Posted by Webster.
An Apostolic Administrator is a prelate appointed by the Pope as the ordinary for an apostolic administration. The apostolic administration in this case is the Archdiocese of Agana that has an incapacitated archbishop (apostolic administrator sede plena) in apuron, as promulgated by the Holy Father.
By declaring this archdiocese sede plena, the Holy Father has suspended and stripped the power, authority, and control of this archdiocese from Archbishop apuron. Archbishop Savio Hon, when appointed by the Holy Father as Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Agana, has taken over the control, governance, and disposition of this archdiocese in all manner and respect, without exception and restriction. He is now the Ordinary and all power and authority that flowed to apuron under both civil and canon law now flows to and is exercised by the Apostolic Administrator, Archbsihop Savio Hon.
Any clergy, religious, and laity that says, believes, or does otherwise is defying the Holy Father.
1. Apuron has defied the Holy Father by refusing to resign. He also has a duty to cooperate with the Apostolic Administrator. He has not. He refuses to return the Yona property voluntarily. If he was concerned about the Catholic faithful in Guam, he would have resigned on May 17, that fateful day when Roy Quintanilla came forward. He chose instead to abandon and abdicate on May 21 when he left Guam and has not been seen ever since. He had already known about Walter Denton's letter to the Holy See the year before and knew on May 17 that Walter was next to come forward. Doris Concepion was manna from heaven a week later. Roland Sondia was the back up cavalry. Leo Tudela erased all doubt.
2. All Neo priests that refused to submit their courtesy resignations when asked by the Apostolic Administrator, such as Adrian, Alberto, and Edivaldo, are in defiance and disobedient. None of them did. They should all be stripped of their faculties for not doing so.
3. The Trained lawyer along with Roland, Lillian, and Dennis of the former and fired Cemetery Board defied Hon. Therefore, they were rightfully fired.
4. Ric Eusebio, Fr. Julio Cesar, the vice rector, Monsignor David Quitugua, the acting rector, Danny Quichocho, Susan Jayasuriya, Shawn Leon Guerrero, David Atienza, and Joe Terlaje, all members of the RMS board, have refused to acknowledge the authority of the Apostolic Administrator, have defied his request to return the Yona property, and have in all other respect mocked and defied the Apostolic Administrator.
And why are these Neocats acting with such disobedience and defiance? They know better, but they have been ordered by their catechist, Pius Sammut, and his boss, Giuseppe Gennarini, to disobey and be defiant. They are afraid to do otherwise because they have been brainwashed by the Neo Lie that if they disobey their catechist, all the blessings that they have received, which they received because they are walking in the Neo as obedient children, will be taken away by God. God will punish them if they defy the Neo, because it is only through the Neo that they can be blessed and saved by God.
Only Wayne Santos of the former Cemetery Board chose to do the right thing.
From apuron down to the lowly Danny Quichocho are the actions of mere puppets, dangling from the strings held by Pius and Giuseppe, two ruthless, calculating, narcissistic, and ambitious men. They do not care about the people of Guam, but only the goals and objectives of the Neo, of which Guam is a mere pawn, a staging area for their Neo dominance, money, and army(a seminary mass producing defective priests) in this part of the world.
As for apuron, the disgraced and depraved archbishop, Pius and Giuseppe, couldn't have found a more perfect puppet and ally, as apuron is just as ruthless, narcissistic, and arrogant, and more importantly, a man with a twisted mind, a perverted heart, and a depraved soul, who found in the Neo the perfect hiding place and shelter.
Run these evil colonizers out of Guam, and be sure they take apuron with them.
These neos are really a sad bunch.
ReplyDeleteCan we find out who these RMS Board Members are so we all know who they are and where they all work so we make sure we do not favor their place of Business. We can start with Shaun Leon Guerrero.
DeleteShawn is a family heir to bank of guam.
DeleteHe isn't an heir to Bank of Guam. He just works there and has the same last name. Related, but not heir.
DeleteHe's one of the grandkids (still an heir).
DeleteShawn is NOT a grandchild of Jesus Leon Guerrero (founder of Bank of Guam). He is not an heir.
