Sunday, October 2, 2016


Maybe this is why you never see the Neo's praying in front of abortion clinics either. They stay home and hide in their room and let the babies die. 


  1. So praying the rosary outside of the home is a sacrilege straight from hell? Is this neo-numbnut serious stupid? So every saint that's ever prayed the rosary was from hell? Freakin moron. This person should just stay home and remain a stupid neo closet freak.

    1. By the way, October is the MONTH OF THE ROSARY. It is called so because of the Christian victory over the Muslims at the Battle of Lepanto. Pope Pius V called on Catholics to pray the rosary that the Christians might be victorious in what came to be called THE BATTLE THAT SAVED THE CHRISTIAN WEST. Everything about this was PUBLIC.

      Also, during WWII, my parents told me how across the country, Catholics would gather for "block rosaries," where whole neighborhoods would meet to publicly pray the rosary.

      And of course, nowhere is the rosary more public on Guam where signs are everywhere saying "Rosary."

      We now once again publicly pray the rosary to save the Church from a much more insidious foe than the Saracens at Lepanto.

    2. Beautiful and true, Tim! Yes we need to pray the Rosary more than ever, calling on Our Lady to deliver her Son's precious Body, the Church, from those who would defile it with their filth and lies and errors. Yes this foe is worse than that faced at Lepanto, because it comes from within!!

    3. My Little Church east of the Mississippi River recites the Rosary every Sunday before mass. Yes - In Church! You can say the Rosary in the privacy of your home but when the community gets together and says the Rosary, it is very rewarding! The Rosary Unifies the Community.

  2. So "Right from hell" is standing up against child sex abuse and corruption in our church???? Give me a break.

  3. The rosary is the weapon for these times. Words of St. Padre Pio.

  4. I guess this person thinks that praying the rosary during the December 8 procession or for our love one who just died is pure and simple from hell. I wonder if this person knows what is the Rosary all about.

  5. Blessed Sunday hey? Then why do they celebrate exclusively on Saturday.

    And "discord"? Do we need to remind them that they choose a DIFFERENT COMMUNION to the rest of us? - contrary to the lawful authority of the Church,and faithful to their beloved leader

  6. Praying the rosary in public a sacrilege? And praying to drive out evil and corruption in our Archdiocese a sacrilege? I don't understand where you're coming from. Obviously, you're on the side of evil. May God save your soul!

  7. It funny how this Kiko interprets that "Praying the Rosary in front of the cathedral, protesting for Justice and the truth is straight from hell. So when God answers the prayers of these faithful, which expose the scam in the RMS Seminary, that Fr Paul and Msg James were falsely accused and removed, that the Finance Council members were unjustly treated and terminated, that the NCW and its leaders interfere with our Local Church, resulting in divisions within the body of Christ, and when the efforts of these dedicated members of the body of Christ through their prayers and efforts expose the heretical doctrines of the NCW, I would have to say that the results of their prayers and efforts by the Grace of God vindicates all truth in the fruits it has produced. The exposure of error, and the fact that truth will triumph over error. BTW this Neo's reference of scripture passage of praying in the private of your heart does no apply to this situation. If our hearts are Christ centered, with objective to seek justice and the truth, sometimes our actions can be a more effective means of prayer. St. Francis himself, tells us to Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary use words"

  8. Anon@9:27 PM: Is that you Satan?

  9. Diana/Mae Llanes - a foolish idiot trying to sway other foolish idiots (in the kiko-way)
    Wrong context, but please don't pray a public rosary lest you scandalize our Bless d Mother.
    Leave the serious work of fixing our Church to the people who love the Church.

  10. much more insidious now is this attitude among some bishops. one high-profile example is archbishop cupich of chicago. when he was bishop of spokane wa, he effectively prohibited clergy and seminarians from praying outside abortion clinics.

    these weren't even protests or pickets, but simply groups of people praying. and cupich wasn't shy about his position--when asked about it when he was first appointed archbishop of chicago, he frankly said that he'd rather have them pray privately for an end to abortion.

  11. I still remember vividly the late +Archbishop Felixberto Flores leading the rosary daily on telivision months before Saint John Paul II visited Guam. Shame on this NEO cult for creating scandal as they attempt to further divide the church on Guam.

  12. Dont be part of the problem, be part of the solution and stop complaining. Therese
