Apparently there was another neo-shindig this weekend, and, according to reports, "Fr." Krzysztof Szafarski, "pastor" of Santa Rita parish, chose his neo-shindig over his pastoral duties of providing Sunday Mass at his Santa Rita parish. In other words, HE DIDN'T SHOW UP.
Parishioners were left to their own devices so they did the readings and someone distributed communion.
I understand that Krzysztof's absence is part of larger neocat plot to pull back their (fake) priests and let more instances happen like what happened at Santa Rita so we will supposedly know how much we need them. LOL.
We are not surprised by the behavior of the Kiko's. Remember, THEY ARE NOT CATHOLIC so why should they feel any responsibility to real Catholics? They don't. Our churches and our money were only useful to them while they had Apuron by the #$%^&, but now that that's gone, and their property too, they have no use for us.
Additionally, their pulling back is to meant to teach Byrnes a lesson. How dare he actually exert his authentic magisterial authority over their sect!
But now comes the real test. And once again (as with the Guadalupe statute) the Catholics of Santa Rita are at the forefront of this ugly war and they can choose to lead or acquiesce to this evil.
First, unless you were severely impaired, physically or otherwise, from driving to another parish for a legitimate Mass, objectively, if you did not "hear Mass" this Sunday, you did not fulfill your Sunday obligation. But given the severe lack of any real teaching in this diocese for decades, it is probable that the majority of Santa Ritans did not know this or were partially impaired by the confusion.
Nevertheless, if you were in fact capable of going to a real Mass and chose not to, I would still confess it to a "real" priest and let him decide, or at least absolve you just in case. Missing Sunday Mass is still a MORTAL SIN, even though you probably haven't heard that in a while.
As for next Sunday, if it happens again, there will be no excuse.
For two years, we have been warning that this war may bring us to the point where parishes collapse, and as real Catholics who only care about our eternal destiny with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that we should be willing to attend Mass celebrated on the tail gate of a pickup truck in an abandoned field if it came to that.
Fortunately, for most, except for the very few who are truly incapacitated, a real Mass celebrated by a real priest, is only a few miles away.
Meanwhile, let us let Archbishop Byrnes take care of these impostor presbyters while we take care of our souls and the souls of our children.
This is mindblowing. If a priest didn't show up to say Mass at his own parish in the mainland, there would be hell to pay in terms of parishioners calling up the chancery and complaining. Esp if it was known that he chose some other event without making provision/giving notice for his parishioners to attend Mass elsewhere. Unthinkable, unconsionable, unbelievable!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteRight Anon 11:51 a.m. I can't even comprehend a church or parishoners like those.
DeleteOur beautiful church has 3 very busy priests and two equally busy deacons. It's normally open from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily and until 10:p.m. on Sundays. Six Sunday Masses, three daily on weekdays, two on Saturdays including the Vigil and special liturgies for Holy Days of Obligation. Add Adoration, Liturgy of the Hours, a daily Rosary, major Novenas, counseling, social services, etc.
In spite of all that, visitors are often unaware that only one special Mass is said there on certain national holidays. To avoid disappointing New Years Day visitors two years ago, a beloved retired priest age 86 who was in very poor health cheerfully invited visitors to join him at a Chapel Mass he would say for his friends in Purgatory at 5:30 p.m. He deeply loved the Mass and assisted at every one, even when he needed a walker toward the end of his life last year. He was also the most popular Confessor. People of all ages formed long lines at his box. His clerical peers often said he was a canonizable saint, to which everyone agreed.
Hopefully, priests like that will come to Guam.
he better have a good reason, like being seriously ill and couldn't find another priest in time. otherwise, this would be a grave dereliction of duty, as they'd say in other vocations. i hope the parishioners will loudly air their grievances to archbishop byrnes.
ReplyDeleteI'd expect that older folks remember and seriously honor the sunday obligation. sadly, i don't have as good an expectation of younger people. sunday Mass has become optional among many people these days.
The Mass at which his absence was reported was the 6am Mass, mostly attended by "the elderly." Quite a mess was reported, with a lay person taking over the distribution of Holy Communion!
DeleteI hope the parishioners did not take up a collection-or if they did, that they gave it to a real priest.
He was there at 8am mass. Not good. there was no one to lead Sunday mass at all down in Santa Rita? Byrnes must be pissed if this happened!