DeleteHe's the son of William D. Leon Guerrero, BOG Vice Chair as well as Executive VP. Shawn, Dan Quichocho and other NeoCat followers I know of are actually really good people. Unfortunately, they've been blinded by the cult. I'll pray that they see the light sooner rather than later!
DeleteFrancis could easily fire Apuron and his Neocat clerics for insubordination. He won't do it because Apuron has major blackmail material on the hierarchy.
ReplyDeleteAlso, wealthy Neocats bought off corrupt B16 long ago. They have covert friends in high places.
Kudos, Webster, for your brilliant post! You have distilled the situation and extracted the most relevant points in a few paragraphs that flow almost like poetry. There must be some Divine Inspiration behind your words.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this I thought of the effects of a magnifying glass. We use a magnifying glass to bring small details into greater focus for observation and analysis. We can do something else as well. We can use a magnifying glass to gather sunlight and fix it on a small point. The focused rays burn with great intensity.
As we live through this time of crisis in our church we rely on people such as Webster to help us make sense of the chaos swirling around us. There are so many details and bits of information to keep track of, so many threads leading here and there but all woven together in a fabric not easily seen without a certain perspective.
Thank you Webster, Tim, Frenchie, Chuck, LaPaz, Bob, Bruce, Jose M, and other contributors. Thanks also for the many commenters who add their insights and perspectives to the posts. The JungleWatch Nation is alive and well, ready for any and all challenges that come our way. With guidance from the Holy Spirit we seek to find the truth and expose the lies. With this Divine help we will work to clean out the church and restore the dignity she deserves. May God bless our efforts.
Excellent point Webster
ReplyDeleteWhere did all these Money Hungry and Unethical Chamorro NEOs come from? My Goodness, this has caused a dark cloud over the Island of Guam! Are their parents still living and are these parents approving the actions of their children?
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that that I grew up at the time I did. I was born in the 1950s on Guam. The Catholic Churches were truly Catholic. We were poor but, because we always had good food to eat and clothes to wear, great neighbors and children to play with, that we never felt we were lacking anything.
Something has gone wrong on Guam and we need to fix this once and for all!
To let outsiders come in and destroy the True Catholic Churches on Guam because of money is unforgiving. Especially when someone like Pius and whatever the Head Huncho's name is who seems to be Totally Be In Control of the Island of Guam Catholics! Pius is so sneaky looking that I am surprised that HIGHLY EDUCATED ISLANDERS fell under his spell! Ai Adai Guam!
BiBa True Katholikus!
Forgot to Thank Webster for the excellent points as Frenchie posted!
DeleteI looked for another gateway to make this comment and figured if I piggyback on this topic, it'll still be seen.
ReplyDeleteTim, you did well exposing the crap that is the NEO and Apuron-way. Great job, kudos, high-five, etc.
Now that you have the Catholic world spinning and key players running for cover, it'll just be a matter of time before it all comes to a head and decency is restored.
We need your help. As a whistle-blower, you've succeeded in opening doors for the world to see through some of the most powerful individuals that control the church. Can you please consider moving on to another target?
Please find the truth behind the firing of Dr. Fernandez and the crappy dealings that may be part of a massive cover-up within DOE.
Please look into the Torre/Piolo case and help the families affected get the answers they deserve.
Please look into the shady dealings involving Governor Calvo's family and set the record straight about the port deal and the GVB contract.
Please find out why GPA has not been able to provide our island with adequate service?
You're untouchable, Tim. Your work scares the crap out of people you investigate. I get that the church issue if your pet project, but we need your services elsewhere. The snowball that is the fall of the Apuron rule only continues to grow. If we could get you to just do the same in other areas, we could finally get some decent answers to many questions.
You know where this is going, right, Tim? I think there is a seat that you would fit nicely within the Guam Legislature, at the very least, think about it. I hear tell when David slew Goliath, David remained humble. This is you, Tim. Take them down and move on, one trouble-spot after another.
Dear Anonymous 6:49 AM,
Deleteyou are correct when you say Tim is effective in the things he does. His success is a result of "doing his homework" and finding the truth. He has inspired many of us to do the same.
As for the issues you brought up regarding government corruption, someone will pick up that ball and run with it. If he or she has Tim's work ethic and determination it will be "curtains" for corrupt officials.
