. Wait till you enter the after life.

    2. Perhaps you should do some research on the phrase "Devil's Advocate." He would be the person in an ecclesial setting to challenge the presumption of holiness. It's what prevents piety from running roughshod over the facts.

      As such, I'm sure the Lord Jesus will reward C Felix for his unenviable task, just as He will reward you for your joy at the presumed prospect of his suffering. "Be gone from Me, you evildoers...!" Kiko-fruits indeed.

    3. LOL, stupid Anonymous at 6:11pm. Devil's Advocate is actually a church appointed position critical to the canonization process. It is usually reserved to someone with impeccable credentials and holiness.

  7. Oh Hell to the NO!!!...Naive is one thing but being led blindly, even to the point of stupidity is even more ludicrous...Sorry...NOT I or MY FAMILY!!!

  8. Rather than money, I will offer my prayers. Money can't save souls and our church leaders have done a perfectly fine job at that. Appeal to the cries of the church, of her people. Restore unity through works and not talk.

  9. Close down that fake seminary run by the NCW and Pius the evil man. Their formation of fake priests will lead to the destruction of misled souls!!!! SPEAK TRUTH AND TRUTH ONLY.

  10. I give my funds to individuals whom I know are truly needy, "legitimate charities" that are transparent and share their financial information and groups that truly help the needy. I do not put money into a presbyter mill that churns out ill-formed individuals to perpetuate the heretical beliefs that they have imbibed in a sham of a seminary (no, it is not two seminaries because all "classes" take place in one location.)

    Every single need that parishes, Catholic schools, rectories and convents require are borne by the Catholics on this island through fundraising efforts for each cause. We are now expected to continue support of the presbyterial needs of the entire neocatechumenal world? What do we look like, geese with unlimited golden egg-laying abilities? Shod the "ingrato" while our own children go barefoot? Our Guam sons are denied sponsorship to attend actual, legitimate priestly formation in accredited seminaries and we are to continue support of ones we do not know and have no assurance that have true vocations?!

    Where are the ones that have "graduated" from this so-called seminary, been ordained and are now incardinated in this diocese? They come, and, mostly, go without so much as a notice to the Guam Catholics whose support is incessantly demanded.

    Stating that it takes a million dollars a year to support this effort is not substantiated with an accounting of how that money is spent. I state that we are not getting our money's worth.

    Perhaps it is time to cut the losses with this ill-conceived "seminary." Our population is too small to justify this money pit that sucks resources away from legitimate needs of parishes and the poor. I say, sell the monstrosity. Then my parish, and others that have had to take out loans to support this bottomless pit, can pay off debt and the diocese can truly do the work of the Church. You know, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, instruct the ignorant...

    1. Awesome Teri. That deserves an op-Ed. Please consider.

    2. Exactly my sentiments. Thank you Teri!

    3. An excellent essay by Terri
      Will surely be seen as quite scary
      By some cultish goons
      And silly buffoons.
      No worries, relax and be merry!

    4. Yes, Teri, sell that hotel and land as should have been done in the beginning if anyone had a bit of sense. Give to the poor, the sick, for education, scholarship, elderly priest , our church building on and on...with sum to invest left over. Idiotic planning. Also pay back the donors for screwing up so badly. What a shame. Pius get out of Guam.

  11. Why are we funding a seminary that does not properly train priests, or trains them with heretical teaching, ill trained for parish life, unable to speak clear English language, on top of everything sends these priests off island to serve elsewhere? Hon, You have not done anything to resolve our troubles since you arrived in Guam, You have not made an effort to extend any compassion to the victims of sex abuse. Why do you insult us by asking us to fund that which causes division within our Island Church community? Get rid of the NCW from our Island. Please have them go elsewhere, take them with you to Rome.

  12. More like fundraising for the NCW's WYD boondoggle.

  13. Deal with the substantive issues of the NCW before seeking the support of the faithful. Every weekend numerous "Masses" are conducted by the NCW that deliberately and obstinately violate the rubrics of the Roman Rite, despite clear instructions from the relevant authority, and despite the NCW Statutes.

    Fix that first. You will be hated by the NCW perhaps, but you will earn the trust and respect of the people from whom you seek support.

  14. I stopped donating to the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal, and stopped giving large monetary donations to my parish church.

  15. Hon, why not go back to the very generous big sponsors of years past and ask them to do it again this year? Especially, those who were feted at Gala parties for donating to the RMS. Don't be surprised if they don't laugh or curse you out of their offices!

