While it is obvious to most people that have had the misfortune to meet our former vicar general, that he is not the brightest light on the tree; it is also obvious that what David lacks in smarts, he certainly makes up in deviousness. It is most likely one of several reasons for Pius to have selected him as the actual go-to man for the NCW while he assumes a lower profile.
One thing the Neocatechumenal Way does well is what is popularly known as double talk. We can see this in almost all their communication and publication. There is always, an hidden agenda, and a disguised Will to mislead. For more on that, please refer to the great exposes by La Paz our Spanish correspondant, and Chuck White our local Hercule Poirot on everything linked to the NCW. Both of them have well documented these issues. Examples are numerous and worrisome.
That having been established, lets go back to our dear tall, sickly, and boring Lurch.
Following the well documented meeting of the Delegate at the Cathedral last Tuesday, we had the opportunity to consult some of the documentation from the Ad Hoc committee for the seminaries.
Among these documents was a curt letter from Msgr David to the Delegate of the Apostolic Administrator, regarding his reasons for not allowing a pre-arranged visit of members of the LFM at the seminary.
Lets study this letter.
"This is to inform you that his Eminence, Fernando Cardinal Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, has been made aware of the preannounced "visit" of the Laity Forward Movement to the Seminary"
This in itself is extremely revealing of the situation we face at this time regarding the NCW.
What we have here is nothing else, that a direct challenge to the doted line authority given to the Apostolic Administrator by the Pope himself.
While Archbishop Hon has obviously been chosen for that job, by Filoni for being the Secretary of that Congregation.
Whatever decision the Apostolic Administrator or his delegate take as such, cannot be challenged by anybody but the Pope himself. Like a Bishop, the Apostolic Administrator is responsible for ALL the issues of the Diocese.
Since, Lurch did not know what to do about that preannounced visit, what did he do (most likely not of his own volition) ?
He called the Big Gun, he went right to Papa, Cdl Filoni. Of course, here we only have Msgr David' s word on this, but Papa Filoni, Kiko's best friend inside the Vatican, came to the rescue and gave him the following instruction. Quote:
"Cardinal Filoni's instruction is that no such "visit" can be made to the Seminary and that nobody can demand inspection of any documents without the expressed and written permission granted by the proper ecclesiastical authority"
Whoa!!! Whoa!!!Whoa!!! that is a pearl of amazing dimension if I ever saw one!!!
Here we have in black and white, in an official letter from the Acting Rector of RMS to the Delegate of the Apostolic Administrator, on RMS official paper, and signed by the author, a direct challenge to the dotted authority granted by the Pope to the Apostolic Administrator.
This appears to be, to top it all, a rebuke by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, of his own Secretary.
Yet, at the same time, while Fr Jeff, should have demanded an official letter from the Cardinal himself, to confirm Msgr David's rebuke of the Apostolic Vicar's authority, he unfortunately did not have that presence of mind.
This is a very grave issue, for two reasons:
- The direct authority of any seminary in a Diocese is definitely the Bishop of said Diocese.
- The Roman Congregation which is charged of all issues pertaining to seminaries, is the Congregation for the Clergy, and not the Congregation for the Evangelization of peoples.
Cardinal Filoni is grossly over stepping his authority in this matter, because the Congregation of Clergy has been entrusted of this responsibility since January 16, 2013, as clearly defined in Pope Benedict Motu Proprio "Ministrorum Institutio".
Based on this flawed chain of command, and dubious argumentation, Msgr David, gave the middle finger to Fr Jeff, and by extension to the Apostolic Administrator and the faithful of Guam, but it is also a direct challenge to the Pope's own authority.
Here we have a perfect example of the double talk of anything relating to the NCW.
While all the neo mouthpieces always claim that they come and act in the name of the Pope. While they clamor from all roofs and terraces that Obedience is the main duty of all Priests and Presbyters. While they want us to buy their bill of sale, it is immensely clear to anybody with one ounce of common sense that it is a case of "do as I say, but not as I do"
For the Neo, there is only one true goal, hidden behind all these empty declarations and pagentry,
they must obey their leader. It is not questionable. This is why they have chosen to follow this man.
So you are saying Cdl Filoni is not right. Who the f##* are you? You know better than Cdl
ReplyDeleteShut up fresh guy.
LOL! What substance can you offer Anon 8:09? One more time, who is in charge of any one diocese? Who has the authority to override any decision made by the person solely responsible for all diocese decisions? Maybe some people need it in black and white.
