Tuesday, July 11, 2017

KUAM: Protesting Catholics retire their signs

Sunday marked the end of what's become a familiar sight for Catholics. 117 protestors on the steps of the Hagatna Cathedral officially retired their signs in anticipation for a decision from the Vatican relative to the ongoing canonical trial against Archbishop Anthony Apuron. CONTINUED

1 comment:

  1. Janet B - MangilaoJuly 11, 2017 at 4:36 PM

    The picket may be over, but the damage created by Apurun will affect our Church for many years.

    Four brave men came forward to share how a sick Apurun forever changed their lives. He abused them, he abused the trust placed in him as a Catholic priest, and he abused his authority.

    The picket may be over, but we will never forget the havoc Apurun brought to our Church.

    Being a serial sexual pervert is his most heinous crime. But he accomplished so much more. He brought the NCW into our archdiocese with a promise of personal wealth and lots of foreign young men. He amassed vast fortunes through the Kikos but also from taking from the Church what was not his to take. And he conspired with others to keep these activities hidden from public view.

    The picket may be over, but we will never again sit silent while wolves devout our youth and our resources.

    The signs may have been put in the closet, but they remain vigilant should the wolves remain. People like Pius and Gennarini must never be allowed back onto Guam to meddle their filth on our Church. People like David the VG, Adrianne the Jokers Wild, monkey boy Edivaldo, dakun Tenorio, Dakun for sure for sure Claros, and others must be held accountable for their actions to protect Apurun's criminal enterprise.

    I hope Deacon Steve will be able to reveal the depth of the rot that is the NCW. I hope Abp Byrnes will demand a full accounting from the conspirators named above.

    The picket may be over, but the people of the Church on Guam will be forever grateful for the constant reminder by the picketers that truth beats authority. That right beats might. And that the pen is truly more powerful than the sword.

    Thank you Lou Klitzkie and the LFM, thank you Greg Perez and Dave Sablan of CCOG, and thank you Joe Santos and SNM. Your actions have saved our Church, and you have shown the world that the voice of common people still matter.
