Saturday, September 24, 2016


Posted by Tim

Note: Okay, I've tamed the original title of my post a bit. No need to add to Efren's words. Sure would be good now though to see our priests rise up so we can see who the real ones are. So far we have Efren and Mike C. Any other takers?

Before anyone makes assumptions, let me briefly (yeah, "brief" hardly describes my comments, right?) say something I was told, not from the grapevine but from the "grape" in person. Fr. Mike Crisostomo is a hardworking priest and is a valuable asset in our community. Very few people have my respect, and he is one of them. Realistically there might be issues ahead of him but we must allow the process to take its due course. At any rate, I am standing up for him because he is a brother priest. That is what we do, stand up for people we love and care for.

An outraged Archbishop Hon pointed his fingers at him and banged the table during the Presbyteral Council on Friday afternoon. He accused him of being disobedient for not reading the letter from the pulpit. In full view of the other members at the meeting. Why Archbishop Hon singled out Fr. Mike is beyond me. I heard Fr. Jeff also got berated in private earlier. Many priests, including the NCW presbyters, did not read his letter and did not get a scolding. Truth be told, I DID NOT READ THE LETTER EITHER! Did I get called? Well, not yet. Fr. Mike was forced to write a letter of apology. The sad thing in that scenario was that NOT A SINGLE MEMBER STOOD UP IN SUPPORT OF FR. MIKE. Except perhaps for the Amko Msgr. David IA Quitugua. Why am I writing this? Because the gesture of Archbishop Hon is not becoming of one who is trying to establish unity and reconciliation. Because he has disrespected a fellow local priest in public and reduced him to a whimpering bull pup because "he has the power and he was sent by the Vatican"! Given the circumstances surrounding his failure to bring resolution, I sincerely doubt that.

If Archbishop Hon continues to quibble and remains duplicitous, he hampers the process. He is better off admitting that he is the wrong person! He may retire to his office where he can push paper and kiss rings! Archbishop Hon is costing us money we do not have, and is railroading the slow progress towards resolution. He has done a lot of damage just this last weekend, splitting our Catholic people into loyalties and confusion by demanding the reading of his letter. He is blaming priests for something he should have resolved on Week One of his arrival. He failed to act, which is why we are in a bigger mess than if we ousted Archbishop Apuron ourselves! I support Father Mike and I protest this indignity. A pastoral bishop should respect his priests and seek out their welfare, not shame or embarrass them in public because the priest does not conform to his agenda. A pastoral bishop does not hide behind people he had appointed and leaves them to do the dirty job. A pastoral bishop seeks consensus and invites laypeople to be part of the discussion. A pastoral bishop is beyond censure, and if Archbishop Hon cannot accept that, then he is part of the problem. He might try out for a popularity contest instead. I am confident that with the newly-minted law, the local Catholic Church will earn integrity and credibility. The action of our legislators sent a clear message that they stand behind the people but, more importantly, they respect the rule of law and justice.

I stand behind this comment and will accept any consequence of my words and actions. I do not speak for my peers who may need to own up to what they proclaim in public. I often speak my mind, and it does not get me a lot of invite to clergy meetings. I am fine with that. As the saying goes, "you are defined by the company you keep." A Spanish saying is even more apt, "Da me con quien andas y te dire' quien eres." St. Michael, protect us in battle.
Father Efren Adversario


  1. Hon, you stupid sonuvabitch. Edivaldo tells you to your face that you are not his bishop and tells you to stick your finger up your ass and you just smile and role your eyes, but Fr. Mike doesn't read your fucking letter and beat him up in public. You're fucking worse than Apuron.

  2. Tim I agree with you, he should have resolve this whole matter first week of his arrival. Now he is a chicken without a head. Therese

    1. I believe Peking duck fits his profile.

  3. Tim.. .the reason for not stepping on Edivaldo is because Evi is not a Chamorro! Hon thinks we Chamorros are uneducated and worthless! He will only step on us like what he is doing to Pale' Mike and our man'amko. We are watching you Hon!

  4. Prayers to Father Mike and Father Efren

    1. More than prayers will be required.

    2. Yes, more than prayers are needed. RISE UP, CATHOLICS OF GUAM! The enemy is within the gates! St. Michael, defend us in battle.

    3. Yes I know more than prayers are required but I have risen up before on another matter and have been attacked more than I ever thought was possible. My battle scars are still painful so for now the most I can bring is prayers. I will still try though. And I do help in other ways.

