In addition to the distinguished clergy pictured, he was also "greeted" by about 40 RMS kikos with their flea market songs and tambourines. LOL. Perfect!
Thank you, Tim, for this post. I’m happy Abp Byrnes’ long journey to Guam was safe. Thanks be to God. This is a time of yet another necessary leadership transition for the local Church in a matter of six months beginning with the arrival of Abp Hon last June and today, with the arrival of Abp Byrnes. I served in two transition committees here in Seattle for routine leadership changes on the parish level and in the archdiocesan level. One of the things we did was pray both privately and together as a Catholic community the prayer below by Edward Hays. I have been praying this prayer every day for the local Church on Guam and invite the Faithful on Guam to include it in your personal prayers. With this transition, we are reminded once again that God is faithful to us.
Lord and Source of all gifts, We thank you now for the gift of change, the gift of newness that opens doors closed by habit and routine.
We bless and thank you as well for that which has been stable and unchanging, for the ancient and the traditional which give meaning to the new and the different.
May we open our hearts to this change, embracing it with full participation in the life of our archdiocese.
We pray the transition we are now undergoing may strengthen our archdiocese and the faith of all of those touched by it. Amen.
- Anon at 3:35 AM - Since when did we ever get "any cent" from your seminary! The True Katolikus on Guam have been paying for Your Seminary! Now YOU REALLY WOULD NOT BE GETTING ANYTHING! I Am So Sorry for You! HA HA HA and HA!
Dear Anon@ 3.35, thank you once again for the glaring demonstration of your stupidity and obvious racism. We already knew about how the Spanish and Italian Neos view the locals. We now can see how disrespectful you're of Chinese people. You pretend to bring the love of Christ, but the only thing coming out of your mouth is pure and unaltered hate. Oh the fruits!!
In an interview granted to the Associated Press this weekend, here are Abp Byrnes' comments on the following:
(1) regarding the victims/survivors of child sexual abuse by clergy: "I have been praying for those who have brought forward the allegations, who brought forward their own experience. I have great compassion for that … I've been praying for them."
(2) regarding Abp Apuron: [Abp Byrnes] has had a conversation with Apuron and knows he is somewhere in the United States. "The tribunal investigation and trial of the archbishop has already begun," Byrnes said. While Apuron remains the archbishop in title, Byrnes said he has already been exercising pastoral responsibility for the archdiocese, and that he will continue to include Apuron in his Eucharistic prayers. "Irrespective of guilt or innocence, we should always pray for each other, especially in difficult times."
(3) regarding his approach toward healing in the Catholic Church on Guam: "I want to hear from the people of God on the island, what are their concerns, what are their hopes. In a time when there has been a kind of polarization because of the archbishop, then it becomes difficult for people because you have to choose," he said. "It's not like a panacea [a solution or remedy for all difficulties or disease] or a quick fix but unless we bring all this to Jesus then we're going to just be left to ourselves."
Now!! Now!! Timmy,at 6:15 PM or was that 666:hell getting little mad?? don't start on Archbishop Byrnes he just got here, or are you going to put up your countdown clock?? you're running out of Bishops LOL.
Hilarious!!? The picketers have done two things... made visible the issue and brought it to Jesus. Now please it's time to roll up the sleeves, that's why you're here. LOL! Funny how everyone whose just jumping onto these issues are telling us to bring it to Jesus. Who is pacifying who?. DUH!... had it been done without Jesus, the property would have been gone, the victims would be silenced and Byrnes wouldn't be here.
Hafa Adai and Welcome to Guam Archbishop Byrnes! We have faith that you will restore our Broken Church and bring everyone back to God. Start with RSM and then NCW. These groups have caused so much division on Guam.
Please say it ain't so, have we received a religious politician in Byrnes...
Bishop Byrnes, HEAR THIS... and HEAR IT WELL...
Diana September 8, 2016 at 6:13 PM Dear Eileen,
We do not hide how we celebrate the Mass in small communities. We have always be truthful about how we celebrate it. First of all, there is no such thing as a "Neo presbyter." I call them RMS priests only because they were formed in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. They are diocesan priests.
