In reference to the picture of the woman and the man frolicking in the Dead Sea while on vacation in Israel, Anonymous tells us:
AnonymousMay 22, 2015 at 6:19 AM
You just don't understand the community and its Presbyter, Tim. It's family. Why aren't you ok with that? It's your problem.
The woman is Pat Cottman, who along with Pius the Samnut is the other half of the so-called Neocatechumenal Way Responsible Team for Guam. The man is Brother Tony, otherwise known as Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, Ofm Cap. D.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Agana.
The problem is absolutely summarized by the above comment. Apuron is with his his community. He is its presbyter. In fact, he is with his family. And we are perfectly okay with it.
In fact, we are so okay with it we want Apuron to be with his family full time. We want Apuron to be the presbyter for his community full time. We want Apuron to do what he has already done emotionally, mentally, psychologically, and spiritually, and that is to LEAVE the office of the Archbishop of Agana and go be with his "family" full time, since he is already with them "full time" in every other capacity except in the useless space he takes up at the chancery.
But then Apuron would be nothing but a useless fool to Kiko, just another dilapidated aging cleric looking to matter in his last years because he failed to matter in his capacity as a man of the cloth in all his previous.
So here's Apuron fiddling while his diocese burns.
He romps and frolics about the world on a perpetual vacation with his kiko-family, while in Guam, divorce, rape, suicide, out of wedlock births, child abuse and almost every other imaginable social ill puts his diocese at the top of almost every national chart, not to mention that 10% of all children in his diocese are put to death in the womb with 60% of those being from his own race.
And then there's the little matter of the mass exodus from the Catholic Church by Guam Catholics to other churches which have grown in number by 6000% during his episcopate.
Meanwhile, he himself rapes, pillages, steals, demeans, slanders and abuses the priests and people entrusted to his office so he can further ingratiate himself to his "family" so at last he can be "somebody", so at last he can be appreciated the way Anthony S. Apuron has always felt he should be appreciated, so at last he can be fawned over, feted and fanned like the emperor he thinks he is.
So yes, thank you for stating the obvious. Of course we understand that he wants to be with his family. He has long since divorced and abandoned his first family, the family he married when he accepted his appointment as bishop and has been shacking up with yours for twenty years.
Tell him to get an annulment and get the hell out. But then he'd be nothing to you and no more free trips to Israel. So he stays and sucks us dry while he feeds the fatted calf...or should I say the "golden"one.
Well said Tim! We totally agree
ReplyDeleteI second the motion! It is crystal clear that AAA uses his position to make material and monetary gains for himself and his neo flock while he neglects the rest of his spiritual flock. He needs to GO NOW!! In the meantime STOP THE MONEY!!!!
DeleteTim, now that you've positively identified the Galilee Sea swim team as Pat Cottman and the archbishop, would you consider replacing the photo with their real faces instead of just blurred heads?
DeleteIt would frighten much of my readership. Consider the blurring an act of mercy.
DeleteWhy show an act of mercy when AAA has no mercy. He don't deserve mercy. You showed his face riding a camel. Show his face swimming in the Dead Sea so everyone can see what AAA is capable of. Show Cottman's face too.
DeleteI meant an act of mercy for the readers, not AAA. I was joking. Why would anyone want to see their faces?
DeleteYou want to see his face? Look at the Photos of graduation of Saint Thomas Aquinas . Yes he showed up to ruin every thing. Look at the sad faces of audience.
DeleteThe truth should be known. Let the whole world see AAA and Cottman. Let Rome see the shameful act cuz AAA needs to be remove. Let everyone see the truth so Rome can remove him. No need to hide the truth.
Delete8:19 have you ever gone swimming?? Don't be silly.
DeleteIt's not about swimming.
DeleteTo the three entrusted to visit our Archdiocese in an official capacity.: will you please take note of these statistics so sad to see in print? And then will you do the responsible thing? And will you do it in a timely manner? We have already lost so many we may never recover. The youth is the future of the Church. As of now, there is little foundation for them to build upon. Please see to it that the Redemptoris Mater Seminary is closed. The education is very inadequate. We all realize it. P.S. The photo of his Excellency with the woman Pat Cottman is very off putting. Please do your job. There is no defense if you don't.
ReplyDeleteRome, you need to act now. You bemoan the fact that people are leaving the Catholic Church yet you continue to make excuses and cover up for unfaithful bishops who mislead and prey on the faithful. The Church is in BIG trouble and no PR stunt will make things right. ACT NOW!
