Monday, August 28, 2023


 (posted by Frenchie)

Foreword: This is a very complex issue, which unfortunately has not grabbed the attention it deserves. The Synod on Sin od ality that is expected to take place in October of this year, is an earth chattering reform wanted by Pope Francis to usher a "new era" for the Church. It is the culmination of a battle of more than 200 years, which was launched at the Synod of Pistoia, in 1786 in the Catholic Diocese of Pistoia, which was then part of the Territory of the grand Duchy of Tuscany (now in Italy).

The Synod of Pistoia was called by the Bishop of this Diocese (Scipione di Ricci), at the behest of Grand Duke of Habsburg-Lorraine, Leopold (future Holy Roman Emperor) both partisan of the Enlightenment School of thoughts rendered popular by the Masonic lodges of the English and Scottish rites, (whose admitted target is the elimination of the Catholic Church) throughout the Courts of Europe. This is what  culminated in the onset of the first French Revolution, and its litany of anti Catholic persecutions, first in France, then in Europe to finally culminate with the Bolshevik, Maoist and Khmer revolutions.

Within a year after the Pistoia Synod, in 1787, the next Synod of Bishops rejected the Pistoia decrees, and subsequently Pope Pius VI Condemned these decrees in 1794, in the midst of the French revolution and its reign of terror which saw the genocide of over 1 million Catholics.

Fast forward to the 1960s, and super impose the Pistoia decrees over the decisions of Vatican II, you cannot be but shocked by the similarities between the two. The war of the modernists against the tenets of the Church continued, even when slowed at times by John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

This is against this cursory background that you need to read the following expose, which I gathered from several of my contacts, in Europe, South America, Africa and the Mainland USA. It is in no way meant to be a judgement, but rather a source of information to attempt to make sense of this event.

The Revolution wished for by Pope Francis is creating great unease in the Church

Francis intends to profoundly modify the governance of Catholic institutions. A position opposed by many priests and members of the laity.

Reassured by the success of Lisbon's Youth days, the Church never the less lives in a state of confusion, as it is confronted by the orientations the Pope intends to impose during the autumn season.

Just before the World Youth days, the Pope had confirmed his wish to reform the Church at any cost.

* First the Governance of the Church, which Francis wants more democratic and decentralized.

*The Theological view, which must no longer be conservative, but progressive instead (in concert with modern society's "evolutions")

*Finally his own succession, which he is laying out methodically by reducing to a small minority the Cardinals opposed to his militant views, amongst those who will elect his successor.

The next Synod which will gather 300 Bishops and civilian "experts" chosen principally because of their favorable opinions about the reforms during the first sessions scheduled to take place in October at the 


Unveiled last June in a "work document" these suggestions have brought a great malaise among many moderate priests and bishops, as well as within the laity itself.

Many have become worried by this authoritarian assault by Francis, to ram a reform most perceive as rash and confused at best.

On June 20th 2023, Francis published a stupendous "working document" (Instrumentum Laboris) to help guide the next reforming Synod.

On July 7th, the Vatican unveiled the final list of participants. Among them Francis insisted on naming Fr James Martin, an American Jesuit, as well as Sister Mary Angela Perez RSM Guam, known for their advocacy of GLBTQ rights. They are symbols, and will be diligent during the assembly to advance the dossier for the blessing of homosexual couples. (one of the reforms publicly advanced for the Synod).

Another reform to be tackled is the Governance of the Church itself. It would no longer be the preview of Bishops and Priests. Members of the Laity could be implicated, following a less hierarchical and more democratic process. Rome itself would no longer be the center of power, which would be deployed locally or Continentally, depending on the Subject. How that wish will be reconciled with the recent incursion by the Pope himself, into the Bishop's previews with his now infamous July 16th 2021 Traditionis Custodes, remains to be seen, but this is not Francis first contradictory decision.

Concerning women, they could benefit of new responsibilities and ultimately be able to become Deacons. The request has already been filed officially with the Vatican.

