Monday, February 10, 2014


"My". That means "mine". As in "my property". As in I get to decide what gets on here. So instead of sniveling like idiots about unfairness and all your other crap, start your own blog. Prove me wrong. Get more hits than me. You guys are embarrassing and discrediting yourself. I asked for one little document and I've gotten an eruption of stinking puss and gangrene from your gaping sores. But then that's how evil normally responds when it's pricked. What a pathetic mess. 

By the way. Fr. Paul update: Both law suits are going forward. Looks like I'll soon be the least of your worries. Already sugar momma has split. Oh and by the way. PP was here. Don't worry. He didn't talk other than to say...hmm, okay, we'll save that. (Note to chancery: you may want to call the dogs off. Soon.)


  1. PP...I know what that means!

  2. Why so cryptic? Who is sugar momma? Who is PP?

    1. Ask the chancery. See if they'll answer.

    2. You were the one who used those two references, which is why I am asking you.

    3. Then you'll have to wait till I tell you. It was a message for the chancery. I'm giving them a chance to call the dogs off. Meanwhile, law suits go forward and I have nothing to do with that.

    4. If only????"????? With this law suit, the ante may go up again for the Annual Archdiocesan Appeal, to cover his share.....

    5. "You were the one who used those two references, which is why I am asking you." Anyone in the Chancery office making comments on Tim's blog while you are on the clock? 4:51 pm, 10 minutes till closing. Comment on your own time . Or have you been keeping watch all day? Staring at the screen waiting, waiting, waiting. Just my own guess. Don't be sensitive. No, I'm not Tim. Only an interested party.

    6. "Anyone in the Chancery office making comments on Tim's blog while you are on the clock?"

      I would not know. I was the one asking and I am just a concerned layperson.

    7. If you say so concerned layperson.

  3. PP Sugar momma neocat archie hmmm...
    makes me wonder

  4. Sounds like another SODOM and GAMORRAH movie.

  5. Wonder if the Archbishop is counting the days before his next departure on MONDAY February 17!

  6. Where is he off to? The Winter Olympics? He could just stay home as he is on a slippery SLOPE right here...From San Ramon Hill straight down freestyle. Hope he lands on his feet after the impending LAWSUIT. Are the priests having another retreat in the PI ? Who will cover the parishes after he sent so many off to convert the PAGANS.

    1. If he is on priest's retreat I hope it is a silent retreat for his sake. Can't tell what inappropriate remarks might be made.

  7. Understand the letters. Will inform archbishop Krebs immediately.

  8. Archbishop Apuron may have had problem in his youth with his father. This is why he formed a bonding with kiko who became a father to the archbishop of Guam. We are looking closer at the psychology of the archbishop to understand why for over twenty years he has a history of evolving in unhealthy relationships.

    1. We shouldn't get into any psychological analysis here, but should just stick to the facts. He is our Archbishop and is being wrongly advised. I believe he was looking for a solution to the exodus of the faithful and lack of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Through the Neo he believed the answer would come. I feel so sorry for him as I truly believe he was trying to do something good for our island. Please pray for him and for the healing of our Archdiocese.

    2. Anonymous @ 7:56
      I would agree. Prayer is powerful, not just for the Archbishop, but for ourselves that we remain charitable in our expostulation.

    3. From the outset I have attempted to lay the blame for the archbishop's incomprehensible actions at the feet of his advisors. But we are beyond that. There is no doubt that the Archbishop is acting on his own and for his purposes. We must never stop praying for the salvation of a person's soul, but praying for a person's soul does not preclude necessary action to prevent damage to other souls. An abused wife must never stop praying for her husband's soul, but at some point must take material action to safeguard her wellbeing and the wellbeing of her children. It is her duty. And so it is ours.

    4. EXPOSTULATION...yes, let us remain charitable. But expostulation is a big word for an average joe. Nothing wrong with saying the Archbishop is acting on his own for his own purposes.

    5. One should never underestimate the resources of the average joe.

  9. I used to feel sorry for the Archbishop believing, as others have charitably believed, that he was the poor victim of horrible advise. But not anymore. Not after all the information that people have contributed. Look at the facts:
    Tony is a very smart guy - he has multiple masters degrees, including one from the U of Notre Dame. Dumb hicks don't get into those kinds of programs. He must have been quite a shining star in his young days as a priest, a stand out who was recognized early on as a successor to the ailing Archbishop Flores. In his early days he impressed a lot of people.
    Then began a long gradual slide into what he has become today.

    It is precisely because of his mental acumen that he allows others to think he is the victim of bad advice...that way he can eventually blame an underling. In many discussions with those who have worked for him in the past, he uses people to get what he wants, and if they slow him down he gets rid of them. He looks pretty clean to the uninitiated. But you cannot hide 30 years of record and blame the current demise on bad advise.

    That is not to deny that bad advise was given. His canon lawyer/right hand man spends more time hiding from the public, making the Archbishop be the front line of attack. But anyone who took nine years to finish his JCD degree, well, let's just say he wore out his welcome and they finally passed him to make room for someone who would make a real canon lawyer. But David must have something to hold over our Tony to stay in the second highest office of our Archdiocese while displaying an utter lack of competence. It would be nice to know what David knows, but if that were to happen he would no longer be needed in the Chancery. A loss of a million dollars since he mindlessly filled that position so many years ago, so he could shield Archie from self-inflicted wounds.