DeleteJesus Christ didn't have second thoughts when he threw out the money changers and merchants who infested the Temple. Unfaithful bishops and clergy are worse than the money changers and merchants yet Rome doesn't appear to know how to deal with this very serious problem. SMH
They won't. They will just wait till he retires. It is up to you, and every lay Catholic who takes faith seriously. Stop the money! It is the only way and it is unfortunate but necessary.
DeleteHell, you think that will stop the globe trotting?? I won't .
ReplyDeleteSorry excuse for an archbishop. I feel sorry for the camel and even more sorry for Guamanians who have been hoodwinked by this charlatan.
ReplyDeleteI received a form letter today from the RMS seminary informing me that instead of the usual May gala fundraiser they will have a fundraiser in November in honor of the archbishop's 70 birthday with the proceeds going towards the 2 seminaries and "our beloved Hagatna Cathedral." I received this form letter because, like so many others, I was deceived in the past in regards to the real intent of the seminary and contributed a lot of money. I will, of course, toss the form letter in the trash where it belongs.
DeleteNo Gala??? Ran out of people to use as honorees. For sure, for sure.
DeleteBeloved Hagatna Cathedral?
DeleteThe "Beloved Hagatna Cathedral" the NCW grabbed in a brutal takeover.
DeleteI'm seeing fewer dollar bills dropped into that Sunday collection basket! And I bet those envelops that do get put into the basket are empty.... Just like the shell of a person that used to be the archbishop of "our Beloved Hagatna Cathedral". Step down, tony!
DeleteI thought the Annual Appeal was supposed to end with Pentecost but this Sunday it was announced that the Annual Appeal was ongoing. Is it going to be "ongoing" until the beginning of Lent next year?
DeleteOngoing to nowhere. Annual Archdiocesan Appeal. Yes, uses to give $1000.00. And I will again when we have valid leadership.
DeleteSad. I was really looking forward to receiving the solicitation letter so I could reply, in BIG BOLD LETTERS, "not this time Tony", or any time in the future while he and RMS are still around. I, too, was one of those who happily supported the Gala, not realizing the true intent for the money. And, I think I may just reduce my weekly $1 donation to NOTHING. It's sickening to think that Tony is still around despite his documented acts of destruction and plunder in our ArchDiocese and the "beloved Hagatna Cathedral".
DeleteYour Excellency: " What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say". Ralph Waldo Emerson. You have rendered yourself useless by your actions. We no longer hear you. We just can't. Just go.
ReplyDeleteI guess if we don't understand him, we should join them. How comfortable would they be w/ ccog at thier 'family' functions. Oh, we can't just be apart of 'his family'. Not in his community. Would love to just understand. That's all. Guess we will never.
ReplyDeleteNo way. We have to become Agana Community 12. But we still want the Pius and Pat combo. That's the real thing. Sorry for persecution.
DeleteThis useless piece of junk should just go and put a millstone around his head as scripture dictates. He has beought nothing but confusion and chaos to a hurting church. He is dead weight and has no business being called an "archbishop!"
ReplyDeleteWell, he will correct you if you ever try to call him Bishop. It's ARCHbishop. EXCEPT if you are kikobird.
DeleteDead weight in the dead sea.... It's "high tide" that you sail away from "our beloved Hagatna Cathedral"
DeleteTim, that was not a vacation in the holy land. That was a brainwashing retreat only for Kiko's.
ReplyDeleteIll gotten wealth and human rights abuses. Apuron a thirty year evil dictatorship.
Apuron photo on the camel is horrible. What a face. No dignity. Lost a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteyour excellency. Where is your self respect and dignity. You lost all dignity in your life. Money , power, and other things became your God and you lost your spiritual path in life. Impossible to acknowledge you as the catholic archbishop of Guam.
ReplyDeleteEvil bastard 7th paragraph so true.
ReplyDeleteApuron always wanted to be somebody . He became a priest to be somebody. That did not work. He politicized his way to become bishop when he was not the first choice. That did not work. He was never happy in life. His next plan was to bring the NCW to Guam with the intention of making him a cardinal. That rightly failed. All his life he wanted to be someone. He destroyed priests and people, lied beyond imagination to protect himself. Truth is he will never be "anyone" because he has no substance, no heart, no soul. Plastic is the word, fake, tupperwear. Apuron no longer commands respect of the people..
Careful, Tupperware is a good product:)
DeleteBlame the boys who dunked him in the trash at FD. He never got over that trauma, and now he does the closest thing to dunking everyone else who do not kowtow to his wishes. Really damaged goods.
DeleteOohs, 1:44... True?? If so, could really be a reason..
DeleteYup, really happened. Friars during that time period can attest to its veracity.
ReplyDeleteDisturbing fact so many major problems existing in the archdiocese archbishop has done nothing to resolve. Problems get worse and create further problems because no action is taken.
