Friday, February 6, 2015


Today on Patty Arroyo's show on K57 at 12pm, Jessica & Angelica Rohr, Hannah White and Sirena Mafnas will be sharing their thoughts about the values of keeping their "V-cards". Their thoughts were previously featured in the following article in the PDN:

Jessica Rohr, Hannah White and Angelica Rohr with Patti Arroyo

Preserving your virginity for marriage.


  1. now, if only the boys and young men would do the same and be as proud to speak to this issue as these young ladies have done. flip that double standard in our society that expects young women and girls to be virgins or wait til marriage, but not guys. empower our boys to be as conscientious and smart about their bodies, too!

    1. I'm glad I listened to what my daughter had to say on the radio before I answered this, because I think she answered this herself. In short, while we would wish men and boys would be more responsible, they really are the weaker sex, especially in this area, and ultimately it is going to be up to the woman or girl to demand the right behavior from the man or boy. While we wish it was otherwise, save for some, it simply isn't.

    2. I appreciate what Anonymous 9:41 a.m. said about expecting virginity without embarrassment from boys and men as much as from women. After all, our Catholic faith puts forth the same standard equally for both sexes. It is a myth that males have stronger sex drives than women. When I was young it was extremely hard for me to control my sexual drive. I often felt that my sex drive was controlling me instead me controlling my sex drive. The drive and impulses distorted my thoughts and actions much of the time. It was torture. What helped me to control my actions was the fatherly love, direction and high standards given to me by my priest friends. Now much, much older the drive is much weaker and I can focus more easily on spiritual matters, friendships, work, etc.

  2. These young ladies are quite exceptional. Their honest and thoughtful discussion about this important topic is truly commendable. Congratulations to them and their parents for building a solid foundation that they will have for the rest of their lives.

  3. I am a father of a young woman that has followed suit and we are so proud of her. Not only has she saved her v-card for the man that God has chosen, but she also has a very good mindset as to what she has accomplished over her peers that look upon her as a loser. We think otherwise.

  4. Father Matthew Blockley Manila Philippines.February 6, 2015 at 11:00 PM

    Congratulations to these young ladies for the outstanding example of witnessing to the faith and morals of the Roman Catholic Church. These young ladies have values and character in their life which they have learnt from their parents and implemented in their own personal lives.
    Character and values are so important and the Rohr and White families have passed character and values to their children.
    God bless these wonderful families who are firmly rooted in authentic Catholic Teaching and Catholic Spirituality. The NCW could learn much from these Catholic ladies. And so can those on the hill.

  5. These are three exceptional young LADIES! Not just girls and not just women. LADIES! They "get it" about being proper, they know why they are doing what they're doing and, because it's so part of who they are, they have no qualms (or at least I could not detect any hesitation in their voices) about sharing their commitment to chastity. There's no doubt that they were taught well and given the best examples in life - their parents. Great job, ladies!

  6. thank God for their courage and witness.

  7. I am so proud of these young ladies and I pray that one day their views become the norm.
