Posted by Tim
I understand that most don't understand.
If anyone has been following this blog for any length of time, it could be easily seen that I don't state the conclusion at the beginning. In fact, almost all the titles of my thousands of posts are taken from the last line of the post.
My MO is to reveal the story in pieces, sometimes just over the course of a single post, sometimes many posts, and sometimes over many months and now years. I do this on purpose. It's the only leverage I have.
My MO is to reveal the story in pieces, sometimes just over the course of a single post, sometimes many posts, and sometimes over many months and now years. I do this on purpose. It's the only leverage I have.
It is obvious from the amount of comments that my last couple of posts have created a rage amongst some. The posts mentioned no names and the content was intentionally cryptic. The fact that what I wrote enraged some is evidence that there are some who know exactly what I am talking about.
I am aware of at least one person who has essentially said, "F U, I only care about the money." Actually, I don't have a problem with that. It's what happened after that - which I will not reveal here - that made me decide to set out a cryptic warning in the previous two posts. But let me make it plain here:
I am aware of at least one person who has essentially said, "F U, I only care about the money." Actually, I don't have a problem with that. It's what happened after that - which I will not reveal here - that made me decide to set out a cryptic warning in the previous two posts. But let me make it plain here:
What the Legislature can give, the Legislature can take away.
If we want to get rid of the law that is now enabling certain persons to attack us, we don't need any court to find it unconstitutional, we only need to introduce and pass a new bill that will either completely abrogate the current law, or at least severely restrict it. Laws can be amended you know.
If we want to get rid of the law that is now enabling certain persons to attack us, we don't need any court to find it unconstitutional, we only need to introduce and pass a new bill that will either completely abrogate the current law, or at least severely restrict it. Laws can be amended you know.
And it wouldn't be hard to do. No senator who voted yes on this bill really wanted to vote yes. For most, it's their Church too. The real reason this bill passed is because the accounts of what Apuron did were so horrific, that there was no way to avoid the public pressure that had piled on in those public hearings. Of those accounts, Walter Denton's and Doris Concepcion's, along with her son Champ's, testimonies were the nails in Apuron's coffin. (All three here.)
At first, the only objective was to bring Apuron to justice, so the bill was written to only hold perpetrators responsible, not institutions. But Archbishop Hon, at the instruction of the Red Pope Filoni, mocked and sneered at our efforts. This sent off a firestorm that led to a new bill being written that held institutions liable as well. You can read what happened in Bob Klitzkie's public testimony on Bill 326-33.
Make no mistake. It was the PUBLIC outrage and the unmatched activism of those who had had enough of this evil that got that bill through the Legislature. And that same PUBLIC outrage and unmatched activism can be turned in an instant against those who would callously say F U to us now.
In addition to the hesitant vote of the legislature, there was also the great trepidation of a very large number of voters. At the 11th hour, Hon tried to get a signature campaign going to get the governor to veto the bill. They only had one Sunday to do it but still were able to get over 4000 signatures. Given that the amount of the law suits have now passed the 100 Million mark, for which the good people left in the pews will have to pay the bill, it would not be hard to get 10,000 signatures, 20,000 signatures in support of a bill that would take away that gravy train.
I speak as one who worked harder than anyone to get the current law enacted. And I promise I will work harder than anyone to kill it if I have to. Of course I do not want to do that and I am sincerely glad that the law has enabled some to unburden themselves of years of suffering. And I will work to see that this law stays in place so long as I see it to be the servant of good that it was set out to be. Let's hope that one or two who may turn to greed don't ruin it for the rest.
Meanwhile: APURON OUT!
Tim is right. We will not support victims blindly and unconditionally if they are motivated by greed only. Every victim deserves a Just compensation, but the amount of $5 million each is clearly unjust, unreasonable, and destructive.
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree it is greedy and obscene to hold good people in the pews hostage to the crimes of a few lascivious clerics. Money, even a ridiculous amount, will not promote healing - the support of the community and the healing of the Church will. The victims were subjected to unspeakable injustice but the grandest revenge towards their abusers is to show that they emerged as triumphant survivors, not maimed by the memory of these demons who took advantage of their innocence. They told their stories, no matter how embarrassing, to warn us all of what happens when unbridled ambition and power are left untamed.
DeleteAnon 10:10, $5 million each is fine by me because fools like you paid pedophile Apuron a fortune to rape little boys for 30 years. Idiots with their baksheesh envelopes wrote the book on "unjust, unreasonable and destructive".
ReplyDeleteYou don't know who 10:10 is. And it could be said that those who STILL choose to remain anonymous are just as liable of what you accuse 10:10. Money wasn't the problem. Silence was.
DeleteI never thought any one of those men would come out and declare the F U, etc., after all, I mean after all, but we're right with you to the end Tim, however you want it to or think it should end.
ReplyDeleteAfter your money runs out MR FU,don't come back crying Wolf to us Again. especially when and if Apuron walks.. We ALL know he will come after you with his own defamation lawsuit..The Millions you think you are getting will NOT even be close to whatever amount you think is going to be written on your check.after the settlements are divided, and handed out ,all you'll be getting is some loose change in your pocket..So go ahead and start building up your Bank account because Apuron will come after you and take you for what you are worth...So go ahead and dream Big about the Millions you think you're getting because that is as far as it'll get you...ONLY IN YOUR DREAMS.
DeleteAmend the law and place a ceiling on how much should be awarded to each victim. A million dollars seems reasonable enough.
ReplyDeleteNot after 30% to 50% in legal fees are deducted.
DeleteYou have no right to tell people what their pain and suffering are worth. A price can't be put on painful, permanent injuries.