ReplyDeleteWe understand what you mean by NCW family. It is perverted sense of family .
This infuriates me. Here is the Archbishop off and running away again and his Archdiocese has an audit deadline with Deloitte and Touche. The Chancery is telling the parishes to be transparent and forthcoming with finances while right here, our very own Archbishop globe trotts multiple times in a year. How on earth does he do that when my parish church can barely afford power? Why should my parish be transparent with the Chancery demanding our funds? That transparency should run both ways. Is this what our assessment goes to? Screw you people!!!! With cost rising and my paycheck dipping, it is a sacrifce to give. But ill surely not have my money funding this pathetic freak show excuse anymore. Not a bloody farthing!
ReplyDeleteIt's family? Consider a family whose parents expel their youngest children after a few years, giving them the choice of living with another family or leaving the extended family altogether.
ReplyDeleteThat's the Neocatechumenal Way. After about four years of walking in "the Way", and after sharing one's deepest secrets with one's "family" or community during the first scrutiny convivence, and other times as well, one might very well be sent back to a different, "younger" community if one is not judged worthy enough by the catechists to continue to the next stage. It's at this point that many leave "the family" in anger and pain. And what happens to those precious, private secrets that have been shared with "the family" then?
No, a community of the Neocatechumenal Way is instead a rather disfunctional family. A family where many live in fear of the catechists' judgments, where questions aren't asked for fear of being left behind or expelled at the next stage. Is this the kind of "family" you want?
No, real families have members at various levels of spiritual and physical maturity. And the early Christian communities did too, especially after being established for a while. The self-absorbed communities of the Neocatechumenal Way, jettisoning members of "less mature faith", and seeking to walk in lock-step through stages or 'levels of maturity", is an artifice and hardly matches the community model of the early Church.
ReplyDeleteHeard there will be another typhoon coming to guam... lol....
ReplyDeleteWormwood's Dead Sea Adventure!
ReplyDeleteScrewtape: Myyyyy Dear my….what have you done now. I really don’t know whether to praise your incredible disastrous efforts or send you right to our father below for the eternal torture you so deserve.
Wormwood: Why, what ever do you mean Uncle? I’ve made our Prize into the fool he is and now he will get what’s coming.
While you are correct in that with rapacious yearning we desire him who is your patient, you must also realise the bigger picture, and that is the mass number of repugnant souls faithful to your patient who are clueless and continue to admire his very footsteps is also the massive inventory of soul we want. It is these we want to continue to enchant and never see the Light of Truth. This exhibition of your patient frolicking, while is quite damning to him personally, will only give light to our insidious plan and will only make the people of San Vitores turn from your patient and realise their foolishness having put their trust in the sick Eminent, which in turn will make them even more faithful to our Enemy, the one who has sealed our doomed!.
Wormwood: Oh dear, what have I done. Should I execute plan B, I think it’ll be an excellent distraction, we’ve already close off the children’s school, we can also cease these ministries who campaign against …
Screwtape: NO! I’ll handle this mess of yours first. Keep those faithful to this Tramp entranced with that Spanish Theology they think is real. We must not lose one soul of theirs. Keep especially the intellectual one of their members high on their ego, for it is this ‘ego’ whom our father below first tested and succeeded in making our first victims Adam and Eve fall.
Wormwood: Oooohhhh Uncle…..I love it love it love it.
It's either you're with us (NEOS) or against us. With that said, I'm against you. Biba Katoliku! Biba!
ReplyDeleteooohhh ... my comment: "A picture is worth a thousand words."
ReplyDeleteAll you Hater's, Satan loves You all. Well Done !!! TIM }:-<>
ReplyDeleteNEO's are the devil worshipers.....have you seen Anti Pope KIKO and Carmens faces....Pure evil you NEOCAT worshiper.
DeleteThere is no hate in calling out the scandalous actions of our religious leaders, who take advantage of the generosity of the faithful, blatently disregard the concerns and needs of the flock, and trot around the globe living well, basking in the sun while the church in Guam decays from lack of direction and care. It appears from thier actions that our church leaders are the ones attached to the things and comfort of the world, while disregarding the spiritual aspects of life that they are suppose to be setting the example for us to follow. Now Ask yourself, Who is the Satan Lover?
Delete@3:26...Satan loves us when we fall, God loves us when we rise.
ReplyDeleteIt depends which path you choose. At least when I fall & fail to live my life through the example of Christ I know He never leaves me. I can't seem to find the leader of our church trying to fix all this eye opening events he created. Instead he hides (maybe cause he got caught doing all this ''red handed'' and can't blame anyone else cause they all got there own skeletons to hide.) WHAT A WUSS.
AAA, it's best to stepdown just so you can get a llittle bit of dignity for yourself.