ReplyDeleteThis has become a "test" also for Archbishop Byrnes. What will he do now with krzystzof? We are all eagerly waiting to see who will blink first.
ReplyDeleteHopefully, Bp. Byrnes will put his money where his mouth is and pulverize that Szafarski cockroach. Essentially, he allowed his sacred Tabernacle to be used as a snack bar!
DeleteIf there's a conspiracy to thwart Byrnes' orders against NCW recruitment, he should take out all of the NCW's phony priests right now. They're useless, spiritually diseased thieves no one needs. I wouldn't put it past them to sneak in female "priests".
There must be a reputable Order somewhere that could replace the diabolic Neocat presbyters and repair the damage they intentionally do to Guam.
Dominican priests and religious are excellent catechists and Scripture scholars. Their missionaries continue to clean up rot in Latin America, despite tremendous resistance from hostile pentecostals.
Dominicans even established a thriving seminary in Africa. Their orthodox seminaries in Washington DC (Pontifical) and California are top-notch. Standard formation period: Eight years. A Bachelor's Degree at least is required for seminary admission. No 2-year beach parties for punks and perverts at a fancy resort hotel.
Can someone confirm if he presided over the other two masses.
ReplyDeleteCommunion Service is not the same as The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, People of Santa Rita, this presbyter obviously did not show any concern for your spiritual nourishment on the Lord's Day. Probably comes from the NCW belief, that it is not really the body of Christ that is offered in this Holy Sacrifice? He surely did not make provisions to have someone stand in his place so that this very important Sacrament can be made available to the people of Santa Rita. Just another reason why we should boot the NCW along with their ill formed presbyters off the island. Start the booting process with David Quitugua, Adrian, Alberto, and work down the line.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the outrage from the parishioners? Those man'amkos have children and grandchildren, relatives and friends who should and must stand alongside in protest against the presbyter. I think though that Krzystof will be welcomed back and they will be singing kumbaya. Such is the state of affairs in the Neo infected parishes.
ReplyDelete"Neo-infected" parishes are brain dead like the powerful Charismatic ones we had in my diocese during the 1980's. However, there is hope for improvement if Bp. Byrnes steps up to the plate and officially slams the rats. Neos where I live are a tiny group with no influence because the mainstream here won't tolerate cults.
DeleteWe got all of the diabolic Charismatic operations that ran rampant permanently shut down. What little remains of the local group is just insular older people who are totally under the chancery's control. No more pentecostal hysteria and hotel circuses.
Charismatic newsletters haven't been seen in churches here for ages. All they have is a feeble website run entirely by Hispanics and Filipinos. No more so-called Charismatic priests here any more. The group has to deal with conventional diocesan priests they dislike, so their activities are down to just a few small prayer groups.
They had their neo recruitment shindig dance around the altar at Verona.
ReplyDeleteThat's the convivence marking the end of the initial set of catecheses and where they pressure you to join the community or leave.
DeleteSounds like witchcraft to me.
DeleteIt's not surprising that a neocult priest would skip a mass he was suppose to preside over. Yet the neocult screams they are Catholic when clearly they aren't. What a complete disrespect to our Lord and what a shame to the cloth he wears. All neo priests need to be vetted to find out if they were really called to serve our Lord. If nothing happens to this priest then I'm sure our diocese will continue to crumble due to lack of trust.
ReplyDeleteWe get what we permit. And while the final duty falls to Archbishop Byrnes, the initial duty falls to the people of Santa Rita and any other parish where this happens.
DeleteAgreed, Tim. But is Apuron's flock so trashed by the NCW that they don't know Sunday Mass from an ad hoc Communion Service?! If so, that's horrifying.
DeleteByrnes needs to fire all of the degenerate NCW presbyters. Revoke their faculties and boot them off of the island. Replace them with an orthodox teaching Order of priests and religious thoroughly vetted by law enforcement. They could repair much of the damage caused by Apuron and his minions for 30 years. Guam's "Catholic" schools must be a disaster.
Our Polish Presbyter. Archie said he was a gift from Saint John Paul II ....such a gift. Influenced by the Juice. Sad.
DeleteThat's downright frightening Anon 10:34 a.m. Are Archie and the Neocat presbyter drunks from Poland?