  16. Good golly, what a great idea! And why not just continue it for another 59 days and we'll reach March 1st, the start of next Lent!

  17. Everyone said what I wanted to say already so I'll save space and just say that we are smarter than you think. Oh Hon, (teeheehee)I donate to Jungle Watch and CCOG only nowadays...my dumb days are over. Juanita M

    1. Thanks, sikaduka, for your comment. But let's keep the comments coming. There's strength in numbers.

  18. Who set the goal of $250,000.00? What is this going to be used for? That is a lot of money so who is accountable for it? Open the books, let us know where the money is going, and then we will let you know if we want to donate or not! The $85,552.44 is also a lot of money so show us to whom this amount is going to and why!

    1. Dominic Kim...don't you know it's time for transparency? It costs a meeeelion for operation of RMS? Are we supposed to believe that??

  19. Here's the PDN, "The archbishop named by the Vatican to temporarily oversee the administration of the Catholic Church in Guam said Sunday that his actions and decisions “may be far from perfect” but are geared toward promoting unity in the church, among other things."

    What would it be like if Hon's actions and decisions were geared toward promoting disharmony? It's an interesting question, isn't it?

    Here's an even more interesting question:

    How could we tell the difference?

  20. $1,000,000 a year operating expense for RMS for over ten years now. That means that the REturn on investment is atrocious. We have less that ten who were ordained still ion island. This would mean that we spent over $10 million or over a million for each of them. Cheaper if we send our seminarians to the top seminary offisland. To add insult to injury, we actually contributed to the distraction of our faith on Guam.

  21. AB Hon, Did your RMS committee already complete the research that would be required to change the minds of Katolikos to blindly open their wallets to donate to this cause? It is as if there were no temporary changes in chancery positions/reponsibilities at all! Pius must still be calling the shots from Yona, Adrian must still be directing memos to be sent out and David Quitugua must still be orchestrating activities on the hill. Apuron still holds his hollow title. Really, Hon. I can't believe you would think the parishes were so gullible to keep donating to the RMS presbyter mill. Just who are your advisors, Hon? Yup, I thought so...

    See you on Sunday. Maybe sooner.

  22. The counters of the Sunday money collections at the Cathedral cannot ever remember seeing black trashbags full of donations for the archdiocese from the NEOs. And now, Hon, you ask our parishioners to contribute to the extended Archdiocese Annual Appeal? WHAT?

  23. Small note to consider: we are obliged morally to support the Church, in particular our parishes. Dollar values and percentages are laid out, but there's also nothing that says you are stuck in a Neo parish, nor that you need give in the collection basket at mass (which may end up in the chancery coffers); a check dropped to the office itself is one way around. As you already do, funding religious orders and organizations is also fully within the scope of the letter of the law.
    We can't forget the parish, but we don't have to give enough for a surplus either. As for Catholic charities, that's outside the "tithe" scope, regardless of destination.

    Either way, RMS can dry up like prune.

    1. Better a raisin!

    2. Using OJ's favorite analogy, you suck until the Orange is dry into a pulp. ABH, you cannot suck any more juice by extending the AAA fund drive.

  24. so we fell short .. my goodness .. actually I am not into asking for my money back but .. can I get my money back? It is not going to what I was told .. and I can think of a couple places it would serve better .. like Jungle watch or CCOG

  25. I need to add to Jose M's comment, as I was at that meeting as well, Deacon Kim said that the RMS is a "separate financial entity". Someone asked if the RMS was accountable to him, the financial officer and he said "no, because they are separate from the archdiocese".
    What bothers me the most is that Hon is acknowledging that the RMS is a legitimate seminary by his letter. JP II we know is just a dormitory. No real faculty or higher learning occurs there. The RMS is in operation for the formation of presbyters for the Neo way. By trying to collect money to keep that farce going he is attempting to make it legitimate. Do not, I repeat Do Not give a penny! Before anyone gives anything we need to see where and how was the first $85 thousand spent? If I remember correctly about $25 to $30 thousand was Apuron to use at his discretion. How much of the $250 thousand is to be at Hon's discretion?

    Prison ministries? BTW there has not been a priest at DYA since Harold left last year. Father Jeff just started this past Sunday. The hospital chaplains do not require $250,000 and I think one of them gets a stipend from an outside source.
    If unity is Hon's goal he has an odd way of trying to achieve it. He continues to ignore the issues and he won't address the Neo elephant in the room.
    I give him a little credit, the operative word is "little"' for at least publishing this ill advised letter and not trying to sneak it in like Apuron did with the "communication collection" during the month of May.
    The bottom line is that this seems is the same hogwash Apuron used to lay on us. Same soup, different ladle.

