Friday, August 29, 2014


The name of LUIS L. CARINO has shown up several times in defense of the Neocatechumenal Way in the comments of pro-neo letters published in the Guam Pacific Daily News. In the end he puts up quite an example of how to defend Archbishop Apuron and witness to the the great good of the Neocatechumenal Way. ENJOY!

P.S. Maybe the "donkey pussy" comment will help us get to ONE MILLION over the weekend :)

"Call me a liar?  Fuck yourself!  Fucking (or "damned")! Those posts on your blog, you donkey pussy!  Shameless!"


  1. Would it be possible to blank out the profanity?. Kids read this....only a suggestion

    1. Then there wouldn't be any substance to the post. It's sad, but perhaps it's good for kids to see what KAKA does to one's brain. Besides, it's not much worse than Fr. Edivaldo's "suck the juice out of girls" talk.

    2. Anonymous (August 29, 2014 at 3:45 PM), as a retired elementary school teacher, I can tell you that such profanity has been used even at the early childhood level. Yes, not only did I hear a kindergartener use that infamous "F word" but I also saw that word written on the bathroom walls. It always amazed me that students who couldn't decode basic sight words could read — and write! — that particular one.

    3. The Archbishops speech is acceptable

    4. For who???? Students are dealing with being bullied, thinking about suicide, etc...and he uses his time to talk about what is bothering him.....his speech is acceptable in a public setting together with those he is condemning...not during mass and not for school children

    5. Anon @ 1:48: Yep, that's what he keeps telling himself so that his conscience can make him sleep.

  2. jajaja that is funny! Chuck got cus out by a Spaniards.

    1. Yep. And these are the people the Archbishop wants to give our church to.

  3. Then how about partially blocking the full word, like "go f#ck yourself"

    1. In the past I have treated profanity from the kikos as you suggest. However, it is now time to reveal the kikos in all their vindictive vile. It's going to get rough from here on out. Their gig is up and we can expect all manner of vile vomit from their mouths. Time to have a talk with your kids. Show them what it is to stare into the mouth of hell.

    2. I think if you meet Mr.Carino, do you think it would be a pleasant one? You think you'll win combative match with him?

    3. Is that what they teach you at your convivances and catecheses? To "win combative match"? Thanks for letting us know.

    4. Gosh who in their right mind would even want to spend a minute in Carino's consciousness?

      I want to be far away as I can from some like that. If Carino is half way across the world I can assure that is too way close for me. I do not allow such filthy consciousness into my home.

      So if I ever see Carino's name again I will be sure NOT TO LOOK. I am now going to burn incense, sprinkle holy water and pray to get rid of such vile energy out of the peaceful space I choose to live in.

    5. I think the translation can be reported to the PDN...Carino can be blocked from posting for using such language

  4. I agree with Tim. While this type of language is vile and disgusting, it was no less so when in Spanish, only you didn't understand it. The Jungle is about truth. And the truth is that when they have no real substance to add, they resort to their primal instincts...curse and swear and out-shout the opponent. Obscure the truth at all costs.
    Yes, HS students and maybe even younger kids rerad this blog, but believe me, they hear this language elsewhere. At least when they read Jungle Watch and see the reality of who the kikos really are, they just might be scared enough to never set foot in a "catechesis".
    And just like Zoltan the maleficent, Luis Carino works at a University. Just goes to show you...even the smartest people can be rendered totally stupid by the cultic ways of the WAY!

  5. Seeneor Carino, calm down. But then maybe you allowed the devil to take control during your moment of weakness. Now you have more to echo about. I will light a candle for you.

    1. He needs to go back into the dark with only a candle lit and asked once again if he truly believes! Look at the flame on the candle. It is the flame that represents Christ!

      His words are far fetched from those of Christ! You need catechetical lessons again and anger management classes!


  6. Shocking language.

  7. I believe that these youths only preach for show in public when they are in a big group evangelizing. In front of their catechist they are the holier than thou group. Let them loose in a crowd of their own kind and the language they use is deplorable. Maybe these catechists should have these youths bring in their Ipads and show what is actually in there. They would be surprise.

    Young women, cover your shoulders when you go to church and lower the hem. Pull up the front part so your cleavage doesn't show. BTW skins tight is out too.

  8. Funny how that translation can very well go with Kiko's video here on the side with that expression on his face and his wild hand gestures.

  9. I agree with Tim that it is better to use the exact words of Senor Carino (via translation, if that translation is correct) -- if only to show how vile he can be. (Don't worry about scandalising the kids; some use fouler language than us adults. Sad, but true! I don't think the kids will be scandalised - shocked, perhaps; but not scandalised). The point of the translation (in lieu of @#!?) is to show how filthy his mouth, mind, and heart can be. If he were Chamorro and used the Chamorro equivalent of MF (for example), he probably would have the whole Nacion Chamoru up in arms!! So calm down, Senor Carino! KICA! (Keep It Civil, Amigo). Did I just inadvertently coined a phrase here???

  10. Typical ignorant rant from a neo.
    Eileen Benavente-Blas

  11. So here we see that the fruit is really an illusion. and they are really fruitcake!
    Here's more for you. A friend just informed me that she was refused communion at mass down in Malesso. Need I say who is priest down there? Apparently, neo priests can now judge souls. how sad. You better go back and study up louie.

    1. Archbishop of New York gives communion to Biden, Pelosi, Kerry but Louie knows better. OK.

  12. is mr cariño's response an indication of the low quality of the neocat's method of evangelization? they boast of fruits--behold, here's another fruit.

  13. People of God using such vulgarities?? Foul tongues come from foul brains. Here I go: Y'all can stop the SHIT; maybe prayers, much prayers can help. You think?