KATOLIKO -Patton Yuus yu', ti patgon kiko
( I am a child of God, not a child of kiko.)
@9:09 guess Who??? Taotaomo'na
DeleteMay 24 at 3:26AM You must be talking about all the Haters-of-Authentic-Catholicism-lovers-of-kikoism. Yea, we agree with you. Satan does indeed love you all!
ReplyDeleteAfter all, you reneged on your Baptismal and Confirmation promise as we recite it in the CREED of our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church which Jesus (not kiko) established more than 2,000 years ago; instead, you left authentic Catholicism to follow kiko’s movement (established under 50 yrs. ago, even) which kiko began in defiance of authentic Catholicism especially in the Sacraments and Liturgies!
How crazy ecstatic happy Satan must be with the ncw, especially all the professed kikos at the Chancery!!
Is there any other place on earth with a Neo Chancery? Is there?
DeleteNecromancers, and the same. They are dedicated to convert everyone to their cause, and will not hesitate to annihilate those that stand in their way.
ReplyDeleteSounds Muslim to me.
DeleteWell Stated anon 9:34....I totally agree with everything you Stated.. NEO is the anti-Christ revelaled in the New Testament...... Recommend we stop the money before this infestation takes over all of Guams Catholic Parishes...
ReplyDeleteAmount collected for Annual Apuron Appeal still considerable. Don't let the humble sad puppy look of the "archbishop" fool you please! Demand an accounting of Archdiocesan Income and Budgets, otherwise you don't help but only enable his addiction to absolute power and greed for himself and the ncw that he nurtures. Think about the future of the Church and your children in it! The neo culture will bring nothing but dependence of mind and body on their foreign masters.
ReplyDeleteTo acquiesce to kiko's teachings, practices and interpretations which differ from authentic Catholicism is to betray the Catholic Church, archbishop!
ReplyDeleteDo you not care that by your succumbing to kiko's teachings, and by promoting and enabling the ncw to exist and thrive on our island -- at the expense of the loss of souls you're responsible for -- means, archbishop, that you will be culpable for these souls you assist to be lead astray?
What a sad state of affairs you have led our archdiocese to be in, archbishop!!
A NEO is going to be Beatified by Pope Francis, so why don't you shut up, once and for all!
DeleteThat may be true but he was not corrupted like these leaders on Guam, you do understand that.
DeleteYou are corrupted one, 4:42. You think publishing photoshop of Archbishop is not corrupt. Hope he sue you to shut you up once for all..
DeleteBeatific Arion of a NEO! Daswa' son testified on how his father was murdered because he wouldn't support witchcraft. His son dis not testify on his own personal life of adultry, drugs, homisexuality and so forth. There is a difference here. NCW members here on our island testify on their own personal problems and not on the spirituality of living a Christian life.
DeleteJoining the NCW is an outlet for you to air your problems. You have found a safe haven within your community. It's called seeking comfort and support through self pity. Wake up people!
Anonymous (May 25, 2015 at 10:41 AM), you state "Hope he sue you to shut you up once for all." To whom are you addressing your hope that AAA will sue? "Anonymous at 4:42" OR this blog's administrator?
DeleteSince you seem to be bothered by the publication of AAA's Frolic in the Dead Sea, I'm guessing you're hoping AAA will sue the blog administrator. (FYI: That picture has NOT been photoshopped as you and "The Diana" believe.) If you just look at the sidebar, you will see that it has been 178 days (and counting!) since AAA first threatened to sue for defamation!
Since you're so eager for AAA to sue, maybe you can put your words into action and volunteer to help him out. Or is that too much to expect?
May 25 at 4:42AM One person's beatification is due to that one person's individual and personal virtues and practices-- it is not, by any means, an automatic en mass beatification of the neo movement and practices; and definitely, not of the personas of the power-hungry and greedy neo leadership.
ReplyDeleteBTW, when kiko and his ncw, thru pius and thru the docile submissive acts of the archbishop, stops the free-loading on Catholics in our Parishes on Guam; when the lies, deceit, thievery and fraud committed by the archbishop under the auspices of kiko, pius and the ncw stops; when kiko stops advocating and the archbishops stops promoting the desecration and the disrespect of the Real Presence of Christ in the Consecrated Host and starts celebrating the authentic Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it is then, you will hear dead silence from the Church Militant! Until then …
Well-articulated, disheartened Catholic. We pray that time will come when the adjective "disheartened" shifts to "jubilant." Do not be distressed because Truth will triumph and we can move on to the important work of nurturing the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church that apuron unwittingly and mindlessly trampled underfoot to please his neomasters who promised him the red hat. Sickening arrangement!