Dear Anonymous,
Did you check with the archbishop before you wrote the following? Because you are going to be VERY sorry you wrote this. Here's why. When these violations of the archbishop first came up, the audience on this blog was yet quite small. And since we first brought them up awhile ago, they have somewhat receded in the conversation as discussions about the Neocatechumenal Way have come to the fore. However, today, the audience on this blog is exponentially larger, and you have demanded that I substantiate, once again, these violations by the archbishop. He's not going to be happy.
Here's how we will proceed. Each challenge requires a lengthy and thoroughly documented reply. I will post here your entire challenge. And in subsequent posts I will answer them one by one. In addition, I will turn each post into a stand alone page with a tab at the top so that the entire matter of each issue may be easily sourced and I won't have to spend time with people like you who are either late to the party or can't or won't read. But I probably should not take you too much to task. We have many new readers and you have provided me an opportunity to apprise them all of the reasons for the ruckus. Here is your comment copied in full. For those who don't know, go here for the context.
* You have seen according to your own premise. Show me the facts.*What false allegations has the Archbishop placed against Fr. Paul? A Letter was sent to Fr. Paul for his removal and the reasons as to. Fr. Paul has denied it and this is where we are at today.*The RMS Seminary was acquired as a gift. The archdiocese did not invest a dollar into its acquisition. Show us the Facts behind the termination of the council, the reasons.*The RMS remains a seminary for Guam and the World. All priests formed there are under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop. They belong to Guam, there is no lie in this. The other seminary was formed because Junee Valencia declined to be formed by a NCW RMS and the discernment continues for Junee who was also a postulant with the Friars.*Aaron was not lied to. What Aaron needs to do is ask how did Richard Kidd avail of his off-island formation? This is where the truth lies. I guess Aaron is not on Msgr Benaventes favorite list. It is true though, today Guam has two seminaries who the people refuse to support. By the grace of God and His faithful providence, it continues.*Do you know why we have these filipino priests? Because Guam did not have enough priests. There was no one entering the program. These priests were brought to Guam but they somehow forgot that they were at the service of the Archbishop and the faithful. Record speaks for itself, almost all of these priests have refused and have chosen to be disobedient. I dare you to call any of these parishes that are housing these priests and see if they are willing to go beyond the front doors of the parish. Fr. J. de los Reyes continues to use his financial influence as his weapon to stay untouched in Dededo, hes actually been winning.*Guam has not lied to the Extension Society. You do the math. We are sufffering and have been way before the NCW arrived. If you dont agree with the existence of the RMS then it is not worth the dialogue, you do not support it period. *Your judgement of the Fruits of the RMS is a personal one and since you are very firm in those judgements, I will not waste my time. We dont need good priests, what we need is Holy Priests.
Guam Catholics are not dumb. If youve never been taught basic math I cannot cite you for your addition mistakes. The same is with the vast majority of people who do not know the NCW, its not their fault that they criticize or persecute, but they do need to be given the truth. I am a member, I have experienced it, I know the truth. What I share is not limited to what I have heard, read or seen but also based on my physical and spiritual presence within the NCW. I stook around for more than one day, one month or even one year.You assume again that I am a person of church hierarchy, I am not the Archbishop. I am a catholic who can lay claim to a parish of my own. I have a community of believers who are sinners, people I can say, I know and share in their sufferings. I am a catholic who goes to Eucharist every Saturday evening and again on Sunday morning. I try my best to make it to daily Eucharist on top of the Word Celebration I have within the community. I continue to support our Seminaries, I do not withhold what I have been blessed with. I am a cheerful giver of my time, talent and treasure.I do not boast of my Natural Man, this man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God. So if you want to continue to acclaim your manhood, go ahead and be a man. Joy!
Go ahead, please, Tim. Deconstruct yourself in front of your own audience. Your charges by their very nature are unprovable, therefore unjustifiable.
ReplyDeleteStay tuned, Coward.
DeleteOh seems like you bit more than you can chew. I sense your dancing around now with your answer. You just have to have the last word, do you? Tsk,tsk.
DeleteGino from Sinajana
Gino. Still waiting for you to meet me. How's this afternoon. 3pm. In front of the Cathedral.
DeleteSuggestion for Gino and his anon friend: If you feel the need to further respond in the future, write as if you are speaking to anyone else but Tim. It is apparent that your personal vendettas cloud your perspective.
ReplyDeleteYou would be better served to understand that removing Tim from the conversation will reveal he was never a part of the equation that produced the problems of the NCW or the problems and issues some have with the Archbishop.
