Posted by Tim
2017 marks the beginning of JungleWatch's 4th year in this amazingly ugly and deceptive battle. This morning I began watching a documentary on the corruption in the Vatican that drove Pope Benedict XVI from office. I had watched it before and I turned it off at about the same place I turned it off last time. Unfortunately, I know most of that "Hideousness" first hand and I don't need to watch it to be reminded.
2017 marks the beginning of JungleWatch's 4th year in this amazingly ugly and deceptive battle. This morning I began watching a documentary on the corruption in the Vatican that drove Pope Benedict XVI from office. I had watched it before and I turned it off at about the same place I turned it off last time. Unfortunately, I know most of that "Hideousness" first hand and I don't need to watch it to be reminded.
The events of the Archdiocese of Agana over the last going-on four years defy description. The Evil is omnipresent. "They" never tire of lies and manipulation. Complicating the battle is the seduction of some on "our side" to "let Rome handle it," or, (as Bob called out) "give the benefit of the doubt." Complicating it even more is the incessant call for wanting "our church back," when it was what the church had already become (as evidenced by the now revealed decades of abuse) that paved the way for Kiko's Trojan Horse.
Those who know me know that there is NOTHING in this for me. Despite all the accusations from the Kikos that this is "all about money," there is no money in this for me and even if there was there wouldn't be enough to buy back four years of my life. I don't have a motivation. My response to injustice is reflexive. That's why I never hid behind a pseudonym.
The battle for truth will go on. Thank you to all who support this battle in one way or another.
Thank you, Tim. I know my life changed because you took the steps. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Tim. Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteThank you Tim, CCOG, LFM and everyone that continue to play a role in exposing this KAKA filled NEO Cult for what it is; the illicit worship of Profit KIKO. May God continue to bless you. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteTim, you have earned our utmost respect and deepest gratitude for your persistence in exposing the lies and deceptions and continuing to fight for justice. May God grant you and your family His blessings, peace and joy in the New Year. Many thanks also to the
ReplyDeleteefforts of CCOG, LFM and all those who have joined the movement.
Ann A.
Dear Tim. Not sure if I posted already. Bit confusing. Anyway im writing again.. I salute you Tim. Keep up the good fight. I'm shocked, disillusioned and very disappointed about the pope being forced to resign. Half of me wants to just walk away from our Lords Church in despair. But you give me strength. My name is Paul Bright. I'm the person mentioned in the post about Bosnia and Croatia NCW seminaries. I was treated terribly but thank God I escaped. My name has been blackened but I can't complain. Those poor boys on Guam beung abused is worse. Tim you fight for the truth which is noble. I also won't hide behind a false name. The truth is the truth. I except no apology or justice in this life. But i am standing with you in the Truth. Because that is the right thing to do. Stand firm Tim. The truth will prevail even if it goes to the eleventh hour. I pity all those who live without love. My captures and abusers I forgive you. I pray that you come to your senses.. I hope our church stands up Tim. Stands up and shows the world that problems exist everywhere. Except in the light where God is love, mercy and peace. Our Church is that light. I hope it shines Brighty in 2017..I'm only some guy in the UK Tim. But I'm standing with you and your friends in Guam.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Paul, for stepping forward and speaking out. It takes a lot of courage to do this. Your story is tragic and I hope you are able to heal and find peace. May your story inspire others to pray for courage and do the right thing.
DeleteThank you Andrew. You guys are heroic and have given me the courage. I'm pretty much ok now apart from anxiety. My peace will come from telling the truth to protect others as you good folks are doing. I truly hope Guam gets the healing it deserves. P.S. Kiko if you're reading this.. I'm more than happy to meet you and discuss the abuse happening in your seminaries if you are unaware. I offer you to Come to England and speak with me ?
DeletePAUL - I echo the sentiments of Andrew Camacho, and - like him - I applaud you for your bravery and fortitude in calling "a spade a spade" and using your name to support it. We have always had concerns about the choice of many of our supporters who wish to remain anonymous, but we respect that as they may well have their own valid reason for doing so. In due time, anonymity will be shed when "push comes to shove" and to come out fearlessly en masse in support of the truth.
