(Posted by Glaucon Jr)
Years ago at a party in Agat, I met a man who had absolutely no regard for Protestants. I mean NONE. I was a little surprised at such contempt for the faith of "separated brethren," and it certainly seemed grossly uncharitable, so I asked him how he could be so dismissive of an entire group of Christians. I will never ever forget what he told me:
"It's like St Peter Julian Eymard says: 'There's no one in the world quite so proud as a Protestant.'"
Then he walked away, and that was the end of the conversation.
Once I had time to think about it (and read St Peter Julian, which was a little tough to find), I had to admit that maybe he had a point. Pride that one's faith is so great that you don't need the Tradition, any teaching authority besides your own non-Papal guru, nor Church discipline, or nor any foundation in history, is rather like bragging by saying, "I'm more humble than you are!"
How much more then is true of self-proclaimed Catholics who deny these same things! Or does this sound a little familiar?. READ MORE.
[Like the three prior posts, this analysis of NCW pride as THE FRUIT of its theology requires a bit of reading and thought. Like the others, it's broken up into sections for ease in readings, so don't be afraid to read a section and come back. The point is for all of us to see what's spiritually at stake and to help us keep focus on why we must hold fast to what we are doing here in terms of Apuron and the RMS, if not the future of the Church on Guam.]
Slavery! This word was used by Fr. Michael in his homily. Christ was a "slave" unto the cross! What? Christ a slave! Spoiled "fruit" from the RMS.
ReplyDeleteThen he concluded with the the "banquet" and the Eucharist as the "bread of the Angels". Interesting! They have no body and therefore need no "bread". More KAKA flowing from the mouth of the "Father of Lies".
Finally, Fr. Michael thanked the choir and then the seminarians for assisting with the Mass. To what end? To defend the RMS by vomiting the lie that RMS has Lateran certification and approval. The final blessing felt like a "curse".
Glaucon your profound ability to express with clarity and with charity the TRUTH about the NCW is a gift of the Holy Spirit. We pray that these poor "souls" who are slaves to "the smoke of Satan" will awake from their slumber and return to the ONE, TRUE, APOSTOLIC FAITH.
May all the faithful, who have been awakened by Tim's JW blog and who continue, with their individual "gifts", to defend the Church from the "Gates of Hell", continue to be courageous "soldiers for Christ". St. Athanasius Pray for us! St. Michael the Archangel protect us!
Fr.Pius leaving Guam.
ReplyDeleteHe plans not to return.
Infact he is blasting people of Guam as bigots.
Of course he is blasting us, his manipulations were exposed by our diligence. However, pray for God's mercy on his soul. An unrepentant person is a person who rejects Christ. If indeed what you say is what he is doing, Pius is confirming the assertion that he is not a leader.
DeleteHe's a leader. Just a very bad one. Who leads people into lies and evil.
Delete10:16 AM -- I sure hope it's true!
DeletePius IS a leader. He is leading 500 kikos on Guam straight to hell. He is leading 35 seminarians into a warped presbyterate. He is leading poor kikos, maybe 200 throughout the Pacific, also to hell.
DeleteWith him gone, "the wounds of sin and division" will linger, but perhaps the sanity of the Church will finally start to bring some of the kiko zombies out of their putrid trance.
And hey, if they want to continue to follow kiko, fine, but not in our Church. And any presbyter that doesn't fall in line...hasta la vista baby. Or in the words of Apurun "go find a benevolent bishop" elsewhere.
To the good NCWs out there. You had your chance to speak out against the corruption of your leaders. That time is quickly running out. I suggest you call them out not before the whole movement is tossed out.
Let us give Pius a lasting taste of our island hospitality and give him the send-off he deserves. Let us give him a party. A party of people with tar and feathers just for him.
DeleteAs much as I also would like Putrid Pius gone from this island as soon as possible, if he is one of the "John Does", it might be better to issue a "hold departure order" or something like that to stop him from escaping his date with the court.
DeleteDoes Pius remain Head Catechist? Is it confirmed he's leaving? Will he take his personal valet/seminarian with him?
DeleteWe are all still waiting for confirmation on all of this. I haven't heard anything else yet, so it's best to be patient.
DeleteIf he leaves he will say his Neo doctor will not allow him to travel to Guam.
DeleteGood riddance you stickin Pius!
ReplyDeleteWhen pius leaves island we need to go to the Airport to say good bye.
ReplyDeleteAnd after the flight leaves, disinfect the departure area!
DeleteNot just good-bye, but also good riddance!
DeletePius was never a leader. He's just a master manipulator that uses people's past to gain control of their lives. That's the NEO secret.
ReplyDeleteWe don't want Pius gone. We want him in jail.
ReplyDeletePius going to Europe? Needs to talk to his superiors about his next move? HMM, is he trying to beat Archbishop Hon for the punch? I thought his home base is Canada. Fishy, fishy. Fishy!!
ReplyDeleteHis superiors? Who-Kiko?