(Posted by Frenchie)
First I hope that you all were able to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption, which for the first time in many years, was officially a day of obligation, thanks to a decision by then Archbishop Byrnes. I had always found it strange that Guam was not celebrating the Feast of the Assumption of Mary like the large majority of Catholic countries around the world.
Unless you have been living under a rock, the novelty of this year's celebration was that our New Archbishop Ryan Jimenez was also going to officially be intronized in his functions, on that most blessed day. The symbolism of this was blown over many Catholic heads, and spirits who had been lobotomized by more than 3 decades of Apuron's failed leadership and corruption.
I decided to arrive about an hour and a half prior to the opening of the celebrations. Only to find that the Cathedral was already quite full by the time I arrived, unusual as it has been over the last 10 years. Every attendee was given a High Quality glossy program and a prayer card upon arrival. The Tone was definitely set. I found a comfortable seat, with a very good venue to observe the proceedings and the attendees.
My first observation was that despite a decent presence of male faithful, the large majority of people within the Cathedral was female, many of whom had worn their best attire and mantillas. Confirming a worldwide trend in the attendance of Catholic services.
Seats had been reserved on both side of the Altar and behind it for members of the Clergy and the visiting Bishops and Archbishops, as well as for religious orders representatives.Room was also reserved for secular representatives of the different branches of the Government and the Military, in the front rows of the Basilica.
As I mentioned prior, many of the ladies attending the celebrations wore their best outfits and participated positively in the cheerful atmosphere within. This was in contrast with some of the outfits worn by many of the men attending. Beside the usual Hawaiian shirts worn by many, the disparity of outfits worn was striking. It went from formal business attire, to poorly ironed polo shirt, most mothers would frown upon for such an event.
The overall atmosphere prior to the ceremony was cheerful, yet reserved and reverent, except for the Spanish/Italian contingent of the NCW and their Catechist, which kept talking and gesturing in agitated ways, specially the group of teens and preteens brought along, who apparently have no idea what the word reverence means. Enough said, except that if it is the kind of fruits this tree is producing, we have a major problem.
The first official secular representative to arrive, was Mayor Alig of Piti, who was representing the council of Mayors. He wore a dark colored Hawaiian shirt which was stylish and subdued, beside having a slimming effect. Slowly members of the Judiciary trickled in: Associate Justice Carbullido arrived in coat and tie, accompanied by his spouse. Soon Judge Lamorena III joined in dressed in a short sleeve tan shirt which looked as if it had been ironed in the mouth of a camel. The Maga Haga showed up in a somewhat elegant outfit with the first man a her side, also wearing suit and tie. They were closely followed by the Lt Governor and his spouse. Finally the Chief of Police showed up, barely on time, wearing an awful looking Hawaiian Shirt, that made him look as if he finished his shift at the Jamaican grill. A chamoru version of a keystone cop, what a disgrace.
The volunteers of the Cathedral all wore their usual white shirts, and were very pro active, guiding worshipers efficiently and quietly to the few seats available, and assisting the officials to their assigned seats.
The Governor, Lt Governor and their respective husbands were soon joined by the Speaker of the Senate, the Vice Speaker, the US Delegate and significant other. Other Senators were spotted around the crowd, notably Free Mason Joe San Augustin, Senator San Nicolas aka Santa Claus, wearing his now famous red outfit, but also Senator Taitague, with an original ensemble, former Senator and current candidate Tony Ada was among his fellow knights of the Equestrian Order of Jerusalem, in a risplandant white cape, his charming spouse, just a few feet away. Senator Jesse Lujan, for his part sat with the filipino contingent, wearing his usual casual sport outfit.Most other Senators shone by their absence, which in itself is not surprising looking at the likes of Fisher, Perez, and other rabid anti Catholics. Most Republican candidates were sadly missing, probably thinking they do not wish to court the Catholic voters, disappointing, but not surprising.
If we could use one word for the ceremony, it probably would be pageantry, something the Church used to know how to do, which for this occasion was revived. Hopefully not for the same reasons as Apuron, but rather to emphasize the Sacred, which used to be at the center of the Catholic rituals.
Several lessons can be drawn from this celebration, and official proceedings: Archbishop Ryan appears to be a consummate political individual, with a sense for symbolism, and an acute reading of the crowd he addresses. Like him or not, he certainly is not somebody to take lightly. He displayed a lot of charm and flexibility, but you can sense a level of cold determination. The question being: shall he use it for good, or shall he be another politician in sheep's clothing. Only time will tell.
Another quick observation during the readings, the homily and the eucharist, was the reactions or lack thereof by certain noted individuals. The Speaker, and the Vice Speaker followed the ceremony with obvious intent and reverence, while the delegate a former seminarian himself was very much in communion with the process. Tony Ada was also very focused, as well as senator Taitague. When it came to Lourdes L. Guerrero Cook, she was quite aloof for the most part, even if she expressed a miraculous smile on a couple of occasions during the Archbishop homily, her husband seemed more in tune that she ever appeared to be. Finally a small ray of hope....The Lt Governor, Josh Tenorio was certainly the best and most appropriately dressed for the occasion, (he looked the part of professional politician) and his companion while less formal, wore very appropriate outfit. Most importantly, while many have pointed to their sinful situation, they both appeared to be in total communion with the ritual and very respectful of the proceedings, and genuinely worshiping, which gives us a glimmer of hope regarding the saving of their respective souls.