DeleteEngland is half a world around from Guam, so it is not feasible for us to hop into a car and drive there (much less fly there!), but if you wish personal contact, you can email me at . And I'll let Andrew know.
Thanks for your support of our cause. Truth shall prevail! (jrsa: 1/2/17)
A Blessed 2017 to you.
Thank you JR.San . Maybe you guys could explain how you add your name ? I will try now. There is a fear that is real. Because they are a powerful group that group together. I'm not afraid anymore... I have my small little story of Abuse in uk, Croatia and Bosina. I've spent time on medication and in counselling. I'm not afraid anymore. I know their attack. It will be as always. Paul is a liar, Bitter, or angry. Old news Neos.. you've taken to much of my time and health. JR San. happy to fly to Guam and tell u all my story. Maybe TI'm could put a joint post on JW . It's quite simple it's LIES VS TRUTH in Guam and with Me. LIAR OR HONEST Man. I believe you because I know what happened to me.
DeletePaul, thank you for confirming your twister experience as a seminarian at the RMS Croatia and Bosnia. It breaks my heart that there are priests in our Catholic Church that are "formed" in that manner and under those oppressive conditions. The whole experience is the very opposite of the message of the gospel to follow Jesus Christ. From one Catholic to another, Thank you again, and God Bless you always.
DeletePaul - Thanks for your 1/2/17 comment in JW - in response to Andrew Camacho's and my own replies. Comments like yours all the way from UK detailing your Croatia and Bosnia experiences in the RMS all the more reinforce the evil that spews out of an NCW RMS. And I see that Rose de los Reyes of Seattle, WA similarly agrees and sympathises with you. Rose is a frequent and prolific writer in JW; stay tuned to her writings.
DeleteTim Rohr has exposed so much of the chicanery and misdeeds of the NCW in Guam, and we in Guam are very grateful to him for that. Stories like yours only add that much more credibility to what we already know of NCW and specifically RMS. If ever you come out to Guam, it will be a privilege to meet with you.
I am sorry I am unable to assist you on how to "add your name" to make posts in JW. You might want to check with Tim. I, myself, only make comments to what I see posted in JW.
We continue to support and pray for victims like yourself. I pray that your recovery will be fast and lasting. God bless you. (jrsa: 1/4/17)
God Bless you Tim for your relentless pursuit of Truth & Justice! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
ReplyDeleteFuck you ''Tim'' and a fuck up year!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLOL. I must be winning 😎
DeleteWin Win Win!
DeletePicketline starts back up next Sunday, the 8th, with new message for 2017 for rthe whole world and most especially for Rome,the Neos and Tony Boy! Biba Anu Nuebo!
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous @ 2:04 PM: Bless [sic] you.
DeleteCURSED ? Do you NEOS put curses on people? I've heard that but never seen anyone openly admit it. it's obvious all Neos are under some form of spell that controls them but to curse your opponents? Where Mr Terlaje responsed with bless you. Christ teaches to bless your enemies... Please keep posting
DeleteAn enormous “Thank You” for your four years of work in JungleWatch, Tim. I can only imagine the writing time, blog maintenance time, responding-to-questions time, research time, gumshoe time, fact-checking time, uploading time, downloading time, energy for all of the above, mental anguish, worry, threats, disappointment, outrage, harassment, sleep deprivation … what nut would voluntarily sign-up for these “rewards”? A nut that like you who is moved to see that the ‘wrongs’ in our Church are ‘righted’ and that the scales of justice re-set to their proper balance. Without the JungleWatch, many people would be thinking the same thing (or different things) but do so separately. For my personal experience, JungleWatch is like getting together in a bar and sharing with (mostly anonymous) people and seeing that some share the same thoughts/feelings, some just want to vent, some have questions, some are off on a tangent. In the end, in this ‘gathering’ you find that there are some with your same train of thought or experience, and some who are totally opposite. Either way, the mess in the local Church and how to fix it is the draw for all in the Jungle. We have you to thank for this ‘bar’, this forum. Wishes for a Happy New Year and gifts of mention my daily prayers in 2017.
