Monday, February 24, 2014


Anonymous says:
Never mind found a photo under Umatuna si Yu'us titled Rector from Pope's University Visits. On the right side towards the top, look for seminarian with glasses, dirty brown hair, and standing almost next to person with white hair. That's him! 

Not sure what Anonymous wants us to know about him, but you can tell us now. Just make sure it's evidenced-based.


  1. As stated previously, he is the seminarian who laughed all throughout the time the Archbishop was singing a song in honor of Our Blessed Mother. This all took place in the House of The Lord! No respect whatsoever. The seminarian knows when, where and what the function was! Like I stated, the holier than thou attitude in front of the Archbishop, but the sneering attitude behind his back.

    Same on you for mocking the Blessed Mother, the disrespectfulness in the House of The Lord, and so on and so on!

    1. Yet another new seminarian of whom we know nothing. In a few years he will be a Pastor here in our Archdiocese. Then he will go off to another land to convert other pagans. This is all amazing. Truly amazing. Thank you, Kiko!

    2. well I wish the Archbishop would show all the Parishioners and the Diocesan Priests a little bit more respect too.

  2. Maybe English is not his first language. Maybe he has a disorder that causes him to have inappropriate outburst. We really don't know much about how this men are screened. Some seminaries require psychological evaluation before one enters. At this point we shouldn't even speculate. Maybe you should have asked him straight up why he was laughing.

    1. AnonymousFebruary 24, 2014 at 1:48 PM Good point. Many Barbbas spirit here.

    2. If this seminarian has a disorder of just bursting out laughing, can you imagine the sight if he should be celebrating Mass and suddenly bursts out into laughter during the most solemn part of the Mass...the CONSECRATION?

    3. Exactly! We really don't know these men and their backgrounds other than that they are neo and that citizenship is the golden ticket to the world!

      Case and point the neo guy who wrote the Arch's letter on same-sex marriage that Muslims know how to handle the gays by lynching them. He had no clue that the CCC calls for us to be compassionate to homosexuals. If this was a character flaw or one of poor education, I cannot say.

  3. Given the horrid revelations of abusive priests in the last decade we have a RIGHT to be assured that all of the proper screening is done at this seminary. The lack thereof in the past was a prime reason for these crimes. In the letter to Aaron it is revealed that the formation is only six years. Supposedly Eurpean style course of study. As of late, the men are not even here for the whole six years. We see them once and presto presbyter! Let us not let the whole subject of the inadequacies of RMS drop. AND NOW THEY ARE INSTITUTING YET ANOTHER SEMINARY. we want an account of the screening process.

    1. AnonymousFebruary 24, 2014 at 3:08 PM why don't you join and tell us, unless your married.

    2. This is from a warped individual. This is serious about the screening of the seminarians.

    3. I have a sense this irresponsible remark is from a seminarian. Or, this one could be from Rev. Father Chancellor directed at Tim. Just to say, it's better NOT be from anyone having anything to do with forming future priests.

  4. If a seminarian has to be asked why or be reminded about why laughing in Church is absolutely not acceptable, then that is such a sad situation for both the seminarian and whoever has just defended him -- 1:48PM.

    "Language barrier" is a sad stretch of a reason not to know enough about respect and posture in Church. Regardless of a Catholic's ethnic language, a respectful demeanor and posture in Church is a universal "Catholic language". Are these seminarians Catholic? ... because if they aren't, that would be the ONLY EXCUSABLE REASON; and if these individuals observed laughing are members of the neo, then that explains the lack of respect, given the same attitude this movement practices for the Consecrated Sacrament of Holy Eucharist at Communion time during their altered version of The Mass.

    1. I was looking at some possible explanations. Sometimes there are cultural differences. I attended Mass in Pourtugal and though everything was the same, mannerisms seemed irreverent to me, but it doesn't mean that the people were ill behaved. In addition, a person may look absolutely normal but may have a disability. We cant tell by judging outward signs. That's why I stated that the commenter should have asked the seminarian himself to clarify. This is one person's perception so we cannot crucify this man based on his look at the time. He may have been ill, who is to say. Unless there is something substantial, I feel his photo should be removed.

