Wednesday, February 18, 2015


While we wait for Antoine Ray Garrido Tajalle aka Mr. A.T to answer the questions in the post below, here's an interesting report from the fundraiser for the Cathedral Basilica by an attendee:
There was a fund raiser for the CB at Outrigger tonight because they're 'on the verge of shutting down the Cathedral' did you hear anything like that? 
I wanted to give more info from that whole 'fundraiser' discussion at the Outrigger by someone on the 'new and improved' finance committee.  
This guy said with great smugness that 'they' reviewed the finances and there was questionable spending at every turn by Msgr Benavente. When I challenged him about the archbishop's spending, I was advised that the Archbishop was "above question." 

Then I was told in even more arrogance and smugness that Father Harold has everything under control and that their new finance team felt that if they didn't have a fundraiser that they would move to shut down the Cathedral because these subversive types who are trying to kick out the neos refused to give any money to the church, that they are deliberately hurting the church for their own selfish and small-minded reasons. 
When I challenged him - he said, oh! You're one of them! You're part of the problem.
I about went ballistic on him, saying 'you're not even a parishioner!' He lashed back saying he was. I reminded him that I've been a parishioner for the last 53 years. I had all my sacraments there, baptized my baby and god-daughters in this church,  and "you are a johnny-come-lately."  
Then he threw out to me: "my wife has been a parishioner for 10 years."  I told him: "Your wife is from the Philippines. She has been a parishioner at Santa Barbara along with her cousins since they came here in 2003. Don't even dare to tell me she's been at Agana for 10 years." At that point he realized that he was outed. 
I said to him, "you want to use the church, then you pay just the same way the rest of us do." Doesn't your group have a water blaster to clean the building? Aren't you ashamed that since you kicked Monsignor out that the  facility is dirty?" I then asked him if his group plans to give away the Cathedral the same way they gave away the Yona seminary.  
Do much audacity and flat out stupidity. 
I was so angry when i walked off. I was shaking. This is the same Father Harold who hassled me about lighting a candle, telling me I needed to make an appointment and to go to the rectory. WTH? go to the rectory to light a candle?
Thanks for letting me vent a little. I know you hear stuff like this all the time.
Yes I do. And I do wonder how long the real local Catholics will let these impostors get away with this. 


  1. You go Lady! Tell all your friends too! This is about par for the course for the neo's. Take, take, take...

  2. What's Harold doing hanging out at Cathedral?

    1. @10:54 AM..Harold is trying to make brownie points....wants Triple A's hat. He is a true blue Boboy of Pius....Triple A needs to give him what he wants. Harold is now the comptroller of the Archdiocese of Hagatna.....


  3. What experience could Harold possibly have - " to have every thing under control.". By logic alone impossible.

  4. Lies created by NCW disturbing .

    1. Corruption by NCW astounding. Pizza Pius what's new?? What brings you back to Guam? Back at what you do best. Controlling things behind the big curtain. Pressing all the buttons, pulling all the puppet strings, oh so adeptly.

  5. Subversives. Selfish. Small-minded. Are they talking about us non-neos? It looks like that applies to the Neokats. Subverting the teaching of the Church with re to distribution of the Holy Host. Selfishly keeping their mass to themselves. Small-mindedly not seeing anything wrong in separating themselves from the rest of the us.

  6. Have they actually talked to Msgr James about these allegations so he can defend himself? I have a suggestion to them. Have another insert about "there was questionable spending at every turn by Msgr Benavente." I dare them to do that.

  7. hey tim is it true that there might be more to this than we think? just looking for some answers, but is it true that our government or maybe people in the government are supportive and are part of the NCW movement?

    1. please reply I need to know. because I am well aware that there are ties between the government and religion, but Guam being that the majority is Catholics and politics and also seeing some politicians attending mass not at the same time as others.

  8. Closing down the Cathedral will be another glaring example of AAA's failure as an archbishop. He will point fingers (as usual) rather than admit his failure(s). I think he is banking that people will bail out the Cathedral because it has a place in Guam's history.
    Kudos to the lady who had the courage to tell it like it is. We need more folks like her. Nice is out!