In the mean time, Tim and the rest of us faithful Catholics have our hands full with church issues. Please feel free to pick an issue and run with it. The more warriors the better. Snarky comments don't solve problems. Hard work does. Good luck.
RIGHT ON, Brother Andrew! Kudos to JDR and Frenchie as well for your strong comments above.
DeleteNow, my question is...Will the Vatican step in to assit and clean this up? Will Papa Francesco's real legacy be to give us a hierarchy that is up to the job of real reform and renewal since this "NEO-CRAP'ITIS" virus is fast spreading from within the Catholic Church.
Oh well! Time will tell...or rather ticking in our case...We shall see. Meanwhile, we continue to picket this coming Sunday. Esta.
Agree with Andrew! If only journalists would be as disciplined and motivated. Tim's work is not only thorough and his positions are substantiated, it is a reflection of his principles. His writings have helped us examine our own. Thank you to Tim, Webster and everyone else working to guard and preserve the Church and against those who deem to possess it for their own means. Folly to them as Christ promised it cannot be done.
DeleteAnonymous October 18, 2016 at 6:49 AM
DeleteNow that you have the Catholic world spinning and key players running for cover, it'll just be a matter of time before it all comes to a head and decency is restored.
To the contrary, the battle is not over. We have only begun to fight.
While this struggle is ongoing, for Tim to enter politics as a candidate would undermine and taint what he has selflessly accomplished for the Church over all these years.
Perhaps even more so than if he personally were to sell the RMS as a casino. ;-)
Do not count your chickens before they have hatched. The NCW Cult and its leadership remain firmly ensconced within the Catholic Church on Guam.
LOL. I've been traveling the last several days and did not get a chance to read this request until just now. That's quite a list. Now here's a few points.
DeleteThe number one way to make me ineffective would be for me to run for some sort of elected office. We have the wrong view of things in Guam. We believe that elected officials have all the power. They don't. We do. It's the same thing as the Church. We believed that all the power to do something about our situation lied with Rome. It doesn't. It lies with us. Politicians and prelates and some pastors like us to think that all the power lies with them to control the money flow, but it doesn't. They only have as much power as we give them. (In the case of clergy I am not speaking of sacramental power, only administrative.)
Specific to the Fernandez case, Fernandez is not a priest bound by some trumped up vow of obedience. His future is in his hands. He has all the power to do something about this if he wants to, and in so doing, perhaps lay bare the extent of the corruption, similar to what we have done with the neo's.
Final point. I have no knowledge or special skills. I only have a willingness to stand in the gap until others join. And I would consider myself a complete failure if I did not, in the end, provide an example and encourage others, like yourself, to do the same.
Your enemies count on your fear. It's up to you if you let them win.
The Webster nails it again!
ReplyDeleteFantastic piece, Webster! The laundry list of terrible character traits and actions are, in reality, longer. Webster outlined the undisputed high notes. The factor that maddens me about all of this is that the NWC activities are done under the guise of the purported deepening one’s faith and orchestrated and led by folks under the guise of clergy and/or lay leaders who claim to be concerned about souls and God! It’s the NCW’s operations in the sheep-in-wolves’-clothing backdrop that many have written about in this blog that is maddening!
ReplyDeleteSpot on.
DeleteWebster, one word, "Clarity". It's easy to get lost in all the maze of evidence, facts, documents, accusations and rhetoric.
ReplyDeleteAndrew reminds us that "hard work" and the many parts of the "One Body" make up the Church Militant who grace the Jungle.
In addition to the church, the neos are trying to take over the entire Island structure. At least one candidate is a member of Neo. Does anyone have a list of all Neocats running for public office in the upcoming election? Any of them that are elected will mean Pius will have the vote. - Bob
ReplyDeleteExcellent summary of the plan of subversion that the NCW is carrying out in Guam. It is quite surprising how this cult always emphasizes "The Pope Said", "The Holy See Said", when they are trying to justify their actions, however when it comes to obedience to what the Pope actually says, in the representative that he has sent, they rebel, disobey, and do not recognize the Pope's authority. I say we boot them all out, every single one of them..
