I translate here a letter asking for help in relation with the Neocatechumenal Way, published today (August 24 in Cruxsancta), from a Mexican man who lives in Colorado. It is quite sad because he refers the exactly same things as many parishes around the world where the Neocatechumenal Way sows confusion and division.
"Good night, Gloria, my name is G ..., married with four children, a Mexican who lives in the city of Aurora, Colorado, USA, a bit of my story is that I was always Catholic, but never practicing, thinking that all religions were equal, almost fifteen years ago I became involved with the sect of the Mormons, after two years of being with them and realize manipulation and hypocrisy, and almost insane requirement of tithing, I left there.
Then I met my wife and she was a practicing Catholic, I returned to the path of our Holy Mother Church, for eight years I became involved in the life of the Church, as an extraordinary minister of communion, taking Bible courses, retreats and serving as catechist parents and young people, knowing the damage they do sects, take much inclination in apologetics, 1P 3.15, trying to prepare catechists and Catholics eager to learn, that the one Church of Christ is this, Mt 16: 18- 19 and that He (Christ) will be with us always Mt 28:20, I am not charismatic and not very attached to groups or movements in the Church, but I respect them and I know that the charisms are different in each person, as a multi -forme is the Wisdom of God 1P 4,10.
About two years ago a new pastor came, Spanish from the NCW, Felix Medina Algaba, although our parish community is diverse and bilingual Latins are more than sixty percent; the past year for catechism class for children and young there were 1,064 registered, of which ninety percent were Spanish talkers and the rest were mostly children and youth that, although Latins, preferred classes in Spanish, although they were bilingual, only very few Anglo,
but this year he suspended classes in Spanish and removed all catechists in Spanish, saying that to serve they must take the classes of the neo-catechumens in English and experience a three-day retreat (must be paid) by much emphasis on tithing, that all servers have to give, even with bank account, I come from a cult, and I know that the Catholic Church bases its doctrine in the new testament, nor in the new testament, or catechism speaks of tithing, in Mexico we talk about giving a day's pay, there is a deacon passed by reading the book of Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Malachi.
This pastor is destroying communities established in the parish, to give them, neocatechumens, more places. They previously only had classes one day a week, and Masses for them one every month, now meet three times a week and celebrate their Masses every Saturda.
People who worked there in the parish, deacons and priests who are not the Way and that do not agree with their practices, ran or left. He has started to put puppets who do not know anything about service and love for the next, I -who spent ten years in the Army in a Unit of Paratroopers in Mexico and went to military schools to become sergeant- understand what means "obey without reply" of military indoctrination to slip ideologies government, these leaders when you speak they speak worse than an officer, "obey and shut up" and they know nothing of Catholic theology, much less to see Christ in the others, in the helpless, the sick, the ignorant of God, they have no love for his fellowman, and they consider themselves "God's elected" and if you are not with them, then you are a hindrance and they say "obey and shut up or go out".
Before this there were problems in our community, but now the problem is just if we want to continue in our parish serving, then we have to be of the Way, even within the catechists who were more than fifty people, there are disputes and claims to obey without question to the pastor, that even knowing that there is an effort to stop the Latino community, those who speak Spanish, they have tried to create programs like "one family under one God" to force people to go to Mass in English, believing that migrants Spanish-speaking Catholics are creating a church within the Church. The parish priest, with this pretext, is forcing neo-catechizing catechumens in English, grabbing more followers and this more power and money.
Queen of Peace Church or "Queen of Peace" in Aurora Colorado is one of the largest communities in Colorado and the one which more money gives to the archdiocese of Denver, it is why this pastor, Felix Medina Algaba, has the support of his bishop, who although has sent letters asking what happens in the parish. Not only we have this problem with the Way, there are also other parishes with the same problem of discord among the parishioners themselves, there are many brothers who have fallen away from the Church, others do not want to know about God anymore.
