• Coming Up—Theological Open House. We discuss thought-provoking topics. Your opinions are hardly welcome.
• Thursday night – potluck supper. Prayer and medication to follow.
• Remember in prayer the many that are sick of our church and the community.
• Wednesday, the Ladies Liturgy Society will meet. Mrs. Jones will sing "Put Me In My Little Bed" accompanied by the pastor.
• Thursday at 5:00 p.m. there will be a meeting of the Little Mothers Club. All wishing to become little mothers, please see the rector in his study.
• A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
• At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What Is Hell?" – come early and listen to our choir practice.
• Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King.
• "Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don't forget your husbands."
• The sermon this morning: "Jesus Walks on the Water." The sermon tonight: "Searching for Jesus."
• Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
• The Rector will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing "Break Forth into Joy."
• Irving Benson and Jesse Carter will marry on June 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
• Eight new choir robes are currently needed, due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
• Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person(s) you want remembered.
• The church will host an evening of fine dining, superb entertainment, and gracious hostility.
• The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday morning.
• Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday. Please use the back door.
• The outreach committee has enlisted 25 visitors to make calls on people who are not afflicted with any church.
• Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.
• This evening at 7 pm there will be a hymn sing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
• The fr. Cristobal unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday "I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours."
I couldn't help but laugh out loud. What a mindful of wit. Thank You. Humor is so important especially as all this stuff some of these so called spiritual leaders are doing seems so unreal it can get depressing at times.
If this is a NEO parish, I strongly recommend non-NEO's find another parish with real priests. We need to send a clear message that since Pius has defined the difference between NEOs and Non-NEOs... We don't support any parish that has. NEO presbyter...
A one-dollar bill met a 20 dollar bill and said...
..., "Hey, where've you been? I haven't seen you around here much."
The twenty answered, "I've been hanging out at the casinos, went on a cruise and did the rounds of the ship, back to the United States for a while, went to a couple of baseball games, to the mall, that kind of stuff. How about you?"
The one dollar bill said, "You know, same old stuff, church, church, church."
At Santa Barbara Church we can give whatever amount we wish to donate to help pay the church's bills. We write our checks directly to the utility or vendor. Fr. Dan does not discuss with us the amount we wish to contribute. It is the decision of the individual parishioner. Some opt to keep putting a dollar in the collection basket. I write a check directly to GPA towards the Santa Barbara power bill. I refuse to have any of my money go to the chancery. Why does the pastor of San Dionisio need to discuss a parishioner's contribution? Beware of this tactic. If you are a parishioner of San Dionisio, make your check out directly to the utility or church vendor. Do not be bullied into giving more than you can afford. If San Dionisio is still run by a neo presbyter, I'd be wary. Eileen Benavente-Blas
Eileenbb, why bother giving now. Let the pastor of the church squirm for a while. Let them use the money they collect during their celebrations. Let them fork out from the TRASH BAGS! Seems to me that money is very important now....PISS-BITER. ..a reminder...MONEY IS EVIL!
BTW EILENbb, I fir got to mention that according to lady diana, when the trash bag goes around, the money is hauled away and counted. What is left over from paying the hotel or whatever place they rent for their services is given to the itenerants....GUESS WHO...PACHOT PIUS, PATTY CAKE, AND OF COURSE APO'WRONGEE.
This is a dilemma for the parishioners of San Dionisio to solve. If there is only one priest at that parish and that priest is a neo then I suggest going to another parish. If there is also a non-neo priest there that is a different matter. If my parish had only neo presbyters, I would go to another parish and let the neos take care of the bills via their black trash bag collections. Neos put their money into those black bags willingly. What they do with it is up to those in charge with whom they have entrusted such decisions. If they don't like how their black trash bag monies are being spent, they can quit being a neo. It's that simple. Not one penny of my money is going to the chancery until the arch bishop comes clean with finances or he is replaced by a priest who knows how to shepherd all of his flock. My top two choices to replace the arch are Fr. Paul Gofigan or Msgr. James Benavente but of course that's exactly why the arch got rid of them and maligned their characters. I'm on to you, arch(villain)! You will not get one penny of my money as long as you are the (faux) shepherd of Guam's Catholics. Step down and save our diocese but you won't (can't) do that as you do not pull your own strings... Eileen Benavente-Blas
Yeah, money is so evil that a couple of piss-biters were handing it to the cashier at ROSS this morning. The two were speaking in a foreign tongue that sounded somewhat Luke Spanish. Guam is good!
