Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Posted by Chuck White

Haidee V. Eugenio, Pacific Daily News

"A top official of Guam's Catholic church said the leadership of the Neocatechumenal Way, both here and internationally, has been advancing the group's interests to the detriment of other Catholics on Guam..."  Read more.


  1. Filoni -rhymes with Baloney!

  2. Interesting. So THAT's why Diana is clucking to herself about Fr Jeff's "pride" and how we should all obey Filoni because he's a cardinal.

    Kiko's own Cardinal Wolsey, maybe.

  3. Filoni? Forget him! He may be a cardinal, but he's not our cardinal. He is in charge of the evangelization of people, not the Guam diocese.

    If he wants to do his job, maybe he should look at the ass-kicking Fr Jeff gave to the Way yesterday. Come on Cardinal...look at it with an open heart, not your kiko heart.

    Everything being said in the jungle the last three years is now coming out of the Chancery as well, now that the kiko infestation at the Chancery is cured. The Jungle has been talking and making people aware of all this for 3 years, and now we have an ally in high places who happens to be able to see the truth, without kiko tinted glasses.

    We are tired of kikos and their arrogant Way. Dr Eusebio is a bag of hot, malodorous gas. If he wants to support a serial sex abuser that is his right to do. And its okay if the entire cult wants to support adult sex with kids. It makes our job that much easier to show how un-Catholic the cult is.

    Filoni (sounds like baloney) - stay out of our diocese, or expect a Giuseppi Gennarini-esque welcome at the airport.

    1. Ric and Mary Ann Eusebio: don't you know all you 'secret confessions' in you community of NEOS told your tales out of school. Lost your moral voice Doctor. Sorry.

    2. What is the NCW into you for Ric? Rather, perhaps, how much?

  4. Diana is Lurch's alias in the NCW blog.

  5. These neos have infiltrated the Catholic Church deeper than the church in Rome realizes. They are nothing but a bunch of jerks feeding on the materialistic ASSets that traditional Catholics have worked hard for and have given to their church. Is this Filoni even a part of this diocese? If so, let him come to this island and face the Catholics here.

    1. Kiko uses all the structures if rather church as his own... Good example takes over Popes Youthday for one, took over Philly visit of the Pope shameless.

  6. So does Filoni trump the Pope? This is just another NEO power play he is playing and we all fell for it. Why is everyone so afraid of this guy? He's all the way in Rome, for heaven's sakes, Father Jeff. You have the power while Hon is gone. Call out, Quitugua and open that door yourself. Have an Open House and et the masses (the real owners) in.

    1. And, Fr. Jeff, why don't you send out petitions using our children to announce the Open House? And have the priests (blind ones) announce the Open House from the ambo.

      Your exposure of the NCW control of our archdiocese was admirable, but your derailing attempt on Bill 326-33 was disgusting.

    2. Olympic size pool last one in is a rotten egg. Lazy seminarians don't even use the sparkling pool. Let's go!

  7. I'd like to give credit to Fr. Jeff for having the courage to say what he did about Apuron, RMS, and NCW. Everyone will not agree with everything he said, but going against his superiors could not have been easy. In the midst of our battle to win our Church back, we need to recognize the victories along the way.

    1. Yes, I have some sympathy for Fr Jeff too. The pressure of the NCW was enough to force Pope Benedict to resign. Many simply cannot handle it.

      Tim Rohr no doubt knows the costs of taking up the fight too. So, even though Fr Jeff might be late to understand, he should be encouraged to stay the course now, and not give in to the pressures.

      Having said that, his acquiescence to the push to veto the Bill was unfortunate and mistaken. I think he might come to realize that too. Pray for these priests who need the fortitude and wisdom that only the Holy Spirit can give.