  9. Heroes is now the AAA's right hand man....the man placed by Punchos Pilot to keep an eye on Triple A and to report if things are not followed to the teeth. How is Herold going to bring in the lost $3,000 every Sunday to the collection. $3,000x4=$12,000+ more if there are 5 Sundays during the month. So 7 months since the removal of Msgr James = $84,000 lost so far....guess now the black trash needs to be included in the collection...right? Doubt it! Too bad, so sad!

  10. No one can do what Monsignor James can do. No one can put together a team like he can.
    You neos got what you wanted, and now you whine about this and cry about that. Your incompetence is so profound it leaves me almost speechless. Stop playing the blame game, boasting about how you're saving the Church and how bad Monsignor James is! He has led more souls to God than you ever will!
    AAA denies there is a division in this Archdiocese. How sad that this supposed spiritual leader is so blind to the needs of the faithful that he refuses to acknowledge a problem exists!
    Praying that Rome will soon clean up and take care of the mess AAA and the Kikobutts created here.

    1. Speaking of the good Monsignor, I met a young couple after evening mass with Fr. Tom and they told me that Monsignor James made their church wedding happen after their parish presbyter screwed up their wedding plans. When their baby needed to be baptized it was Monsignor James who came to their rescue again. They then became parishioners of the CB because of Monsignor James' genuine concern and actions. The case of this particular couple is just one of many cases that support the perception that Monsignor James is truly "The people's priest."
      Now, because of the Neo takeover of the CB, this young couple are wondering if they should remain CB parishioners.

    2. Anon 1:37a, there are numerous accounts like that. I'm sure the author of the message we're commenting on can give personal experiences, which likely accounts for her mama bear tactics with the NCW. For every Neocat with a story about how kind the Archbishop is to them, there are at least five about Msgr. James. Main difference is that Msgr James would extend that generosity beyond religious beliefs, social status, and reciprocity. He also won't give in to something that his moral compass calls into question.

      They're two leaders who couldn't be more different in their approach: Inclusion vs Exclusion. Jesus' Teachings vs Kiko's Rules. Universal Church vs NCWay or the highway. Good vs Evil.


  11. The entire Archdiocese of Agana is a divided church in moral decay. Archbishop has sunk the archdiocese into a pit of destruction.

  12. Whaaaat Adrian or David has nothing to say?

    1. Adrian cannot make a comment just yet. Pots and pans still clanging and banging as Adrian throws a hissy fit. Maybe he'll feel better in the morning and post something.

    2. OMG those infamous pots and pans . Even Pope Francis learnt of pots Pans flying through cathedral basilica kitchen.

  13. Who is second in command when AAA is relived of his duties

    1. Rome will appoint. It won't be anyone here.


    2. appearing Rome may act very soon. New developments this week.

  14. Thank you, LORD. Finally. Spn2

  15. There is just too much drama in all this for one movie or even a sequel to a movie. There is more than enough material for many years of successful drama serials. I hope the many gifted and talented UOG theater students will get first chance at the opportunity of performance and recognized. With so many current and previous Catholics world wide, not to mention non Catholics of all other denominations who would be absolutely fascinated by the on going extreme bizarre behavior of a so called religious leader, the clergy and small movement within the church. I am sure we all know how it easily has enormous potential to be timeless and the most popular and highly successful series ever written and performed with reruns for many years to come.


    1. Every revolution needs drama!

    2. And the title can be The Pawning by a Bishop or Archache Hotel--The Big Lie

  16. AAA's not worried to leave his throne. He's been hiding his share of the loot (I mean other people's money) in Swiss bank accounts. He's going to be a jetsetter! Oh wait, he already is!

    1. Yes, he knows he can leave any time. As Kimchee tells everyone: He is a "rich man". He is only staying "for the seminary". In other words, he is only useful to the neos insofar as he is the only person who can ordain. He will be useless to them soon...

    2. Not soon enough!
