Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Anonymous says: So here is an update from the "other side" of the hill. 

Something is going down at the Korean Catholic Church-St. Andrew Kim- issues with land disputes, property rights, etc. which will
AGAIN be embarrassing for the Archbishop because it was caused by his failed leadership. On one side- are Deacon Kim, and the folks at the Hill. The other side- landowners and landlords-who will remain nameless, a couple of ex-finance archdiocese council members. Diocese officials and key supporters are hoping and pleading this doesn't make the news.

Also some more updates on other stories we've been following- Tumon Church was strongly "considered" to be sold to pay debts of the archdiocese. Original property owners have shown disgust and dismay in the thought and the proposal was shot down.(might be an embarrassment wince we are trying to canonize San Vitores) Adjacent property was sold "quietly" to a developer to fund "Neo" activities. The people aren't stupid nor will we go quietly into the night. The failed leadership at the hill is apparent and the people want change. 


  1. Guess the Archbishop is biting more than he can chew when it comes to funding the NCW. Last year's AAA was to pay off the previous year's debt. Aside from the various parishes debts which they themselves must pay off, I wonder what other debt the Archbishop hung himself,with concerning the NCW!!!!!

  2. I wonder what would the POPE say if he sees what's happening on this small Island of ours... I hope there's a way where we can directly talk to the POPE regarding our concern with our Bishop, and hope that this would be resolved...


    1. Anonymous (May 1, 2014 at 9:51 AM)/"FallenAngel": It has been widely reported that Pope Francis personally reads and responds to letters addressed to him. If you can write a letter of concern in Spanish (his native language) or in Italian — or have someone translate your letter into either language — that might be one way of informing him. It is said that he's "conversant in Latin," too, so that could be another language option. 
