Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Posted by Bruce Williams

The Holy Rosary

Our Lord and our Lady appeared to Saint Dominic to urge him and inspire him to preach the Rosary more and more in order to wipe out sin and convert sinners and heretics.

Since its introduction, many great saints (including St. Padre Pio in recent times) have had a strong devotion to the Rosary, even saying many Rosaries themselves each day. The history of the 'heaven sent' Rosary has been filled with miracles, victories, conversions, and many other outstanding benefits. It can be said by the simplest, least educated person to the most educated. Popes, saints, and others have lavished the highest of praise on the Holy Rosary. Many that faithfully pray the Rosary may tell you great stories of the benefits the Rosary has brought to their lives. 
As Archbishop Fulton Sheen has said, "The power of the rosary is beyond description."

Liturgically, October is the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary. Queen of the Rosary Pray for us!

As we peaceful protest every Sunday morning while reciting the Holy Rosary let us pray for the conversion of sinners and heretics, a new Bishop, a vibrant clergy and return to the Liturgy under the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. 

St. Athanasius Pray for us!
St. Michael Defend us in Battle!

(Part 3) Novena's and Devotions


  1. Words of wisdom, Bruce! I pray that as we walk along the Cathedral Basilica at our protests, we are conscious of the things you admonish we should be praying for. Thank you very much, Bruce, for reminding that we are not just marching, but besieging Heaven, as well, for true healing to come to our suffering Church. While Moses kept his hands up in prayer, the Israelites were winning the war against the enemy. May the same be happening in our own war against the Evil One. Thanks for the encouragement,Bruce. Looking forward to your Part 3. Lepanto, Lourdes, Fatima - all the same message! - jrsa (10/18/16)

  2. The Rosary has always held a special spot in my heart! I pray the Rosary when I get to Church early in the morning and then again with the congregation before mass.

    Thank You Bruce for the beautiful article!