    2. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 22, 2016 at 11:50 PM

      To Becky Toves and Anon 12:30PM, I agree with you both. Even though I didn't like his plea to Filoni and NCW to be merciful to the people of Guam, he deserves credit to publicly state the disruption the NCW has caused to the Church on Guam. It's the first public statement made by the Archdiocese leadership that states the truth which slams the NCW. Whether among clergy or other professions, it is unprofessional to slam colleagues. Which is why many clergy and religious don't make public statements about the happenings of the local Church, much worse make statements as Fr. Jeff did. But moving out of that trend, Fr. Jeff did it and he deserves credit for doing so.

  8. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 21, 2016 at 11:54 AM

    I didn’t like Fr. Jeff’s plea to Filoni and the NCW to “Please be merciful. Have mercy on the people of Guam.” With that plea, it gives the visual that the islanders cower in fear of Filoni and/or the NCW --- that is just not the case! In fact, the situation is the other way around. Guam is the home of the true Katolikus. The NCW were the “visitors” when they set foot on this island. The welcome mat is now worn out. And the islanders’ patience have worn out along with the welcome. It’s time for the NCW to go!


    1. lol. Made your colonized mind post a comment.

    2. Well Anon at 12:20,
      If it ain't the pot calling the kettle black. You NCW Cult members are not able to think for yourselves, make decisions for your selves without your catechist's approval, who is being colonized? Who is brainwashed?

    3. Whaaa? 12:20 PM, you were shouting so I did not hear you moaning. If you are one of the colonizers, identify yourself so we can give you the same treatment as the once-almighty colonizers got from the native savages. I think the ship left without you, either they did not see you as desirable or they thought you have too much baggage. Fend for yourself, coward!

    4. Interesting term, colonized minds! We are of the same mind because we are of the same faith, because the same Spirit dwells within us! You are a slave to a responsible and catechist and have lost your "free will" which was a gift you have forsaken! Kiko's twisted theology has you "in chains".

    5. Anon @ 12:20 pm: Why are you yelling? lol!

    6. Anonymous September 21, 2016 at 12:20 PM - You posted that the True Katolikus on Guam are "Colonized" and "Brainwashed"! Here is what I found out the meanings of Colonized:

      "Take Possession Of"
      "Take Over"

      Thesaurus - "Make Your Home" - "Lay Claim To"

      Hmmmm - Me thinks that the Original Traditional Churches were already established on Guam and then the Money Hungry, Materialistic, Bread Passing all over the building, etc., etc., etc., Joy Joy, and so forth, NCW and NEOs decided to slither into our Churches and take over! You thought that you can take over the established Catholic Churches and collect all the money that the generous True Katolikus have given to our Churches for many many generations and you have the nerve to call us "COLONIZED— BRAINWASHED"! That is Really Calling the Kettle Black!

  10. Great quote from the quack doc eusebio about how their group wants to stop molestation of girls by people in authority.
    Great doc. Maybe you can find Fr Luis Camacho and bring him to justice. Tell your neo leaders to stop harboring him, and send him back to Guam to face the music.

    1. Ric Eusebio reeks of putrid pius. What a stinking doc with a fried brain. Doc, you look so unhealthy, take a vacation/retreat in Israel. Check if the girls there are being molested by your neo-kins.

    2. Saw Ric Eusebio on tv tonight - hey dude, your horns need polishing, and your trusty cane has a forked tongue. So laughable but so pathetic knight of the ncw! You the official spokesperson now? Did presbyter achoovaldo approve this with his air-fist-pumping? Your plea to not take away your "cane" aka crutch did not reach the qualifying level of a melodramatic audition. Guaranteed you will get a standing ovation...performing a skit at a neo gala. I hear your kind have a programmed way of responding, a coordinated cadence, distinctive of brainwashed zombies.

  11. The Laity Forward Movement
    seeks seminary formation improvement.
    But a red breasted Filoni,
    who reeks of baloney,
    will prevent all outside involvement.



    "Don't walk this way!"

    (This information is intended as an analytical tool and not so much a diagnostic instrument.)

    Characteristics Associated with Cultic Groups
    Janna. Lalich, Ph. D. And Michael D. Lagone, Ph.D.