In Holy Communion, we receive the Body of Christ standing up. We do not consume His Body immediately. We are to hold His Body in our hands close to our hearts with adoration. After everyone has received the Body of Christ, the priest proceeds with "Behold, the Body of Christ......" And we respond with "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you......" All the words are the same as it is in the regular Mass. But we consume the Body of Christ together with the priest. And yes, we consume His Body sitting down.
IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR...from the people of God on the island...
IF SO, don't let the door hit you on your OUT... PS, THANKS FOR NOTHING...
I was there picking up my cousins who came in from basic training and I distinctly overhead the NCW seminarians jokingly started to mockingly playing Katoliku on their guitars. They were all smirking and laughing about it untill I turned and their demeanor changed. Such disrespect to our culture and faith. I'd take that traditional hymn over Kikos brain washing Gypsy music. Gladly enough they didn't even get to finish the song or get half way through it cause Abp. Byrnes walked away. The NCW tried to kiss his ring and hand him letters and envelopes but Abp. diplomatically walked away. Good move Byrnes. Hafa Adai and Welcome to your new home!
Now Diana is preaching that she's held back news that apuRUN already talked to archbishop Byrnes. Lol
"Byrnes said he had a conversation with Apuron and knows he is somewhere in the United States"
Diana's version is that apuRUN and archbishop Byrnes had a LONG conversation prior to the deed restriction removal. My how the words get twisted and these gullible neos believe everything she says. LMFAO gotta love the irony in it.
LOL. The conversation between Apuron and Byrnes was already reported by the Detroit News on 11/21. Of course he had a conversation with him. And we're glad he did. Byrnes now has first hand experience of what a slime ball Apuron is.
My Good News I have been holding back on my good news. Now that it has been made public in the news, I can revealed it. After the deed restriction was rescinded by Archbishop Byrnes, Archbishop Apuron met with him, and they had a good long talk. Since that good long talk, Archbishop Byrnes was a little bit more aware and informed of things from our side. Now that he is here on Guam, he will listen to all sides just as he said in his interview. According to the Associated Press (the bold is mine):
LOL. And what are they going to tell him? More of their self-serving neurotic testimonies? Bottom line is we can prove our chase. They can't. By the way, Diana, you're next.
"Since that good long talk, Archbishop Byrnes was a little bit more aware and informed of things from our side."
LMAO; do we need anymore evidence to prove that "they" are NOT Catholic. Best for everyone for this cultic religion to build their own church and to stop abusing our resources. BTW; they never report any of that trash bag income to the parishes they claim to be a member of; yet they are the first to deny the parishioners access to the rooms the parishioners built because their ilicit liturgy takes priority....
I pity really these Neos. Abp Hon probably told Abp Michael, "You know that group doesn't think highly of you. They said I pressured you to sign those documents and you succumbed to the pressure."
Archbishop Byrnes - Hafa adai and welcome to your new island home. It is with great joy that we welcome you. You will no doubt hear many tales of woe, stories about how our local Church has suffered much. These stories sound incredible, but be Not Amazed. These stories are true.
As you prepare to embark on a new ministry, pay attention to the four priests who greeted you at the airport this morning. These four have served the Archdiocese well, and they will serve you well, too.
Hey Tim, would you happen to know if Archbishop Byrnes' mass at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow will be televised? If so, what channel would it be on (DoCoMo and GTA)? I may not be able to be at the Cathedral physically but my spirit will be there celebrating a new era for us Catholics on Guam. Peace!
The stupid Neocats with their baksheesh envelopes and Kumbaya noise apparently don't realize that Abp. Byrnes can't be bought or played for a fool.
He arrives on Guam from the most dangerous city in the US. Detroit is a boarded-up, bankrupt wasteland with a monstrous violent crime rate. Nothing those devils do will intimidate him. Although pastoral, he's as tough as nails and as smart as they come.