  5. Hon, if you truly want to see where the problem is at, walk over to a mirror and you will see exactly where the problem is at now. You are trying to now use you power as Archbishop to force your people to what they may not agree with you. You should try constructive management and not a forceful Management as you will never get any where. You need Father Mike more than Father Mike needing you. He represent US and I do mean US the "PEOPLE OF GUAM TRUE CATHOLIC". For you other so Priest "Same on you all for leaving Father Mike hanging by himself. You bunch of Pus-y.

  6. What does message he may have issues before him? Better not be more of the same.

  7. I have been thinking about Fr Efren lately in all the madness of what has been happening. i have noted that he has always been the priest who has managed to rise above the dirt of what has been happening when it comes to himself and the viscous cruelty of Apron towards him in multiple ways. Unlike others he has written the most beautiful spiritual uplifting blogs as he turned the other cheek. I often thought why aren't these the kind of words coming from the Archbishop. I remember his blogs and other blogs about him. When he was is ill in the Philippines with no insurance or support from Guam and then finally Fr. Mike stepped up to assist him. Now he is stepping up for Fr Mike because he knows it's the right things to do. He knows what justice is compared to in justice unlike the powers to be in the church on Guam. As much as I don't like saying it as horrible as the letter situation was it may have been a good thing to show us Hon's true colors hiding behind Fr. Jeff and pointing the finger at Fr. Mike. I think it is now safe to say Hon has completely lost all credibility on Guam. He has made the church look far worse than before with his actions.


    1. visited past blogs this morning 2014.
      references to Fr.Mike assisting Fr.Efren in the Philippines 2014.

  8. Ooohhhh, Hon in a bad mood. Mr Hon, correct in private. If person is incorrigible take problem to the elders. If that fails take it up in public forum. It's in the bible. Take up and read.

  9. Hon in a bad mood. Does this mean he did not get his way in Rome

  10. We are watching you Hon! Pale Mike is the one priest that all real Catholics will go to bat for. Not a threat, just advice.

  11. hon singled out pale' mike not just because he didn't read the letter, but because he was the one who was most vocal in public, particularly in the media.

    more and more, hon is revealing his true colors. bad enough that he's been a complete failure as apostolic administrator. but much worse, he's shown zero genuine respect and care for apuron's victims, zero pastoral concern for the faithful of the archdiocese, zero leadership as someone who's supposed to be the spiritual father of the clergy.

    the faithful are supposed to unite around their bishop, but this will never happen with hon. he's done far more harm than good in the few months he's been on island.

    pale' mike and fr efren: we got your back. your courage will not be in vain. you have my prayers and support.

    as for hon: go home!

    1. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 24, 2016 at 11:58 PM

      I agree! He was supposed to bring unity to the local Church, but his decisions and his actions have brought the opposite! The Faithful want and deserve a high quality leader after the mess of Fr. Apuron, Fr. Hon doesn't fit the bill! Hon, go Home!

  12. It is time for a new picket sign. "HON - Apostolic Administrator of Nothing .... worst than a HYPOCRITE - Leave us Alone!". My support goes to Pale' Mike Crisostomo.

  13. "An outraged Archbishop Hon pointed his fingers at him and banged the table during the Presbyteral Council on Friday afternoon. He accused him of being disobedient for not reading the letter from the pulpit. In full view of the other members at the meeting." This was a messsage for all the other priests.


  14. Pale Mike's faithful parishioners are encouraged to join us tomorrow in front of the Cathedral at 9:00 am. If Hon hates anything more than our Chamorro people, ncluding the religious, is our strong stand against all these church corruptions including apostolic bullying. If our Katolikos come out in full force tomorrow this would expose him to the whole world. Maybe, just maybe, the Pope will get a whiff of it and Bring this mess to a screeching halt. Please join us and show Pale Mike our support. He stood up and fought for our chuch. Please do not abandon him at his time of need. I also challenge the other priests who are not scheduled to say mass to come support Palle Mike. Prayers for him and the other priest who will face Hon's wrath.

    1. Great idea, as a parishioner of IHOM, Pale Mike has Mass at 0930. I would suggest everyone join us and FILL the church! Be warned it is pretty full already! I think Pale Mike would appreciate seeing everyone in person!

    2. Great Chuck Tanner, but we will be attending an earlier mass just so we can get to the picket lines.

    3. Good call, 2:49 PM. A full picket line sends a much stronger message to Hon and Fr. Mike. There are lots of Masses but only one picket line. It's at 9:30.

