Friday, March 17, 2017


My dear friends,

Sunday, the 19th of March, 2015 will mark the two- year anniversary of the CCOG village meeting at the Yigo  gym where our  protests in front of the Cathedral began. The first static display was held across the street from the cathedral on Wednesday, the 25th. The message then was the wrongdoing and poor leadership or lack-thereof of Apuron. And the message was for apuron to resign, to return the Yona property to the Archdiocese of Agana, to restore Fr. Paul Gofigan and Msgr. James Benavente to their respective positions,

We have come a long way.....Yona property is returned to the Archdiocese   of Agana, the two priests are restored, Frs. Pius and Edivaldo  are out of here. We continue our battle to remove and defrock Apuron. We are the only ones that can do that. The finish line is not far now ....a few more steps. Please rally your family, friends, and neighbors to come out and join us Sunday, March 19, 2017 from 9:00-9:45 a.m. in front of Cathedral Basilica.

God bless us all,

Lou Klitzkie, LFM

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