Queen of Peace Parish, Aurora, Colorado, USA
My question for you, Gloria, is: what can we do to defend ourselves against this cultic movement, which is seen to have a lot of money and power, I leave my mail if you can send my "post" to Catholic brothers who love this Single True Church of Jesus Christ, if you can give me ideas on how to address this problem, because the worst thing we can do is leaving our church and do nothing, thank you for your attention". (End)
I can not afford copying here the first commentary to the original post in Cruxsancta, writen by a Neocatechumenal follower, to show how these people are...pure "kikianism". This is the real Church to come with neos...
"Anónimo, 24 August 2016, 5:18
First, the Way is not a movement; second, good for the Way by arming its mess, doing what the Pope Francis said; third, how good is the Way pulling out all those natural religious and beatorros of parishes who had turned Christianism in a religion by their measure; fourth, God is using the Way to return to Christianity and putting out of parishes these beatorros of Sunday Mass at 12 who lead a hole life without living the Gospel; fifth, that Mexican who wrote the theme of post smells like pure religious neurotic "beatorro"; and sixth, you should find out about the thousands of fruits of the Way in more than 40 years ....... ignorants!"
NOTE: Beatorro is impossible to translate, simply a "beato/a" is a very devoted person, when you add the fix "-orro/orra" is for underlining yet more the despective meaning. To vomit.
Original in Spanish:
I can not afford copying here the first commentary to the original post in Cruxsancta, writen by a Neocatechumenal follower, to show how these people are...pure "kikianism". This is the real Church to come with neos...
"Anónimo, 24 August 2016, 5:18
First, the Way is not a movement; second, good for the Way by arming its mess, doing what the Pope Francis said; third, how good is the Way pulling out all those natural religious and beatorros of parishes who had turned Christianism in a religion by their measure; fourth, God is using the Way to return to Christianity and putting out of parishes these beatorros of Sunday Mass at 12 who lead a hole life without living the Gospel; fifth, that Mexican who wrote the theme of post smells like pure religious neurotic "beatorro"; and sixth, you should find out about the thousands of fruits of the Way in more than 40 years ....... ignorants!"
NOTE: Beatorro is impossible to translate, simply a "beato/a" is a very devoted person, when you add the fix "-orro/orra" is for underlining yet more the despective meaning. To vomit.
Original in Spanish:
Anónimo24 de agosto de 2016, 5:18
Primero no es un movimiento, segundo muy bien que el camino este armando lio , haciendo lo que dijo el Papa Francisco, tercero, que bien que El Camino esta sacando a todos esos religiosos y beatorros de las parroquias que han convertido el Crustianismo en una religión, cuarto, Dios esta usando al Camino para volver al Cristianismo y sacar de las parroquias a los beatorros de misa de 12 que llevan una vida sin vivir el Evangelio, quinto el mexicano que escribio el tema de la entrada huele a puro religioso beatorro neurotico de miedo, y sexto id averiguar los miles de frutos del Camino en más de 40 años.......ignorantes!
What a shame and ROME does not care and continue to let the neo way do their thing.
ReplyDeleteIf you click on the URL under Fr. Felix's portrait photo you can read about his "journey" where he notes that he did "missionary work in Micronesia" for 2 years (2003-2004?)... did he spend time in Guam or Saipan???
ReplyDeleteOne of first two seminarians on Saipan with pius. So where is the other, Enrique? Hope he is not wreaking havoc as well. Spn2.
DeleteThis is a common story with all parishes when a "priest" (presbyter) formed in the life and practice of the Neocatechumenal Way is assigned to the parish.
ReplyDeleteThe following steps begin the destruction of a Catholic parish (the 7 steps to the destruction of a Catholic parish):
1. The "priest" (presbyter) will proudly proclaim that he is "walking in the way", he will frequently persuade parishioners to "walk in the way" which he firmly believes is the "only way to walk in the church".
2. The "priest" (presbyter) will focus most of his effort and energy into serving his Neocatechumenal community while parish has to contend with the "left-overs" and being the "lower priority.
