Like Tim Perez, Danny Santos is more concerned about preserving the image of the archbishop than in defending our Church. They are both Neo Chieftans and are merely being good and obedient neo cats, to follow the mantra they were told to do regardless of some very obvious questions, like what in the hell was fr. Luis doing parked in a car with a minor girl at a remote beach in Agat during school hours?????? They should question and seek the truth because only then can we protect our Faith. So Come On Neocats. SHOW some spine and question your Neo leaders. Courage because the Truth will protect you and set you free.
"Apparently Mr. Santos did not use the name most people know him by: DANNY SANTOS - the big NEO chief in Asan......." Apparently, it is the "deflection" tactic that NEOs use. Even when he starts to lay blame on others, does this tactic really shine. Sure, blame others for the things that happen. SMH.
Is that former US Marine Danny Santos? If it is, shame on him for siding with the man who will not give those The Rite of Committal whose internment will be in the Veterans Cemetery.
Thank you Danny, for bringing this issue back to our attention. With all the other BS going on in our Archdiocese this issue has been a little lost. But you had the good sense to bring it back to everyone's attention. So what is the status of the canonical investigation? Is Deacon "For sure, for sure" taking care of the final details?
Must be kinda hard to carry out a proper investigation with the primary suspect missing in action, thanks to Tony Baloney.
So Danny, is it true you also think Hitler got a raw deal? The world waits your crazy view on Agat-Babygate!
BTW - Fr Luis asks you check with him before you open your craw again. Sorry, he didn't leave his current number.
DianaMay 5, 2015 at 7:27 PM Dear Anonymous at 10:24 am,
When are you going to see that the Pope supports the Archbishop of Guam??? Archbishop Krebs was here. The Vatican delegation was here. Tons of letters have been sent by those who oppose the Archbishop. And so're still trying to get their attention????????
Our family's thoughts are with both of our devoted but mistreated religious leaders as well. Happy Birthday MSGR Benavente, our prayers are with you and Father Gofigan today and actually everyday... God's blessings are with you, of this fact I am sure. Si Yu'os Ma'ase for all you do for God's children. <3
Finally we get to see more "fruits" of the NCW...foment hate at the Catholic Church. His main point is shame on Deacon Steve for reporting a sex act by a neo priest against a child. Obviously, the good deacon was not obedient because he spoke out against our arch crook. Every good kiko knows from concentrated brain-washing sessions every Wednesday and Saturday that good kikos say nothing about misdeeds of kiko clergy...they are only to speak out about the media factory posits about kiko in Rome, etc. Or if they are to be negative it must be focused to the Church or those Judases not yet in the way. Sorry Col Santos, you are in the way of our salvation. Take your cult and deploy elsewhere please. We Piti you and your ilk.
Umm, JOAQUIN S. SANTOS JR. referred to the "act" as custodial interference....not to be too crude or anything, but that is not what it is called and especially when the girl is a minor. Danny's letter and logic make no sense to me and seems to be the angry cry of a lost soul who sees his idol's feet are made of clay. Danny boy, don't shoot the messenger, your gun sights are way off target because I think you may be blind to the truth.
While reading the PDN this morning, I was starkly reminded of the dark goal of the NCW. They truly want to take down the Catholic Church little by little. They will take advantage of every opportunity to do so.
We see a letter of indignation from Colonel Santos blaming Deacon Martinez for doing his job. What he fails to mention is that this very attitude expressed by DannySantos has cost the Church more than $100 Billion because bishops failed to adequately address the sex abuse issue. Instead they just moved the priest to another location where he preyed on unsuspecting children. Does Danny really condone this action by our bishop?Or does he simply want the Church to collapse?
I thank Deacon Martinez for actually doing his job rather than remaining silent. Joelle Castiex warned us that the Archbishop was intimidating future whistle-blowers in his response to the Fr John Wadeson issue. Joaquin "Danny" Santos makes it perfectly clear that intimidation is the primary goal of the NCW. That is why I am so very grateful to have escaped the clutches of the NCW.
Its amusing how these people are so concerned about the image of AAA, despite all the ruckus and questionable issues that have been occuring in the Archdiocese. Perhaps, matters of the truth or injustice or accountability are not important, as long as AAA's image is upheld at all cost. For those who understand that truth is important, non-negotiable, and has eterrnal consequences, we must continue on this effort to bring awareness to all members of the body of Christ. God Bless.
