Thursday, July 16, 2015


"Stolen" from Zoltan's Facebook Page

DonaMila's comment, which Zoltan is responding to, is at the bottom of this post. The underlined will be commented on.

  • Zoltán Székely Dear DonaMila, I appreciate your honest sharing, especially that you stand for your opinion by giving your name! I had criticized Tim Rohr repeatedly for promoting a culture of anonymity at his blog, when he allows vicious comments by people hiding behind their anonymity who do not take responsibility for their action by revealing their identity. I tell you only a single button should be set correctly on the feature page of any blog to allow or not allow anonymous comments! 

    In contrast, by giving your name you promote a culture of integrity, when you stand behind your comment by your whole person and qualities not hiding your identity. I can only applaud your honest decision and your personal integrity in doing so! The culture of anonymity and the culture of integrity are the exact opposite of each other, therefore they are absolutely irreconcilable! You may go either by the one or by the other, but mixing the two will lead to inevitable moral relativism and corruption. 

    Even though Tim Rohr stole material from my Facebook page and used it for his own purposes without my permission, I gave him the benefit of doubt based on our friendly relation from the past. I have always praised Tim's Monday evening Bible studies he conducted in the Cathedral's gift shop where I met many good Catholic sisters and brothers who were deeply interested in a better understanding of the Word of the Lord. Tim provided this opportunity that he is very well skilled in. Perhaps, this is what he should continue doing... When he posted my office location and phone number in a hateful manner on the front page at his blog, however, he betrayed his respectability by publishing private data of a GovGuam workplace. The irony is that he, in fact, posted erroneous information and his rude trampling around died off in ridicule. This is all about this story. 

    I absolutely agree with you that moral relativism must be avoided. Whatever is published at one blog should not be used as justification for publishing mean things at another. I know that Junglewatch will throw out each and every comment that challenges the owner's agenda. There are only a handful critical comments allowed through in order to make fun of them. It is their style. So what? I am sure Diana would never ever throw out any comment because it challenges her opinion. On the contrary, she writes "I also believe in Freedom of Expression so long as it is according to the rules of conduct." I believe her. It would be moral relativism if she would do any other way. 

    Regarding speculations, I agree with you, those are better left out. Tim Rohr "unfriended" me at his Facebook page when I characterized his Junglewatch as a source of gossip, hearsay and superstition. The problem of gossip, hearsay and superstition is that publishing them could easily lead to incited emotions, hatred and trash talk. Opening up the door for unbridled speculations is a sure sign that someone enjoys the ugly features of trash talk exhibited only at sorrowfully mismanaged blog sites.

I'm so glad Zoltan decided to address me personally in his comment. This allows me to rightfully respond. And Zoltan is always so much fun to respond to. Let's begin!!

ZOLTAN: I had criticized Tim Rohr repeatedly for promoting a culture of anonymity at his blog, when he allows vicious comments by people hiding behind their anonymity who do not take responsibility for their action by revealing their identity. 

TIM: LOL! Zoltan. You criticize me "repeatedly for promoting a culture of anonymity" yet you are a regular contributor to a blog where the actual blogger, not just the commenters, is anonymous! LOL! That's Exhibit A of KAKA on the brain. Oh, and how many times have we caught you on my blog under various pseudonyms? This is why thoughtful people can't believe they actually allow you to teach at a university. LOL!

ZOLTAN: Even though Tim Rohr stole material from my Facebook page and used it for his own purposes without my permission, I gave him the benefit of doubt based on our friendly relation from the past.

TIM: LOL! You really think that the stuff you post to a Facebook Timeline is copyrighted or something? Get your permission? LOL. A university professor and he doesn't know how to use Facebook, yet he lectures us about it. I've got news for you Zoltan. I just copied your whole comment above from your Facebook page. Ummmm, it's PUBLIC because you set it for PUBLIC. Here, everybody. Everybody go and copy all you want from Zoltan's PUBLIC Facebook Page. Here's the link. And the "benefit of the doubt". Too funny. I wish I had time to go back and find all those nasty comments you sent me. In fact, Zoltan, you were my real impetus to start JungleWatch. I figured that your comments were so incredibly KAKA-ridiculous that I didn't want to limit my enjoyment of them to just my Facebook friends. I wanted to share them with the whole world so I started JungleWatch. And now people from over 150 countries have you to thank for saving them from mental death by KAKA.

ZOLTAN: When he posted my office location and phone number in a hateful manner on the front page at his blog, however, he betrayed his respectability by publishing private data of a GovGuam workplace. The irony is that he, in fact, posted erroneous information and his rude trampling around died off in ridicule. 

