Full story
NOTE: So apparently the boys at RMS are running a hotel after all, since Edwin the Basketcase Bushu tells the KUAM reporter that she is "not polite" and that she should "come in politely and make a reservation as everyone does?" But of course, Bushu is lying. Not only were the doors to the RMS hotel locked - as the video shows - no one at RMS would even pick up the phone.
BTW, a few weeks ago, in defense of Apuron, Bushu was screaming at his congregation from the pulpit at the Yigo church (where he is supposed to be) to "stop judging." Hey Bushu, sounds like you were pretty quick to judge the KUAM reporters.
BTW, Bushu was neo-fast tracked, entering the seminary in 2008 and ordained in 2011. ONLY THREE YEARS to the priesthood.
Who do you think lives there? The same people that have been living there for 17 years... It is not a mystery. Why do you want to know their names? what for? you did not need them 10 years ago and you do not need them now!!!
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks for the intel. 17 years. Rent free. All the more reason to kick the squatters out.
DeleteGod provides. Ocean view.
ReplyDeleteReal suite!
DeleteFarmer and nurse becomes priest in three years. Zowie. Who knew? Where else on earth could this happen? Then again we have the shepherd boy. Inspiring. Not.
DeleteDo any of those RMS fakes have 4-year degrees from properly accredited colleges or universities? That's the minimum prerequisite for admission to normal seminaries.
DeleteThe only time I've seen a year or two shaved off of the usual 6-year diocesan seminary stint is for gifted transfers from major religious Orders, and that's rare.
Confucius: One picture worth thousand words.
ReplyDeleteErsatz vocation?
ReplyDeleteTwo points to the first person who correctly identifies the reference. Hint: another infamous hotel.
Don't Overlook the importance of the name of the hotel.
DeleteCongratulations, Mr. Torrance! You have won a free vacation. Your room number is 237.
DeleteThe Shining quality of the answer above is prize worthy.
DeleteAn oscar winning performance. Take a bow!
DeleteThe quick brown fox jumped...
DeleteHotel California.
DeleteI don't see how the reporter was being rude. If anything it was this neoknucklehead who was very quick to judge the reporters character with assumptions. What a moron. These neos treating the hotel as if it's their palace and no one can take it away.
ReplyDeleteThe RMS needs to get their act together and be on the same page. It's crazy when they give orders. Bushu "make a reservation as everyone does?" and according to off island Cardinal Fioni "No visitors allowed". WTH, who's in charge of RMS!
ReplyDeleteLocked in? Scholastic year has begun. Looks like real beehive of education. Concerned about lockup. Are the imates okay??? This is serious stuff, man. Someone needs to check on their welfare. Sooner than later.
DeleteI hope AB Byrnes will interview each seminarian individually!
DeleteWhy interview, not much saving there. They should all be relocated where there is a willing bishop to incardinate them into their organization. Clearly none of these turds are fit to be incardinated in Guam. One NEO Cult Presbyter is one too many in this island. Especially since it is trying to rid itself from these parasites.
DeleteI hope AB Byrnes doesn't waste his valuable time interviewing the "seminarians." All he would hear would be gibberish.
Three seminarians from Guam were admitted to St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park, CA this month. Names unknown.
DeleteNew Rector at St. Pat's this month as well. A crafty Jesuit who knows how to play all sides for the middle. I've seen him in action at close range and don't like him.
Names published in the Umatuna. None neo's.
DeleteWho are they? The JP II seminarians? where does the diocese find the money to pay?
DeleteThe three lucky young men to be given an opportunity to receive a real education, at a real seminary, are:
DeleteJunee Valencia, William Mangum, and Ron Pangan. All three had the misfortune to waste their time at RMS before a miracle happened that sent them to Menlo Park. While at RMS Cult central, they were strong enough to fight the forces of evil and resist the urging to join a kiko community. That alone makes them good candidates to become strong and orthodox diocesan priests. Our best to them.
The samoans are back at RMS. They were not so strong. They were not part of the kiko cult when arriving on Guam's shores, but they were told to join a community and they blindly obeyed. Doesn't bode well for their independent and strong will. Hope they are ok.
7:33 am, Money to pay for these seminarians were set aside from the Archdiocesan appeal. More money to float for these young men because wanna be Fr. Eusebio said that RMS does not need the money for their Neo seminarians. They will handle their own expenses as far as educating the Kiko goats.
DeleteI'm so glad that the three young men are finally in a college where they do not have to put up with the teachings of Kiko.
Poor Billy Goat. Hey, Tim respect ur elders. Edweeen ready to retire older than Apuron. Had to fast track before 75 yrs. total misfit.
ReplyDeleteRESERVATIONS!!! Why didn't we know about that. If we can make reservation, can we audit classes when we're not poolside? This is cool. Who knew. Thanks for tip Edwin. One crazzzzy guy. Gonna check Trip Advisor. Can't wait for my staycation at RMS. Room service? Just askin.
ReplyDeleteRemember Daniel? You can check in any time you like....but you can never leave. (Unless it's under the cover of darkness and know one knows.)
DeleteMore like vacation.
ReplyDeleteBilly goat doesn't want to identify himself? Are you for really, Bushy? SMFH. This guy.......
ReplyDeleteBushu (bushel) of rotten fruit. That's his name.