At least the neos didn't scream "go home" to the new visitor. Unlike you guys who screamed at an old man because he was neo and part of RMS, they greeted him with song. Although the way they sing and what they sang is of great disgust, that shouldn't make you get mad at them for at least greeting. They are a part of the religion too no matter how much difference to the practices they are. Jesus didn't hate the samaritans. The samaritans were the enemies of the Jews, but Jesus didn't hate them despite how much differences they had between each other. What happened to loving our neighbors. You guys are a bunch of crazy freaks who can't even show some love for the man who got back the beloved seminary into the archdiocese hands. We need to start spreading peace and love to all others and stop getting mad and hating a whole group of people just because they don't follow the traditional ways. If you all are gonna get mad at the neos then why aren't we getting mad at the anglicans, baptists, methodists, etc. because these churches too "don't follow the traditional". But we have no hate towards them. Stop hating and start loving because we must even love our enemies. Neos and traditional Catholics are all the same because we are all children of God.
Thank you for providing even more evidence of why the NCW methodology is dangerous. You have been conditioned to only believe what is repeated to you and your other community members through your catechists and are not allowed to determine for yourself what it is that any of us are protesting.
You only see Giuseppe Gennarini as an "old man" while ignoring (or perhaps ignorant) of the unethical and immoral method of how he forced himself and his wife into the affairs of the Archdiocese of Agana.
Please, continue to comment and respond with gritted teeth and blinded logic. The world is your audience.
For your information. I am not a neo and I do not have any catechists telling me what to believe in unless you count the many catholic teachers whom have taught me Catholicism . Someone in my family is a committed member of the CCOG. from the eyes of the youth I have an understanding of what your protests are about because of the many stories of the alleged victims who allegedly were touched by apuron . All I am trying to say is that you need to start spreading some DAMN LOVE IN THIS GOD DAMN WORLD BECAUSE THERE IS TOO MUCH HATE. You say that I only see Giuseppe just for an old man rather than how unethical and immoral he is on how he shoved his life into ours, but when has it not been like this where someone shoves themself into a situation.
"the eyes of the youth" ... good grief. sounds like we grownups need to do some re-teaching.
my question to anon@4:02pm is: exactly HOW do you propose we should spread some "damn love"? what do you mean by "spread"? and what do you mean by "love"?
Wow... offended much? eyes of the youth? ... for someone advocating to spread love and not hate... kind of ironic that you use all capitals to emphasize the DAMN. Very nice of you to make a comment of your opinion. Let me guess, you have friends that are youthful too who are members of the NCW. Let's see, did they share how much the NCW saved their lives, family, the parents' marriage?
I hope you took the time to tell that someone in your family, that is committed to the CCOG, how you felt about their presence at the "yelling at an old man" session.
You emphasize the alleged, but fail to see the repeated alleged of more than 3 makes alleged seem less alleged than you give credence. Thank goodness justice does not limit itself to the eyes of the youth and the CCOG wasn't depending on the youth or we would never have had a change of command and we would have lost the seminary and these alleged abuses would have been put under the rug. Thank you for reminding us that the old guards are the ones that keep the truth in front.
By the way, thank your family for being decisive and supportive to fight against the evils that the eyes of the youth today so willingly accept as "it's okay, because it's not bothering me." Kudos to your relative for we now have a new Archbishop.
It was one of the priests I knew who had affiliated himself to the NCW programme, not one of the ordinary ones, who publicly mocked the Anglicans because of actions of their ancestors a very long time ago.
I was one of the neos' ordinary members myself till five minutes ago. It's not reasonable of bystanders to complain about people expressing distress at injustice involving personal boundaries in addition to material property. I always agreed with that. I wanted to improve on the Way programme but fellow members weren't up to it. The thing that delayed me dropping out was that the following appeared in print from individual saboteurs (i.e Kiko stooges - the designed-in pincer movement):
- we were described as brainwashed specifically because we wanted to eject the press from our meeting with an enquiry team,
- we were described as brainwashed specifically because we were few and slow (rightly) in attending a new group that might have turned into (and had been intended by our courageous bishop as) a good space for us.
I had agreed for some time by then, that we were brainwashed. I don't see (from 10,000 miles away) anything on this blog at any rate that is as insulting as what was then directed at us in my diocese.
The neo authorities are always glad to see ordinary members get the flak while they remain in the good books of most of the hierarchies worldwide. So much "better" if the general public thoughtlessly join in, without doing due diligence. You ask, "when has it not been like this where someone shoves themself into a situation", well, the answer is exactly, in case of injustice involving personal boundaries in addition to material property. You did ask to be talked through it.