DeleteThank you Frenchie! Hon played the same game until he was served by David Lujan! They he went on a media fest, but only because he was put on notice. The problem with double talk is it will double back and bite you in the ass.
ReplyDeleteNow Hon and Fr. Jeff are fiends of the WAY. (Or so it may appear to be).
We pray the Governor signs the bill so the healing can start for the victims of Apurun the Pedo. Then we'll see how the NCW reacts (Ready Ric?)
Thank you Frenchie! Hon played the same game until he was served by David Lujan! They he went on a media fest, but only because he was put on notice. The problem with double talk is it will double back and bite you in the ass.
ReplyDeleteNow Hon and Fr. Jeff are fiends of the WAY. (Or so it may appear to be).
We pray the Governor signs the bill so the healing can start for the victims of Apurun the Pedo. Then we'll see how the NCW reacts (Ready Ric?)
Bravo Frenchie, I totally agree with all the content.
ReplyDeleteI think the picture of quitagua behind bars would've made a better pic. Lol. These neos all have similar "sinister looking" smiles all over their faces.
ReplyDeleteThe Time Has Come For GREAT and Courageous Christian Witnesses to the Faith!
The time has come where God is separating the wheat from the chaff and the sheep from the goats. It is time for each of us to cling closely to Christ and gird our loins for being great and courageous Christian witnesses of our Faith! Do not be afraid to go out into the deep with Christ.
Many Christians no longer stand with Christ in the area of morality as laid out in Holy Scripture and the 10 Commandments, believing that mercy killing (Euthanasia), homosexual acts and unions, contraception and abortion are good for society and should be legal and hence are no longer Christian.
In an address given during that 1976 Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia for the bicentennial celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla spoke some words which I believe were prophetic. -
"We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has ever experienced. I do not think that the wide circle of the American Society, or the whole wide circle of the Christian Community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-church, between the gospel and the anti-gospel, between Christ and the Antichrist. The confrontation lies within the plans of Divine Providence. It is, therefore, in God's Plan, and it must be a trial which the Church must take up, and face courageously.
We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-too-distant future; trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives, and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it. . . .How many times has the renewal of the Church been brought about in blood! It will not be different this time."
Let's hope we do not have to go there. Yet let's not forget our brothers and sisters in North Africa, Egypt in particular and the middle east where Christians pay with limbs and lives for their beliefs
DeleteSt. Michael, defend us in battle!
DeleteThere is still the issue with Lurch Quitugua, and the somewhat silent Adrian No Balls. These two including Alberto must go before any efforts at healing can begin. These cancers in the church are beyond reform, they have given their hearts and soul to Kiko. Defrock them with their Boss Apuron who they are faithful to.
ReplyDeleteAnd here I used to love Lurch on "The Adams Family." Kiko, you rang?
ReplyDeleteSince Quitugua, Adrian, Alberto. Uduwaldo and the rest of the Neo presbyters answer to no one but Kiko, they need to be defrocked and
ReplyDeletedeposed from the Archdiocese of Agana. They certainly have brought
no value to the Church other than cause great pain and much division. We no longer will allow you to continue lying and deceiving us on our dime. It's time to withhold the purse strings
til Hon and the Church hierarchy do some deep housecleaning!!!
DeleteI doubted (and still do) Fr. David-the-Lurch’s 9/7/2016 letter to Fr. Jeff invoking Fr. Filoni's dictum of no visits to the RMS unless authorized by some ecclesiastical body. The local NCW has a track record of conveniently quoting authority when it suits their purpose, but show no proof. The famous one is "the pope approved." They also have a local history of ghost writing bizarre letters, communiques. While Fr. David may have authored that letter (because, for a change, it was on letterhead and there was his signature on it!), I doubt the Fr. Filoni citation. Fr. Filoni should have sent his own correspondence on the matter or Fr. Jeff should have insisted on being contacted directly by Fr. Filoni. But even if Fr. Filoni did issue those instructions, as Frenchie explains above in the Motu Proprio "Ministrorum Institutio" --- it was not Fr. Filoni’s department to have a say on the matter! These questions persists even though we now know officially that the RMS is a sham: “What are they hiding IN the RMS? What are they hiding ABOUT the RMS? Who are they hiding in the RMS?”
ReplyDeleteSomething fishy for sure. If the Cardinal gave the instruction why was Hon's name on the notice posted on the gate?
ReplyDeleteRose,whoever they are hiding in the RMS forgot to closed the closet door completely...Skeletons are coming out exposing themselves..