Reminder of Diana / Pius Blog where they state that the NCW celebrates only one mass and that by having more than one mass to choose from, we the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church have not learned to sacrifice and put God first. AAA's continued silence endorses that we are not Catholic and the NEO/NCW is and will only be the means to obtain salvation. They have defined the there are two religions KIKO vs Catholics. Boycott all parishes that have a NEO Presbyter regardless of what position this NEO Presbyter holds...This includes the Agana Cathedral Basilica and San Vicente Church. Send this CULT a message that we do not want their evil and deceptive religion in Guam. KATOLIKU: "Spirit come into our hearts today; Spririt come show us the way.
I asked Diana about going to Sunday Mass when a Neo member cannot attend the Saturday liturgy. She responded that they do at times attend Sunday Mass as she has done hersef when unable to attend the Saturday liturgy. Please be sure of your facts. She loves to point out that comments posted on the junglewatch are false or inaccurate. Eleanor Aguon
Eleanor, my facts are accurate...below is the post from Diana's Blog: Chuck White also took a snap shot of the post in case she gets smart and takes it down......
The NCW is an itinerancy of Christian formation. Those who join the NCW are formed to become true Christians in which God will be put first. In the NCW, we only celebrate ONE Mass for a reason. The parish Mass, on the other hand, has MORE than one Mass to accommodate people's schedule. So, if a person cannot make it to the eight o'clock Mass because they have a game to go to, he/she can go to the eleven o'clock Mass.
In the NCW, we teach people how to sacrifice for Christ, which is why we only have one Mass. You choose whether you want to go to the music concert or to the Eucharist. In other words, we are teaching Christians that you cannot have your cake and it too. You need to choose either God (which is the Mass) or the music concert. We are here to form Christians so they can put God first. In the Way, people learn about sacrifice.....giving up what they want and putting God first.
Now, how does the parish teach the people about sacrifice? They don't. They have more than one Mass to accommodate people's schedule so that they can have their cake and eat it too. They can do what they want to do and still go to Mass because they have more than one Mass. They do not learn about sacrifice or putting God first.
Chuck WhiteJune 7, 2015 at 10:23 AM
Blabber about "true Christians", and knocking us because "They do not learn about sacrifice or putting God first", and the false dichotomy of God or a music concert...
I love it! We should encourage "Diana" to write more of this kind of thing! It's great, and works greatly to our favor. I've saved a snapshot of it here, just in case "she" gets smart and takes it down.
BTW Eleanor, this proves that your KIKONUT Diana is a complacent liar....she must follow NEO Presbyters Apuron, Pius and KIKO. The tremendous web of lies they continue to build all for the love of your money. Not too worry. Your bNk account will be empty with an empty promise of salvation. JOY!
Richard, I apologize for thinking you inaccurate. Diana seems to be at fault in not remembering her posts:
"AnonymousJune 3, 2015 at 4:02 PM Hi Diana, Are Neo members required to attend the Saturday liturgy? Can they attend a parish Mass on Sunday if they have something planned for Saturday? Eleanor Aguon
Reply Replies
DianaJune 3, 2015 at 10:42 PM Dear Eleanor Aguon,
There are times I could not make it to the Mass on Saturday night, so I attend the Mass on Sunday morning. Members of the Way are encouraged to attend the Sunday Mass once a month, but there are some in my community who attend Mass every day including Sunday Mass in the parish."
Diana is quoted above as saying: "Members of the Way are encouraged to attend the Sunday Mass once a month, but there are some in my community who attend Mass every day including Sunday Mass in the parish."
The neos who do go to Sunday Mass and daily Masses most likely believe deep down in their hearts that to fullfill the Catholic Sunday Mass obligation and to obtain the spiritual graces and benefits of a legitimate Mass, they will need to attend an authentic Catholic Mass since the neo community suppers or community meals don't cut it for a true Catholic.
"Diana" is a team of writers with Fr. Pius at the helm. He is the head catechist for Guam, and nobody in the NCW does anything of this scope without his approval.
The reason alot of "her" posts seems disjointed is because it is not one person at the keyboard. "Diana" as a singular person is just another deceit that we have become accustomed to.