    4. Anonymous @ 3:20: The picket is from 9:00 - 9:45 am in front of the Cathedral in Hagatna

    5. Anonymous at 3:20 PM, thank you for acknowledging there are lots of Masses but only ONE PICKET LINE from 0900-0945 .

      Join us!!!

    6. Chuck Tanner can support Fr. Mike by picketing. We all go to Mass every week. It doesn't matter where. Come to the picket at nine to support Fr. Mike. Go to Mass later.

  15. LOL to the coward who keeps calling me a dickhead and blaming me for being a failure in life.

    1. Location:
      Barrigada, Guam
      IP Address:

    2. Tim, MANY know how to pinpoint this douchbag's EXACT location, like this:
      General IP Information:

      Decimal: 3398911062
      ASN: 9246
      ISP: Teleguam Holdings, LLC
      Organization: Teleguam Holdings, LLC
      Services: None detected
      Type: Broadband
      Assignment: Dynamic IP
      Blacklist: Blacklist Check
      Geolocation Information

      Continent: Oceania
      Country: Guam gu flag
      City: Barrigada Village
      Latitude: 13.4443 (13° 26′ 39.48″ N)
      Longitude: 144.7863 (144° 47′ 10.68″ E)

    3. Must be Adrian the fat, gimpy, disgusting, poor excuse of a priest from Barrigada.

    4. Tenbat Rd, Chalan Pago Ordot, Guam
      Latitude: 13.4443 | Longitude: 144.7863

    5. please be aware that, based on ip address alone, the mapping from ip address to geographic location is not precise. precise geolocation requires additional pieces of information apart from the ip address, like gps or a mapping table as would be kept by the internet service provider (in the above case, gta). you can get the correct country and often the city, but not much more precise than that.

      in other words, don't get mad at tan maria just because her house showed up on the map when you looked up the ip address--she might not even have a computer. :)

  16. SHAME ON GUAM TRUE CATHOLICS, if we don't STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR OUR LOCAL PRIEST. Do we let HON subject our local priests to public redicule, because they stood up for honoring God and faith. Father Mike & Father Jeff did what they believe in their hearts and did what is right. Hon, you came to heal our broken divided church. Funny, all you did was shatter it to pieces. Including our local priests who had to OBEY and SHUT THEIR MOUTHS and do only as you say. Notice I am also disrespecting YOU, by calling you HON. YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF BEING CALLED YOUR TITLE. GO HOME HON, and KISS your boss's hand FIOLINI and follow his every WISH. The only prayer I ask God is for you to grow a backbone. YOU HON ARE A FOLLOWER not A LEADER. To ALL CATHOLICS IN GUAM, be there and stand UP FOR OUR LOCAL PRIESTS not the Presbyters. BE HEARD. BE THERE TOMORROW, SUNDAY, CATHEDRAL BASILICA 8:45 a.m. Picketing starts at 9:00 a.m. - 9:45.

  17. The Catholic Chirch is not a monolith. Gone are the days that when a bishop speaks, everyone kneels. Now when a bishop says, "jump!" we have to ask "why?" Every individual has a right and duty to dissent as long as it is not against the Magisterium of the Church in matters concerning faith and morals. It behooves every Catholic Christian to follow his or her conscience, even to disobey an unlawful order or an unclear directive.

    Archbishop Hon has to tell us whose strings he is mechanized by and give us proof that he is here at the behest of Pope Francis himself. He has given us nothing. Archbishop Hon has to provide the evidence hat he delivered the letter of the Presbyteral Council to Pope Francis, and produce a note that it was duly received by the Pope's secretary. Archbishop Hon has to prove he advocated for a Sede Vacante. Archbishop Hon has to give us evidence of things he mouths off so casually and dismissively, otherwise it means zilch.

    I have a duty to protect a brother priest from unwarranted verbal abuse even from a superior, in much the same way that I have to hold a brother priest accountable for his failures to follow the mandate of his ordination. I expect that same protection or censure from my brother priests if ever I am in Pale Mike's position. Believing the fluff of our own press has led us to disatrous consequences. Cave Ne Cadas - "Beware Lest You Fall."
    Father Efren

    1. Agreed Fr. Efren! And I have wondered, how do we get a message to Pope Francis himself about this travesty? NONE of what is being done in the name of "the Vatican" is in the spirit or manner of Pope Francis. I was thinking of sending a letter through the mail but who knows what censors are reading his mail? All I can ask is that the groups protesting on Guam get larger and louder so as to attract the attention of the media, social media, etc. in a way that goes viral. Wish I was there... instead, praying and watching from CA, SF Bay area...