    1. So there it is. Kim admits what JW has said all along: RMS IS SEPARATE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE.

  26. In addition, someone asked where the other $800,000 comes from to support the RMS farce. Didn't they bilk some Catholic Organization for about $250,000 a year in grant money? I need a refresher. I cannot remember if the RMS puts out a financial report of their own?

  27. I'll consider making a donation to this AAA once the other AAA is defrocked!! Enough is enough!

    1. The American Automobile Association may have to change its name.

    2. Will the American Automobile Association change its name?

  28. Notice to AB Hon...Fix the problems!
    Defrock Apurun.
    Work for the return of RMS property.
    Rid Guam of all NCW Presbyters and catechist!
    Rescind all edits from the Hill!

    Until you've removed the cancer and the restored the "trust" that our donations are for the parish (not the RMS. AAA or ACDQ) we'll give our donations directly to the end user!

  29. Hey Hon, why should I donate to the NCW seminary? Prove the Archdiocese of Agana owns the Yona/RMS property and maybe I will. Until then, keep your greedy hands away from me!

  30. Hon,
    Where has the $85,552.44 gone to, Show us where every single cent was directed to? No more blindly giving with no accountability? You are not pulling an Apuron on us? Show us the receipts before we give you mo money Hon-ey... On second thought, Are you deserving of more money? What have you done to deserve more money? Why do we have to put out, while you do nothing for us? This is a two way street, scratch our back and we will reciprocate, otherwise, don't hold your breath, we are not giving one single cent to the NCW money fund. You can take that to the bank...

    1. Giving money to RMS is like giving Dracula a key to the blood bank.

    2. The one good thing about Dracula is he just wants your blood. He doesn't make you sign over the deed to your house.

  31. Hon, your recent memo regarding your missed goal of $250,000 was the ultimate slap in the face. I will generously give my other cheek but not another check!

  32. Didn't fall off the Cal Rose truckJuly 20, 2016 at 8:29 AM

    Dear Apostolic Administrator Hon,

    You want me to cut a tangan tangan switch so you can hit me with it? H***, no! This battered child is crying out and will be silent no more! No! No! And No!

    The Redemptoris Mater seminary forms "priests" in the life and practices of the neocatechumenal way: illicit liturgy, heretical teaching, warped Catholic "reformation."

    In case you haven't figured it out yet, the neocatechumenals are the cause of division in this archdiocese. They were brought here by Apuron. We reject Apuron. We reject all the evil he has wrought in our Church. We reject the neos and their pseudo seminary.

    This neo "charism" has divided our Church. It is now poised to conquer it. Do not ask me to pay for the demise of my own faith. I, by God's Grace, have my faculties and can reason that contributing to this institution is not for the good of the Church.

    Fanoh'ge Katoliku! Na'para i salape'! Rise up, Catholics! Stop the money! Stop the death of the Catholic Church!

  33. AB Hon, you got to be kidding. All the division and heart ache within our CATHOLIC In GUAM and you are asking for what "MORE MONEY". There is a lot of Banks on island, maybe they will lend you some money for whatever you need to spend on. No more from us TRUE CATHOLIC OF GUAM. You are lucky you got $85,0000 Plus and this will continue to decrease until you fix the problem or problems.

    1. AB Hon, Ditto to 8:46AM. Hon, You are indeed lucky to get $85K+, If you don't like this amount, then return it back to the Archdiocese of Guam. We will take it back for starters while we await the return of RMS. How dare you ask for an extension for $$$,$$$.$$.

  34. Pursuant to the beliefs and teachings of RMS, God will provide so don't worry about it archbisop Hon. If you do you will be chastised by your presbyter.

  35. Question of law for Mr. Robert Klitzkie;

    Can I use the "small claims" court for monies donated to past "aaa"

    my thinking is, tony claimed that rms is for Guam, we find it is NOT, and if this is possible, and can others do the same.

    I'm sorry if ??'s was asked and answered in the past.
    Thank You for your time.

    1. Tough case for small claims, D. Anthony. Right now you are a key participant in the court of public opinion, which can be strong.

  36. AB Hon I refuse to donate any of my money to the RMS. Just saying!

  37. My bad! I asked for the messages you wanted me to send to AB Hon. Today over 50 comments and all negative. Can anyone say something good about Hon's memo?