Last but certainly not least, the obvious decision by Archbishop Ryan to invite, and successfully welcome most of his brother Bishops, from the Oceania region, was impressive, with the Bishops of both Honolulu and San Jose CA in attendance, plus a Cardinal from Portugal who seem to be one of his mentor. This was certainly a show of political power, for the faithful of our Archdiocese, letting us know he is appreciated within the Church. The large contingent of priests from Chalan Kanoa and the Philippines was also well noted, with a similar message. We definitely have a archbishop who will have to be part of the local equation on many levels. Judging by the high number of visitors from Saipan, he made strong and lasting contact while there.
On another subject, the secretary for the nunciature, who represented the Pope for the occasion, while young and energetic, appear to be well aware of the many dossiers of our archdiocese. He conveyed on a personal level, that our nuncio is making strong progresses on the mental level, following the devastating stroke he suffered last year, while his physical progresses are more limited and challenging. Please keep him in your prayers, as he worked very hard to address Guam's numerous issues.
The Neos did spend a good amount of time and charm to try to gain brownie points during the party following the ceremony. You cannot blame them for trying. At least they work hard at it.
Monsignor James, looked in control, as the master of ceremonies, even if he looked tired and slow at time.
Reading a crowd can be revealing of many attitudes and agendas, specially when you know the record of the participants. This was highly educative and indicative of some of the positions taken already by the local actors. Lets keep our eyes and ears open, and watch with close attention, how our Catholic Archdiocese will continue in this 21st century.
Your observation of the Mass of Installation of the new archbishop made for an interesting read. I wish I could have attended in person but was present via livestream. To your point about women at the Mass, I believe in the Church's current position that only men should be ordained to the priesthood and your observation of the overrepresentation of women at the Mass is one reason for I do not want an overly feminized Church. There was pageantry and reverence at the Mass. I was impressed by the beautiful sound of the combined choir and the Youth Orchestra and the music repertoire although I would have liked more Latin in the music and liturgy. Masses nowadays are almost totally devoid of Latin which, in my opinion, is sad because Latin is the sacred language of the Church and does not have to be confined to the Latin Mass at the Friary. Does the fact that Latin is the sacred language of the Church and is hated by Satan account for anything? Perhaps in an effort to establish rapport with the people, Archbishop Jimenez made a number of humorous references during the Mass which took me aback somewhat because I believe one or two humorous references are okay during Mass; more than that may take away from the solemnity and reverence of the Mass. Just my own opinion as a layperson. Nevertheless, I am grateful that we now have an archbishop and I pray for him and welcome him as he embarks on leading our archdiocese.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, I pray for the archbishop and
Hello Anon at 4.19, I concur with your observations. The choice of using latin in the mass is up to the celebrant, in this case the master of ceremony. Latin has never been Msgr James forte, but it could also be a decision of the Archbishop. Some parishes routinely use the Kyrie, Credo, or Sanctus. Even the Pater Noster. On Guam many NCW priests avoid any latin at all, except for a couple of exceptions. As for the mercenaries serving as priests, many try the path of least resistance, and have a tendency to not use latin at all. The Archbishop and Guam will need all the prayers we can get.
ReplyDeleteI cringed when I read you brutally dismissing contract priests as "mercenaries." Some of the contract priests are indeed very shallow but many of them love their parishioners, teach them the correct Catholic doctrines and practices and accompany them when they are in pain and are genuine Alter Christi. Some of the holy and loving contract priests I've been blessed knowing during my 30 years on Guam are Fr. Hermes de los Banes, Fr. Manny Ombao and Fr. Mel Camina. I am not acquainted with all the contract priests, past and present, but I'm sure there are many more genuine and holy priests among them. The good contract priests should not be dismissed along with the shallow priests-in-name only.
Melinda Burke
Thank you Melinda for your concerns. My choice of the term mercenaries, was deliberate and not accidental. It was meant to create a certain malaise, in order for people to wrap their mind around the magnitude of the issue at hand. I certainly don't disagree that some of our " contract" priests have, and continue to do a decent if not stellar job. The problem is two folds:
DeletePriests hailing from very poor conditions, whose main reasons are social improvement, rather than a true calling. Some of these individuals end up as decent priests, and find redemption in a sacerdoce which was not their original intent. Others remain economical and social climbers with all that intale.
The fact that we had failed leaders (ie: Apuron) who manipulated, blackmailed, and twisted, led us to have priests abusing their situation, financially, sexually and otherwise, which led us to an unusual high number of below par individuals. I did not even addressed the problem of neo priests, who fall in all the above categories, but belong to a manipulative sect. Yes there are a few decent neo priests as well.
I am glad that you had a good luck with some of the contract priest. You should feel privileged. Yet this remains a major obstacle for our archdiocese, not everyone is as lucky as you.
Thank you for your participation, let's pray for all our clergy