ReplyDeleteThank you Tim. Your documentation of this whole thing is priceless. God bless.
ReplyDeleteThank you Tim. I just so happened to watch the shocking truth why Pope Benedict resigned on YouTube today and came to the conclusion that Kiko Arguello is a modern day Marcial Maciel and the NCW is the laity version of the Legion of Christ.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link to the documentary, Tim. It is disheartening and nauseating to learn how corrupt the Curia is. You've told us time and time again not to look to Rome for solutions and I understand more clearly now how you've come to that conclusion. St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; and, let us pray for those priests who remain faithful to their vows.
ReplyDeletePriests' abuse of their vows can be so shocking: My husband refuses to go to confession after his uncle told him that when the priests gathered for a social at the parish he was serving (not on Guam), he often heard them laughing and telling each other what sins people told them during confession.
ReplyDeleteThinking most priests have the grace to NOT tell about confession. Old Rud-eeee an exception to that rule. Pathetic man.
DeleteTo be safe I often go to a distant parish where the priest does not know me by face or name.
DeleteFr. Rude tells others what he hears in confession. Scandal.
ReplyDeleteThankyou Tim and all at CCOG LFM, all the Junglewatch followers,David Lujan,Mother Mary Dawn Marie and everyone who works so hard for the cause of healing. Working together we can create a beautiful world where children are safe and Justice prevails
ReplyDeleteThe dedicated hard work gifts and talents of Tim Rohr have made it possible for The Church of Guam to heal.
To all the Victims who shared their horror stories we remember in prayer. To the Victims who still live in fear healing is possible through Organizations such as SNAPJunglewatch and David Lujan.
Together we can all contribute to the re building of your Island home Guam.
Would you go to a NCW "priest" for reconciliation/confession?
ReplyDeleteI personally will not as I am quite sure that he will tell his catechist everything, even what is said in private in the confessional.
The other reason why I will not go to a NCW "priest" is that you'll get very poor spiritual advise and he will probably encourage you to join the NCW cult.
I was at the NCW HQ in Italy once. All the heads from each country were there. Every joke Kiko says is laughed at. It's cringe. Some people he humiliated in front of thousands regarding their weight for example. When they pulled out names of seminarians and countries. Once boy waved as his name was called out. KIKO shouted. 'Hurry up and get down here before I kick you in the head" now that is quite worrying, but what's more so is that everyone else was laughing. .. I looked around thinking what spell is on these people.. Kiko runs the Show Full Stop... but Hey Ho it seems the church loves him..As Tim says. It's A Trojan horse. I just hope that when Kiko dies they implode. Which it will because these people do and repeat every word their Master says and does.
ReplyDeleteThe NCW is a personality cult. That is why the NCW are consolidating their position to ensure their survival because they know that when Kiko dies the NCW will be at a crossroads. They know there isn't much time left and they are desperate so we can expect more lies and deceptions to promote their heresy. We need to stay alert and keep watch, desperate people do desperate things.
DeleteNot that it really matters, but "Who's on First. What's on Second and Why's on Third" in the NCW heirarchy in Guam? Seems like all the leadership positions have now been abandoned and/or vacated! Who's in charge now?
ReplyDeleteJust as many of us would love to see the NCW organization vanish into thin air - and give way to "peace, harmony and unity" - many of us are praying that our brothers and sisters of good will in the NCW will see the evilness that the NCW has wrought upon our Faith, and come home like good prodigal sons and daughters, to believe and worship with us, in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. "Let us pray to the Lord: Lord, hear our prayer!" (jrsa: 1/3/17)
Third base—I don't know why is left field. Only tomorrow can tell us whos in charge.
DeleteAnybody watch the CNN show of Leah Remini's expose of Scientology? Notice the similarities? Cultish behaviour . Brainwash. Brain reprogram. Take all your money. etc. etc.