    Then there is the curious case of the current Chancellor. Also a Neo, probably more so than any other person beside the real Archbishop, Fr Pius. Adrian is ambitious, but we have learned that he struggled fiercely with academics at St Patrick's, and had to attend remedial classes elsewhere just to make it to the priesthood. Just like Judas of old, his loyalty is strong as long as it also matches his ambition. He dearly wants to be Bishop, anywhere. When he was passed up for Monsignor a few years back because Tony also recognized his limitations, he flew off to Denver to seek love and care from the Neo community there. Now he is back but his ambition remains an be loyal to Tony, or to further himself...must be hard these days because Tony gives plenty of cause for temptation in this area. He is probably the most likely to break rank with the "in-group" and expose a terrible mess that is the Chancery. He just can't quite figure out how without implicating himself.

    No, Tony is no dummy, no victim of bad advice. He is a smart man who sees that surrounding himself with hostess ding-dongs, he can get whatever he wants, as long as they can operate in the dark edges.

    Well, this blog is a much needed bright light shining into every nook and cranny. Many who know are coming forth with bits and pieces. Keep the light shining and soon it will all be revealed for what it truly is...a corrupt tryst between our shepherd, his greed, and the NCW.

    Tim, turn up the juice on your beams, you seem to have the rats frozen in the light!

    1. Anonymous at 9:28am. Perhaps you are not old enough to remember. I am what they call a manamku. Father Tony Apuron was considered OK by the people. He was not spectacular. His preaching was good, not like now, but not in the top five, so to speak. He sang well. In Agat he liked to take the altar boys out to eat, swim and trips to Saipan. But he stayed there only two years I think. He was good at the Cathdral. He is good at that sort of thing. I know for a fact that Bishop Flores true star was Father James Gavin. But he was white and a white priest couldnt follow after the first Chamorro bishop. So Father Tony was an ok priest. He was not fantastic. As for Notre Dame all I can say is you cannot be super dumb to go there but you dont have to be super bright either. Look at a lot of our Ph.D.'s running around here.

  10. There are more of us. Sorry to say we must remain anon. Just waiting for the right subjects to come to light. Don't want to waste good ammo on practice blog posts. Waiting for a well placed POST.

  11. I have come to the conclusion that the Archbishop is after a couple of things and by any means necessary he will get it accomplished.

    1. He is after Power & Prestige- To be come the first Chamorro/Cardinal of the Pacific Islands (Guam, CNMI, FSM, Palau, Marshalls, etc.) He is trying to get his name out there at the expense of our own islands assets. He is presenting this case to Rome with the help of some influential friends and cohorts that the Pacific Islands needs a Cardinal. (And if he gets to be a Cardinal- he gets to pick the next Pope (if age appropriate))

    2. He is after keeping his name in the History Books- Have Blessed Diego Luis De San Vitores declared a saint for the Marianas. (Wining him both Spainss and Guam's popularity)

    3. He is after revenge- Deny qualified candidates to to take over the CNMI- he doesn't want ANY Guam priest to be his "equal". Shame cause they are his brother priests.

    4. He is after his Legacy- Find and Train a successor for the office of Archbishop so the NCW and other perks he has put into for himself will be stable and have longevity.

  12. 928am. Do not know who you are but by the content and style of your comment we do know you are honest and have detailed information.

  13. 928am. After study of your comment we believe you hold detailed information which is required by the apostolic nuncio archbishop Martin Krebs. May we ask you to please contact the archbishop as soon as possible with any information that you hold.

  14. 1032am. Your comment was selected for further evaluation on its contents. If you hold any information it is essential that you immediately contact the office of archbishop Martin Krebs. We are aware of the statement There are more of us. We know that. But you must all work together and come forward to the apostolic nuncio. Please do not wait to post, send the information first to new Zealand. You can also send the information privately to mr Tim rohr and he will have the good judgement to know what to do. Please contact archbishop Krebs he will be waiting to hear from you. Infact your comment will be in his office by this evening.

  15. 1126am. Not sure how we address you so with all respect we call you mam.
    Mam may we ask you to continue your posts on the matters you have raised. We have a particular interest

  16. Even if the chancellor breaks with loyalty to Apuron he will never be accepted as bishop of Saipan. And your correct word is out he wants to break with Apuron. Even if Apuron stays for seven years until 75 the three in San ramon will never be trusted again. It would be best for the two to return to the mainland after, because the clergy of Guam will never trust the two again. Impossible.

  17. Does anyone know why there is a delay in selecting a Bishop for Saipan?

  18. Hope you all know that Father Alberto is the vice chancellor! Guess he is the watchdog for the two and reports to the commander and chief.

    1. guess you all know who was vice chancellor before Alberto

    2. Doesn't belong here but I am still thinking of King Tony dancing around the Altar of God....big distraction all day ....can't wash it out of my hair.

  19. He was the Chancellor before when he was first ordained. These jobs require EXPERIENCE!

  20. I always thought it was Sister Ana OP who was the Chancellor, rest her soul.

  21. After Alberto...before she is doing all the VISA work for the incoming Seminarians and priests who would be incardinated here. Busy, Busy ME so she said