Apparently Fr Julius, a total neo presbyter, has been taking advice from Jungle Watch. The idea of giving directly to vendors came from this source. Fr Julius, I hope Pius doesn't scold you for venturing into the Jungle. But if he does, remind him that he must have visited the Jungle to see this posted about you!
There are many other ecclesial realities available, but Umatac fails to list those...why? Why not mention: Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Couples for Christ, Cursillos in Christianity, Divine Mercy Group, El Shaddai Prayer Partner Intl, Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, Knights of St Sylvester, Latin Mass Community, Legion of Mary, Marriage Encounter, Secular Franciscans, and St Padre Pio Fraternity of Secular Franciscans. Yet, you made sure to include the kiko cult. My listing came from the Archdiocese web site. I wonder why Fr Julius didn't look there? Hmmm. But seriously, all real Catholics in Umatac and Merizo, we want to hear your experiences after being totally taken over by sex abusers and kiko presbyters. The world would like to hear how the kikos have either enriched your lives or destroyed your parishes. Lastly, I love the parish seal in the top left corner of the form. Guess a bishop must made this is stomping grounds based on the usage of a mitre, staff, and ring. Too funny, too foolish.
5:10PM...I do believe that the Knights of Sylvester and the Equestrian Knights of the Holy Sepulchre group is through a nomination with the approval of Rome. One does not just turn in an application to join. These two groups fall under the Pope.
I do know that the parishioners in the south are starting to wise up. Kudos to them for not giving.
They're all crooks. I would like to see one church get their utilities shut off. You know what people would say? The Catholics did it. Not the neo-nuts were the cause, not the neo-gestapo was the cause, not the corrupt door mat AAA was the cause. They say it already! The big finance jerk Jonathan 'I found some relevance however short-lived' Bordallo tells everybody - the problems in the Cathedral are because nobody is giving money. You stupid putz! Give some of the money your wife married you for! Same with Ada/Untalan and the rest of you! Spend some coin to clean the Mother church, the windows are filthy, the pews need cleaning, the outside needs major work and painting, the eaves of the roof need pressure washing and your stupid Archbishop Ass licker Apuron goes off gallavanting here and there with his euro-trash friends like he doesn't have a care in the world.
rumor has it there's a pending visit from Rome. Let's see if there's a clean-up effort prior to their arrival. Let's see if we have to look at more of their stupid invitation to joy signs in front of the occupied parishes.
what's it going to take? How about you guys just give us a timeline of just how much longer we have to put up with this.
so sickening. how low-down can you get asking parishioners if they want to assist with parish bills.
If a parish has been infiltrated completely by neo presbyters, the non-neos should just leave and go to another parish. Let the neos continuously pass around the black trash bags to pay their bills. They can have their neo parish with all neo parishioners. Neos are good at collecting money. I'm assuming their black trash bags never go wanting. But wait! Might this be why the arch refuses to come clean about finances? Will we then learn that any black trash bag shortfalls are made up via monies from the chancery? Glad it's not any of my money! No money from me to you, arch(villain)!
Diana is a team of Pius' students in the neo cult writing class. They all have to submit "essays" regularly and the best ones are chosen by Pius. Each week these "chosen ones" get the privilege of getting their loony opinions printed and publicized under the "Diana" blog. This way these neo rookie writers may still save face from their sad misunderstanding and personal imisnterpretations of the Catholic Faith. And, Fr, Pius is able to save face,too, since he can place the blame on his submissive neos.
I always wondered what the word "CISCO " mesnt. Thought it was a short cut for Francisco. When someone says. " YOU ARE OUR CISCO", it means you are our leader in the proving info worldwide through the field of technology somewhat like the CISCO TECHNOLOGY COMPANY...like I said in a previous post, a neomember called HEATHER UNCANGCO their CISCO.
Response- 0
ReplyDeleteEpiscopal insignia. Nice.
ReplyDeleteHOLY CRAP! Not enough funding? This is more like a survey to pull into the NEO! STATUS? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!
more from umatuna.org
ReplyDelete• Coming Up—Theological Open House. We discuss thought-provoking topics. Your opinions are hardly welcome.
• Thursday night – potluck supper. Prayer and medication to follow.
• Remember in prayer the many that are sick of our church and the community.
• Wednesday, the Ladies Liturgy Society will meet. Mrs. Jones will sing "Put Me In My Little Bed" accompanied by the pastor.
• Thursday at 5:00 p.m. there will be a meeting of the Little Mothers Club. All wishing to become little mothers, please see the rector in his study.
