Below is a letter "from" Archbishop Apuron asking for money for Catholic Communications. A few thoughts:
First, the Archbishop did not write a word of this. Do you really expect us to believe that the archbishop, whose only contribution to regularly informing his flock is to copy reflections out of 365 Days with the Lord and paste them into the U Matuna, actually wrote a two page letter to us? But then again, the letter is asking for money, so maybe he did write this!
Second, he wants the money for the U Matuna. Really? You mean so he can fund the printing of more lies to us? So he can publicly destroy even more good priests in its pages? So he can continue to advance his Kiko-agenda at our expense?
Third, the letter mentions "TV apostolates". Really? What TV apostolates? He mentions "Catholics on the Move", but the chancery gives no money for the support of that show. Another attempt to deceive?
Fourth, the letter instructs that the second collection for May 31, June 7, and June 14 will be for the support of archdiocesan communications. Really? And we are supposed to believe that that's where the money will go? Here's the message, loud and clear, Archbishop:
Oh, and you gotta love his closing in light of all the hell he has wreaked on the lives of Fr. Paul and Msgr. James:
"May the Lord bless each of us as we strive to communicate only peace, love and mercy to one another. In all we say and do, let God be our guide and role model."
But then of course, he didn't write a word of this, did he!
Let's hope those parishses that have designated collections specifically for parish needs announce on these Sundays (June7 & 14) and May 31, this weekends' Masses that their 2nd collections WILL NOT STAY WITH THE PARISH but WILL BE TAKEN by the Chancery!
ReplyDeleteLet's all keep open our eyes and ears alert to the shinanigans of this puppet archbishop and his neo puppeteers by not giving a cent and follow that action chanting:
I am truly sorry, but my 2nd collection donations is meant for the building maintenance of my church. Our ceiling is popping. The pews are cracked and the kneels are shot. The choir loft needs to be reassessed and made sturdy. Our church is in shambles.
ReplyDeleteI don't need to know, see or read about the NCW which dominates the Umatuna. I don't need to see or hear your 9:30AM masses, Archbishop.
Typical...first he takes a percentage for the use of the Chancery from every church and now this! Whatsapp Archbishop, walla' un pero to pay for the refurbishing of the Cathedral? Isn't is your motto to make do with what you have? If you don't have the MONEY to fund it, SHUT IT DOWN! The Umatuna is ALL ABOUT THE NCW! The Radio Station is not interesting. I don't want to hear you sing every hour. I do listen to the 3:00 Divine Mercy though. Your mass, well your homilies are two-faced, but I enjoy seeing just how many people attend the mass. BTW what happened last SUNDAY at the 5:45AM mass? NO DEACON, NO ALTAR SERVER , 2 or 3 CHOIR MEMBERS and you thought the mass was jammed packed, that you asked f I r the assistance of Sister Emiline? Guess you couldn't handle the crowd of 20!
Just say no! No money to AAA!
ReplyDeleteGive it up Tony, you hypocrite!! You are practically groveling to fund your propaganda machine. Pathetic!
ReplyDeleteTony, you hypocrite, what a liar !
DeletePlease put a section in the jungle webpage listing ALL the advertisers of the Umatuna so we know NOT to give them ONE penny or ANY business until there is accountability. Boycott the advertisers of the Umatuna! Paper of lies and propaganda! Boycott! ERC, Dominic Kim accounting, Johnstone Supply, Bank of Guam, Cars Plus, Kings Restautrant to name a few. Boycott! I'm sure they wouldn't want the BAD press or associate with it anymore.
ReplyDeletetony, some advise from your girl diana
ReplyDeleteThe only advice provided by the Catechists is that God will provide for us
If one believes that God can provide manna for His people in the desert, then it is not very difficult to believe that God can provide a free seminary for Guam. According to Father Pius who spoke to the Pacific Daily News:
the NCW always says God will provide but then it relies on its members and us to give.