    2. Francis knows. He's part of the problem. Don't be fooled by this "spirit of Pope Francis."

    3. We do witness one of the greatest crises of the Catholic Church ( Maybe it is time for the Pope Francis to take some kind of leave. No need for the man of that age to be so "stressed and worried" by the "mess" and "great disorder" done by those like Pietro Parolin, Fernando Filoni, Savio Hon Tai Fai, Sean O'Malley, Anthony Apuron, Camillo Ballin etc., when the Church has Robert Sarah, Leo Burke and Athanasius Schneider who have great competences to promptly get us out of the current situation. May the Lord illuminate the Holy Father!

    4. Saw the mope Sean O'Malley get really animated by the heart of St Padre Pio. Now went back to sleep ...resting up to travel to Neo Kingdom in Holy Land.

  18. No problem Tim, that capital "B" stands for Bitch! At least we know who it is, the Bogeyman! Time for new signs "Fry Hon Tai!" Hon writes a letter, runs to Rome, lets Father Jeff take all the heat, fails to stop the bill from becoming law, then blames one priest for not reading his piece of crap of a letter! Rome sends us a cowardly bureaucrat when what we need is a leader. Bishop Schneider where are you?

    1. Am I going nuts or was Pale Mike accused?? As in ACCUSED?

  19. What a sad time in which we see our church so divided. To think I saw light at the end of the tunnel and finally all will be resolved, we get thrown back. So frustrating.


    1. Maybe the next time Hon goes to Rome and comes back, we should give him the Gennarini welcome at the airport.

  21. Fr. Efren, thank you for your courage! I would be proud to stand by you anytime.

    Frank Dela Cruz

  22. I support the rms moratorium proposal or simple outright rms closure. Support Fr. Mike. Biba San Miget.

  23. Hon, get out now while you can. You have shown you are just an interloper. You have no idea what you just started. We have only begun to fight. Don't believe? Just watch!!

  24. I gladly add mine to the thanks and the prayers that goes out to you, Fr. Efren and Fr. Mike. Your courageousness and your voice for truthfulness fortifies the local Church Militant.

  25. Hon is fully of Baloney Filoni ! leave our priests alone and leave already

  26. There is a reason why the old Chinese ships were called "Junk"!

  27. Hon, just go home already! You're not wanted here. Go be with your buddy Apuron, the pedophile.

  28. An exemplary local boy blazed our path. He said, "God will protect me. I have done no wrong." Father Jesus Baza Duenas was not spared the atrocity that snuffed his young life but he lives in eternity as an example for us. The testimony he modelled is not lost. We have Mr. Joseph A Santos, for example, who belongs to that illustrious roll of alumni who live the mantra "Fortes in Fide." Strength in faith requires speaking when it is unpopular to do so, or putting your life on the line to be the voice of the helpless. God will protect us, we have done no wrong.
    Fr Efren

    1. Governor Eddie Baza Calvo is part of FD class of '79. The spirit of Father Jesus Baza Duenas lives on in many of our FD alumni. Fortes in Fide!!

  29. We are the Church Militant; we make …

    No apologies for standing up for our local Church and with our local priests who courageously speak the truth,

    No apologies for standing up against NCW hierarchy’s usurpation of power in our local Catholic Church and against any who succumb to NCW hierarchy’s intimidation and muscle-flexing in our local Church.

  30. Guys, he had to blame somebody. Blame somebody but himself.


  32. People, there is a pattern here. Banging the table. Let me see when did that happen before?

    1. Tall Pat Cottman, Putrid Pius' babysitter.

    2. "Banging the Table" - Typical Neo response when they do not get what they want. Isn't this what the tall woman did at Dededo when she was refused full reign to initiate her NCW cult in that parish? I say we whip Hon off the island with a wet noodle.. Hon Get the hell out...

    3. Yeah, Pius wasn't the same without side kick Pat the Tall Woman.

  33. I wonder what Hon's next step will be? Maybe he will reinstate the decree prohibiting us!! Couldn't ask for better recruitment for the picket line. We are going to need a bigger sidewalk.