• A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
• At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What Is Hell?" – come early and listen to our choir practice.
• Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King.
• "Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don't forget your husbands."
• The sermon this morning: "Jesus Walks on the Water." The sermon tonight: "Searching for Jesus."
• Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
• The Rector will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing "Break Forth into Joy."
• Irving Benson and Jesse Carter will marry on June 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
• Eight new choir robes are currently needed, due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
• Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person(s) you want remembered.
• The church will host an evening of fine dining, superb entertainment, and gracious hostility.
• The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday morning.
• Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday. Please use the back door.
• The outreach committee has enlisted 25 visitors to make calls on people who are not afflicted with any church.
• Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.
• This evening at 7 pm there will be a hymn sing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
• The fr. Cristobal unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday "I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours."
Thanks for the wit.
DeleteI couldn't help but laugh out loud. What a mindful of wit. Thank You. Humor is so important especially as all this stuff some of these so called spiritual leaders are doing seems so unreal it can get depressing at times.
DeleteIf this is a NEO parish, I strongly recommend non-NEO's find another parish with real priests. We need to send a clear message that since Pius has defined the difference between NEOs and Non-NEOs... We don't support any parish that has. NEO presbyter...
ReplyDeleteA one-dollar bill met a 20 dollar bill and said...
ReplyDelete..., "Hey, where've you been? I haven't seen you around here much."
The twenty answered, "I've been hanging out at the casinos, went on a cruise and did the rounds of the ship, back to the United States for a while, went to a couple of baseball games, to the mall, that kind of stuff. How about you?"
The one dollar bill said, "You know, same old stuff, church, church, church."
At Santa Barbara Church we can give whatever amount we wish to donate to help pay the church's bills. We write our checks directly to the utility or vendor. Fr. Dan does not discuss with us the amount we wish to contribute. It is the decision of the individual parishioner. Some opt to keep putting a dollar in the collection basket. I write a check directly to GPA towards the Santa Barbara power bill. I refuse to have any of my money go to the chancery. Why does the pastor of San Dionisio need to discuss a parishioner's contribution? Beware of this tactic. If you are a parishioner of San Dionisio, make your check out directly to the utility or church vendor. Do not be bullied into giving more than you can afford. If San Dionisio is still run by a neo presbyter, I'd be wary.
ReplyDeleteEileen Benavente-Blas
Eileenbb, why bother giving now. Let the pastor of the church squirm for a while. Let them use the money they collect during their celebrations. Let them fork out from the TRASH BAGS! Seems to me that money is very important now....PISS-BITER. ..a reminder...MONEY IS EVIL!
DeleteBTW EILENbb, I fir got to mention that according to lady diana, when the trash bag goes around, the money is hauled away and counted. What is left over from paying the hotel or whatever place they rent for their services is given to the itenerants....GUESS WHO...PACHOT PIUS, PATTY CAKE, AND OF COURSE APO'WRONGEE.
DeleteThis is a dilemma for the parishioners of San Dionisio to solve. If there is only one priest at that parish and that priest is a neo then I suggest going to another parish. If there is also a non-neo priest there that is a different matter. If my parish had only neo presbyters, I would go to another parish and let the neos take care of the bills via their black trash bag collections.
DeleteNeos put their money into those black bags willingly. What they do with it is up to those in charge with whom they have entrusted such decisions. If they don't like how their black trash bag monies are being spent, they can quit being a neo. It's that simple. Not one penny of my money is going to the chancery until the arch bishop comes clean with finances or he is replaced by a priest who knows how to shepherd all of his flock. My top two choices to replace the arch are Fr. Paul Gofigan or Msgr. James Benavente but of course that's exactly why the arch got rid of them and maligned their characters. I'm on to you, arch(villain)! You will not get one penny of my money as long as you are the (faux) shepherd of Guam's Catholics. Step down and save our diocese but you won't (can't) do that as you do not pull your own strings...
Eileen Benavente-Blas
Yeah, money is so evil that a couple of piss-biters were handing it to the cashier at ROSS this morning. The two were speaking in a foreign tongue that sounded somewhat Luke Spanish. Guam is good!