I am pretty sure that the Archbishop understood that God will provide for him
Do you believe and trust that God will provide
The Church ..... Isn't it amazing how God can provide
Then let every NCW member give up every last cent that they have, quit their job or close their businesses. God will provide right? Don't forget that Satan also rewards those who do his dirty work. Oops, just told revealed who
Neocatechumenal Way mission families: We will give as freely as we have received. Excitement, laughter ... Love from the Church and love from God through the Holy Father has assured me in this calling and in this mission.".
tony, your girl is calling......... she has your neo money
NEO states that God Will Provide. Unfortunately, there are still those island Catholics who are either blind or really do not have an inkling of what is going on, who still donate, and there lays the problem. STOP THE MONEY, People !!!!
DeleteDid he write this? No, he did not. Joke.
DeletePeople are generally altruistic and generous. No matter the circumstances of their financial capability, they give to worthwhile causes. The clear tentativeness of our people to share their resources to the Church is due to the utter lack of transparency on finances that we deserve. Of course, any company has to give an accounting especially for money given for charitable purposes. Many of us are slowly awakening to the sad reality that apuron has squandered the unquestioning trust and deference that people have for the Church. That is his legacy. This latest attempt to defraud and to fleece money out of unsuspecting people is just not right. As painful as many of us feel about withholding funds to a hurting Church, we also feel that we cannot fall victim to false advertising and money collection under false pretenses. No Go!
ReplyDeleteWait, let me understand this archbishop. You're DEMANDING that the Katoliku of our Parishes fund this Umatuna even when we all know that it is purely, totally and unabashedly an instrument for neo propaganda and kiko's free reign and access for printing his deceit, lies and utter propaganda?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you, instead, DEMAND that the trash bag be passed around over and over at your neo communities' dancing, drumming and clapping a-la-neo liturgical community meals until you've collected enough to support your kiko’s exclusive access to the Umatuna, through your gracious generosity and permission?
Why don't you follow and obey Pope Francis' words when he publicly admonished bishops like you to: "Stop being airport bishops" ... because archbishop, the international airports see you more than your flock in this archdiocese see you! Then, use your saved first-class-travel money to cover the expenses and to support the neo Umatuna!
You archbishop, shun and ignore the Katoliku of the archdiocese of Guam; yet you archbishop, have no qualms nor shame demanding that the Katoliku of Guam support kiko's propaganda printed in the Umatuna? !! What callousness of you! What stonyheartedness of you! How thick-skinned of you!
Brother Tony can earn plenty dancing in Tumon Hotels. Let him support his paper.
DeleteStep, shuffle, step, shuffle...shimmy,shimmy..twirl and ...twerk, twerk. Everybody clap, clap. Thank you COMMUNITY!
DeleteDear archbishop,
ReplyDeleteYou get no money from me not now not ever unless you come clean as to where all our money has gone since you became a neo. The chancery gets over $5,000 a month from my parish. I refuse to put any money in the collection basket. My contribution to my parish is paid directly to GPA to help fund the parish power bill.
Eileen Benavente-Blas
Quoting Msgr. David, the Elder............"You, Arch Bishop....You are the problem......"
ReplyDeleteI no longer give to this LIE. Accountability or bust.
I'm told that the 8 Neo "Communities" of Barrigada are using the San Vicente School to meet tomorrow @ 9:00 am for a "Special Conveyances" to be told what's happening. My question is why is it okay for the Neo communities to use our 'Social Halls & etc" . And for the " Real Catholics" we have to find a Community Center with no Air Conditioner & etc. to meet. Something it wrong here. Did we just get "Kicked Out" of our Church & Social Halls" without realizing it.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: are those people ALL those from Barrigada who had drug problems, broken marriages were gone from the faith? Or were most of them Guam Catholics? Question number two: Since informative meeting will be held in a parish facility, can anybody else attend? Question 3: who will be informing the attendees "what is happening" ? Diana? Secret meetings are very worrisome; at the very least. Here's hoping Brother Ton, or Br Adrian or any other Archdiocesan official attends. Just saying.
DeleteLike most of us who are moving to other parishes who have priests who are non-neos, San Vicente Church is comprised of NCW members from outside the Parish.
DeleteTo answer your 3rd question, if there is such a meeting today at 9AM, Pius will probably conduct the meeting since he out ranks Adrian.
One needs to remember that San Vicente is where the very 1st community was rooted. It is the NCW's Cathedral. It is ruled solely on the NCW's teachings that the so-called elders run the show. Adrian may be the pastor, but has no say. He too needs to follow the rules laid before him.