TIM: ROTFLMAO, Zoltan. Seriously, a university professor. Please parents, send your children someplace else. This university professor thinks that the information I posted is "private data of a GovGuam workplace!!" LOL! Zoltan. I'm dying over here. Can hardly type. You really are so funny. Give the guy his own show folks! Now we are supposed to believe that GovGuam is a private workplace. Geez. Doesn't the administration at UOG have systems in place to catch people like you? Ummm, Zoltan. GovGuam is a public deal. And UOG is a PUBLIC institution. And your information is PUBLIC. Here everybody, see for yourself:




College of Natural & Applied Sciences
Warehouse Bldg. B Rm. 10

And then you cut your own legs out from underneath your argument because you say that the information I posted was "erroneous." LOL. So then why get your panties all in a knot? ROTFLMAO!!

ZOLTAN: I know that Junglewatch will throw out each and every comment that challenges the owner's agenda. There are only a handful critical comments allowed through in order to make fun of them. 

LOL. LMAO! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better. Don't you get it? I thrive on critical comments. They are the bread and butter of this blog, because you idiots hand them to us every day just like you are doing now. I would have nothing if you and your Diana freaks didn't provide a steady stream of KAKA-drivel. Anyone who has followed this blog for more than a week will see the usual name-calling - calling me satan, poison, evil, etc. I love those. Send me some more. You know why I love them, Zoltan. Because it tells me you don't have anything else. LOL. I win, Zoltan. Every personal insult means I WIN! So bring it on UOG "Professor". 

ZOLTAN: Tim Rohr "unfriended" me at his Facebook page when I characterized his Junglewatch as a source of gossip, hearsay and superstition. The problem of gossip, hearsay and superstition is that publishing them could easily lead to incited emotions, hatred and trash talk. Opening up the door for unbridled speculations is a sure sign that someone enjoys the ugly features of trash talk exhibited only at sorrowfully mismanaged blog sites.

TIM: Oh, Zoltan. You do not disappoint. You certainly do save the best for last. Ummm, I "unfriended" you because you simply don't qualify to be my friend. How's that. I use my Facebook conversations for real friends, not for anal types with a fetish for impugning my character - Ummmm, that would be you. No. Rather, I prefer we bring that conversation out for the whole world to see. And as you well know, I have shared your every constipated comment with the whole world, just like I am with this one. But your calling my stuff "gossip, hearsay, superstition, trash talk!" Really, Zoltan, that's the best. Neither you nor your sycophant Diana have been able to publish a single document to negate mine. Not one. In fact, you and the Dingbat are Exhibit A for "unbridled speculations" and "sorrowfully mismanaged blog sites."

Thanks for the fun, Zoltan. Really. Ya'll come back now! Hear?

I'm using my real name, like the last time I posted a query here, which was less than a year ago. Little did I know then that posting on your blog would create such nasty comments, which you had no problem posting. So I'm prepared this time to be persecuted for posting this, that is if you actually allow it to be posted on your blog, but even if you don’t it will be posted on my facebook page.

I'm deeply surprised at your willingness to post a response from someone that claims not only anonymity but also libelous speculation. Was it not just awhile ago that you stated that you choose not to disclose your identity so as to not open yourself to be attacked by Mr. Rohr and Mr. White and thus keeping your family, job, and yourself free of those ‘persecutions'. You even referenced Mr. Rohr's alleged attacks on a professor at UOG named Zoltan (Although their discourse is between them and it is their choice to interact that way).

For you to post this so called slanderous speculation regarding Deacon Steve Martinez' wife and blatantly attacking her position in her job is disgusting, alarming and downright un-Christian. Is this not something that you are avoiding for yourself by remaining anonymous and yet you allowed it to happen to her, why?

I don't recall ever hearing from Mrs. Martinez anything regarding the issues involving the Archbishop, the NCW or the CCOG. I don't recall her making comments or placing herself in a position to be even attacked. I don't recall her posting anything on this blog or anywhere else otherwise to warrant that kind of attack. Tainting the life of a woman, who by the way, has not only been respectful, welcoming, and carries with her much grace, integrity and love for our people, who, by the way, has never treated me ill, just because I walk in the way, which by the way, others have no qualms doing is a reflection of the lack of integrity you have.

I find it interesting that having been instructed by Fr. Pius himself to myself and my community to stay out of the jungle and read your blog, that he would allow this kind of attack on a woman whose done nothing to you or anyone else. Did Fr. Pius not instruct your community like he did mine, to not fight back, carry our cross and accept the persecution. Does Fr. Pius not catechize to us that these so called attacks are a response to the successful Great Missions being conducted around the world as a retaliation from Satan himself? Did he not say that we should not be surprised and be humble? So if that is what Fr. Pius tells our community, what does he say in your community that somehow instills in you and in others that it is okay now for you to allow this woman to be persecuted by allowing that comment to be posted? Is her vocation, as the wife of the Deacon, now a justification to attack her?