    1. Bob, how about this positive spin: "the dismal result of the Annual Appeal is a visible manifestation of the people's insistence on transparency, Excellenza. Your demand to extend this program, which was intrinsically linked to Apuron's greed and his coddling of faulty NCW ideology, will fail as well. Let the hardened hearts of Guam Catholics be your easy ticket out of Guam and ask Pope Francis to send a suitable replacement whi has the heart and passion to resolve issues on Guam." Not positive enough? Well, we cannot squeeze good orange juice from rotten fruit.

    2. It's hard for me to take issue with someone who seems to be so well informed, 5:04PM.

  38. Those individuals who have misinformed the masses regarding the actions and decisions of the archbishops, money, the RMS and property, and the NCW, will answer to God for their claims and accusations. Many on this blog may very well disagree with my comment. There seems to be a lot of disagreement these days. However, I hope we can agree that the pointing of fingers and the blame game won't solve the conflicts and problems within the Archdiocese. All members in the Church need to dialogue with one another in order to identify the real issues at hand. And, if protesting in front of the cathedral is equated with dialogue, well, such "dialogue" excludes the possibility of having this diocese move forward toward reconciliation, unity, and peace, a mandate Archbishop Savio is doing his best to fulfill. He has been sent by the Pope. Shouldn't we be collaborating with him? It would be in our best interest to do so. The Pope knows very well the situation in Guam, and I'm sure he knows more about the situation than what we, the general public, know through the media and hearsay. With that, let us pray and let's communicate in a civilized manner.

    1. And what, o brave Anon @6:05 pm, will you dialog about? There will be no unity without justice, and no justice without truth. The time for fairy tales and sweeping things under the carpet are over.

    2. You know, I've been thinking about it. Maybe 6:05 is right. No, really. Maybe if we just chill and go with it, we can move past this petty stuff. In fact, if we get over this whole Catholic thing, we could have real unity with our Protestant brethren. Now that I think of it, if we just let this Jesus thing slide and work to dialogue, we can be one world family without any division.

      On second thought, 6:05--you've lost your shameful, judgmental mind.

    3. Anonymous. 6:05 PM said, "With that, let us pray and let's communicate in a civilized manner." I don't know that I can adopt Anonymous' approach. I always sign my stuff Robert Klitzkie or the more familiar Bob. If civilized communication requires anonymity I may have to stay uncivilized.

    4. Your shitting me Anon 6:05 PM, After few years of being on the receiving end of this corrupt, divisive, lying, deceitful and heretical teaching administration of Apuron, Quitugua, Pius, Cristobal, Claros, you're again proposing dialog to identify real issues? Did you just wake up to this nightmare? or have you been in denial these past few years? The Issues have been detailed in this blog, unrefuted evidence and proofs have been submitted and we have beat the issues to death discussing them with no end in sight. You are just another one of those jokers who wishes to delay resolve of the troubles, ignore the truth, buy enough time for people to forget or become frustrated into submission so that you can sweep the real issues under the rug. It is time to get some answers, get people responsible for their actions and obtain transparency for all the monies that the faithful have given to the archdiocese and the NCW, why have they not opened their books at the RMS seminary? what are they hiding, and Hon has the nerve to continue to ask us for more money? These are the issues,anon 6:05, now resolve them...

    5. I saw how both archbishops "dialogued" with Roy, Doris, Walter and Roland. That kind of behavior will NOT move us forward, Anon 6:05 PM.

    6. @6:05PM The JW Blog does not misinform people, It is the NCW, Diana's Blog, Apuron, Quitugua, Adriana, Claros, Tenorio, Pius, Waldo, and yourself that have misinformed, lied and are deceitful to the Guam faithful. JW has revealed the truth of all the barbarias and Kuchinadas that you corrupt church leaders have been practicing these past few years. We are talking about proofs that you or these church leaders have not refuted as being incorrect allegations. The cause of the division in the church is because of the NCW, corruption and coverup of sexual abuse crimes by church leaders, and you dare lecture us on misinforming and misleading people. You church leaders are in the position of leading, and it is obvious that the direction of your leadership is disunity, divide, hate and discontent of people. So who is misleading who?

    7. Anon at 6:05 PM: Do you really think we are fools? I agree with the above posters who addressed you. Just who really wrote your lame lecture? Edivaldo? Quitugua? Adrian? Pius? Spokesman Arroyo? Deacon Tenorio? Diana?