  14. Several points.
    Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos is not a Spanish University, but is located in Lima Peru. It is supposed to be a well respected establishment.
    It is one of the oldest University in the World, founded by Charles V of Austria in the 16th century, and it is seen always as one of the 2 best Universities in Peru. It is well regarded, and has several affiliations with famous foreign Universities as well.

    From the Spanish vernacular, the insult is actually more rude that what the translation might indicate
    It would be more along the type of language used in English during a road rage incident which involved teenagers or young men who have not yet solved their issues regarding masculinity.

    This is typical street talk, which leads me to think we are dealing with a student rather than a professor. (Even our dear Zoltan, in his depraved psyche, still finds an appearance of decorum)

    Indeed it appears, once more, to be a perfect example of the type of debate one can expect to find while attempting to argue with the "Fruits" of the NCW.
    Lies, Denials, Attacks (usually laden with personal insults and threats)
    Quite typical unfortunately.
    Unfortunately, we have been witnesses of such behavior on Guam recently with the "Jessica Blas provocation", and the subsequent intervention of her "cuz"; Diana's blog constant spewing of lies and most vile garbage; finally (for the cherry on the cake) another beautiful fruit from the NCW, the inimitable Father Edivaldo da Silva Oliveira, commonly known as the "juicer" (please refer to his quotes and interventions to young women under his "care"). I will gloss over the ridiculous attacks earlier in the history of this blog, by obviously unbalanced individuals, who made this latest example look relatively mild in itself.
    This my dear fellow Catholics, is where the Devil wants to bring the discourse, to a level of bickering and insults where his seed of destruction is planted.

    We must not fall into this trap.
    This is why we must bear the insults, and continue to elevate this debate, like some have done,
    with patience, love and understanding, but also with resolve, while explaining our children and grand children the ugly side of this fight.

    Because a fight it is, for the survival of our Church on Guam, and around the World.

    1. Frenchie: For the third time (perhaps more), I again make my comments in support of yours, Frenchie. And to be specific, let me copy-paste your closing remarks: "...We must not fall into this trap.This is why we must bear the insults, and continue to elevate this debate, like some have done, with patience, love and understanding, but also with resolve, while explaining our children and grand children the ugly side of this fight."

      It appears that no amount of documentation of facts, no amount of rhetoric or logic, no amount of name calling, no amount of debate with Pius, Eusebio, Zoltan, Oliveira, Kevin, Diana, Carino, and the several others who have participated in the defence of the NCW, will ever reach their minds, hearts, and souls. They are as bent in defending their "beliefs", as we are in defending our faith in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

      Ironically, it appears that they, too, firmly believe in "lex orandi, lex credendi". They will continue to practice their disjointed belief in the reception of the Holy Eucharist because for them the Mass is NOT a repetition of the SACRIFICE of the Cross. For them, the Mass is NOT a sacrifice; it is a celebratory event - so they will continue to strum the guitars and dance around the table, and sit to receive Communion.

      In my mind, the only solution to this dichotomy is for APURON to come to his senses and realise and admit his errors (lies), and for him to step down (voluntarily or otherwise) from his role as Shepherd of the Catholic sheep - which he is NOT, anymore. He has opted for the Neo instead of his obligation to defend the Church, its beliefs and practices, and its Flock. He is the ROOT of the problems we are encountering. Until the root is up-rooted, there will be no peace. I know this may sound very pessimistic, but the facts seems to provide basis for this pessimism.

      In the meantime, I repeat, and amplify, your admonition: "...We must not fall into this trap that the NEO is setting us up for - to engage them in this diatribe. This is why we must bear the insults, and continue to elevate this debate, like some have done, with patience, love and understanding, but also with resolve, while explaining to our children and grand children the ugly side of this fight. Hard as it is, let's keep up our positive approach, and not stoop to their very low level."

      Santa Marian Kamalin; Beato Luis Diego de San Vitores - TAYUYUTE HAM TODOS.

  15. That's just it frenchie, it would hurt to call someone a "donkey's pu55y" in Spanish, if we all were in Spain or other Latin areas that speak the language.

    But for ALL of us in Guam, U.S. Territory, English-speaking island, it is crazy COMICAL!

    It really doesn't hurt much, it just adds to the evidence that these "invaders" are so unbelievable! If you do not accept "the way," then you are a mammal's genitalia! HAHAHAHA! Like children taunting, "I know what you are, but what am I?"

    Well, you people are EL STUPIDOS! NeoCancers!

    I am not even going to try to speak any other language than English so they can understand that I am calling them ludicrous, for they will not reform me and my family, in language nor FAITH!

    1. Hello anon at 3.20pm:
      Point well taken.
      Just for clarification, (I was refraining because of the upcoming election and the association of this animal with a certain party) but a more accurate translation of this Spanish insult would be a Jackass twat.
      Excuse my French of course.....

  16. going slightly off-topic here, but will there be a prize for the 1 millionth visitor?

    ... i suppose a stuffed plush eeyore would now be out of the question.

    1. You're too funny rey d! I'd say a plush eeyore if the 1 millionth visitor is a kikobot!

  17. In some spanish speaking countries burro also means idiot or moron. Here in this context he is calling chuck a moron not the animal.

  18. Anon at 12:32 - Nice try at trying to soften the tone of Senor Carino's blunt and brutal remarks he had made to Mr Chuck White. You remind me of a joke: "Call a spade, a spade; and not a #!?% shovel!" Clearly, Senor Carino meant to call Mr White a "#!?% shovel!", and not an innocuous spade! Otherwise, why preface it with words like "Quetajodes" and "Pinche"? (Or do you have softer translations for these too?) Damage is done, Dude! Too late!! Had he had sufficient foresight, you wouldn't have had to defend his words in hindsight - right? Best advice - tell your Neo friends to be more careful (and civil) next time; Look before you leap!