8.43am. Unfortunately NCW intimidate and threaten those who are a potential threat to the way and to the archbishop. However, data evidence was collected over the years and forwarded to Rome. Any information concerning threats intimidation, violence please inform Archbisnop Martin Krebs.
Mr. Danny Santos is originally from Asan. Married to Rosalia Bamba Castro. (the lady that was program to be interviewed after the Holy Mass at Cathedral during Holy week). Danny has some of his sisters also in the Neo. How sad that some of our people have been drawn into this group. How can One person convince you to change your religious beliefs that you were taught since childhood without looking into where this group came about. I know they came and befriended our elders, mothers, brothers & sisters, former nuns & etc. After they got into their "Heads" demanded that you can only be safe if you give them everything. Sorry I'm not a good writer. But I needed to say my peace.
How can anybody forget how we were taught by our parents about Our Faith? I've always taught my children and grandchildren, the way my parents have taught me and my siblings. My Family are strong and devoted Catholics and some members of the NCW, up to this date have tried to persuade us to join them. Sorry, we will never ever change our ways. We love the Traditional way. Peter Perez
Good point Anon 2:05AM. When you really look at it, there are only about 500 kikos on island. That is why it is even more amazing that Tony spends all his efforts on a meaningless splinter group. I guess this is why the other 144.500 Catholics on Guam are so iritated. The flea controlling the shepherd and the sheep. But maybe not flea, more like lice or maggots.
These NEO people have forgotten what our man'amkos did for the Catholics of Guam prior to the fight between the NEOs and the traditional Catholics. They stood at most voting polls during election day to show their disapproval on the Gambling initiative. They were constantly holding signs along our roads to show their stance against abortion. They held evening prayers for our island during times of crisis. They ensured our yearly Lanchon Kotpus were built and decorated. They held nightly "novenas" in our homes. They ensured that our "belen" is ready for our Christmas celebration. They would do anything to continue our legacy of a strong Catholic community. Where was Pius, and his cronies? Now, our man'amkos are criticized by the NEOs and their leaders for praying for peace and unity amongst our Catholic community. ATTENTION NEOs - analyze your actions. Your leaders are blaming Tim and CCoG for our man'amkos' actions. As you can see, our man'amkos have and will always continue the fight for the betterment of our people regardless of what any individual or special interest group says. While you analyze your actions, try to convince any of your family members who are OLDER than you (parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc to join your NEO group. I'm pretty confident your OLDER family members love you but are wondering what went wrong!
Yes, indeed, Anon @5:54 pm. The Roman Catholic Church of Guam endured and triumphed in the saddest point of its history during the second World War. Many sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears to reconstruct what was haphazardly and violently destroyed in the aftermath of unspeakable carnage. These are our man'amkos now who then toiled relentlessly so that they can pass on the Catholic Faith and Tradition to succeeding generations. Fifty years or so later, the neos come under the invitation of an accommodating Archbishop. Under a sense of special entitlement and protection, the neos eased their way and eventually threatened to supplant the traditional church with psychosexual babble. They built up an arsenal of presbyters who were half-baked and who scoff at Chamorro customs and local sensibilities. Well, the fruits of their quasi-theological nursery have spoken in eloquent undertones of depravity and Freudian obsessions at, albeit unwelcome, pulpit rantings. The majority of Guam Catholics have expressed their rejection of neo aspirations for the right reasons: to preserve what they intend to pass on to the next generations. Among them are the man'amkos who had given their all, and now called upon to do it again. You bet they have a well-deserved place in the public square, as well as valuable stake in preserving the customs and traditions of Guam Catholics. You bet they deserve the respect and awe from us who were merely handed the precious Traditions of the Catholic Church. It is our time to hold on and protect what the man'amkos wanted to leave as their legacy. It is time to stand up and say, we are take responsibility for and claim what is rightly ours: the Church saved for us by the blood, sweat and tears of those who have gone before us. Father Efren Adversario
Well Said Reverend Father Efren Adversario. It was a pleasure to have served at both of your ordinations to the Deaconate and Priesthood. I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to bless you during these challenging times. God Bless you and everyone seeking to preserve the True Catholic Apostolic Church in Guam.