    8. You don't collaborate with men of wicked intent - as we have seen of this Kiko group.

  39. Defrock apuron.
    Get rid of the neos.
    Stop ordaining fake priests.
    Give us our Churches back.

    Hear us? No money for HONey until you listen to the laity!!!

  40. Sorry Glaucon, Jr, but I am not giving one cent to any of the Churches I go to, whether they be Neo or not Neo, for the simple reason that under apuron, each parish is assessed an amount to give to him, under the guise of the Archdiocese of Agana. This assessed amount must be given regardless of the amount collected from the generous attendees at the Sunday Masses. If, after remitting this amount to the Archdiocese (aka apuron), the parish needs more funds for utilities, etc., it must beg for it from particular well-off members of that parish. If Hon wants to change my way of thinking, then a monthly statement of income and expenses per parish, prepared by an independent body, should be prepared and distributed in each respective parish.

  41. In memory of my mother, who is celebrating the 72th Guam Liberation Day in heaven. She survived the fear and beatings of the enemy during the occupation. She gave praise to God for allowing her to experience the liberation of the island.
    The katoliku of today are also looking forward to be spiritually, mentally and emotionally liberated from the presence of the cult-like group who walk the way.
    NO AB HON I REFUSE to give another cent, sentamos, centesimo, centavo, to this charities appeal. BIBA GUAM! BIBA LIBERATION, BIBA KATOLIKU

  42. ABH which part of no more don't you understand?

  43. This is the 76th post informing AB Hon what Catholics think about his appeal for more money for the neocat seminary. I'll print the post and comments on Monday and mail it to Hon. In the meantime there's still time to make a comment.

  44. Movie buffs, how about this quote borrowed from "Treasure of Sierra Madre:"

    "We don't need no STINKIN' rms seminary!

  45. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJuly 24, 2016 at 2:23 PM

    Dear Apostolic Administrator —

    I am HONestly intrigued by the idea that you actually think that, by extending the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (AAA) until the end of the calendar year you will be able to raise the goal of $250,000. If I were you, I HONestly would not hold my breath. Here is a short “history lesson” regarding the infamous Archdiocesan Annual Appeal — formerly Catholic Charities Appeal which (in its day) always surpassed its stated goals — and its recent inability to meet its stated goals …

    For your information: Your predecessor Anthony Sablan Apuron — formerly the “other AAA” — did his best to have the Faithful Catholics of the archdiocese pony up funds to accommodate the living expenses of his NCW wannabe-presbyters at RMS. After a less than stellar AAA drive in 2013 which only produced $89,240.09 — you can see the graphic in the blog January 2014 post Archdiocesan Annual Appeal Update (http://www.junglewatch.info/2014/01/archdiocesan-annual-appeal-update.html) — Apuron then set the 2014 Required Collection for the 2014 AAA with the projected goal of $254,152.24. For the record, there is no way to blame low amount collected during the 2013 AAA on the Removal of Fr. Paul Gofigan in July 2013 — people were already starting to “wise up” and withhold their hard-earned funds from the AAA.

    Several days after the release of the “2014 Required Collection” it was reported “Upon receiving the "assessment chart" the other day at the clergy meeting, one pastor, known for his wisecracking, asked the Archbishop that if he couldn't meet the required amount, should he take out a loan. The Archbishop answered: "Yes". And he wasn't joking.” (http://www.junglewatch.info/2014/01/he-wasnt-joking.html)

    In early March 2014, in anticipation of the beginning of that year’s AAA, the 2 March 2014 edition of the U Matuna Si Yu’os published an ad for the AAA disguised as series of questions and answers about the AAA. JungleWatch provided an analysis of the ad (http://www.junglewatch.info/2014/03/appealing-appeal-and-missing-zeroes.html#more), making it abundantly clear that the majority of the funds raised were earmarked for the RMS.

    Toward the latter part of March 2014 the blog published A Request to the Archdiocese of Agana for Financial Accountability (http://www.junglewatch.info/2014/03/a-request-to-archdiocese-of-agana-for.html) based on a letter written to Anthony Sablan Apuron in his role as the “other AAA.” In it, the author whose name was redacted for the post, expressed concerns regarding the AAA ad from the U Matuna Si Yu’os mentioned in the earlier paragraph. The author had sent the letter to then-blog Administrator Tim Rohr in early March. Rohr did not publish the letter until after the 21 March deadline set by the letter’s author for Apuron to respond had passed.

