Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Fr. Paul required a retraction and an apology by noon, today. His request was ignored. Civil action is next. But regardless of what Fr. Paul does or doesn't do, the rest of us must demand that our priests not be treated in this way by their bishop, EVER!

A PDF copy of the letter is available for download here.

Go here for the 12/6/13 request for a retraction and an apology.


  1. Father Paul needs to do whatever it takes to clear his name. Like he stated, there are two issues against him, the issue of disobedience and the issue of slandering his name. I wonder what other devious scheme the so called Archbishop's Curia will come out with. Guess it is mud slinging time.

    When the time is right, I will post a picture that will be a shocker. Like I stated, it's mud slinging time!

  2. What a great possible scenario, Fr. Paul suing the Archbishop and the Archdioesce for defamation of character in civil court. The press will have a field day!! Can this be done? Absolutely, clergy and religious are not exempt from civil liabilty.

    1. Does anyone really expect Tony to humble himself and admit he was wrong? He may actually want to do so at this time because of all the high level attention this issue is now getting in the Catholic world. Unfortunately, he cannot state he was wrong, because then he would also have to admit that he flat out lied. That would send even bigger waves throughout the Catholic hierarchy.

      However, the truth will come out when the officials from Rome arrive shortly, and now Tony must spend some solid time in prayer that his bosses are more merciful to him than Fr Paul's boss has been.

      Sadly, at this point Tony is no longer an effective leader for Guam's faithful because of his own unfaithfulness. And the rest of us are stuck with the unenviable task of trying to pick the Church back up. My own daughter in law says she is going to stop going to Church because she no longer believes such an institution could possibly be what God created. While I think I have got her convinced not to leave the Church, this same sentiment will certainly cause others to fall away.

      It is too bad that Tony, Adrian, and David didn't learn anything about open governance from the sex abuse crisis. They are trying the same old thing that has already failed...be quiet and hope that the problem goes away. If that doesn't work find a scapegoat to lash out at and try to make them take the fall.

      Dear people of Guam - do not become disheartened! Out of every horrible situation something good arises. Guam is on the verge of a renewed climate of faith, a new Church, which is the old Church. Pray extra hard that the arduous and painful conclusion to this chapter in our dark history comes to a swift and bloodless end. Give the three leaders in San Ramon a safe haven somewhere with their missionary priests abroad where they can spend the rest of their lives in quiet reflection.

    2. "Give the three leaders in San Ramon a safe haven somewhere with their missionary priests abroad where they can spend the rest of their lives in quiet reflection."


  3. I would recommend the book TRIUMPH, a very readable history of the Catholic Church. We've seen much worse. In fact, the dirt and the mess is all the more evidence that we are the true church, Satan doesn't waste time on the one which aren't.

    1. I agree but it's little comfort to think that little Guam can be just as dirty as the big boys.

  4. Of course, the real mistake was leaving Fr. Paul NOTHING, and NOTHING TO LOSE. Bad strategy. Whose?

  5. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

    Mahatma Gandhi