Some victims in our diocese got $3 million or more. No one complained because we knew they were doomed to a lifetime of PTSD and in many cases, irreparable physical injuries caused by the rapes.
Also some sex abuse victims are so traumatized that they cannot work.
Tim,you say Walter,Doris and her son champ were the nails to Apuron's coffin..Can you please explain and help me understand this..All 3 of them testified including Roy and Roland. Now my question is what makes those 3 testimonies more credible than Roy and Roland...Sonny was the Victim in this case,His mother and Brother WERE only repeating what "Supposedly"' were said to them..How do we know they are actually telling the truth?..Sonny is dead but Walter,Roy and Roland are well and alive..I can understand you giving Walter the credit but you are NOT being fair here...Roy and Roland are the actual victims..All 3 men were Abused by Apuron NOT Doris and Champ..As far as I am concerned,there is a Big difference here..
DeleteI didn’t say that any one was more credible than the other, did I? BTW, I know who you are.
Deleteso easy to place a dollar limit on sex abuse.....until you're the one abused.
ReplyDeleteIt won't matter if it goes to court or to arbitration, a dollar amount will be placed on it, either by a judge or an arbitration panel. The money is only a sign of contrition. In effect, it is "healing" for the church at this point. What the person does or does not do with his life will still be his choice. All of us bear some wound, some worse than others. There is no choice but to get better or to get bitter.
DeleteTim please correct me if i'm wrong but are you saying the one or 2 will or can ruin it for us ? You mean to say without their testimonies there is not much hope of defrocking Apuron..Do THEY ESPECIALLY F U HAVE THAT MUCH POWER TO HOLD US HOSTAGE??. If what they say about the other 2 who have already testified is true,.Doesn't that count or matter at all? .what about OUR protest every Sunday,rain or shine and everything we have fought for and still fighting for? what about the things you have done and still doing for our church for us and our community..I can go on and on but you know where I am going with this..Is this what F U thinks about himself? Is this why he does NOT want to testify because he thinks he has or Have the power in his hands to either make or break us?.F U CRIED in front of the Media about Apuron and now He is behaving just like the Monster he wanted to take down..HE IS NO BETTER THAN APURON ..F U can do the talk but CANNOT DO THE WALK..He can huff and Puff but will NEVER BLOW THE HOUSE OR US DOWN..I may be old and might the ONLY one standing but rest assure F U that I can do both the Talk and the walk sitting in my wheelchair.I can and will even do it or without my walker or cane...I will track you and Apuron down and shove my Cane up your Asses which i'm sure it would be more of a pleasure than Pain for both one of you..This is NOT a threat but a Promise..NEVER EVER Piss OFF an Old Lady or underestimate What she or any woman can do. There are old ladies out there who are more than happy and willing to do the same. .You may think you have the power now but after I am done with you and Apuron,you will both be powerless ..Neither one of you will have the power or strength left to wipe your F*&^%$# ASSES.I may be an old lady but I sure as Hell not dead or take this shit laying down either.. I will NOT have or allow a PUNK like you to hold me hostage..I will not allow or have a PUNK like you tell me or try to intimidate me..So if you want to SUE me too for saying how I feel or expressing my opinios,Go ahead,be Sue happy.I don't have any money but you can have my SSI check..Do you want my wheel chair,walker and depends too.they may NOT be your size but you can exchanged them to fit you..,you can have them all..those are ONLY Material things and mean nothing to me..At least I will always have my Pride and Dignity..Nobody can and ever will take those away from me..As for F U who thinks he has the power to hold us Hostage, let him think he does or whatever he wants because as far as I am concern,He is nothing but a GREEDY, MONEY HUNGRY PUNK AND A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT AND TRASH TO ME.
ReplyDeleteOkay. Relax. No. Those two testimonies are all Rome needed. I'll explain why later. It's unfortunate that we had this bump. But I believe it has been dealt with.
DeleteAnyone who contests child protection laws is as perverse as the pedophiles they claim to hate. If your sons had been raped and disabled by Apuron, you wouldn't be saying a word about settlement caps.
ReplyDeleteReally? And where were you when there was NO child protection law like Bill 326-33? Where were you when Joe Santos started his one man band with SILENT NO MORE and single handedly collected thousands of signatures? Where were you when we marched Sunday after Sunday to put the pressure on the legislature to pass the bill? Where were you when we had to hack out the bill over several months and work through the public hearings? Where were you when we had to fight a last ditch effort to keep Hon from convincing the governor to veto the bill? We, the people on the street, hammered out the bill to protect children, and if we feel used and abused by opportunists we will hammer out another one to close off the damn spigot.
DeleteTim, I told you where I was, but you won't publish my comment.
DeleteAlso, Silent No More is the name of a group of high profile women who regret having abortions. Their name pre-dates Joe Santos.
They tour the US giving talks to crowds about their conversion from being pro-choice and they're in demand as pro-life speakers.
So what. There is no copyright on those three words. And if you're not from here then stay out of our business.
DeleteIf you want people to stay out of your business, take your blog offline.
DeleteLOL. Fool.
DeleteThis FU person sounds familiar - Rudee stands to benefit from the railroading of our efforts to get rid of his idol Apuron. Stupid limping man who cares only about money and his handicapped parking. Both benefits ill-gotten due to tantrum pressure on authorities.
ReplyDeleteBeeeeep, beeeeep, beeeep!!!!! That's my space! Idiot
DeleteRemember Rudee also cares about having access to a mistress.
He always has a space in that driveway. No beep beeeeep! 🤣 Rude Rudy.