ReplyDeleteThis is typical. Carmen and Kiko are the original spinners. They use that tactic in almost all their communication. Doesn't matter how inaccurate and far reaching it is since they are very seldom called to task
DeleteThere is truth in what you wrote how we fear that we would lose all the blessings if we thought or acted out of what is expected... It took me so long to disengage myself of this mindset. Unfortunately, there are times when I still fall into it. I have to be reminded and to re-focus because they were there at your most vulnerable. The level of emotional control they have is deeply seated within the communities. The scary thing is that they speak so loving, so softly (except when Pius starts to yell) and thus if you respond in anger or are flabbergasted, you lose. The expected behaviour is so strong.
ReplyDeleteWell Mila I hope u can sleep at night. Judas did the same thing to Christ.
DeleteDonaMila, thank you, that is where I am exactly!
DeleteI am horrified that that was what I was propping up the other side of the world! Plus the deaths that are coming to light locally.
But being lulled was bad for me from day 1 and has sent me backwards in faith.
Courageous Anonymous neo from 8:57PM:
DeleteI can't thank you enough for the continued examples of how scripture is profaned and misappropriated in the NCW. It's to be expected from one so conditioned by manipulative catechists.
Pick up the CCC or even any of the many published commentaries on the role Judas played in the Passion of Christ. True study just may save yourself the embarrassment of displaying further kiko ignorance.
Well Anonymous from 8:57 PM, as much as you would like to remain anonymous and throw stones at me, you could at least get my name correct. It's right in front of you, but I'm sure your rage has blinded you from even the truth before you or your intelligence is equal to the lack of courage and dignity you have for yourself to remain anonymous.
DeleteJesus didn't force the Disciples to sit straight and not ask questions. He also didn't demand that only roses be used for celebrations because Fr. Pius feels that orchids are too ordinary because it grows in people's backyard. Because apparently if we bring something from home and didn't spend actual dollars to use for the flowers arrangements demanded for each celebration the community is required to do we were lovers of money. Funny how we can't use the flowers God allows us to grow in our own backyard (mind you, He sends the rain and the sun to make them grow) but its okay that we don't pay an actual florist to make the arrangements because guess what $60 and up payments to a florist twice a week is just too much for a family that only brings home $500 a paycheck. But of course flower arrangements are more important and show your faithfulness and willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the "CHURCH" and your children can just eat rice and soy sauce because that's all you can afford.
You need to take off the NCW glasses and put on God's glasses because Jesus didn't demand from his disciples, from those who came to listen, from the woman who stood before him accused of adultery.
Read the scriptures with truth before you. He taught them.
Are you now equating Kiko or these Pseudo-Catechists as Jesus. Isn't it funny how you present me as the betrayer because I recognized that what they presented as the truth didn't echo as truth when placed in the light? Yet you fail to see that the manipulation and heresy they teach is not a betrayal of Jesus' own teaching?
You equate me to Judas. Do you see yourself as the crowd wanting throw the first stone. Jesus asks, "you who have no sin, be first to cast your stone." I guess you have no sin. That means your not a sinner. So why are you in the NCW? Isn't that the teaching that we are sinners? Never mind that God said in Genesis that all things he created is good. Never mind that God calls us His children. The NCW doesn't care about that. They only care that you see yourself as a sinner. Oh but wait, you went ahead and cast the stone, so you're not a sinner. Be careful, you're thinking. They'll know and guess what, they'll start visiting you even more. They'll show up in places that you don't expect them and they'll use the wonderful joyous greeting to embrace you. Be careful, you're thinking, they'll know and they will come after you. They can't afford to lose anymore members. They many placed to travel to.
Remember me, when you finally wake up.
DonaMila, thank you for speaking the truth. NEOs wake up from the spell cast upon you by your catechists, wake up to the truth and we will welcome you back to the Catholic church.
DeleteAnon @ 8:57PM
DeleteYou're shitting me, How dare you compare Christ to Kiko and his NCW cult. If there is any betraying happening, It is the NCW and all the priest, bishops and cardinals who continue to follow Kiko and Carmen down the road that leads to destruction.
Thanks for this write up, Webster. It's amazing how low the neos will go. They are truly brainwashed.
ReplyDeleteSo what?
ReplyDeleteNot like anything will happen to them. The neos are totally allowed to break òur Church in their devil form if evangelization!