Question #2 is there are those in marriages that were given choices so it's, if you beat it join it. There are some who have stated that, yes it has helped them in their lives although they don't believe in everything the NCW do things. So why they continue to stay in, is questionable.
Then don't go to mass. Simple
ReplyDeleteAll he wants is money money money. .
i like the boycott idea for those advertisers in the umatuna.
ReplyDeleteno more king's, i can eat at denny's and pretty soon ihop..
wouldn't use kim accouting, nor johnson so leaves me with all my accounts at BOG.
who in LG family is a neo? somebody should talk to Lou before she runs for Governor.
Lou Leon Guerrero sister in law Mari Flor Herrero is one of the Queens of Neo. She was married to the late Tony Leon Guerrero.
DeleteRegardless of Lou Leon Guerrero's connection to the Neo or anyone who is a Neo, I would recommend that anyone who does business with Bank of Guam cease doing so simply because she opposes any attempt to save the lives of living children who survive a failed abortion. In short, that is support for infanticide. You can watch her say that here:
DeleteSo Pius and Pat allow this??? Speak up, Pius and Pat...or is it all about the money? Thought so. Sweetheart loans. Yum. Oh, Lou.
DeleteI'm sorry, can we stayed focused? Do not kill the one body to get the cancer. You know you go for the cancer. We'll end up boycotting the entire island.
DeleteAs is put here time and again, STOP THE MONEY by withholding your donations to the "Archdiocese". They are accountable to Rome. Rome will notice their lack of accountability. Linear. Do not hurt each other. Enough is enough even here. We know where the cancer is!
I don't know about the one body, John, but Lou is an abortion advocate, therefore another form of "cancer".
ReplyDelete"I Want You To Want Me"
I want you to want me money
I need you to need me money
I'd love you to love me money
I'm begging you to beg me money
I want you to want me money
I need you to need me money
I'd love you to love me money
Didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?
Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?
Feeling all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dying
Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?
"I Want You To Want Me" for ME not my MONEY, for me
ReplyDeleteif I remember correctly is this not the rag newspaper with a certain Jennifer involved with insulting Cardinal Tagle Last year.
I would certainly encourage every Filipino business on Guam to terminate advertising in any rag newspaper which insulted the the Cardinal Archbishop of Manila. Infact may be its time to begin calling Filipinos to withhold from financially supporting any project associated with supporting the dictatorship on Guam.
ReplyDelete"You made your bed now lay in it"
It means - that the mistakes you made created the problem or put you in the situation that you are in and you need to figure out the correct way to fix or solve the problem you are facing yourself since you made the choices that put you there to begin with
It means - you made a particular choice and now you have to live with the consequences
It means - live with the consequences of your choices and actions
It means - you made this mess (problem), now you have to pay for it
It means- you screwed up and there is no going back
It means -- you are now reaping the results of your actions so deal with it
It means - you caused the problem, now deal with it
Call me tony thought he could just hoodwink us into submissive giving. Wrong! At least many have not given their heart and soul to the scams of neo puppetry.
ReplyDeleteWell the First Holy Communion at CB was completely ruined by the Dancing Bishop. NOT ONE SMILE ON THE KIDS OR ANY OF THE FAMILIES. So sad. Leave, Tony. You have taken away our religion. Very touching, however, how you thanked the COMMUNITY for attending ...
ReplyDeleteTrue, if wasn't for "community , the church would've been empty except for families. Outrageous how he takes away the "JOY".
Get the picture? I haven't read it for a while and I actually feel healthier ever since I stop looking at it.
Why should anyone give money for shit? They shouldn't, and so we won't.
Tony, if you want a kiko publication, that's fine with us. Let the 500 or so brothers pay for the shit, and see how long they put up with it.
We're done.
Tony: please get out of Guam. We no longer want you anywhere around us.
Peace, Love and Mercy?
ReplyDeleteSet the example bishop, and publicly reconcile in peace, love, and mercy with those preists and lay people that you have slandered and gossiped about, then healing can begin. And stop the BS about you can't do anything because its in Rome's hands. Even if it was in Romes hands you could still do something about it, but you refuse.
Peace, Love, and Mercy??? Prove it!