I wonder truly, if Pat and Fr. Pius should continue to instruct us to read your blog. And just maybe they should require you to remove the title Neocatechemunal Way (please also correct the spelling, but then again, maybe it’s a sign of how it’s not authentic anyway). And yet, now I wonder if Pat feels just as disgusted as she did when she relayed her response to us about how sick reading junglewatch was for her. If her response is not as disgusted as that, it would concern me, since after all she is my catechist.

Again, I will post this on my Facebook page for my community to read. It will probably cause much consternation and stomach ache on top of the persecution, that I’m sure will be coming forth, if you post this.

Another catechesis: Are we not supposed to no longer allow the fear of death to master us? For isn’t fearing death exactly the reason why we sin? I guess I just answered my own question as to why you would allow such slanderous comments to be posted. You fear dying (being persecuted) and thus you hide behind this anonymous character and allow sinful acts to occur.

Peace be with you. See you all at the Convivance or at the Announcements. I hope you all have the courage to at least make yourselves known and be real. For Jesus didn't hide, when he stated the truth. His apostles only cowered in a room until He rose again. Has He not risen for us all?

Here's the comment, DonaMila is referring to:


  1. ZOLTAN, it's my turn to throw your own words back at you..."IT IS YOUR MIND THAT IS IN BONDAGE", not mine.

  2. Zoltan says:
    "I am sure Diana would never ever throw out any comment because it challenges her opinion."
    Anonymous says:
    "Not so. When I quoted Cardinal Ratzinger's book "Spirit of the Liturgy" and asked her who did she think the Cardinal was referring to when he said, "................" (re taking out the kneeling in the Mass), she did not print the entry nor answer.)"
    Truth can be painful.

  3. YOU WIN TIM >>>> Satan love you, poison in you, you have evil all around you. you don't need anything else }-:<>

    1. Rudy, Rudy, Rudy. Just stay out of the Jungle and keep your childish comments to yourself. I do have one question for you though. What the heck is that thing that you place at the end of all your stupid comments with? A fish? }<(())@>

      James T.

    2. 5:26PM stay out the mean ZOO

    3. Rudy, how can you be so stupid. You just admitted that it's you. LOL.

    4. Rudy, people used to think you're stupid but since you replied to this they KNOW you're STUPID. LOL LOL LOL!!

    5. It's not Rudy, but you can call anything }:-<>

    6. Then you must be satan.......

  4. I wonder what institution conferred any type of degree to Mr. Zoltan Szekely. Clearly he does not see that all comments by Tim are backed up by factual documentation or recordings. They are also linked to allow the viewers to inspect for it's factual contents.... All of the facts lead us to the truth. Unfortunately Zoltan is so full of KAKA that he fails to read the facts presented before leading another blogger astray by his lies and deception..... I wonder how many of his students he deceived through out his tenure as a so called associate professor at UOG...... This my friends in the jungle is a clear example of how twisted and conniving these NCW Cult leaders will do to keep its members in line. They started this war.... We must end it by spreading the word and most importantly, stop the funding. This way we can successfully rid the Island of Guam of this Satanic Cancer. Joy!

    1. Dear Richard, I don't know you and you don't know me, okay? So please, back off a bit. I did not say anything about and did not question the documents Tim is publishing here. I am not an "NCW Cult leader" either, okay? I invite you to meet me for a coffee sometime so that we can chat a little bit about your concerns. You might be one of those who, as Fr. Harold said, are hurting from inside. There are more people than you think who live their lives in hurting from inside every day. DonaMila called on to have compassion on these people, as we are supposed to be humble vehicles of grace from the Lord.

      FYI, I had earned two bachelor degrees in mathematics and education in my home country, I have also earned two masters degrees, one in computer engineering, at the University of South Carolina and a Ph.D. in mathematics in 1998. These degrees are nothing particular to be proud of, only some basic things you need if you work in academics.

    2. Alas, the Kiko psychology: anyone against them must be “hurting.” LOL. Ummm, Zoltan, everyone is hurting. It’s just that some of us man up and bear our hurts as a cross Christ has deemed us worthy to bear instead of joining a cult where we dribble and vomit our personal pain all over everybody else.

    3. Zoltan, I don't know you and you don't know me but one thing that I do know is a cult when I see it. If you love your cult and prophet so much, why don't you move back to Spain where your savior is from and leave the Catholic Church alone. I also know that your cult is seeking to destroy the faith on the island so that your cult can take over all of the parish buildings. THATS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!