    Concerted efforts at influence and control lie at the core of cultic groups, programs and relationships. Many members, former members, and supporters of cults are not fully aware of the extent to which members may have been manipulated, exploited, even abused. The following list of social-structural, social-psychological, and interpersonal behavioral patterns commonly found in cultic environments may be helpful in assessing a particular group or relationship.

    Compare these patterns to the situation you were in (or in which you, a family member, or friend is currently involved). This list may help you determine if there is cause for concern. Bear in mind that this list is not meant to be a definitive checklist to determine if a specific group is a cult. This is not so much a diagnostic instrument as it is an analytical tool.

    - The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.

    - Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

    - Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).

    - The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act and feel (for example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry, or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).

    - The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members (for example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).

    - The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.

    - The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations).

    - The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members' participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or colllecting money for bogus charities.)

    - The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.

    - Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.

    - The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.

    - The group is preoccupied with making money.

    - Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.

    - Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.

    - The most loyal members feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.

    John C. Ada Toves

    1. Absolutely! Kiko, a flamenco guitarist, is much like the Pied Piper, leading poor souls astray. Like the Pied Piper he keeps his "Rats" in a trance.

  13. Father Jeff you are the light during that time.

  14. Can RMS display any achievement?
    Will they resort to their usual deceivement?
    Their gates have been locked.
    Their egos are cocked.
    Behind those halls lie unknown concealment.

    An Archbishop gave unfettered empowerment.
    Funds squandered through costly mismanagement.
    Crimes that were concealed,
    are secrets now revealed.
    And poor Tony awaits his impeachment.

    It's a tale of lurid enchantment.
    With larceny, theft, and enrichment.
    Let's get rid of the Way,
    let's turn a new leaf today.
    Hey Kiko, we demand reimbursement!

  15. I just hope Fr. Jeff doesn't get excommunicated for speaking up.

    1. Fr. Jeff is obedient to God. He cannot be excommunicated unless He has already excommunicated God from his heart. It's not a tool for retaliation.

    2. If the Delusional Dingbat Diana and Disciples have their way, Fr. Jeff would most definitely be on their Excommunication List along with those of us who dare to post and/or comment here on JungleWatch — especially if we share any criticism of the NCW.

    3. Thank you. I looked it up and found out that it takes more that what he did. The NCW should be excommunication or have them build their own Kiko churches.

    4. Still your beating hearts, Fr. Jeff's honesty cannot be a cause for any excommunication. He did not state contradictory statements against faith and morals. The NCW on the other hand...should get more than a slap in the wrist. Their error encompasses numerous infractions against Church Magisterium. They are cocky because they have protectors in high places. Corruption resides in the very top echelons of Vatican hierarchy. I hope we will remain united if called upon to defend our Faith against these unwelcome cultic interlopers.

    5. Yes Mary Lou, it is always hilarious when the sectarians, the hypocrites and the heretics want to excommunicate those who oppose them.
      Delusional is as Delusional does

  16. I tried to make a poem but I could not find a word that rhymed with Eusebio.

    1. how about "sh-thead"?

    2. "Eusebio" is a good family name for the most part so it is not fair to demonize the entire family. Andrew and his family are truly salt of the earth but he tries to downplay his superior upbringing to preserve family harmony. Try a limerick for "ric."

    3. "Psycho" is a bit closer...

    4. Ric E. is a dic E. :(

    5. Eusebio the surgeon
      Had a brain like a sturgeon
      He's a quack by day,
      And a fruit of the Way
      For Apurun a veto he's urgin'

    6. Now we know why they (neo) need us True Catholic, per Eusebio during one of his interview on AIR, they have a strong 700 members with the way. This is why they can not afford to build their own CHURCH but can steal OURS. RETURN ALL OUR PARISH CHURCH that you are are occupying which include OUR PROPERTY IN YONA and we will leave you all alone.

  17. Catholic World News September 19, 2016

    Pope Francis met with the Holy See’s apostolic nuncios and other pontifical representatives and urged them to “be a true expression of an outbound Church, a ‘field hospital.’”