Richard, you are welcome. I express sentiments, not for myself but in defense of others. Like most people I cannot allow others to malign our elders, especially when the man'amko' stand for something that deserves recognition and answers. Ta'i respetu para i manaina-niha yan i che'cho' niha!!! We know that the local church will still be cleaning up the mess long after my generation is gone, and our inaction today will be an indictment on our weakness of faith. The words of your clergy might seem to ring hollow when we don't appear to model "walking the talk," in the current crisis but please understand that our hands are tied as Mr. Rohr alluded to earlier. It's like what was mentioned previously, Valjean's dilemma: "If I speak I am condemned, if I stay silent I am damned." You do agree that condemnation is better than damnation if it has to be between those two evils. Do know that we fervently pray for unity and reconciliation in whatever form that might take in weeks and months to come. Please pray for your priests and religious to remain faithful to the ministry entrusted to us and beholden to the people entrusted to our care. I believe there is hope for the future and we need to face it together. There is room at the table for everyone to flourish, but not at the expense of tearing each other apart, and never at the expense of perpetuating what is untrue, malicious and damaging to the welfare, patrimony and health of the Church. We will inevitably make tough decisions later, so we ask the guidance of the Holy Spirit to come to our aid. Let us pray for good stewardship all around.
Seen many NEOkats in photos and/or videos in the media lately, especially within the storylines involving our current administration. There must be some correlation to the non-action of GPD Chief and other higher ups in the govt. They (NCW) really have all their bases covered it seems. Even so, we SHOULD NOT back down! In fact, we need to be more visible and convincing in our valiant fight in taking back our heritage (one holy Catholic apostolic church) that our forefathers/mothers bequeathed to us. Their LEGACY and that of our children must be preserved for eternity! BIBA KATOLIKU
The difference between Pius and our man'amkos: Those who challenge Pius will be excommunicated and marked by the NEO community. Those who challenge our man'amkos will always be welcome back and loved by our traditional Catholics.
Like Tim Perez, Danny Santos is more concerned about preserving the image of the archbishop than in defending our Church. They are both Neo Chieftans and are merely being good and obedient neo cats, to follow the mantra they were told to do regardless of some very obvious questions, like what in the hell was fr. Luis doing parked in a car with a minor girl at a remote beach in Agat during school hours?????? They should question and seek the truth because only then can we protect our Faith. So Come On Neocats. SHOW some spine and question your Neo leaders. Courage because the Truth will protect you and set you free.
ReplyDeleteWell stated and very good questions.
Delete"Apparently Mr. Santos did not use the name most people know him by: DANNY SANTOS - the big NEO chief in Asan......." Apparently, it is the "deflection" tactic that NEOs use. Even when he starts to lay blame on others, does this tactic really shine. Sure, blame others for the things that happen. SMH.
DeleteIs that former US Marine Danny Santos? If it is, shame on him for siding with the man who will not give those The Rite of Committal whose internment will be in the Veterans Cemetery.
ReplyDeleteThank you Danny, for bringing this issue back to our attention. With all the other BS going on in our Archdiocese this issue has been a little lost. But you had the good sense to bring it back to everyone's attention. So what is the status of the canonical investigation? Is Deacon "For sure, for sure" taking care of the final details?
ReplyDeleteMust be kinda hard to carry out a proper investigation with the primary suspect missing in action, thanks to Tony Baloney.
So Danny, is it true you also think Hitler got a raw deal? The world waits your crazy view on Agat-Babygate!
BTW - Fr Luis asks you check with him before you open your craw again. Sorry, he didn't leave his current number.
DianaMay 5, 2015 at 7:27 PM
DeleteDear Anonymous at 10:24 am,
When are you going to see that the Pope supports the Archbishop of Guam??? Archbishop Krebs was here. The Vatican delegation was here. Tons of letters have been sent by those who oppose the Archbishop. And so're still trying to get their attention????????
Is this Danny Santos; the old CEO of Sprint Guam in the past?
ReplyDeleteBIBA KUMPLEANOS (HAPPY BIRTHDAY), MSGR JAMES BENAVENTE!!!! May you and Fr. Paul Gofigan be exonerated and reinstated soon!
ReplyDeleteOur family's thoughts are with both of our devoted but mistreated religious leaders as well.
DeleteHappy Birthday MSGR Benavente, our prayers are with you and Father Gofigan today and actually everyday... God's blessings are with you, of this fact I am sure. Si Yu'os Ma'ase for all you do for God's children. <3
Finally we get to see more "fruits" of the NCW...foment hate at the Catholic Church. His main point is shame on Deacon Steve for reporting a sex act by a neo priest against a child.