    Two months later the 20 June post It’s Time for Financial Transparency (http://www.junglewatch.info/2014/06/it-is-time-for-financial-transparency.html) revealed that by 8 June, Pentecost Sunday 2014, the AAA had only reached 42% of the goal set by Apuron. Two days later the 22 June post Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (http://www.junglewatch.info/2014/06/archdiocesan-annual-appeal.html) revealed that “Only Asan & Yigo meet the goal.” and that a total of $106,953.91 had been collected.

    To be continued …

  46. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJuly 24, 2016 at 2:26 PM

    Continuation …

    In early July 2014 there appeared a Notice in Today’s Pacific Daily News which read “NOTICE to the Most Reverend Anthony Sablan Apuron, O.O.M.Cap., D.D. Metropolitan Archbishop of Agana Today, almost all U.S. dioceses publish an annual financial report on their respective websites. IT IS TIME FOR THE ARCHDIOCESE OF AGANA TO DO THE SAME. Thus, we, the Concerned Catholics of Guam, hereby require the above noticed Archbishop, to publish annually, beginning with the fiscal year completed on June 30, 2012, an INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT of the Archdiocese of Agana with the following statements:
    STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION: detailing assets, liabilities and net assets
    STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES: detailing revenue and expenses
    www.ConcernedCatholicsOfGuam.com” (http://www.junglewatch.info/2014/07/notice-in-todays-pacific-daily-news.html)
    For the record, that was the very first time the group “Concerned Catholics of Guam” entered the conversation. Nobody knew who they were. All we knew was that there was a group demanding FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY from your predecessor.

    Of course within 23 days after that ad appeared Monsignor James Benavente was removed from the Cathedral Basilica amid allegations of financial mismanagement.

    Apostolic Administrator, you came on the scene in January 2015 as one of three Visitators tasked with identifying what was ailing this archdiocese. Based on the fact that the majority of individuals who were able to meet with you and your team were NCW members, you must have heard that all was well and good in the archdiocese, that only a handful of folks in “the jungle” were unhappy with Anthony Sablan Apuron. You left the island giving Apuron the task of healing and reconciliation.

    The 2015 AAA continued with dismal results as documented in the mid-June 2015 post The Charade Continues (http://www.junglewatch.info/2015/06/the-charade-continues.html) which noted that a total of $79,834 had been collected with another $20,190 “pledged” as well as the fact that “Pentecost Sunday, the official "end" of the Appeal was May 24” but the collections continued.

    So here we are in July 2016 with Apuron still on record as the Archbishop and you are here as Apostolic Administrator. One would think that after the committees that you have formed … after all the meetings you have convened … all the song and dance about Serenity, Harmony and Unity … you would have finally realized that the Faithful Catholics of Guam are HONestly SICK AND TIRED of the AAA and WE’RE NOT DROPPING A SINGLE PENNY into your outstretched hand.

    To be continued …

  47. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJuly 24, 2016 at 2:29 PM

    Conclusion …

    But Nooooooo — what do you do??? You extend the AAA to the end of the year as though that will make a difference. And what are you going to do when you still come up short? Are you going to start the 2017 AAA on 1 January 2017?

    How about if you:
    REACH OUT to the Sex Abuse Survivors of your predecessor Apuron, providing the support and means of healing that have been denied to them …
    RESTORE Fr. Paul Gofigan and Monsignor James Benavente to their respective positions as pastors …
    RETURN the Redemptoris Mater Seminary to the patrimony of the Archdiocese of Agana as well as ensure that the facility meets the standards of seminaries worldwide and is not just a factory for malformed presbyters …
    REMOVE the possibility of having Anthony Sablan Apuron return as archbishop …
    RESPOND to the March 2014 and July 2014 requests for Financial Transparency with INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT — not a repeat of the song and dance that Deacon Kim tried to do for Nuncio Martin Krebs during his July 2014 visit, not a smoke and mirrors performance by the “trained Lawyer” …

    If you ACT on the above mentioned items — and others — instead of issuing your weekly messages with veiled implications that Anthony Sablan Apuron will be returning, you will see how readily the Catholic Faithful will respond to the AAA IF the money will support the AUTHENTIC FORMATION of young men like Aaron Quitugua and others at REAL (Non-NCW) Seminaries.

    We are a generous people but we will keep our wallets closed as long as your continue to demonstrate your unwavering support for all things associated with the NeoCatechumenal Way.

    1. Let me see what I can do, Mary Lou.

    2. I'm going to give this comprehensive post special treatment, Mary Lou.

    3. Bravo Mary Lou!!! Well done!!!

  48. Checkout the entirety of AB Hon's response to all your comments.