Finally the Sacerdotal Celibate could also be discussed, in order to open the priesthood to married men.

On July 1st Francis took another capital decision: he named his friend and Spiritual Son Msg. Victor Manuel Fernandez 61yo, to the Key position of Prefect for the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith. Starting in mid September he shall become the third prefect for the Doctrine of Faith of Francis reign. ( the other two were  Cdl Muller, and Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer) As such Msg Victor Manuel Fernandez, soon to be Cardinal, will become the theological mentor of Francis' Pontificate, just as Ratzinger did for John Paul II, except for the fact that Fernandez is the polar opposite to Ratzinger.

As a final Papal decision, Francis created on July 10th a new promotion of 21 new Cardinals to insure a majority of like minded electors, in case of a Conclave. From now on 72% of Cardinal Electors (they must be under 80yo) have been chosen by Francis. The required majority to elect a Pope being 66%.

John Paul II created 9 promotions of Cardinals in a quarter of a century, while being careful to keep a balance of sensitivities. Francis created as many in 10 years, all on his line of thinking, except for a few rare exceptions.

Most observers agree that the acceleration of this phase of Francis Pontificate is being done to render definite and irreversible the Pope's decisions.

According to testimonies by some of his closest collaborators, the word irreversible, comes back often in the vocabulary of Bergoglio. As the three powers: Governance, Theological approach and Election of the Pope are irremediably changing, only six months after the death of Benedict the XVI, the total asphyxia of the traditional influence in favor of the progressive bloc, looks final.

American Jesuit Priest Fr Thomas Reese, an acute observer of Rome, recently noted in the National Catholic Reporter : "Any organization can have marvelous policies, but their implementation cannot be acted upon, unless the individuals charged with their enactment are in positions of power."

Since the beginning of his reign in 2013, Francis has demonstrated his great political ability. His own collaborators confirm that he leaves nothing to chance. Strategic vision, choice of men, sidelining of opponents, close internal control of his subordinates, are the tools he uses to reach his goals. This arsh discipline approach has dire internal consequences.  The Church has not been that divided in a very long time.

Instrumentum Laboris has filled the reformists with joy, and hit the Classical Catholic Conservatives with consternation. The novelty has been that it has created an unusual unease among moderate priests, as well as with a very large number of Bishops. Until now these people were not critical. Now many are worried by this authoritarian approach. This new defiance by moderates is worldwide. In the USA for example, where differences are not hidden under the covers like in Italy, the Apostolic Nuncio Msg Christophe Pierre (named Cardinal on 07/10) was forced to become an advocate for the Synod. He had to plead in favor of it during a chilly reception by American Bishops in Orlando, Florida: "We must avoid polarisation, we must learn to listen to one another, to work together, to walk together, Cum Petro et Sub Petro" Synodality? we should trust it right now! It is not a new program, nor is it a lure to mask a plan for change of the Doctrine of the Church" Strong words for a conference of Bishops that still did not appeared convinced...

In France, before a fall season which promises to be agitated, a great scepticism is the rule with the Laity and the Priesthood. While many critics are afraid to speak publicly within the priests' ranks, as if they fear retribution ( a strong irony, far from the synodal spirit which supposedly  respect contrary thoughts and honors contradictory debates).

The place of women, as brought forth in Instrumentum Laboris will certainly be a cornerstone of the Synod. The debate could be very tense.  During a recent visit in the USA Cardinal Sarah who was not invited to participate in the Synod, despite his huge popularity declared while being interviewed on July 6th: " No Synod can invent a feminine Sacerdoce".

The expected changes pushed forward by Francis and the modernist wing of the Church, might not go through smoothly.

A moderate priest with a lifelong experience is very worried: "This Synod is generating a lot of anxieties with people who are interested in the Church, yet there is a profound lack of interest on the other side." Adding: " The participation of the Laity should not be controversial. Catholic Ecclesiology is articulated around the ministries, of which the priest is at the center. Yet what is put forward is the deconstruction of the backbone of the Church itself."