ReplyDeleteObviously, the good deacon was not obedient because he spoke out against our arch crook. Every good kiko knows from concentrated brain-washing sessions every Wednesday and Saturday that good kikos say nothing about misdeeds of kiko clergy...they are only to speak out about the media factory posits about kiko in Rome, etc. Or if they are to be negative it must be focused to the Church or those Judases not yet in the way.
Sorry Col Santos, you are in the way of our salvation. Take your cult and deploy elsewhere please. We Piti you and your ilk.
Umm, JOAQUIN S. SANTOS JR. referred to the "act" as custodial interference....not to be too crude or anything, but that is not what it is called and especially when the girl is a minor. Danny's letter and logic make no sense to me and seems to be the angry cry of a lost soul who sees his idol's feet are made of clay. Danny boy, don't shoot the messenger, your gun sights are way off target because I think you may be blind to the truth.
ReplyDeleteWhile reading the PDN this morning, I was starkly reminded of the dark goal of the NCW. They truly want to take down the Catholic Church little by little. They will take advantage of every opportunity to do so.
ReplyDeleteWe see a letter of indignation from Colonel Santos blaming Deacon Martinez for doing his job. What he fails to mention is that this very attitude expressed by DannySantos has cost the Church more than $100 Billion because bishops failed to adequately address the sex abuse issue. Instead they just moved the priest to another location where he preyed on unsuspecting children. Does Danny really condone this action by our bishop?Or does he simply want the Church to collapse?
I thank Deacon Martinez for actually doing his job rather than remaining silent. Joelle Castiex warned us that the Archbishop was intimidating future whistle-blowers in his response to the Fr John Wadeson issue. Joaquin "Danny" Santos makes it perfectly clear that intimidation is the primary goal of the NCW. That is why I am so very grateful to have escaped the clutches of the NCW.
Its amusing how these people are so concerned about the image of AAA, despite all the ruckus and questionable issues that have been occuring in the Archdiocese. Perhaps, matters of the truth or injustice or accountability are not important, as long as AAA's image is upheld at all cost. For those who understand that truth is important, non-negotiable, and has eterrnal consequences, we must continue on this effort to bring awareness to all members of the body of Christ. God Bless.
ReplyDelete8.43am. Unfortunately NCW intimidate and threaten those who are a potential threat to the way and to the archbishop. However, data evidence was collected over the years and forwarded to Rome. Any information concerning threats intimidation, violence please inform Archbisnop Martin Krebs.
ReplyDeleteMr. Danny Santos is originally from Asan. Married to Rosalia Bamba Castro. (the lady that was program to be interviewed after the Holy Mass at Cathedral during Holy week). Danny has some of his sisters also in the Neo. How sad that some of our people have been drawn into this group. How can One person convince you to change your religious beliefs that you were taught since childhood without looking into where this group came about. I know they came and befriended our elders, mothers, brothers & sisters, former nuns & etc. After they got into their "Heads" demanded that you can only be safe if you give them everything. Sorry I'm not a good writer. But I needed to say my peace.
ReplyDeleteMr. Santos; what has the neocatechumenal way done for you and/or your parish?
ReplyDeleteHow can anybody forget how we were taught by our parents about Our Faith? I've always taught my children and grandchildren, the way my parents have taught me and my siblings. My Family are strong and devoted Catholics and some members of the NCW, up to this date have tried to persuade us to join them. Sorry, we will never ever change our ways. We love the Traditional way.
ReplyDeletePeter Perez
Okay. Just how many people joined up? Poor kids that got sucked in to the vortex. NCW. How many people are we talking about??
DeleteGood point Anon 2:05AM. When you really look at it, there are only about 500 kikos on island. That is why it is even more amazing that Tony spends all his efforts on a meaningless splinter group. I guess this is why the other 144.500 Catholics on Guam are so iritated. The flea controlling the shepherd and the sheep.
DeleteBut maybe not flea, more like lice or maggots.
