Thursday, December 11, 2014


Okay all you mullets, you female fish. Line up for China!

“So we, when we send the girls, all the Chinese [men] who are wanting to see a girl, targeting girls: “Come to catechesis! All the Chinese are going to the catechesis."

"You know that the mullet, mullet are caught like this: you take a female, cefala, a fish, and all males -shh! – Follow it, and fall into the net.”

-Kiko Aguello, Naples, Italy, May 20, 2012



  1. Many a brilliant career came crashing down because of a ridiculous statement. This should have stopped him in his tracks in 2012. But, noooooo.

  2. Based on Kiko's comments, we can conclude that the girls in the NCW play a major role in luring the men to catechesis. Interesting how Kiko reveals how he thinks those lured into the NCW are some kind of fish that are caught (trapped) in a net. His net!! Praying for all those trapped by Kiko and his legion of doom

    1. And the leftovers? Off to NJ convent. Disgusting.

    2. 9:29AM..there are girls who truly have the calling to enter the convent! It is just sad that Father Pius directs them to NJ! Where they have the NCW program. Our Sisters out here are not good enough for Father Pius!

      Watching the series, " Sisterhood, becoming a nun" made me realize that the girls sent to NJ were not afforded the opportunity to experience different covent lives and make the decision on their own. This is where the control comes in.

      Kiko's thinking of sending girls to China is totally different. If anyone is disgusting, it is you!

    3. I was born and raised here in Guam.....and who are you "Kiko"? I don't know you but it appears you are the CAUSE of all our recent church issues! You found our people's weakness and took advantage of our archbishop's personal issue. Get out of our island! Our parents, grandparents, great grandparents. ..did a better job than you so take your practice somewhere else!

    4. Anon 10:23 AM. If your are referring to my statement (10:16) I was merely implying that you really shouldn't compare those who truly are called to the religious life with those of hookers!

    5. @10:16 grow up. The reality show of nuns is TV! The nuns who participate are making a big error. The nuns in NJ are not where the Guam women have gone. But thanks for the persecution calling me disgusting. I am saying the women who left here for NJ had no choice. And that is disgusting. Something tells me you are speaking of something of which you have NO IDEA>

    6. The Prophet looks like a dead fish. Sorry, just saying.

    7. Is Father Pius the so called "Kiko"?

  3. Why are we not so surprise, Ok, So Prophet Kiko's thinking is to bait all the Chinese men with the NCW girls, to lure them into Catachesis, and then spring the trap that will convert them into Christianity, or perhaps force them to join the NCW. What a bunch of crock!! I am betting that the last thing on those chinese men's minds is to be converted to Christinaity. I'm sure they will not just sumbmit willingly to subjection and obdience to the likes of Pius. It is very obvious that Kiko's approach to evangelizing is focusing primarily on his human effort, the brainwashing strategy and wiles of the NCW. Does he not realize that conversion of heart is the Job of the Holy Spirit? Never does he invoke the grace or help of God. What a prideful human spirit..

  4. Kiko's words are nothing less than a devilish twisting of the meaning of Jesus in Matthew 4:19. "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." If you watch closely, you will even see Kiko making hand gestures when he's talking about the mullets. By the way, if you ever visit Salt Lake City, you'll see pairs of very attractive LDS (Mormon) women walking around the Temple Square area, engaging male tourists in conversation and inviting them to visit the temple museum and entertaining questions.

    So why or how does Kiko get away with it? In my opinion, there at least two reasons:

    1) "the Way" usually does not permit these types of recordings to remain on the internet very long. It is very difficult to find critiques of Kiko's statements in English on the internet.

    2) Many men in red hats have personally benefited from Kiko, and, as somebody else has said here, vocations are "currency" in the episcopal world, and are a sure path to promotion.

  5. Very very scary to see how a "spiritual" advisor can actually think at this low level while preying on people's emotions. An organization that has this mind set from the top down is certainly operating at a very negative low level of consciousness. Not exactly what you expect to hear from someone in the God (good) business. Perhaps this is the framework for the negative consciousness that influences apuron to such degrading comments and behavior. None of it is acceptable. The pope needs to know. It is the total opposite from the frame work he is endeavoring to work in. Something is seriously wrong when people can follow this kind of a mindset.

  6. Flirty Fishing (FFing) is a form of evangelistic religious prostitution practiced from around 1974 to 1987 in the US and other countries by female members of the Children of God, currently known as Family International

  7. The intention is to move into poor inner city slums or shanty towns where they are offered a way out of poverty by joining the cult. The cult plays on the human emotions and human weakness of the poor and create a following. This is the standard operation in a third world country. For Guam they have different strategy built on psychological warfare . It worked in the past. It attracts a small group of emotionally disturbed people. Pius then notices the human weakness and uses it to further the cult. Sadly same is true for archbishop. A deeply disturbed man who searched for meaning companionship in life and was given his needs by the cult. Apuron should have formed his community with the local priests and people in Guam, with his family and friends and he would have been much better off and healthy in life. He really has few friends and this contributed to the tragic situation on Guam today. Basially archbishop is a lonely bitter old man searching for meaning in the later years of life. He simply fell into the hands of a sick cult who took over his mind, heart, and spirit.

  8. Kiko is in China for one reason only....MONEY.....MONEY....MONEY....

  9. "Kiko Pimps For The Communists" is a very accurate title! Kiko is disgusting! Those girls volunteering to go to China are clueless and I am truly worried for them! If ever anyone doubted that Kiko is leading a cult, they need to see this video and hear his words!