      James T.

  5. Please, just a reminder to keep the conversation charitable. Presenting the truth should be sufficient.

    Situations may be ugly, but that doesn't mean we have to be.


    1. Interesting. So much advice from people not willing to put their name on anything and still want to talk about "truth". Oh well.

    2. Coward @3:54PM; I hope you were not referring to my comment...From a former UOG Assistant Professor of Military Science (1997-2000). Joy

  6. Tim, make some efforts in comprehension, please. I published my comment to DonaMila on my Facebook because Diana, for whatever reason I cannot even fathom, refused to allow it through on her blog. Thanks for bringing it over here to give it some publicity, anyway. ;)

    FYI, this little opus was not about you,but about DonaMila who came forward with her name to protect a lady who is dear to her. I agreed with DonaMila, because I rank integrity always higher than anonymity. The only reason I mentioned you was to point out that you did not endanger my job when you exhibited sociologically described patterns of predictable behavior.

    The crux of the argument is that it is altogether unacceptable and morally outright wrong to anonymously call on an FBI investigation on someone based on gossip, hearsay and superstition. Many things that are allowed by law, or at least not prohibited, may be just morally outright wrong, no matter which particular faith group you happen to attend! I just dare to hope you see the point here. But if not, well it is not my business. It is yours. Cheers!

    1. Oh, so sorry. I guess I mistook the fact that 4 out of 5 of the paragraphs of your comment either criticize me or my blog. Take a look. Try some comprehension.

    2. these discourses with zoltan are always so entertaining.

      so, hmm, did the dianas not post donamila's comment on their blog? if not, how did zoltan get a hold of it? dealing with anonymous bloggers himself, and yet he preaches about anonymity vs integrity.

    3. Rey,

      As stated; Donamila posted the same comment to Diana on her facebook page in order for all her NEO Facebook friends to see. Zoltan replied on her facebook post.

  7. Zoltan,
    UOG President Underwood and his wife are my facebook friends. I posted the same comment I made above on my facebook page. I hope he and my other UOG Alumni friends and associates sees how you manipulate the truth to keep your cult members in line. I guesewe will see when you start to see a reduction of attendance to your classes at the University. Joy!!!

  8. Absolutely everything that arrogant apuron, tall quitugua, simpleton cristobal and clueless claros handle hereon is suspect. They have betrayed the Catholic Church for a bit of recognition by kiko-neo. This betrayal is etched in our collective memory, and will remain a dark stain in the history of Guam. This is what happens when inept boys are given carte blanc power and adulation by trusting people. Well, no more! Their ubiquitous fundraising for rms in the guise of Archdiocesan support ends here!

  9. The "New Evangelization" on the CB prayer means NEO! All proceeds go towards the NEO. If it's held on a Sunday it will be empty. Even if it was held on a Saturday it will be empty because the NEO only attend their whatever you call it in the back of the Church. Don't contribute and don't attend.

    James T.

  10. While I have sparred with my Magyar friend from time to time on this blog, it is usually to point out the self cancelling statement he likes to make on this or that subject.
    I truly believe that despite his confused and conflicted ways, Zoltan tries to be a good person at first.
    The problem, like Tim highlights it often, is that his emotions usually get the better of him, and once the original issue at hand addressed,
    Zoltan usually digress "ad nauseum" to make a point that is lost on most of his readers, and I perceive on himself as well.
    This latest example just re-enforce that.

    I have been puzzled by the fact that somebody obviously logical to a point, since he teaches mathematics, and seems to do a reasonable amount of research on issues he holds dear; can become so illogical and emotional. There seems to be a certain amount of doubt and self-loathing that appears to be quite painful.

    Of course on the other side of the coin, Zoltan is an amazingly great resource of informations regarding the inner working and thoughts of members of the NCW and their "catechists".
    So, overall I will concur with Tim that : " Zoltan! I have missed you" as well.

  11. Poor DonaMila now has her own title post on Diana's blog for voicing her concerns. Kudos to her though for standing for what she feels in her heart is true.

  12. The Militant Church on Guam needs more DonaMilas, who would fearlessly stand up for the truth; who would boldly confront the Dianas with the questions which other neos also want to ask, but are bullied not to; and who would charitably defend the innocent and abused -- abused by the collective Diana poltroons who’ve caved to the spineless local Catholic leadership, who’ve caved to the Bozo hierarchy of the ncw.

    1. The sad part is that Catholics who joined the NCW to deepen their Faith have been bullied and misled by the neo hiarchy headed locally by Pius. Add Dingbat Diana to the mix and good people with good intentions end up getting used and emotionlly abused instead of spiritually uplifted.