  34. Archbishop Hon: "Be not as a ruler over your community. Be an example to the flock" 1 Peter 5: 3.

  35. Why did Hon single Fr. Mike out for a scolding? Not because he did not read Hon's letter from the pulpit; there were other priest who also did not do that. But because he dared to propose a moratorium on NCW activities, and publicly at that! Hon, as usual, did not have the balls to say so directly so he used "disobedience" as an excuse. Prove me wrong, Hon. (Hon, notice fewer and fewer people refer to you as Archbishop. Not even as Father Hon). Go Home, Hon. You wore out Guam's welcome mat.

    1. Yeah, Mr Hon. Cook at home, not out on the town. Tall Chinese easy to spot. Fr Ted cut loose or did he think 'Things ' were settled?

  36. Further to Archbishop Hon: "For a bishop must be without crime, as the steward of God: not proud, not subject to anger, not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre, but given to hospitality, gentle, sober, just, holy, continent" Titus 1: 7-8.

  37. Pale Mike is recommending a moratorium? Does he expect the neos to be obedient or rather follow his example should the moratorium be imposed. As true Catholics, we really should support our priests in honoring their vows/promises... promises to the bishop when they are ordained are important and bound in heaven... aren't they? So can an apologist chime in and advise us if we are guilty of grave sin by supporting a priest (any priest) who breaks his vows/promises?

  38. In the Umatuna this Sunday.
    Pope to new bishops: " Build unity; division is the work of the devil."
    Pope Francis to bishops: "Be good Samaritans; seek quality seminarians."
    Hon was in Rome when the Pope was saying this. Was he asleep? Was Cardinal Baloney talking too loud? What's your excuse Hon? (Not a term of endearment!)

    1. Hon was snoring (jetlag excuse) and Cardinal Baloney was writing that "bankrupting the church" letter at his side. The only time they are alert and awake is when kiko arguello speaks. HE is their pope, not Pope Francis.

  39. I bet that all the fuss was accurately planned ahead.

    The kikos don't want a non-neofriendly Bishop: Apuron wiped out Gofigan and Benavente. I guess Crisostomo was on their black list as well, and Hon just needed to seize the only opportunity to stain Crisostomo's resumé. At best, the "proof" he disobeyed will be useful to keep him far from any decent assignment.

    It's like in the Stalinism era, when the Party kept a file about everyone, "to use when needed". Even in a difficult moment, Hon had to follow the master plan (you already know the names of those making him do the dirty job) and fire a torpedo to Crisostomo and intimidate other priests.

  40. Hey, Gov, how about a "persona non grata" designation for Hon, too? Hon, what were you thinking? Did you get such a lashing from your master, Filoni that you had to come back and give it to our beloved Pale' Mike? I'm starting to think that you didn't really ask for Apruon's removal but instead, got further orders to take down our beloved priests. Well, you certainly picked on the wrong guy and you surely chose the wrong way to berate him. You were already testing our patience and drawing our ire but now you have succeeded in waking the sleeping masses and you will see the wrath of the Chamoru spirits and the Catholic faithful. Fair Warning, Hon. You drew first blood.

  41. And Joe you've shown us how to be good Catholics. You went out and did the job that needed to be done. As you moved forward others followed and you won. We need to use the path you showed us. Rome won't get us the results we deserve. Hon and Filoni ARE Rome.

    Picket line Sunday at the Cathedral at 9 AM.

  42. THE WRATH OF HON - Hon has not seen the WRATH OF THE TRUE KATOLIKUS ON GUAM! Barrigada and Toto - Show Hon what "WRATH" really is! Stand Up for Our Beloved Father Mike Crisostomo!

  43. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 24, 2016 at 10:35 PM

    Fr. Efren, thank you! The Faithful from the Church leadership and clergy are (1) truth and (2) transparency. In here, you stepped up to the plate on both counts! Thank you! Enough is enough with terrible Church leaders! They are bad for the Church all around --- for the Faithful and for its own clergy.

  44. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 24, 2016 at 10:41 PM

    When I first heard of this news, as many of the commenters have written, I suspected the willingness of Fr. Mike to propose to Fr. Hon a moratorium on the NCW activities. This was following the RMS-is-a-Sham Report and Fr. Jeff's press conference earlier this week addressing that the NCW is a cause of the mess in the local Church. I was hopeful when I heard Fr. Mike's willingness to raise this moratorium suggestion to Fr. Hon. The moratorium is a prudent approach since the NCW is identified as a source of the Church’s problems. The moratorium will help the local Church leadership as it works to get its act together, while at the same time not totally banishing the NCW until the Church’s leadership has fully examined what to do with them in the long haul. I thought that was a balanced first initial step approach and was hopeful Fr. Hon and the related Church leadership would see it the same way. But, no! Fr. Hon is a Czar and his words to Tim from last summer ring in my ear "... but I have the power..." This is a statement full of pride, which is not what is prescribed for church leaders in the gospels and not prescribed by St. Paul in his letters. Fr. Hon is part of the the Kiko-Filoni-Pius chain of command. As Tim has said, he is not on Guam to heal the division in the Church. He is there to maintain the stronghold of the NCW. “Hon go Home!”