Those RMS boys were all locked up in their rooms because that's what human traffickers do. They keep them locked up until they become obedient to their captors, ahem, I mean, catechists. You remember the little soundbyte when Putrid said, "you have always obeyed us". Well, that's one of the reasons.
Will Archbishop Byrnes be saying Sunday Mass at the Agana Cathedral @ 9:30 a.m. as previous bishops and archbishops have done before? If so, will he start this Sunday, Dec. 04th? Will the Agana Choir come back to sing during his Mass? And, lastly, will he support the re-opening of the Church Museum?
Thank you, Tim, for this post. I’m happy Abp Byrnes’ long journey to Guam was safe. Thanks be to God. This is a time of yet another necessary leadership transition for the local Church in a matter of six months beginning with the arrival of Abp Hon last June and today, with the arrival of Abp Byrnes. I served in two transition committees here in Seattle for routine leadership changes on the parish level and in the archdiocesan level. One of the things we did was pray both privately and together as a Catholic community the prayer below by Edward Hays. I have been praying this prayer every day for the local Church on Guam and invite the Faithful on Guam to include it in your personal prayers. With this transition, we are reminded once again that God is faithful to us.
ReplyDeleteLord and Source of all gifts,
We thank you now for the gift of change,
the gift of newness that opens doors
closed by habit and routine.
We bless and thank you as well
for that which has been stable and unchanging,
for the ancient and the traditional which give
meaning to the new and the different.
May we open our hearts to this change,
embracing it with full participation
in the life of our archdiocese.
We pray the transition we are now undergoing
may strengthen our archdiocese and the faith
of all of those touched by it. Amen.
Hey Tim!!!! I think you don't get any cent from our seminary....i am really sorry for you!!!
ReplyDeleteHa ha haaaaaaa
Bye bye Chinese!!!!
Hey idiot. It ain't "your" seminary anymore. I am really sorry for you!!!!
DeleteHa ha haaaaa
Bye bye kikos!!!!
- Anon at 3:35 AM - Since when did we ever get "any cent" from your seminary! The True Katolikus on Guam have been paying for Your Seminary! Now YOU REALLY WOULD NOT BE GETTING ANYTHING! I Am So Sorry for You! HA HA HA and HA!
DeleteBye Bye NCW and Kikos!
Zaijian, TIM ROHR..........LOL 3:35 AM
DeleteThese NCW Idiotos don't know what the joy of giving is, as their habit is always taking, I mean stealing from others, including the poor and the dead.
DeleteLOL start the excommunication list again and present to Bishop Byrnes oopps I forgot it was given to the Pope.Let the process begin.
DeleteLOL 😂 The NEO's actually showed up? It's too late
ReplyDelete- Hafa Adai and Welcome to Our Tropical Island of Guam Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes!
ReplyDeleteDear Anon@ 3.35, thank you once again for the glaring demonstration of your stupidity and obvious racism. We already knew about how the Spanish and Italian Neos view the locals. We now can see how disrespectful you're of Chinese people. You pretend to bring the love of Christ, but the only thing coming out of your mouth is pure and unaltered hate.
ReplyDeleteOh the fruits!!
In an interview granted to the Associated Press this weekend, here are Abp Byrnes' comments on the following:
ReplyDelete(1) regarding the victims/survivors of child sexual abuse by clergy: "I have been praying for those who have brought forward the allegations, who brought forward their own experience. I have great compassion for that … I've been praying for them."
(2) regarding Abp Apuron: [Abp Byrnes] has had a conversation with Apuron and knows he is somewhere in the United States. "The tribunal investigation and trial of the archbishop has already begun," Byrnes said. While Apuron remains the archbishop in title, Byrnes said he has already been exercising pastoral responsibility for the archdiocese, and that he will continue to include Apuron in his Eucharistic prayers. "Irrespective of guilt or innocence, we should always pray for each other, especially in difficult times."
