Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Posted by jose martinez

We were in front of the Cathedral this Sunday . . . again.  We aim to diligently return until the true reason for the cause of the division in our Archdiocese has been addressed.  As of last Sunday, it has not even been mentioned. 

It has been heard that Archbishop Hon knows exactly of the cause.  However he seems to be reluctant to reveal it publicly.

(View more pictures from this Sunday here.)

Reminding him through these weekly pickets is part of our purpose . . . .

These Sunday pickets are not exercises of rote activity.  We simply are not satiated by the weekly press releases by Abp Hon.  Everything he has put forth into the public thus far are echoes of assertions the CCOG have already submitted as evidence to him and the Vatican as to the causes of the division in our Archdiocese.  Some of his most recent activity should have been initiated from the time he set foot on our island.

Until the real reason for the division in our Church on Guam is addressed and the issue has been rectified, we will continue to picket for we have a purpose.

If you have been paying attention to the pickets, the purpose is clear.  Otherwise, here are a few hints:


  1. Everyone carrying a sign on Sunday morning is communicating with AB Hon. See you Sunday at 9 AM!

  2. Jose, we need to include; Stop the Sacrilege! Stop Abusing the Body of Christ!

  3. yes Bruce, hon has retracted/redacted the vile comments by apuron, but hon as yet to say anything brother tony said regarding "Rome has approved it – even the way we’re receiving Communion".

  4. AB Hon will be in Agana Heights "Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church" Saturday 5PM Mass Aug. 27.

    1. Not sure why he is going to be there but wanted to say MASS there from what I heard.

  5. does someone know, is hon still holding to his Saturday 7:30 pm, service...

    1. Picket on Sunday 9 AM at the Cathedral.