    “In the immense task of ensuring the freedom of the Church before every form of power that wishes to silence Truth, do not delude yourselves that this freedom is solely the fruit of agreements, accords and diplomatic negotiations, however perfect and successful they may seem,” the Pope told the nuncios on September 17 in the Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace, adding: Remember that you represent Peter, the rock that withstands the flood of ideologies, the reduction of the Word to mere convenience, submission to the powers of this passing world. Therefore, do not position yourselves on political or ideological battle lines, because the permanence of the Church does not rest on the consensus of the drawing room or the town square, but on faithfulness to the Lord, Who, unlike wolves and birds, has no den or nest to rest His head.

    Emphasizing that “the selection of future bishops is a great concern of mine,” the Pope called for bishops who are men of prayer and “pastors, not princes or officials.”

    “You are the first to have to scrutinize the fields to see where the little Davids are hidden,” the Pope told the nuncios. “You must cast your nets out widely. You cannot be content to fish in aquaria, in the reserve or in the breeding ground of ‘friends of friends.’”

    1. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 22, 2016 at 11:41 PM

      Thank you for posting this piece. I enjoyed it very much and would have missed this speech all together if you hadn't posted it. “You must cast your nets out widely. You cannot be content to fish in aquaria, in the reserve or in the breeding ground of ‘friends of friends.’" ... and certainly not the in the breeding ground of the RMS !!! Its graduates aren't qualified !!!

  18. neo and all members of way, to vacate all our Parish Church that you are all occupying or taken from various Parish. If you feel strongly for your way to go build your own church and do what ever your way teaches you what to do. You all have no rights to use OUR and I mean OUR CHURCH.

  19. This sunday's picket signs should focus on filoni and the ncw. How wicked. It took them this long to admit what Tim already knew. I'm glad I stuck to this bandwagon. Thank you junglewatch nation! You all are amazing. The people in junglewatch were guided by the Holy Spirit to expose the truth! The battle continues. Praise be to God!

  20. Father Jeff is innocent. Aupron is not. THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE!!! Aupron's actions shouldn't be a consequence to those who have done no harm. Catholic schools shouldn't be affected because of Aupron's own mistakes. #COLONIZEDMINDS

  21. Fr. Jeff, you might as well join us on our Sunday protests since you have publicly decided not to obey those against us. You will be met with open arms! Bring Hon along, we can still forgive him for his double-talk if he joins us on Sundays. After all, he, too, has earned the ire of the Neos.

  22. Is Fr. Jeff stating the position of the Archdiocese, or just expressing his own feelings on the matter? We might be rejoicing at this small bit of progress for nothing. We'll know for sure once Hon gets back tomorrow.

  23. i commend fr jeff for his courage to stand up against the powerful ncw and their high-ranking vatican backers. the faithful of guam have his support on that front.

    however, fr jeff's and the archdiocese's position regarding bill 326 remains the same. what "services" exactly is the archdiocese worried about losing? homeless shelters? food banks? pregnancy support centers?

    i don't doubt fr jeff's sincerity when he cries with remorse about the evils done by the clergy. but there's also the element of penance, of making the victims whole. and that's what's missing here.

    1. Rey D , I was looking for those words.

  24. OPEN YOUR EYES 👁👁... The archdiocese of Agaña is run by colonizers who wish to impeach Archbishop Apuron. Accusations of molestations have not been absolutely proven, everything is a lie, trust NO ONE

    1. Anon 9:02. Our eyes were wide open and we didn't like what we saw. A corrupt, cowardly pedophile Archbishop who, together with Pius and his minions, sold his faithful flock down the river to cover up for all his horrific misdeeds. He needs to be
      exiled to HELL!!!

  25. Anon 9:02AM Really! Forty years late you want absolute prove? And who are the colonizers running the Hill? You are obviously steeped in KAKA. Trust only in God. But in your case that's Kiko the profit.

  26. Anon 9:02AM Really! Forty years late you want absolute prove? And who are the colonizers running the Hill? You are obviously steeped in KAKA. Trust only in God. But in your case that's Kiko the profit.