(3) regarding his approach toward healing in the Catholic Church on Guam: "I want to hear from the people of God on the island, what are their concerns, what are their hopes. In a time when there has been a kind of polarization because of the archbishop, then it becomes difficult for people because you have to choose," he said. "It's not like a panacea [a solution or remedy for all difficulties or disease] or a quick fix but unless we bring all this to Jesus then we're going to just be left to ourselves."
Dear Archbishop Byrnes. We have already brought this to Jesus. Why do you think you are here?
DeleteNow!! Now!! Timmy,at 6:15 PM or was that 666:hell getting little mad?? don't start on Archbishop Byrnes he just got here, or are you going to put up your countdown clock?? you're running out of Bishops LOL.
DeleteLOL. Score for the last three years: TIM - 100. YOU - ZERO.
Delete8.00 a.m, he wasn't getting at him, he was giving him some "corraggio" (the genuine kind)!
DeleteHilarious!!? The picketers have done two things... made visible the issue and brought it to Jesus. Now please it's time to roll up the sleeves, that's why you're here. LOL! Funny how everyone whose just jumping onto these issues are telling us to bring it to Jesus. Who is pacifying who?. DUH!... had it been done without Jesus, the property would have been gone, the victims would be silenced and Byrnes wouldn't be here.
DeleteHafa Adai and Welcome to Guam Archbishop Byrnes!
ReplyDeleteWe have faith that you will restore our Broken Church and bring everyone back to God. Start with RSM and then NCW. These groups have caused so much division on Guam.
Please say it ain't so, have we received a religious politician in Byrnes...
ReplyDeleteBishop Byrnes, HEAR THIS... and HEAR IT WELL...
Diana September 8, 2016 at 6:13 PM
Dear Eileen,
We do not hide how we celebrate the Mass in small communities.
We have always be truthful about how we celebrate it.
First of all, there is no such thing as a "Neo presbyter."
I call them RMS priests only because they were formed in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.
They are diocesan priests.
In Holy Communion, we receive the Body of Christ standing up.
We do not consume His Body immediately.
We are to hold His Body in our hands close to our hearts with adoration.
After everyone has received the Body of Christ, the priest proceeds with "Behold, the Body of Christ......"
And we respond with "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you......"
All the words are the same as it is in the regular Mass.
But we consume the Body of Christ together with the priest.
And yes, we consume His Body sitting down.
IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR...from the people of God on the island...
IF SO, don't let the door hit you on your OUT... PS, THANKS FOR NOTHING...
apuron OUT... apuron OUT... apuron OUT... apuron OUT... apuron OUT...
I was there picking up my cousins who came in from basic training and I distinctly overhead the NCW seminarians jokingly started to mockingly playing Katoliku on their guitars. They were all smirking and laughing about it untill I turned and their demeanor changed. Such disrespect to our culture and faith. I'd take that traditional hymn over Kikos brain washing Gypsy music. Gladly enough they didn't even get to finish the song or get half way through it cause Abp. Byrnes walked away. The NCW tried to kiss his ring and hand him letters and envelopes but Abp. diplomatically walked away. Good move Byrnes. Hafa Adai and Welcome to your new home!
ReplyDeleteLet me guess what was in the envelopes. Was it a picture of Apuron and his latest CD?
DeleteMaybe also chocolates!
DeleteKudos to you to giving them the look. I would have taken their guitar and smacked them on the head.
DeleteThe NEOS looked desperate for his attention! Thankfully Robert Hoffman was pushing Abp. Byrnes away from their filthy mouths.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mayor Hoffman!
DeleteNo smile on his face when they started playing their music! He turned really serious too after Vice Rector Julio went to shake his hand. Oh no!
ReplyDeleteNow Diana is preaching that she's held back news that apuRUN already talked to archbishop Byrnes. Lol
ReplyDelete"Byrnes said he had a conversation with Apuron and knows he is somewhere in the United States"
Diana's version is that apuRUN and archbishop Byrnes had a LONG conversation prior to the deed restriction removal. My how the words get twisted and these gullible neos believe everything she says. LMFAO gotta love the irony in it.
LOL. The conversation between Apuron and Byrnes was already reported by the Detroit News on 11/21. Of course he had a conversation with him. And we're glad he did. Byrnes now has first hand experience of what a slime ball Apuron is.