    2. Sorry, a laughter is a laughter, I saw what I saw. To laugh from the beginning to the end of the song is inexcusable. As a seminarian one should respect the House of The Lord. Maybe the song didn't conform to KIKO'S tune, but it was a song in honor of the BLESSED MOTHER!

    3. Why didn't you confront him charitably? I'm not saying that you are lying about the laughter, but unless you have something substantial on this seminarian, other than that he is irreverent, then what else is there to say?

      Is there something im missing? He wouldn't be the first disrespectful person in Church.

      I see the point and truth with all the factual findings but this seems to stick out of nowhere unless like I stated, I'm missing something.

      Could anyone share the neo catechesis on Mary. I would appreciate the lesson.

    4. As a seminarian he ought to know about reverence in the Church. People can hem and haw all they want, this actually happened and I will stand my ground on it.

      I will not discuss it any further. Take it as is, believe what you want, but in the end it is on the conscience of this seminarian. End of discussion.

    5. Approaching our fellow lay people charitably about such issues is within our normal boundaries. Approaching seminarians is a different matter, especially if there is a language barrier. However, the person who pointed out the problem is not singling out a particular behavior of a particular person, but a much larger problem. These people are personally selected and invited to be priests "for Guam" by the Archbishop. And further, they are protected by him.

    6. There was no singling out at all. Aside from the laughter, the manner of going up to receive communion with ARMS FOLDED by other seminarians was unbelievable. Some sat as they returned to their pews, others knelt. I was taught that after you receive communion, you kneel to say a little prayer of thanksgiving.

      I don't know what to think anymore. Guess I will play the blog theme song just to put a smile on my face.

    7. No one was being singled out. As a matter of fact, on that very same day, seminarians had their ARMS FOLDED when they were going up to receive communion. The sight was unbelievable. Some knelt and others automatically sat. I was taught that you fold your hands as you go up to receive communion. I was taught that after receiving, you kneel to say a little prayer of thanksgiving.

      Oh well, time to listen to the blog theme just to put a smile on my face.

    8. I understand Tim. I truly meant no offense to the commenter and share his/her sentiments, but I thought to present other explanations to be charitable to this stranger in my home. His disrespectful manner would make me furious too if I'd witness it.

      Too bad no one next to him pinched him like my mama would do to me for being rambunctious during Mass.. In fact, I wish my mama would've been there because seminarian or not, she would have told him off about being disrespectful.

      Even at Mass today when she sees the young people talking during Mass she gets up to quiet them and reminds them that that is Jesus up there.

      Once a senator was talking right after receiving Communion and she in her regular fashion got right up to school him about the Most Precious Body and Blood of Christ and how he was being distracting and irrevant.

      I pray to have the fortitude of my mother, especially during these times.

    9. If someone is nervous or something strikes you funny you can find yourself in an uncontrollable laughter. No matter how hard you try you cannot suppress it. I will give this guy a break

    10. In the photograph all the seminarians present themselves in a white Alb. Why do the Neo seminarians never wear the Roman black Cassick and surplus for church ceremonies? They don't even own a Cassick

    11. Way back in the days of old, the boys who entered the seminary wore clothing similar to the ones shone. I remember seeing them wearing it while attending Classes at FDMS and wherever they go. The RMS only wear theirs during special occasions. I do not see them wearing it in public places.

  5. St. Augustine how he describes the DEVILS with no KNEES who refuse to prostrate before God.....there are MANY priests who have forgotten how to kneel before the Lord, they no longer teach this to the sad.

  6. I remember this seminarian. He clearly did not know how to pray the Rosary. The woman kneeling next to him had to help him with the mysteries and it was very apparent he did not know how to pray the Hail Holy Queen. The other techa had to take the mic away from him to lead the prayer. At first, I felt very sorry for him, but then, I realized..he's a seminarian!! Shouldn't he know how to pray the rosary? If he didn't know how to pray it in English, why did he even bother? And then I thought..this is what RMS is producing...tsk tsk..