  45. I couldn’t sleep last night, just thinking of the TRAVESTY Hon had done personally to Fr Mike, and through Fr Mike showing us the finger as well. So I decided to get up and put some of the thoughts flashing through my mind, and submit to JW.

    While I would love to write more about this travesty, let me use my limited space to suggest what I think I would like to see morning at the protest at the Cathedral Basilica sidewalks. So many commenters have already flooded this issue with very strong comments. I am sure you are already convinced of its gravity.

    Because Hon’s shameful treatment of Fr Mike is close to criminal (verbal abuse is also a crime, I think), I am suggesting that our protest this morning should be centered around that. That should preempt “Defrock Apuron” at least for this one MASSIVE PROTEST, with signs like:










    ETC. ETC. ETC.

    Perhaps we could ask our sign makers to make these signs available to our protesters this morning. Too late? Make rapid signs. Don’t have to be fancy. The message is the important thing.

    Lastly, I don’t know what else to say or do (I’ve been group emailing our supporters to come out and protest – maybe you can help!) but if we can muster up 2,3, 4 times the number of protesters this morning, we will be coming closer to the ISLANDWIDE PROTEST – which must happen soon! Can we count on our supporters to show up? Only 45 minutes of your time (9am to9:45am) but your participation could spell out the beginning of the end. Thank you. (jrsa: 9/25/16: 5 am)

    1. We will get the island wide protest as the realization sinks in: the Neo takeover has already happened. Hon, via Filoni, has made this a reality.

  46. HON, we will not submit ourselves to your bullying, as GOD is our witness.

  47. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 26, 2016 at 11:41 AM

    Fr. Hon asks, why didn’t Fr. Mike read the Hon 9/17-18/2016 idiotic letter to his parishioners? Let me guess … and let me count the ways ... (1) Fr. Mike is a smart man who has the pulse of his parish. His parishioners will see right through that letter and instantaneously see how it insults their intelligence and their integrity; (2) For reasons sated in #1, Fr. Mike likely could not read that letter with a straight face. So he didn’t. (3) Fr. Mike knows that his parishioners are the Church’s assets. He, therefore, couldn’t say otherwise as stated in that letter. (4) Despite its big words, the letter boils down to a letter written for an 8-year-old boy --- if you clean your room, I will buy you a skateboard. (5) Reading the letter from the pulpit is in violation of the IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. “An organization will be regarded as attempting to influence legislation if it contacts, or urges the contact, of members or employees of a legislative body for the purpose of proposing, supporting, or opposing legislation, or if the organization advocates the adoption or rejection of legislation,” which is exactly what many of the priests in the archdiocese did on Sept. 17-18. The proper time for the Church to have engaged in this legislation was during the three hearings held in the legislature for Bill 326-33 (now PL 33-187). For members of the clergy who read that letter from the pulpit on Sept. 17-18, they violated an IRS prohibition. Fr. Mike was not one of the violators. Fr. Hon, who ordered the clergy to read his letter from the pulpit, basically ordered his priests to violate the prohibition. It appears Fr. Hon excuses himself when he is disobeyed the law, but Fr. Mike can’t be disobedient to Fr. Hon’s order to read the idiotic letter when doing so from the pulpit is in violation of the law. (6) The letter was ill-timed, and (7) in the big scheme of things, the letter is an attempt to prevent the Church’s sordid secrets to be made public in the court of law because this would thwart the NCW’s long term plan of a full take-over of the Archdiocese of Agana. The NCW could not be the sole possessors of the treasure trove of secrets over which they could use in their practice of blackmail. Lastly, this recent tirade by Fr. Hon is not about the fact that Fr. Mike didn’t read that letter to his parishioners. As Tim has written, it is most likely about moving Fr. Mike out of the way of succession, to ensure a wider berth for the “promotion” of either NCW practitioners, Fr. David-the-Lurch or Fr. Adrian Cristobal to, God forbid, Archbishop of Agana. The Faithful have to make sure this doesn’t happen! … starting with the continued Sunday pickets!
