Tuesday, June 2, 2015


For the coward kikos who call my daughters sluts (is that you Rudy?), our daughter Mia will be on Catholic Answers "Hearts and Minds", Tuesday, 11am, Pacific Standard Time, or Wednesday 4am. Listen live at

or catch the podcast later. 


  1. Tim, I know enough of you, your wife and your children to know that they are respectful and honest young men and women. Those Neo _ _ _ holes who insult you and your family are the same ones that produce muff diving, priest!! They spawn drunks and self acknowledged women abusers. ( "I don't know how many children...") Q. What do you call a male slut? Answer - An RMS Seminarian. Their comments are hateful and reflects what their leaders teach them. Then they expect respect from us.
    Be proud of your children Tim. Your wife and you have done a great job. They are making all of us proud. BTW the article in today's PDN by your daughter was very well researched and written.

    1. What do you call a male slut ? JOSEPH A SANTOS

    2. Welcome to the club, Joe, of those who are brave enough to put their names to their comments. I am honored to have you as a friend and fellow warrior against all things KAKA, such as this drooling little coward.

    3. ANON 1:02......Really? That's all you have to put out? To answer your question, look deep into your mirror. SMH.

  2. Awe that's cute, always trying to make yourself and your family look nice.

    1. Thanks for the reminder of what the Neocatechumenal Way produces. Sad little cowardly assholes like you. LOL. Rudy.

    2. Anon 8:28 just confirmed my earlier statement. What a great bunch the Neos are! Just give them enough time and they do the Mexican Hat Dance on their shlongs. Once again, while the Rhor children are trying to be productive citizens you have Neo maggots like 8:28 who make like what a parent pelican feeds their young. Regurgitated fish. Get a life 8:28 and while your at it grow some gonads and publish your name.

    3. Tim, still wAiting for action. Keep pulling shit out of your ass, there still won't be any action.

    4. You're it, dip brain. You're it and you don't get it. My goal is to exposed the effects of KAKA to the world and you're it. Thank you for your participation. I look forward to more evidence of what following KIKO produces.

    5. 10:54 AM TIM nice language. read my book . W A Y I ' M C A T H O L I C and why I'm a asshole........

    6. Is that all u got Arch? Yawn.

  3. I agree with Mr. Joseph A. Santos. The NEO's havr nothing else to go on. The NEO's will say what they want to say & do what they want to do. They are their own Community. Pretent Catholics. Thank you for all that you do and everyone else in keeping us informed Mr. Rohr. The NEO's know & speak of only their way. THE WRONG WAY!

  4. Eleven children and they were able to raised them all in the way of the Lord. What an accomplishment. My hats off to the Rohrs.

  5. Eleven children??????? when do you have time to write all this trash ?

    1. I enjoy publishing your insults. It does more to dissuade people from becoming a Kiko than anything I could write. Keep it coming, coward.

    2. 12:47 PM, all that time in your hands and you cannot come up with anything intelligent? Your're no even half the person Tim is. LOL

    3. Thanks 12:47. More fruits!

    4. 12:47 PM, you do have to admit that what Tim writes is not trash. They are succinct, relevant, well-written, on-target and, more importantly, truthful. Your words and your heart, however, is garbage of the worst variety. You are jealous of him, aren't you? He has all these articles and a blog with research to back him, while attending to a loving and understanding, and upstanding 11 kids. What is your story? I bet a ho-hum tale that gets awakened only when you start dancing next to a flower-strewn table (since you believe it is not an altar).

    5. And....(wait for it) ....Tim spells ALTAR correctly. Diana, the expert on all things known to mankind spells it ALTER. Consistently ...poor Diana the Ditz. Let us help you, please.

    6. The NEOS don't have an ALTAR when they celebrate but they do celebrate whenever they ALTER Gods word. Poor Diana can't even spell correctly. What's up? The ESL brethren rubbing off on you?

    7. The Neos view mass as a celebration with a commemorative meal instead of a true sacrfice, therefore an altar serves no purpose for them.

  6. 10:54 AM TIM hahahahaha

    1. Don't wear out your hand. LOL

    2. Did I spell Tim correctly.

    3. LOL. How fun knowing that I'm the most influential person in your life. Bet u read my blog first thing in the morning and last thing at night. You're obsessed and I love it. LOL!

    4. And Satan Love you TIM. very very very Much!!!! }:-<> I LOL!! TO

    5. Satan, loves an idle mine. Apparently you have provided him yours. LOL.

    6. Keep crucifying the bishop Tim, you're doing a good job.

    7. Thanks for the update. You must be different from the other guy who keep calling for action. According to you, I'm doing pretty well. Thanks fool.