DeleteAccording to Princess Di, Byrnes and APURON met.
DeleteMy Good News
I have been holding back on my good news. Now that it has been made public in the news, I can revealed it. After the deed restriction was rescinded by Archbishop Byrnes, Archbishop Apuron met with him, and they had a good long talk. Since that good long talk, Archbishop Byrnes was a little bit more aware and informed of things from our side. Now that he is here on Guam, he will listen to all sides just as he said in his interview. According to the Associated Press (the bold is mine):
LOL. And what are they going to tell him? More of their self-serving neurotic testimonies? Bottom line is we can prove our chase. They can't. By the way, Diana, you're next.
DeleteMore "because of the Way" b.s. that they use against everyone.
Delete"Since that good long talk, Archbishop Byrnes was a little bit more aware and informed of things from our side."
DeleteLMAO; do we need anymore evidence to prove that "they" are NOT Catholic. Best for everyone for this cultic religion to build their own church and to stop abusing our resources. BTW; they never report any of that trash bag income to the parishes they claim to be a member of; yet they are the first to deny the parishioners access to the rooms the parishioners built because their ilicit liturgy takes priority....
Not a good start. The Kikos portraying Byrnes as if he is some "bubba"
DeleteI pity really these Neos. Abp Hon probably told Abp Michael, "You know that group doesn't think highly of you. They said I pressured you to sign those documents and you succumbed to the pressure."
ReplyDeleteArchbishop Byrnes - Hafa adai and welcome to your new island home. It is with great joy that we welcome you. You will no doubt hear many tales of woe, stories about how our local Church has suffered much. These stories sound incredible, but be Not Amazed. These stories are true.
ReplyDeleteAs you prepare to embark on a new ministry, pay attention to the four priests who greeted you at the airport this morning. These four have served the Archdiocese well, and they will serve you well, too.
Welcome, congratulations, and God bless.
Hey Tim, would you happen to know if Archbishop Byrnes' mass at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow will be televised? If so, what channel would it be on (DoCoMo and GTA)? I may not be able to be at the Cathedral physically but my spirit will be there celebrating a new era for us Catholics on Guam. Peace!
ReplyDeleteIt won't be a Mass. KUAM may stream the service.
DeleteThe stupid Neocats with their baksheesh envelopes and Kumbaya noise apparently don't realize that Abp. Byrnes can't be bought or played for a fool.
ReplyDeleteHe arrives on Guam from the most dangerous city in the US. Detroit is a boarded-up, bankrupt wasteland with a monstrous violent crime rate. Nothing those devils do will intimidate him. Although pastoral, he's as tough as nails and as smart as they come.
At least the neos didn't scream "go home" to the new visitor. Unlike you guys who screamed at an old man because he was neo and part of RMS, they greeted him with song. Although the way they sing and what they sang is of great disgust, that shouldn't make you get mad at them for at least greeting. They are a part of the religion too no matter how much difference to the practices they are. Jesus didn't hate the samaritans. The samaritans were the enemies of the Jews, but Jesus didn't hate them despite how much differences they had between each other. What happened to loving our neighbors. You guys are a bunch of crazy freaks who can't even show some love for the man who got back the beloved seminary into the archdiocese hands. We need to start spreading peace and love to all others and stop getting mad and hating a whole group of people just because they don't follow the traditional ways. If you all are gonna get mad at the neos then why aren't we getting mad at the anglicans, baptists, methodists, etc. because these churches too "don't follow the traditional". But we have no hate towards them. Stop hating and start loving because we must even love our enemies. Neos and traditional Catholics are all the same because we are all children of God.
ReplyDeleteLOL. We don't go after the Anglicans etc because they don't pretend to be Catholic and cheat and steal from us.
DeleteAnon @ 11:52AM.
DeleteThank you for providing even more evidence of why the NCW methodology is dangerous. You have been conditioned to only believe what is repeated to you and your other community members through your catechists and are not allowed to determine for yourself what it is that any of us are protesting.
You only see Giuseppe Gennarini as an "old man" while ignoring (or perhaps ignorant) of the unethical and immoral method of how he forced himself and his wife into the affairs of the Archdiocese of Agana.