ReplyDeleteReminder of Diana / Pius Blog where they state that the NCW celebrates only one mass and that by having more than one mass to choose from, we the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church have not learned to sacrifice and put God first. AAA's continued silence endorses that we are not Catholic and the NEO/NCW is and will only be the means to obtain salvation. They have defined the there are two religions KIKO vs Catholics. Boycott all parishes that have a NEO Presbyter regardless of what position this NEO Presbyter holds...This includes the Agana Cathedral Basilica and San Vicente Church. Send this CULT a message that we do not want their evil and deceptive religion in Guam. KATOLIKU: "Spirit come into our hearts today; Spririt come show us the way.
ReplyDeleteI asked Diana about going to Sunday Mass when a Neo member cannot attend the Saturday liturgy. She responded that they do at times attend Sunday Mass as she has done hersef when unable to attend the Saturday liturgy. Please be sure of your facts. She loves to point out that comments posted on the junglewatch are false or inaccurate.
DeleteEleanor Aguon
Eleanor, my facts are accurate...below is the post from Diana's Blog: Chuck White also took a snap shot of the post in case she gets smart and takes it down......
DeleteThe NCW is an itinerancy of Christian formation. Those who join the NCW are formed to become true Christians in which God will be put first. In the NCW, we only celebrate ONE Mass for a reason. The parish Mass, on the other hand, has MORE than one Mass to accommodate people's schedule. So, if a person cannot make it to the eight o'clock Mass because they have a game to go to, he/she can go to the eleven o'clock Mass.
In the NCW, we teach people how to sacrifice for Christ, which is why we only have one Mass. You choose whether you want to go to the music concert or to the Eucharist. In other words, we are teaching Christians that you cannot have your cake and it too. You need to choose either God (which is the Mass) or the music concert. We are here to form Christians so they can put God first. In the Way, people learn about sacrifice.....giving up what they want and putting God first.
Now, how does the parish teach the people about sacrifice? They don't. They have more than one Mass to accommodate people's schedule so that they can have their cake and eat it too. They can do what they want to do and still go to Mass because they have more than one Mass. They do not learn about sacrifice or putting God first.
Chuck WhiteJune 7, 2015 at 10:23 AM
Blabber about "true Christians", and knocking us because "They do not learn about sacrifice or putting God first", and the false dichotomy of God or a music concert...
I love it! We should encourage "Diana" to write more of this kind of thing! It's great, and works greatly to our favor. I've saved a snapshot of it here, just in case "she" gets smart and takes it down.
BTW Eleanor, this proves that your KIKONUT Diana is a complacent liar....she must follow NEO Presbyters Apuron, Pius and KIKO. The tremendous web of lies they continue to build all for the love of your money. Not too worry. Your bNk account will be empty with an empty promise of salvation. JOY!
DeleteI apologize for thinking you inaccurate. Diana seems to be at fault in not remembering her posts:
"AnonymousJune 3, 2015 at 4:02 PM
Hi Diana,
Are Neo members required to attend the Saturday liturgy? Can they attend a parish Mass on Sunday if they have something planned for Saturday?
Eleanor Aguon
DianaJune 3, 2015 at 10:42 PM
Dear Eleanor Aguon,
There are times I could not make it to the Mass on Saturday night, so I attend the Mass on Sunday morning. Members of the Way are encouraged to attend the Sunday Mass once a month, but there are some in my community who attend Mass every day including Sunday Mass in the parish."
That's her response to me.
Eleanor Aguon
Diana is quoted above as saying: "Members of the Way are encouraged to attend the Sunday Mass once a month, but there are some in my community who attend Mass every day including Sunday Mass in the parish."
DeleteThe neos who do go to Sunday Mass and daily Masses most likely believe deep down in their hearts that to fullfill the Catholic Sunday Mass obligation and to obtain the spiritual graces and benefits of a legitimate Mass, they will need to attend an authentic Catholic Mass since the neo community suppers or community meals don't cut it for a true Catholic.
"Diana" is a team of writers with Fr. Pius at the helm. He is the head catechist for Guam, and nobody in the NCW does anything of this scope without his approval.
DeleteThe reason alot of "her" posts seems disjointed is because it is not one person at the keyboard. "Diana" as a singular person is just another deceit that we have become accustomed to.
My deepest apology Eleanor; I thought you were a KIKO-NUT.
DeleteApology accepted. I do post questions on the "Dianas" blog to get explanations of things I find confusing about neos.
Eleanor Aguon
Team, Diana! T-E-A-M, goooooo, TEAM! Clap, clap, clap.