    1. Just because he is a seminarian does not mean he is suppose to know it all. Yes it would be great for him to know everything, but sadly, he didn't. There is a reason why they further their studies. What is there was a language barrier? Are seminarians suppose to be holier than others? In my opinion no. It about the calling to The Lord. It would actually be best to know ones history rather than expecting to much from them. Like the say, when you expect to much, be ready for a disappointment.

    2. Anonymous at 8:55pm -- Formation in seminary means one is beyond RCIA. Not knowing how to pray the rosary, however, is indicative of a neo trait. If this seminarian was raised in a neo household, it explains why he does not have knowledge nor concern for saying the rosary. I have heard it with my own ears from a seminary professor that praying the rosary is useless and ineffective. My own ears! I also know that they discourage (not allow?) their members to pray the rosary, especially nobena for the deceased.
      Anyone who denies this will just be lying through their teeth. This is not a misheard notion. You may say that neos on Guam say the rosary, but only because it is what they know. They do so contrary to what they are commanded.
      Anyone who comes to Guam as a "missionary," should have been sensitive to the culture of the rosary on this island; at least now that they have been admonished by our Pope for their past disregards towards local traditions.

    3. Hmm. I grew up in a "neo" household and I went to CCD and went through Confirmation through my parish. I know how to say the rosary and the reason for praying it. The neo does not teach what your claiming.

    4. Your answer evinces the problem. You can neither prove nor disprove what the Neo teaches since Kiko's catechetical directory is sealed and off-limits not just to the public, but to rank and file neo members themselves. However, we can guess that there is an issue with the rosary given that the Statute requires that it and other devotions (outside Mass) be taught. This is an odd prescription and is evidence that there must have been a reason the Vatican specifically prescribes it:

      Art. 14 § 4. The neocatechumens are also instructed gradually in Eucharistic devotion outside Mass,
      in nocturnal adoration, in the recitation of the Holy Rosary and in other practices of piety of
      Catholic tradition.

    5. He will be your pastor very soon. And then he will go away to a foreign land to convert the other pagans.

  7. A lot of monologues trying to justify the unjustifiable.
    Several facts are important.
    As one writer noted, after the painful disaster of the sexual abuses by clergy in our church in this past century, and the culture of coverup that subsequently followed, Pope Benedict highlighted a series of recommendations to the leaders of the Church and to the Seminaries directors, to improve the selection process of diocesan priests.
    Most Dioceses have followed these recommendations, that include but are not limited to, an extensive interview process of the canditates, as well as a thorough psychological evaluation, to help ensure that the candidates do not hide any hidden agendas in their attempt to join the priesthood.
    The fact that many seminarians are older and more mature than a few years back, having ,for many, had responsabilities in their civilian lives prior to joining the seminary has also raised the quality of the candidates.
    Despite this, some Dioceses, have chosen to bypass these recommendations for reasons of their own.
    It would appear "in prima facie" that the Archdiocese of Guam is falling in this category with their choice of RMS and their denying of candidates to attend St Patrick Seminary as was the case in the past.
    Of course a strong, well balanced, opinionated priest might not be what the Archbishop is looking for.
    In view of the way brother Tony has handled local parish priests recently, it would appear that he feels threatened by strong, intelligent persons with a good education.
    The only sin of Aaron, might have been to fall in this category, the aggravating factor being that he was a product of a parish led by Father Paul.
    It is sadly clear that all other excuses are just pure affabulations.
    The fact that the caliber of the recruits of RMS is questionable, and this without doubting the sincerity of each individual, will have direct consequences on the quality of the graduates of this seminary.
    It is not surprising then, that one and/or several individuals might not conform to the traditional standards most Catholics have come to expect from the men that chose that path in their lives.
    The cavalier attitude of the Archdiocese, probably enhaced by the need for swiftly graduating candidates at RMS, can and unfortunatly most likely, will lead to men joining the priesthood, that do not have the tools and the sufficient education to make a positive impact on the parishes they will be called to serve.
    Lets pray that nobody's child become the victim of a predator that was not vetted properly by our Archdiocese. Rome and the Holy Father usually make recommendation for good reasons, often having learned the hard way from our mistakes.
    Our Archbishop has shown that he likes to bypass these recommendations on more than one occasion, preferring listening to the muses of the way.
    Many of us disagree with him and worry that the damage he has inflicted on this church might be quite substential.
    These issues are nothing but the tip of an iceberg of much larger depth and volume.
    PS: to my brothers and sisters of the way, English is not my first nor my second language, yet I try to make myself understood in this language as well as possible. If you chose to come to live and work in a country, you should make your darnest effort to speak the language and express yourself as best as you can. Stop using this as an excuse for poorly worded and argumented statement!!! go and study and show respect to the people of Guam in the process.