3. The "priest" (presbyter) will not act in the best interests of his diverse flock as the aim of the "priest" (presbyter) is to diminish the other communities/groups so that the Neocatechumenal community becomes the most prominent group in the parish.
4. Once a Neocatechumenal community is established in the parish you will notice a prevailing attitude of superiority among the Neocatechumenal community members towards the parishioners who are not in the Neocatechumenal community. This behaviour is fully supported by the "priest" (presbyter) which is demonstrated by their disdainful attitude towards those who are not in the Neocatechumenal community.
5. Neocatechumenal symbols such as the Neocatechumenal cross and icons will be introduced and used in the mass while the "priest" (presbyter) sermons will frequently include teachings that are from the Neocatechumenal community which are theologically shallow, confusing, containing error and have no relation to the mass readings or theme of the day.
6. Catholics who see this heresy for what it is begin leaving the parish and/or start attending mass in neighbouring parishes as they are uncomfortable with what they are hearing at mass and with the situation in the parish.
7. Those who choose stay in the parish have to contend with this unpleasant situation and being treated with disdain in their own parish.
These 7 steps fulfil the aim (see point 3) of the "priest" (presbyter) and one more parish succumbs to the onslaught of this Protestant-Judeo heresy.
This is my own experience in my parish :(
You hit the nail on the head. This is EXACTLY what is happening in my parish.
DeleteU know nothing.. stop spreading rumors open your heart to christ through the way you will get to know him you will fall for him.. our lord and saviour jesus christ
DeleteLet me know when you are not afraid to be anonymous. Not very Christlike.
Delete😁 what matters with you if i am anonymous or not aren't we brothers in christ.
DeleteWho are we to judge other people faith.. one day the harvest will come let the lord decide who is right or wrong and everyone get the judgment or the mercy he deserve.. open your heart
I to am a parishioner at Queen of Peace. What this man said is true. Felix is a two-faced liar. He will say one thing and then completely deny it. A lot of good people have left the parish.
ReplyDeleteGet a life looser!
ReplyDeleteActually, it's spelled "loser." One "o." You're welcome.
DeletePlease forward all problems to the vicar of clergy at the archdiocese so they know what is going on and how displeased people are.
ReplyDeleteDear Lisa, if you are on Guam, the way to proceed would be to contact the delegate to the NCW, who is Deacon Martinez, and bring your concerns, ideas, observations to him. He has been entrusted by Archbishop Byrnes with this difficult task.
DeletePeople believe this ? I walk in one of the communities at queen of peace and this isn't true. but i will pray for you
ReplyDeleteIf it's not true, then you have nothing to worry about. In fact, you can even use your real name.
DeleteBut i do are you not spreading false information about my church ?? yes. also it shouldn't matter if i'm anonymous im not offending you and i literally said i would pray for you because you seem to clearly be suffering and are in love with the world but please consider using for platform for stuff that will actually help people ;)
DeleteThanks for clarifying that the NCW is "your church." Courage!
DeleteExcuse moi, if you are walking, then you know that we are no one to judge. And if you believe a brother or sister is doing something wrong, you must correct them with love. The catechists always refer to this. First aside, then with a witness, and last resort is in front of the community as written in the Bible. Please understand that correction is not meant to be humiliation. It is meant to be with love. I am no one to talk, honestly. I do not know if I will ever master this, but I wish you the best. Hopefully, we can reach a compromise or understanding that does not have cause for any disrespect. Both of you have good intentions but must be careful with your words lest your intentions be misunderstood. Also, please correct me when I wrong you as well. Hope your Good Friday goes well for you both!
I'm from Queen of Peace - you don't know all the division and confusion they spread because you are too new to it. With some exceptions, what this article says is true. You'll learn soon enough, sadly, everyone does but the ones who stay don't want to give up the opportunity to commissurate with others and beat their own chest. It's false humility and self agrandization for most and a mental trip for those who are truly hurting. I hope you come back to the church.