DeleteYikes, 11:30. Archie equals His Excellent Excellency Anthony Sablan Apuron. He said Sheesh-toff the computer hacker was a gift to us from St John Paul II. Sheesh-toff left Guam RMS to go back with his girlfriend. Unfortunately, NCW/ Br Anthony chased him down and he returned. Returned from Poland all the way to Br Ton in Guam.
DeleteThat's downright nauseating. Maybe Sheesh-toff missing Sunday Mass was caused by him shacking up with another girlfriend.
DeleteSheesh-toff could have been a legend . He was home for vacation in Poland, went back to his girl and just didn't return. All the kings horses and all the Kings men couldn't put Sheesh-Toff back together again . The whole realm of the Neos were so sad. Sheesh-Toff wouldn't be back to Guam again. Then Pius the Putrid and Tony the Perv set out to reclaim their computer hacker! They made their resolve and one day after being stalked by Putrid and Perv he realized the error of his ways. All the Kings horses and all the Kings men had brought back Sheesh-Toff to Guam again. All the realm of the Neos clapped, clapped and danced and danced. And they all lived happily ever after until Sheesh-Toff the hacker didn't show up for Mass.
DeleteI wonder if Tony asked to sleep with Sheesh Toff?
DeleteWhy was the Tabernacle left unlocked?! That disgraceful priest should be suspended immediately and laicized. Since EWTN is in love with Neocats now, tell them do a program on him and the souls he's sending to hell.
ReplyDeleteThere's no excuse for what those parishoners did. All they had to do was leave the priestless church, go to a proper Mass elsewhere and notify Bp. Byrnes of the problem. Good chance they distributed unconsecrated bread and wine. There's always a risk of that happening at Communion services. I won't go to them.
EWTN is not "in love" with neocats. Unfortunately like many institutions within our Church they have been infiltrated by neos. One of them being none other than Giuseppe Genarrini's own son and his spouse.
DeleteLike I said before, this is a nightmarish remake of "Invasion of the body snatchers"
In years past, NCW did not like was conservative and not abreast with the times.
DeleteI loved EWTN when Mother Angelica was in charge. To me, it was always very normal and abreast with the times. It preserved the Catholic culture I was born into and provided the spiritual nourishment that was no longer available in churches.
DeleteI'll always miss Mother and her original Network. I don't like its successor and don't bother with it unless there's something major going on like a Papal election.
Anon 4;43 A M I agree with you..Thank Goodness we have our own local Religious radio and Tv channel now..They even have Masses for the home bound everyday and 9 AM on Sundays.
DeleteOur local Catholic broadcasting was done by the lame seminary. It was stopped after a short run because the diocese couldn't afford it.
DeleteNow all we have are lousy EWTN and its even worse regional affiliates. The only good thing about EWTN is that it provides daily Mass and Rosaries for shut-ins.
Wow, unbelievable. I was brought up that Mass was never to be cancelled. A priest must always have Mass at the scheduled time. I remember a Priest instructing me how to continue the Mass and distribute Communion in case of emergency or evacuation of any kind. Even in typhoon conditions there was Mass. There are even procedures or protocols to follow if there is just the priest at Mass or a few people. No excuse, even if the priest was sick, there was a substitute priest. Mass was never rescheduled or cancelled. Only now I heard of such.
ReplyDeleteCall me a dinosaur, but I'm absolutely horrified by any mistreatment of the Sacred Species.
ReplyDeleteThe DRE at a church I belonged to years ago was also an EM who took Communion to shut-ins. After seeing him literally throw a pyx into his dirty car trunk one morning, I had a major fit and went running to the Pastor. He was outraged as well. The pyx was rescued and the man's EM privileges were instantly revoked. He resigned as DRE shortly thereafter and moved to another parish.
I am very disappointed with this. As I have seen it for many years, the NCW members have ALWAYS put their community first above all others. Those not having membership have to wait. IF the NEO priest can't do their job by presiding over the mass, especially on a Sunday, then take the collar off and go your merry WAY.