ReplyDeleteBoy, this Edwin Bushu with his attitude is exactly what I picture the Neocats presbyters to be: Arrogant SOBs, who are elitists. So much for unity and one true Church. I'd like to make a reservation to stay at the RMS, I wonder what the rate is per night?! FREEEEEE! Love it, Baby! KUAM reporter said the RMS facility was like a ghost town except for the Bearded Bushu wandering the street. Where are the others? Did Bushu lock them up ala the Hitchcock movie, like in the Bates Mote?!
ReplyDeleteGhost town? Where are the stellar 38 seminarians and full compliment of Profs from the Popes University. The (drum roll) LATERAN UNIVERSITY. pay attention folks something bad can happen here. Open the freaking doors Monsignor David. Aka Lurch.
ReplyDeleteNEO Cult Presbyter Bushu, neglecting his assigned parish to teach at the factory with his half-baked skills. You can now consider his students quarter-baked considering that they were taught by a half baked NEO Cult Presbyter....LMAO 😂
DeletePlease do not say Edween is an instructor. Impossible. Have you heard him?
DeleteHow are they bringing food and supplies in? Boycott those businesses selling to them.
How can Billy goat teach at RMS when he has no degree? Oh wait, he got an agriculture degree and a nursing degree. Bingo, that makes him qualified!
DeleteRidiculous RMS Guam running a fake seminary. They were able to fool Apurun, because he had ingested too much KAKA.
But AB Byrnes not so gullible. He had a sip when he first got here, and agreed to send Adrianne to Canon Law school. But he obviously didnt like the taste and immediately stopped drinking in the kiko BS. He found the truth more to his liking.
And we all know you wont find any truth in the NCW. So he finally did the reasonable thing and started listening to people committed to the truth and to justice. Good for him. It looks like we have a bright Neo-free future in store for us. Truth shall prevail!
Were the 500 NEO Cult Zombies able to bring life to the church of Guam. This KAKA Filled NEO Cult Zombie from the Dungbats latest blog thinks that it was their organization is responsible for bringing life back to the church. This Zombie is so delusional. It can't see that they are responsible for the mass exodus in every parish that has a NEO Cult Presbyter Assigned to it. LMAO 😂
ReplyDeleteI forgot to paste the post referenced above. Here it is below from the Dungbats latest blog:
DeleteAnonymousSeptember 2, 2017 at 7:32 PM
Before NCW communties formed Archdiocese of Agana look similar to a dead wood dry forest.There was little sign of healthy life bad air.
The creative Spirit of God entered Guam via the way life slowly returned.
The branches on dead wood produced leaves Guam again became green lush.Lifeless dead church of past years became vibrantly alive.
The created Spirit of Christ living in community members animated church life.The church became alive positive and fecund. The spirit of the way touched a lifeless dead church. The people were touched life and fruitfulness returned to Guam.
"The created Spirit of Christ "
DeleteWhat on earth does that mean?
It makes sense when you understand that Kiko's theology does not recognize the Trinitarian God.
DeleteOf course all of the above about a "dead church" is the absolute indictment and conviction of the fake bishop who ran the place for 30 years.
DeleteThis calls for a real live....L-O-L 😂
DeleteJust shut the RMS down. Enough of the bull crap. Send those LOTE invaders home. We don't want them converting our children to their protestant beliefs.
ReplyDeleteThe only people on-site at RMS until the Archdiocese sells it should be paid guards and caretakers. No Neos!! Byrnes is sending his seminarians to St. Patrick's in California, so there's no need to keep RMS open for any reason.
ReplyDeleteIf Byrnes is living at RMS, he should get out too. He's entitled to live at the Cathedral Rectory for free, or in a modest apartment as many US archbishops and cardinals do. Cases in point, heads of the 2 largest US archdioceses. Archbishop Gomez in Los Angeles (5 million+ Catholics) and Cardinal Cupich in Chicago (3 million+ Catholics). Add Cardinal O'Malley in smaller Boston. He sold the palatial Archbishop's Mansion to Boston College for over $100 million and moved to a small apartment.
Even Pope Francis lives in 2 rooms at a Vatican City boarding house. Before being elected Pope, he shared a small Buenos Aires apartment with a disabled, elderly priest.
Our totally useless Renaissance prince-bishop lives at the multi-million-dollar Cathedral Rectory with a stuck-up priest-secretary who also works at the chancery, and a household staff. The jackass never leaves home without his personal photographer and an ex-cop bodyguard who doubles as his chauffeur.
I knew three of this jerk's immediate predecessors. All of them drove their own compact cars until very serious health issues put an end to it. No bodyguards or personal photographers. They lived at the cushy Cathedral Rectory because they were compelled to. All three of them retired to modest homes. None of them had over 2 bedrooms.
I've never heard of a so-called Catholic seminary taking reservations. Sounds like the Neos might be operating a for-profit resort hotel in part of it. That's what the once-beautiful place was purpose-built and remodeled for and what it should be sold as. If it was located anywhere on the California coast and in good shape, the property would be worth a king's ransom.
ReplyDeleteJudging from photos of large dense weeds along RMS's exterior walls and streetside curbs, the property isn't well taken care of. I wonder what the interior looks like. In one photo I saw, part of a large outside wall was covered in dirty-looking green moss. That usually means the underlying wall is rotting away.
Fortunately, that wall is most likely poured concrete or cinder block.