    1. I wish that I wrote this well in a third language.

    2. RESPECT IS EARN! NOT GIVEN. Gosh I hope your not in the Parish of Mangilao.

    3. Dear anonymous at 2,49:
      Case in point: "respect is earn(ed)! not given. Gosh, I hope you (are) not in the Parish of Mangilao"
      So !!! my dear friend, beside saying exactly the same thing that I said in a crude manner, you are just trying to deflect from the real subject, which is the consequences of a poor selection process of candidates for RMS in our Archdiocese.
      Lets put this under the column of poor reading abilities, since the alternative would be to give you credit for pernicious and evil intentions......
      I always prefer the lesser of two evils. Plus by reading more, you might be able to improve your reading skills. Logical no?
      Pax Christum

    4. is not LOGICAL, SPIRITUAL. Simple....... You cannot fight GOD, you will LOSE FRENCHIE

    5. @ anonymous 8.22......whoah!!....suddenly your English is getting much better. Chancery???? ummh!!!!
      Sounds like somebody I once knew at St Joseph....the rector's pet.... I guess you can chase the natural, but it comes back running....once a brown nose always a brown nose. (and I am not referring to your tan)
      FYI, I do not fight God my little friend, I embrace him with all my heart.....
      But you already know your days are numbered here......
      Oh! and don't forget to pay your taxes, they might put a lien on your house again.
      Take care Daisy.... You and I know your spirituality is only for show....Good luck.
      Pax Christum

    6. You are, I'm not afraid if my days are numbered. You can kill me if you want, I'll still forgive you and love you. Pick your weapon to end my mortal life, I'm not afraid of no men. Cause I cling on to GOD. Pick your day.

    7. to anonymous at 9.41....
      If I was to have a quid pro quo with somebody, I would rather have with somebody worth my while, but the Lord works in mysterious ways.
      Nobody said you were going to be killed, just that your days are numbered on this island.
      Ergo the good people of Guam in their good heart, will cast you out for what you have done, nothing more.
      I do not kill my fellow catholics, I would try to teach and to guide. Killing is for the weak of heart and weak of mind.
      Plus I would not give you the opportunity for martyrdom, in the name of a fake cause and a false prophet.
      You might in your sick little way love god, I never doubted that, but you have lost your way.
      You need the love and compassion of your fellow Catholics, and probably the help of a good psychologist.
      Your Taliban like devotion, might give you some sense of self worth, but there is a lot more to the love of God than a blind devotion without reflection.
      Anyway, as for the dying part, I shall not interfere with God, remembering what Christ said on the subject: " I will come like a thief through the night". It is for him to decide.
      No matter what, we shall pray for the salvation of your soul, even if your heart remains cold.
      Pax Christum

    8. frenchie, I'm thinking that the self-image Anonymous @ 9:41AM has is that of being "Salted/Jesus Christ" with you as his/her "Judas," who has the “mission of killing” per Kiko's instruction and illustration in the January 26 JW post “JUDAS, LIARS, SLAVES TO SATAN…WELCOME TO THE CLUB.”

      According to Kiko: "Finally, there is a third circle, a third group of brothers and sisters, those who live a lie, who have always lied to themselves. They are those in whom Satan acts, enslaving them. Not necessarily because they are wicked, or due to any fault of their own, but perhaps for some reason or other that we will not investigate...This mission is very important because, without Judas, there is no Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ. IF YOU ARE CALLED TO BE JESUS CHRIST, YOU MUST HAVE YOUR JUDAS. Each of you here will have your hour. Your life is in function of assuming an hour...All Christians are called by God to take on this hour. When that day arrives, THESE PEOPLE WILL HAVE THE MISSION OF KILLING YOU, of destroying you." - Catechetical Directory for Teams of Catechists Vol. 1.