ReplyDeletePlease explain why a new community was being formed over the weekend disobeying the archbishop's letter of three weeks ago putting new communities on hold. If there is not substantial disciplinary action against the priest for assisting and forming a new community against the orders of the Archbishop and purposely skipping his Parish Mass, the faithful will lose confidence in the new Diocesan
Its quite simple, The NCW, as displayed by the disobedience of Adrian and Uduvaldo along with actions of Quitugua, Pius, Alberto, and now Krzystof have made clear that AB Byrnes is not their Bishop, they only answer to Bro. Ton Apuron, they have so much confidence that their rebellion will go unchallenged, as they have the backing of NCW supporter Filoni Baloney at the Vatican. So Byrnes directives are ignored, AB Byrnes needs to crack the whip on these rebels to show them that he is the authority in the Arch Diocese of Agana.
DeleteI believe AB Byrnes will get around to doing it, however, it's kind of ridiculous to demand immediate action after we let these people get away with their crap right under our noses for twenty years without hardly a whisper. I don't see anybody from Santa Rita complaining. I'm sure the press would love the story.
Deleteboth kuam and the guam daily post ran a story about "one parent" asking for a name change to bishop baumgartner memorial school. surely they'd be interested in a story like this as well.
Deletei assume the parishioners themselves have already asked the presbyter for an explanation and a firm commitment to not let it happen again?
Maybe Santa Guadalupe parish should be the next parish to put in receivership. Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteFrom we have seen and heard, the NCW perspective is anyone not in the way is a heathen, not saved, so to this presbyter what is there to lose, when these man-umko's are already lost, they have not been chosen, they are not the elect, not walking in the way of righteousness. I'd be raising hell if I was a parishioner.
ReplyDeletewhat do you expect from Presbyters who are not formed to the sentire cum ecclesia of Holy Mother Church. Until Guam and the region returns to the fullness of the Catholic faith with Respect to the Eucharist the sacraments and our Catholic devotions these things will continue to happen.we had two bishops who lost sight of their values for many years allowing the stinking monk to take advantage of Apuron and all of you guys. It will take at least a decade to clear up the stench. It will only be cleaned up when the people return the church to the authentic catholic faith in which we all grew up with. I
ReplyDeleteI have longed believed that the Church in Guam and the Marianas need this death experience so that from the ashes of the Apuron Camacho destruction of nearing 30 years of decay the true authentic catholic faith can be re built. The islands are becoming more like the Boston of the Asia Pacific rim but we all knew this for years. I would not want to see Apuron or Camacho end up like John Gaughan and his mysterious death but you have to admit much in common.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else, like me, think maybe this priest overslept? And probably no one will be murdered as a result?
DeleteIf the presbyter overslept that is a disgrace. He should go to bed early set his alarm for 5am and get out of bed like the rest of humanity.
DeleteFr. Blockley, there was nothing "mysterious" about pedophile John Gaughan's death in a Masachusetts prison. There were documentary videos of the immediate aftermath on YouTube.
DeleteThe monstrous priest who preyed on poor Boston children was intentionally murdered by a violent lifer who was molested as a child. He was imprisoned for murdering a truck driver who tried to molest him as an adult.
Since there's no capital punishment in MA and he was already imprisoned for life without parole, he had nothing to lose by whacking Gaughan.
In a July 2014 Jungle Watch comment, Fr. Blockley mentioned being introduced to Apuron through mutual friends in San Frncisco in 1992.
DeleteExactly who are their mutual San Francisco friends? Note: Since its turbulent 1970's, I've known the San Francisco Archdiocese inside-out from the chancery on down. I can't be fooled.
Thankyou of cors i know this. I write to encourage good people like you to post and take part in discussions. Through encouraging dialogue and affirmative action the people of Guam will reclaim their church.
DeleteYou didn't answer my question. Who or what are you hiding in San Francisco? Apuron's is being hidden by Neos in that region and his US support base appears to be there.
DeleteHe's not hiding anything and neither should he bring in someone's name onto this blog without their consent, especially for someone who makes his demands anonymously. SMH.
DeleteHe raised the subject publicly and opened it to challenge. No one would have known about it if he hadn't said anything.
Delete12:57, did u just awake from Ambien dream? San Fran sicko connection old news. Go back to sleep. You need your rest.
DeleteSorry, stupid/Anon 4:17. Closet Neos need exposure regardless of where they live.
DeleteSan Francisco is an extremely wealthy city with many powerful subversives in the local church. Like 1% wealthy and powerful, something you don't understand.