Here you can see the appearance of this great anxiety among many priests and numerous member of the Laity. In other word the respect of the Sacred Character of the Church.

Another Pastor from a large urban area confirms:  "Many people are distressed when reading Instrumentum Laboris for the upcoming Synod. No one is able to discern the re-enforcement of faith, but instead they see the upcoming catastrophe of the deconstruction of the Church. At the same time the lively forces of Catholicism, of Classical, of Traditional, African or Asian background are not concerned by this Synod, whose orientations they shall not follow. Creating the danger of a deep Schism."

Surprisingly the most critical are often the rank and file faithful. Here are two astute analysis harvested among several hundreds.

* "The love of the Church, with its living treasure, the Eucharist; is being lost in a will of openness which looks more like a dissolution. This working document looks more like a communication exercise"

* "The large majority of Christians is not only worried, but also filled with a feeling of dread while facing a process that has all the markings of artifacts and manipulations, not in touch with the spiritual reality of the Church".


With Francis ecological and inclusive verse used in Lisbon:

" Todos! Todos! An Iglesia abrada a Todos!" (All! All! A Church opened to All)

In the end the younger generation no longer understand this Pope, often perceived as a demagog. By trying to please each and everyone, he refuses to address his own people. Perceived as liberal by the outsiders, he is seen as moralistic by his own.

In regards to the young people who are very involved within the Church, this Pope speaks too much. He is no longer taken seriously, they do not buy his wokish clerical speech any longer.

" If the youth feel distant from this Pope and his Bishops, but remain close to their priests; it is because they have a thirst for something more generous, more spiritual, around Christ, the Saints of great ideals versus the tide of a hostile civilian society. They need beauty, spirituality, generosity while the institutions are promoting a more mainstream model. The elation of the hearts, as experienced in Lisbon during the Youth  days, has absolutely nothing to do with these administrative and synodal gatherings.

Many believe that the consultation which led to the preparatory document was biased. A manoeuvre of sort to reach pre-determined in advance conclusions.

In many parishes, it was easy to identify the respondents. They were over 70yo, their children often do not practice the faith, and their grand children are not baptized. The boomers have therefore taken out the old recipes! This Synod already looks passe, when compared to the real inspirations of the younger generations.


  1. About half way through Frenchie’s post I was thinking the same thing that Frenchie ultimately sets out in his conclusion.

    What we are seeing - from this pope on down, and especially as set out in his “sin-od,” - is the last gasp of a dying generation which came to life in the 1960’s and has no heirs.

    This is how God protects his Church from the gates of Hell.

    Like the first generation of Israelites whom He brought out of Egypt and who would turn unfaithful, God lets them all die in the desert - even Moses - and then brings a new generation into the promised land.

    There is no need to do anything now other than become holy, holy, holy.

    "O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, for the salvation of souls, the reparation of sins, the reunion of all Christians, and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father this month. Amen."

    P.S. I modified this “morning offering” to pray “in particular for the Holy Father,” and NOT his intentions. Amen.

  2. Thank Tim for your insight. You are right on target.

  3. This post generated a fair amount of interest, which manifested itself in an odd way. Despite this website allowing anonymous comments which makes it easy for people to express themselves without fear for retribution, I received a sizeable amount of comments through my personal email, from several members of the clergy. All seemed to be interested in the topic, but somehow feared to go public.
    This troubled me, since it would be easy for members of said clergy to comment as anonymous, and still contribute to a debate, that ultimately we shall all have to face one way or another.
    What is it that so unsettles these individuals, that they cannot find the moral courage to share their own feelings on such a monumental event?
    Apuron and most of his minions are gone, the neos are on the down low, our administrator is not known for being aggressive towards anybody. Why don't you share publicly your thoughts. It can only help the faithful at large
    I pray that you would