Please, continue to comment and respond with gritted teeth and blinded logic. The world is your audience.
For your information. I am not a neo and I do not have any catechists telling me what to believe in unless you count the many catholic teachers whom have taught me Catholicism . Someone in my family is a committed member of the CCOG. from the eyes of the youth I have an understanding of what your protests are about because of the many stories of the alleged victims who allegedly were touched by apuron . All I am trying to say is that you need to start spreading some DAMN LOVE IN THIS GOD DAMN WORLD BECAUSE THERE IS TOO MUCH HATE. You say that I only see Giuseppe just for an old man rather than how unethical and immoral he is on how he shoved his life into ours, but when has it not been like this where someone shoves themself into a situation.
DeleteLOL indeed! Youthful irony is special.
Delete"the eyes of the youth" ... good grief. sounds like we grownups need to do some re-teaching.
Deletemy question to anon@4:02pm is: exactly HOW do you propose we should spread some "damn love"? what do you mean by "spread"? and what do you mean by "love"?
Wow... offended much? eyes of the youth? ... for someone advocating to spread love and not hate... kind of ironic that you use all capitals to emphasize the DAMN. Very nice of you to make a comment of your opinion. Let me guess, you have friends that are youthful too who are members of the NCW. Let's see, did they share how much the NCW saved their lives, family, the parents' marriage?
DeleteI hope you took the time to tell that someone in your family, that is committed to the CCOG, how you felt about their presence at the "yelling at an old man" session.
You emphasize the alleged, but fail to see the repeated alleged of more than 3 makes alleged seem less alleged than you give credence. Thank goodness justice does not limit itself to the eyes of the youth and the CCOG wasn't depending on the youth or we would never have had a change of command and we would have lost the seminary and these alleged abuses would have been put under the rug. Thank you for reminding us that the old guards are the ones that keep the truth in front.
By the way, thank your family for being decisive and supportive to fight against the evils that the eyes of the youth today so willingly accept as "it's okay, because it's not bothering me." Kudos to your relative for we now have a new Archbishop.
It was one of the priests I knew who had affiliated himself to the NCW programme, not one of the ordinary ones, who publicly mocked the Anglicans because of actions of their ancestors a very long time ago.
DeleteI was one of the neos' ordinary members myself till five minutes ago. It's not reasonable of bystanders to complain about people expressing distress at injustice involving personal boundaries in addition to material property. I always agreed with that. I wanted to improve on the Way programme but fellow members weren't up to it. The thing that delayed me dropping out was that the following appeared in print from individual saboteurs (i.e Kiko stooges - the designed-in pincer movement):
- we were described as brainwashed specifically because we wanted to eject the press from our meeting with an enquiry team,
- we were described as brainwashed specifically because we were few and slow (rightly) in attending a new group that might have turned into (and had been intended by our courageous bishop as) a good space for us.
I had agreed for some time by then, that we were brainwashed. I don't see (from 10,000 miles away) anything on this blog at any rate that is as insulting as what was then directed at us in my diocese.
The neo authorities are always glad to see ordinary members get the flak while they remain in the good books of most of the hierarchies worldwide. So much "better" if the general public thoughtlessly join in, without doing due diligence. You ask, "when has it not been like this where someone shoves themself into a situation", well, the answer is exactly, in case of injustice involving personal boundaries in addition to material property. You did ask to be talked through it.
The Neos were at the airport to welcome Archbishop Byrnes but why did they not go to the airport to welcome the Gennarini's and company?
ReplyDeleteThose RMS boys were all locked up in their rooms because that's what human traffickers do. They keep them locked up until they become obedient to their captors, ahem, I mean, catechists. You remember the little soundbyte when Putrid said, "you have always obeyed us". Well, that's one of the reasons.
DeleteWill Archbishop Byrnes be saying Sunday Mass at the Agana Cathedral @ 9:30 a.m. as previous bishops and archbishops have done before? If so, will he start this Sunday, Dec. 04th? Will the Agana Choir come back to sing during his Mass? And, lastly, will he support the re-opening of the Church Museum?