DeleteThis article is absolutely true about Queen of Peace and numerous other Catholic parishes in Colorado. Our current archbishop came into power and one of the first things he did was to celebrate and honor the Neocats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL5LVu4WdZk. The celebration happened at St Thomas More Church, where there is a large group of Neocats. Father Felix was at St James Parish in Denver prior to going to Queen of Peace. St James has a very strong group of Neocats. The current priest, Father Jesus, preaches and supports the Neocats as well. I attended several of the Neocat meetings, where there was blatant antisemitism from the speakers at the classes. Also, guests were spoken to by a woman who said her husband's cheating and abuse was her "cross" and to accept him as he was. This group is a flat out cult out for money. The tactics they use are very similar to Scientology. Unfortunately, we have church after church falling in Colorado due to our Archbishop's influence. Good priests are being forced into smaller parishes, often outside of the city to make way for cult leaders of this group. Or the priests are forced to retire. I am not comfortable going to church any more. Colorado's Catholic churches are being destroyed by "the way".
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing to note, that 5 years after the first posting of this article, people still find it interesting and still accurate. While the NCW on Guam is no longer out in the open, their communities are still very active and still do not follow the instructions and restrictions of the Archbishop, even now that he is no longer a coadjutor, but the one and only Archbishop. Neos like to pick and choose what fits their narrative. During the height of the pandemic, and despite instructions to the contrary communities kept meeting, and not taking recommended physical distancing measures. This led to one of their members dying from Covid. Fr Adrain Cristobal who introduced the NCW to Guam, and is now defrocked and on the run from justice, spend a few years of self imposed exile in the 90s in the NCW communities in Colorado. Colorado is the most active location in the West of the USA for the Way. Just like in New Jersey where they benefited from aiding and abetting deviant Bishops, they target the immigrant community to make inroads, then move on to richer parishes. The NCW is an amazing and very efficient money laundering machine. They use that power to benefit corrupt leaders in the Church to give them special exemptions at so many levels.
DeleteThat is interesting about Adrian Cristobal. I knew he was on a "sabbatical" in Phoenix for a while. Was he engaged in actual priestly work in Colorado, or was he literally just hiding out? What was the reason for this "self-imposed exile?" The abuse, or something else?
DeleteHello anon @ 7.47 .Thank you for your question. If you could clarify what period you are talking about, I can try to answer precisely.
ReplyDeleteThank you
You said in your above comment that Fr. Adrian Cristobal "spent a few years of self-imposed exile in the 90s in the NCW communities in Colorado." I was curious if you knew anything more specific about this period of his life, per my above questions.
DeleteMy name is Julian and the neo have definitely saved my life. Devoting your life to Christ is not for everyone.
ReplyDeleteAh Julian, you deserve a prize! For in just 21 words you have shown us so much!
ReplyDeleteFirst, you say "the neo have definitely saved my life". No if you are to be saved it will be by Jesus Christ. It is strange, though, that you do not use the phrase used by adherents that "the Way saved my life."
Also, I just love your comment, "Devoting your life to Christ is not for everyone" with its tacit message that apart from the Neocatechumenal Way one cannot truly devote one's life to Christ.
Well done!
I’m all for people doing things the way they see fit or that works best for their conscious . However, when u start to think ur better than everyone or that only u have the answers I see that as problematic and lacking humility. That’s what we are called to be after all. One thing I would like to understand is why everything has to have the Neo stamp on it. Paintings - Neo, Music - Neo, chapel - Neo (octagon), etc. It seems to me like it’s a self imposed isolation from the rest of the Catholic laity.
ReplyDeleteAll these years later, and this post is found again, probably by some schmuck that is new to the Way but hears how Fr. Felix Medina is a gaslighting narcissist and hasn't experienced his real side yet. That parish is now the neocat palace and attendance is gutted. Only those who stay on the peripherals or are new, thinking it's a normal Catholic church, go there. Poor Julian, you'll learn soon enough that the Way is a self centered, negative, twisted version Catholicsm