Tim did not create, nor was the catalyst for what he has been documenting here on JW. He is merely providing an arena for us to discuss the issues.
It may be possible that you gain converts to your position if you
understand this. It may be possible that you and Tim find common ground.
Remember, this is not about Tim. It never was and never will be. Keep this in mind, and your contribution to the conversation may produce much fruit.
Your suggestion to remove Tim from the conversation is an excellent one, jose. If "Gino" et al. can respond to the general audience of this blog — and judging from the Live Traffic Feed, it's no longer restricted to us here on Guam, reaching far and wide around the world! — they and their ilk might come across sounding a little bit more reasonable, not rabid and venomous. While I can understand that they're defending something for which they have a passion, their general tone and choice of words are quite off-putting.
DeleteI hope they take your suggestion to heart.
If you remove Tim from the conversation, you better know that he has already removed himself from among people with decency. This place became a hate-feast of unscrupulous gossip, hearsay and superstition spread by an extremist Catholic group raised by Tim Rohr and manipulated by the Pius society.
DeleteAh. And there you have it.
DeleteJust what we expected: panicky frothing.
DeleteNo, anonymous at 2:10, Tim has not removed himself from decency.
DeleteContinue down your destructive path of personal attacks and you will find that you are the one who has separated yourself from the Church of Christ.
The question is, what is the deficiency that does not allow you to move past your personal grudge? Focus on that, resolve it, and you will find happiness. Otherwise, you will remain miserable as you continue to stalk these pages stewing in your contempt.
Anon2:10 pm is this Pius society the formation group of Father Pius who are manipulating?
Deleteanon 2:10pm continue holding on to your wishful thinking; because that's all you have!
DeleteThe FACTS Tim present speak for themselves, loud and clear.
I am waiting with breathless anticipation Mr. Rohr's reply and destruction of this post. I am familiar with the factual basis of some of the statements made in the post and I can say that this post shows a naivety that can only come from someone who wishes that Tim will go away, for the sake of his beloved Neo leaders. St. Paul admonishes us to TEST EVERYTHING, and I sincerely pray that the author of this post and all others keep an OPEN MIND and HEART as Mr. Rohr responds point by point. For those of you who believe in the archbishop and his Kiko associates, you are going to find the Truth unpleasant, but please let the Holy Spirit guide you and allow you to come to your independent conclusions. Let the Truth prevail, and let us take steps thereafter to unify the Church, as God wants it, even if it means taking steps that are difficult and unpleasant. God bless.
ReplyDeleteSo here is an update from the "other side" of the hill. Something is going down at the Korean Catholic Church-St. Andrew Kim- issues with land disputes, property rights, etc. which will AGAIN be embarrassing for the Archbishop because it was caused by his failed leadership. On one side- are Deacon Kim, and the folks at the Hill. The other side- landowners and landlords-who will remain nameless, a couple of ex-finance archdiocese council members. Diocese officials and key supporters are hoping and pleading this doesn't make the news.
ReplyDeleteAlso some more updates on other stories we've been following- Tumon Church was strongly "considered" to be sold to pay debts of the archdiocese. Original property owners have shown disgust and dismay in the thought and the proposal was shot down.(might be an embarrassment wince we are trying to canonize San Vitores) Adjacent property was sold "quietly" to a developer to fund "Neo" activities. The people aren't stupid nor will we go quietly into the night. The failed leadership at the hill is apparent and the people want change.
God is not sleeping. Neo brothers and sisters, this movement you are involved in is not of One, Holy, Catholic Apostolic Church. Your organizers have taken the Holy Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Holy Orders and The Sacrament of Reconcilliation and revised it. Who does this? Who is allowed to re author what was instituted by God?!!!
ReplyDeleteQuestion #2 to ponder . Who hates The Catholic Church and wishes it's total destructions because he vehemently hates and loathes God?
How are these Neo practices anywhere near giving Him Respect and Glory if you treat His Presence in The Holy Eucharist with shameful dilution! Come on Guys! The Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ insignificantly reduced with Neoism alterations!
THAT is clearly from a dark source!
I will wait till the Pope says this himself.
DeleteYou said alot but yet said nothing.
DeleteNY dude
Dear David. See what Fr. Walsh says in today's PDN. the way I have never met Tim but hope to someday. I do not attend Latin Mass...I belong to a close knit parish and for the same reasons as anonymous coward I too have family employed in precarious places no longer holy and a sibling I am very much concerned about who is being misled in walking a way from the Catholic practices.