      A little bit delusional, but that's probably how his/her mind is working.

    9. Hello Mary Lou,
      thank you for your support. I agree with your analysis, it is right on Target. I am well aware of the manipulating ways of Kiko and his sidekicks. They use very basic, cult like mind control relatively well.
      My intent was just to lightly deconstruct his simplistic and pathetic position.
      May be there is a slight chance that the holy spirit might touch this poor soul and really show him the "way"
      Short of this, and since we now know that many Neos actually read this blog, I was also hoping that one of the least engaged one, might read our exchanges and get something out of it.
      Once again thank you.
      We know Kiko is a crook who put together a program at the crossroad between AA, some obscure protestant evangelist charisma, and a touch of Catholicism. He targets the poor of spirit, the people thirsting for love and affection and a few corrupt officials willing to sell their souls for the right price.
      Lets be strong and determine in ridding our island from these false prophets.

  8. This is a copy of the CORRECT AND REQUIRED process of application in USA seminaries. If anyone thinks even for one minute that the Guam RMS Seminary is undertaking any of these steps, that person would be very mistaken. Let them prove it to us. Given the extreme failures all the last years in the church we have a right to know

    1. Did you have a link you wanted to include?

    2. So as not to reveal any associations let's just use this good summary of screening rom Albany. NOTE: criminal background check is expected this done? DOUBT IT.

    3. Not the commenter but here is an excellent example and description.

      What are the requirements to enter seminary? - dc priest
      Foreign-born men are welcome to apply — Washington is a very cosmopolitan diocese and many of our priests and current seminarians were born in other ...

    4. thank you to both anonymous for these info, which just underscore the point I was making earlier. So far I do not find any such detailed information and/or clear directions from the Chancery in Guam...
      Dereliction of duty? Time will tell.

  9. Replies
    1. And what is your point? Did you go to the website? There is a difference between applications to RMS and a regular seminary! Read before you make a comment.

    2. Feb25, 3:54pm—This anonymous’ response reminds me of some of the CCD kindergarteners I taught. We’d be talking about The Mass in class and someone would, more often than not, exclaim: “I wore my new pair of shoes to Mass!”

      Now, for a kindergartener, that’s a trait that is normal and understandable, given their fresh-out-of-the-toddler-age and their intellectual immaturity, but I can’t help but notice that most neos’ responses on this blog have no relevance to the topic or discussion at hand nor do some of their posts hardly make any sense!

    3. The problem is, most do not read the entire comment. They only pick and choose certain phrases and then BAM, sarcastic comments appear! It's no surprise that some are in the denial phase when it comes to defending the NCW.

  10. By looking at this picture one can spot those who are happy and those who are not. Apparently "the seminarian" needs to do more reflection!

  11. Many of the seminarians look bewildered. Around three quarters of seminarians in the States persevere until ordination. There must be a lot of NCW control going on; at this time we have new Presyters (ahem) every six months. Discernment or filling Kiko's quotas to convert China? We could say the perseverance rate is great...but the stats say otherwise. With the histories of depression, attempted suicide, drugs, alcohol, women, etc the seminarians love to talk about as their experiences before the "walked" , some may be ok but given the stress of ministry these behaviors could all come rushing back. We pray not.

  12. The Archbishop is grinning ear to ear! Inside shaking because the rector of the Lateran is visiting! Wonder why he came to Guam????? Who will visit us next?? Nice Photo.

  13. OOOO....the laughing seminarian stuck out twice agin during Holy Week. First, he laughed at the techa who sang a Chamorro song after praying the rosary for the dead before the Holy Thursday mass. Second happened on Good Friday each time Abby Rivera sang a song after the last couple "seven words". Reflect my dear seminarian and know that you do not fit into our culture so ask for a transfer! Maybe yet, you don't belong!