There is outrage for this irresponsible behavior because we know that if a priest has a grave reason for I ability to preside at Mass, the sensible thing is to assiduously look for a substitute or delegate such task - given the paucity of short-notice replacements. I do not know if this pastor had a pressing excuse or whether he informed people ahead of time so that the parishioners can hie off to another church. He needs to explain his side of the story, and I hope he does, because this is serious matter that simply cannot be ignored..
ReplyDeleteTim also says that "he hopes that Archbishop Byrnes takes care of these impostor presbyters." He takes care of them alright, but not in a way that is satisfactory. Think Cristobal, Quitugua, Oliveira and Camacho - what has he done to these errant presbyters? I thought they describe thenselves as "itinerant," not "errant" - my point exactly. There is such a thing as imposing disciplinary action but we have seen a lot more "coddling" going on than the required and customary imposition of sanctions in response to wrongful actions! Way too many loose screws!
It's a steep learning curve. Byrnes was not prepared for the evil.
DeleteKnowing the muck Apuron created, there's no excuse for Byrnes being blindsided by the NCW. If he had studied the Vatican's instructions on it before arriving on Guam, he could have hit the ground running and blitzed Neocat parishes.
DeleteWhere there are respectable parishes near the Neocat wrecks, Byrnes should simply close the latter and apply funds from the sale of those properties to Cathedral debts. That would get rid the presbyters and send another strong message to the Neocats. Ideally, they should be excommunicated.
Apparently you have no idea how unhelpful the "Vatican instructions" are in apprehending the neocats.
DeleteAt least he would have known what the statutes actually permitted and the Neocats would have no defense against being kicked out.
DeleteApparently you have no idea how unhelpful the "Vatican instructions" are in apprehending the neocats.
DeleteSome things do take time to register in dense mindsets - now we have David CQ writing a letter to pastors to be generous at the Good Friday Service, at which donations will go to the Vatican (maybe) aka Peter's Pence for the support of Christians being pushed under by violent anti-Christian regimes. After this skeletal lurch has not been heard from nor explained away, he suddenly emerges and issues this letter! WTH! Are we being taken for a ride again by refusing to cut this cancerous presbyter from Chancery operations??? Are we really that dense in giving this hateful cult free passes all the time?
DeleteI permanently stopped paying into the Peter's Pence collection years ago. Same with appeals from the lousy local bishops.
DeleteThe corrupt Vatican is obscenely wealthy and betraying the Faithful at every turn. Give your money directly to parish social services where you can see the good it does.
In our case our "social service" was a slush fund.
DeleteWhy do you allow it? Why wasn't anyone watching over the program? Our parish social services are extraordinary and we're just plain, everyday people. Light years from being rich, but we're resourceful and blessed with an excellent Pastor. No Neos, Charismatics or other crazies. They know their antics won't be tolerated, so they wisely stay away.
DeleteIn addition to collection baskets and a Poor Box, our parish social services ministry is assisted by a major Catholic men's organization and a Catholic charity. It even provides dire emergency financial aid for stuff like rent and utilities. We have dedicated physical assistance located right at the church: Hot meals, food bank, clothing, laundry room, computers for job searches, professional resume writing, job placement assistance, homeless shelter in bad weather, referrals to free medical services, library, TV, etc. Special food donation drives cover Thanksgiving and Christmas starting weeks in advance of the holidays. There's also a major new toy drive at Christmas. Everything is run by volunteers, including retired professional chefs. To supplement our normal food purchases, nearby grocery stores and restaurants are very generous with high quality donated food every week.
On top of all that, other volunteers make a lot of sandwiches once a week and take them to mentally ill street people in a dangerous neighborhood. What the Good Lord provides for our social services ministry is amazing.
Oh, wow. Goody for you.
DeleteNCW vermin like Szafarski are sickening and dangerous.
ReplyDeleteOur former Pastor had an obvious stroke in the pulpit at Sunday Mass, but nothing could make him abandon the liturgy. He gracefully shortened his homily and went on as if nothing had happened.
His doctor was in the congregation, but he wouldn't allow her to call paramedics because they'd stop the Mass. Help was quickly summoned from the Rectory and another priest took over seamlessly.
Until then, only a few of us knew that our wonderful Pastor was terminally ill. That stroke was the beginning of the end. He was retired comfortably at his beloved Rectory and died from cancer a year or so later. Huge funeral, City officials included.