These NEO people have forgotten what our man'amkos did for the Catholics of Guam prior to the fight between the NEOs and the traditional Catholics. They stood at most voting polls during election day to show their disapproval on the Gambling initiative. They were constantly holding signs along our roads to show their stance against abortion. They held evening prayers for our island during times of crisis. They ensured our yearly Lanchon Kotpus were built and decorated. They held nightly "novenas" in our homes. They ensured that our "belen" is ready for our Christmas celebration. They would do anything to continue our legacy of a strong Catholic community. Where was Pius, and his cronies? Now, our man'amkos are criticized by the NEOs and their leaders for praying for peace and unity amongst our Catholic community. ATTENTION NEOs - analyze your actions. Your leaders are blaming Tim and CCoG for our man'amkos' actions. As you can see, our man'amkos have and will always continue the fight for the betterment of our people regardless of what any individual or special interest group says. While you analyze your actions, try to convince any of your family members who are OLDER than you (parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc to join your NEO group. I'm pretty confident your OLDER family members love you but are wondering what went wrong!
ReplyDeleteYes, indeed, Anon @5:54 pm. The Roman Catholic Church of Guam endured and triumphed in the saddest point of its history during the second World War. Many sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears to reconstruct what was haphazardly and violently destroyed in the aftermath of unspeakable carnage. These are our man'amkos now who then toiled relentlessly so that they can pass on the Catholic Faith and Tradition to succeeding generations. Fifty years or so later, the neos come under the invitation of an accommodating Archbishop. Under a sense of special entitlement and protection, the neos eased their way and eventually threatened to supplant the traditional church with psychosexual babble. They built up an arsenal of presbyters who were half-baked and who scoff at Chamorro customs and local sensibilities. Well, the fruits of their quasi-theological nursery have spoken in eloquent undertones of depravity and Freudian obsessions at, albeit unwelcome, pulpit rantings. The majority of Guam Catholics have expressed their rejection of neo aspirations for the right reasons: to preserve what they intend to pass on to the next generations. Among them are the man'amkos who had given their all, and now called upon to do it again. You bet they have a well-deserved place in the public square, as well as valuable stake in preserving the customs and traditions of Guam Catholics. You bet they deserve the respect and awe from us who were merely handed the precious Traditions of the Catholic Church. It is our time to hold on and protect what the man'amkos wanted to leave as their legacy. It is time to stand up and say, we are take responsibility for and claim what is rightly ours: the Church saved for us by the blood, sweat and tears of those who have gone before us.
ReplyDeleteFather Efren Adversario
Well Said Reverend Father Efren Adversario. It was a pleasure to have served at both of your ordinations to the Deaconate and Priesthood. I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to bless you during these challenging times. God Bless you and everyone seeking to preserve the True Catholic Apostolic Church in Guam.
DeleteRichard, you are welcome. I express sentiments, not for myself but in defense of others. Like most people I cannot allow others to malign our elders, especially when the man'amko' stand for something that deserves recognition and answers. Ta'i respetu para i manaina-niha yan i che'cho' niha!!! We know that the local church will still be cleaning up the mess long after my generation is gone, and our inaction today will be an indictment on our weakness of faith. The words of your clergy might seem to ring hollow when we don't appear to model "walking the talk," in the current crisis but please understand that our hands are tied as Mr. Rohr alluded to earlier. It's like what was mentioned previously, Valjean's dilemma: "If I speak I am condemned, if I stay silent I am damned." You do agree that condemnation is better than damnation if it has to be between those two evils. Do know that we fervently pray for unity and reconciliation in whatever form that might take in weeks and months to come. Please pray for your priests and religious to remain faithful to the ministry entrusted to us and beholden to the people entrusted to our care. I believe there is hope for the future and we need to face it together. There is room at the table for everyone to flourish, but not at the expense of tearing each other apart, and never at the expense of perpetuating what is untrue, malicious and damaging to the welfare, patrimony and health of the Church. We will inevitably make tough decisions later, so we ask the guidance of the Holy Spirit to come to our aid. Let us pray for good stewardship all around.
DeleteSeen many NEOkats in photos and/or videos in the media lately, especially within the storylines involving our current administration. There must be some correlation to the non-action of GPD Chief and other higher ups in the govt. They (NCW) really have all their bases covered it seems. Even so, we SHOULD NOT back down! In fact, we need to be more visible and convincing in our valiant fight in taking back our heritage (one holy Catholic apostolic church) that our forefathers/mothers bequeathed to us. Their LEGACY and that of our children must be preserved for eternity! BIBA KATOLIKU
ReplyDeleteThe difference between Pius and our man'amkos: Those who challenge Pius will be excommunicated and marked by the NEO community. Those who challenge our man'amkos will always be welcome back and loved by our traditional Catholics.
ReplyDeleteI have difficulty following the logic of this post @12:40 pm. Please clarify.