DeleteApparently Fr Julius, a total neo presbyter, has been taking advice from Jungle Watch. The idea of giving directly to vendors came from this source. Fr Julius, I hope Pius doesn't scold you for venturing into the Jungle. But if he does, remind him that he must have visited the Jungle to see this posted about you!
ReplyDeleteThere are many other ecclesial realities available, but Umatac fails to list those...why? Why not mention:
Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Couples for Christ, Cursillos in Christianity, Divine Mercy Group, El Shaddai Prayer Partner Intl, Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, Knights of St Sylvester, Latin Mass Community, Legion of Mary, Marriage Encounter, Secular Franciscans, and St Padre Pio Fraternity of Secular Franciscans. Yet, you made sure to include the kiko cult. My listing came from the Archdiocese web site. I wonder why Fr Julius didn't look there? Hmmm.
But seriously, all real Catholics in Umatac and Merizo, we want to hear your experiences after being totally taken over by sex abusers and kiko presbyters. The world would like to hear how the kikos have either enriched your lives or destroyed your parishes.
Lastly, I love the parish seal in the top left corner of the form. Guess a bishop must made this is stomping grounds based on the usage of a mitre, staff, and ring. Too funny, too foolish.
5:10PM...I do believe that the Knights of Sylvester and the Equestrian Knights of the Holy Sepulchre group is through a nomination with the approval of Rome. One does not just turn in an application to join. These two groups fall under the Pope.
DeleteI do know that the parishioners in the south are starting to wise up. Kudos to them for not giving.
@5:10...julius' attempt at playing pastor. Bless his heart.
DeleteOr maybe julius is aspiring to be bishop in the future and has his seal already designed and planned out.
DeleteNice going presbyter Julius. Plan ahead.
DeleteThey're all crooks.
ReplyDeleteI would like to see one church get their utilities shut off.
You know what people would say? The Catholics did it.
Not the neo-nuts were the cause, not the neo-gestapo was the cause, not the corrupt door mat AAA was the cause. They say it already! The big finance jerk Jonathan 'I found some relevance however short-lived' Bordallo tells everybody - the problems in the Cathedral are because nobody is giving money.
You stupid putz! Give some of the money your wife married you for! Same with Ada/Untalan and the rest of you! Spend some coin to clean the Mother church, the windows are filthy, the pews need cleaning, the outside needs major work and painting, the eaves of the roof need pressure washing and your stupid Archbishop Ass licker Apuron goes off gallavanting here and there with his euro-trash friends like he doesn't have a care in the world.
rumor has it there's a pending visit from Rome. Let's see if there's a clean-up effort prior to their arrival. Let's see if we have to look at more of their stupid invitation to joy signs in front of the occupied parishes.
what's it going to take? How about you guys just give us a timeline of just how much longer we have to put up with this.
so sickening. how low-down can you get asking parishioners if they want to assist with parish bills.
If a parish has been infiltrated completely by neo presbyters, the non-neos should just leave and go to another parish. Let the neos continuously pass around the black trash bags to pay their bills. They can have their neo parish with all neo parishioners. Neos are good at collecting money. I'm assuming their black trash bags never go wanting. But wait! Might this be why the arch refuses to come clean about finances? Will we then learn that any black trash bag shortfalls are made up via monies from the chancery? Glad it's not any of my money! No money from me to you, arch(villain)!
DeleteDiana is a team of Pius' students in the neo cult writing class. They all have to submit "essays" regularly and the best ones are chosen by Pius. Each week these "chosen ones" get the privilege of getting their loony opinions printed and publicized under the "Diana" blog. This way these neo rookie writers may still save face from their sad misunderstanding and personal imisnterpretations of the Catholic Faith. And, Fr, Pius is able to save face,too, since he can place the blame on his submissive neos.
ReplyDeleteI always wondered what the word "CISCO " mesnt. Thought it was a short cut for Francisco. When someone says. " YOU ARE OUR CISCO", it means you are our leader in the proving info worldwide through the field of technology somewhat like the CISCO TECHNOLOGY COMPANY...like I said in a previous post, a neomember called HEATHER UNCANGCO their CISCO.
DeleteHeather, Heather, Heather, brush up on your spelling and grammar. It is embarrassing, Cisco.
DeleteHey TIM you didn't take the plumbers job. a real job
ReplyDeleteNo Susan, er, I mean Diana didn't want me.