Tim- isn't a communion service banned if other masses are held at that parish in the same day? I recall the last time all the priests went to retreat some parishes had communion service during weekdays. But they couldn't have it on Sunday evening since other masses had been held that day.
ReplyDeleteIs my memory correct?
If so, then if Fr Shistoff allowed a communion service at 6am and then celebrated an 8am mass then he violated liturgical norms or maybe canon law.
But then again, he was malformed at RMS so maybe he is clueless. Seems like a reason to cast him off to me.
Sheesh-toff the computer hacker.
DeleteComputer hacker? What did Sheesh-toff allegedly do? If you feel that you have a legitimate case, report it to the FCC. If they agree, they'll fine him blind and lock him up.
DeleteAsk Sheesh-toff. He brags about his computer hacking past. With a big smile. Public forum admission.
Deletere: Anonymous April 3, 2017 at 3:01 PM
ReplyDelete"That's the convivence marking the end of the initial set of catecheses and where they pressure you to join the community or leave"
Several years ago (late 2011) when the NCW arrived in our Parish, I sat with my friends through their catechisis, and when the weekend convivence came, I refused to go because I knew what their Mass entailed from being online and I told them they had no permission to celebrate that way. The seminarian/priest told me that I should come; they were going to get the permission for all the alterations very shortly, even the way "they do Communion."
THIS ALONE tells us that there is no permission for these alterations in the approved Statutes of 2008 nor the 13 volumes of their Directory approved in 2010 even without having to read them.
Well, we know that January 2012 came, and Pope Benedict, forewarned as to the NCW's expectations, DID NOT give them the permission that they were so sure of getting.
After the convivence, we all met in the hall, and I said I would gladly come for the Bible part on Wednesdays, but I wouldn't come to their Mass. I was not welcomed. I guess one is not welcome to share the Word of God, or be missionary, or be evangelist, etc. with the NCW if you do not want to celebrate Mass NCW-style.
The friends that I went to the catechesis with and that joined the NCW because they felt they had to be loyal to the Pastor of the Church, still belong to the Way even though they "know" that the Mass is not what it should be - it's like not a major problem to them. These are people that were not lax catholics or pagans, but people who know Jesus and have a relationship with Him already.
Unfortunately there are many of these "lost souls" out there. The proverbial Monkey See, Monkey Do.....
DeleteKnowing Jesus and having a relationship with Him is all the more reason to attend Mass and receive Him in the Holy Eucharist.
DeleteAny update of how Brynes is going to deal with this? Not showing up to a Sunday mass is a big probelm and we all know that, let's just see what lame excuse comes up or hopefully from what we've seen so far is that AB Byrnes usually takes action.
ReplyDeleteThese fake priests need retraining.
ReplyDeleteThese fake priests need defrocking.
DeleteDid Byrnes discipline Sheesh-toff and the Communion service parishoners or let them skate? Did the fake priest show up for his Sunday Masses this week?
ReplyDeleteByrnes can't do anything with rumors and anonymous reports to this blog. I have asked the Santa Rita parishioners to take responsibility and write up a full report as to what happened and get it to Byrnes. I also recommended that the offending priest be personally confronted, however, give than he's a kiko, there is little chance that the real truth will be told. "Oversleeping" is the alibi. Seriously, if we have learned anything these last few years, it is the laity who MUST take responsibility and hold the abusive pastor to account.
DeleteDon't hold your breath waiting for those parishoners to contact Byrnes. If the missing presbyter had upset them, they would have gone running to Byrnes at the Cathedral that same day. It didn't happen. You're dealing with idiots who have no respect for the Eucharist. Probably well on their way to becoming Neos.
DeleteAnon 8:55 AM..yes you're right.. People I know are well on their way to becoming a Neo...They USED to be good friends now they are against me..some won't even talk to me..One of them even made fun of me for joining the protest every Sunday.Even accused me of being brainwash..
DeleteJJ @ 11:36 AM, if your friends now make fun of you, they weren't worthy to have been your friends anyway. Stick to your convictions, your joining the protest is certainly a noble cause. Your companions every Sunday are sincere and justified in demanding that filthy rats like Apuron be dealt with accordingly for their crimes. It is ironic that they accuse you of being "brainwashed" - in mental health circles it is called "projection." These neos are deluded and brainwashed, and we shall see who gets to bellow out the last laugh. Hang in there, brother, and don't stoop to their level.