Saturday, July 18, 2015


Archbishop's lawyer sends warning to accuser

Dear Archbishop,

Just yesterday I was explaining to someone why Rome hasn't removed you yet. I explained that Rome needs hard evidence that you are no longer capable of doing your job and that you are a danger to the faith.

While many of us have seen that "hard evidence" for years, most have only mumbled about it, or, at most, posted about it on this blog, and even then, anonymously. We know that this "sheepy-ness" of the sheep (except for a few) is what you have been counting on. And this is why you dance around the chancery singing "no one can get me." 

But thanks to your letter to Toves, Rome now has the first real piece of hard evidence that you are dangerously incompetent. 

Let's take a look at this line from the letter:
“Your conduct has caused and continues to cause grave harm not only to Archbishop Apuron and the church in Guam, but also to the universal church.”
Wow! If that is not evidence of a crippled mind, then what is? Really? " the universal church?" HUH? 

Oh, I'm being facetious with that "HUH?" Everyone can see that. Pretending you are defending the universal church or even just the local church permits you to use church money to pay for what will be a very "painful and arduous" legal process. Isn't that right, Archbishop? Our money, your fees.

But seriously, John's little mosquito-like accusations - already discredited by his own lack of evidence not to mention his "style" -  are a "harm to the universal church! ????? Wow! Thank you for that. That tells us much. More importantly it tells Rome much. In fact, it tells Rome you have something to hide...and that you are hiding behind "the church"...WITH OUR MONEY. 

But you know what is even sadder, Archbishop? What is sadder, in fact, saddest of all, is how you missed your WWJD moment. Just think, what an example you could have set, not just for Catholics, but for all the people out there who are not Catholic - and who may have been, except for you, and particularly your example in this particular situation.

Imagine for a moment that when John Toves first raised these accusations that you met with him privately and counseled and prayed with him. Let's say that even after that John continued to attack you publicly. And let's say that you continued to invite him to meet with you as any decent father would do with an angry son. 

If you had done that, even with all the other allegations and anger against you, JungleWatch and all of this would be no more. People would have had the greatest admiration for you - something you so desperately want. And there it was. There it was. Your hero status. Your "much loved dear leader" status. There it was. You had only to do what any father or pastor worthy of the name would do. You had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Yet you chose LOSS.

You know, Archbishop, it is WE who should be suing you for "harm to the universal church." Your handling of this matter is the REAL SCANDAL here. A scandal to the faithful on Guam, a scandal to the universal church, a scandal to Jesus Christ who left the 99 to find the one. Yet, here you are leaving the 99 to slaughter the "one". 

Yes, WWJD. What a lost opportunity, Archbishop. You could have saved yourself and your beloved Neocatechumenal Way with just one kind act. But you chose to act ruthlessly - a butcher, a bully till the end. 

I think the funniest thing is the last line:
“Your liability and exposure under such legal action will be considerable.”
LOL, Archbishop. Do you know what John owns? Do you know what assets he has to his name? Does your attorney? Well I do. And it's not enough to even cover what you already spent of our money on this letter. So, what? Are you going to go after his family's assets - the Toves and Ada families? SMH!

You know, Archbishop, you have one thing in your favor. Your actions are so embarrassing that even Rome has to be embarrassed. Soon, if they haven't already, they're going to tell you to withdraw your threat. You are lucky because you will be able - once again - to hide behind the church. You'll be able to say "it's in Rome's hands," or "Rome told me not to pursue this." 

Yah, you're really lucky because the whole world, including John Toves - to whom you have just given the hero status that you so desperately crave, WANTS YOU TO PURSUE THIS. We WANT you to show the world who you really are: one sad, very sick little man. The Pope needs to remove you, not to save the diocese, but to save you.

P.S. Did Adrian have anything to do with this? Beware the Ides of March...or in your case, July.


  1. Ai adai, antonio, are you that dumb? Or should I say, are you that arrogant and proud? How dare that little mosquito try to bite si most reverend, his holiness, the archbishop of the whole Marianas. As a Chamoru living on a tropical island, you should already know what to do when the mosquito comes to bother or bite you. But, NO! First, you just went inside your house to avoid the mosquito. Then, instead of just swatting at it, you went and got your friends to spray it with Raid. Don't you know that one little mosquito never works alone? It always invites his friends to swarm with and to share the booty. So instead of getting a little bite that you just had to swat and suffer the itch, you are now going to be bitten all over- again and again. And may I remind you that one little mosquito can bring worse than itch and nuisance-- it can cause Dengue Fever! Ai adai, that's what happens nai, when you deny and lose your Chamoru sense.

  2. Deacon Claros said "for sure, for sure, that this doesn't warrant an inspection!" WHAT? He even ridiculed the press when they asked him what his role was and he spelled out S-A-R-C. He doesn't even know what the first thing about being a SARC. I just pray that the victims come out in full force and when that happens, I want to see if Larry would conduct an official SARC investigation.then.......NOT!! He's a pawn of the NCW holding a position of great importance that should show no favoritism but then again, he works for Tony and is a BIG Kiko follower. God help us remove this political evil that has infiltrated the Catholic Church.

    James T.

  3. Frankie Aguigui FarfanJuly 18, 2015 at 2:43 PM

    Am I mistaken or is this one of tony’s, “I have it, but I need to look for it” replies

    Defamatory (of remarks, writing, etc.) damaging the good reputation of someone; slanderous or libelous

    What defamatory “comments or publications against” tony, are they (chancery) referring to, is the neo-shameless hill gang really blaming Mr. Toves, for the failures of tony in damaging the good reputation of the Church

    I wonder who gave adrain or larry, the idea that tony had a “good reputation” let alone what the word means, I believe it is tony and company who should immediately cease and desist from making a further mockery and damaging the good reputation of the Catholic Faithful……

    First of all, tony YOU need to have a “the good reputation” for “it” to be damaging… to be defamatory…
    Through YOU (poor excuse of a leader) have been ruining the name of the island’s Catholic Church

    As defined above “damaging the good reputation of someone” tony you are NOT that “someone” NOT a shepherd, and surely NOT a leader…

    I believe this is one of those tony “perceptions”, really, in all honesty where is this “good reputation” he (tony) claims to have, I HAVE NOT seen it, has anyone seen his damaged reputation?

    Tony you cannot use my donations against me, but you’re welcome to my libelous and given the opportunity slanderous comments…..
    Tony has acted dishonestly while in office….
    The Archbishops’ office is for honest men, and tony is obviously in the wrong office…..

  4. A wise man once said, "Give him more rope and he'll hang himself." Could this be Tony's final curtain as he continues to do things his Way?

    1. I still have those free millstones if they're interested?

      James T.


    2. Every day he hangs himself. Let's watch how far rope goes?

  5. Good for bishop sue sue sue

    1. 4:02, what does your comment have to do with the bishops nipples?

  6. I thing Tim need to get investigated ??????????????

    1. You better thing very hard.

    2. Yah, I THING so too!

    3. 4:20, learn how to spell. lol!

    4. LOL. Yah. Keep your "thing" to yourself. LOL.

    5. Thanks 5:55. Didn't catch his "thing" at first. I'll withhold further comment about "hard". LOL

    6. @4:20pm, when you thing not long and hard, take VIAGRA!

    7. I thing Tim takes a lot VIAGRA! with eleven Kids and all

    8. Ummm, maybe we just "accept children willingly and lovingly from God", like we promised. How's that?

    9. 3:36. I thing you better retake Spelling 101. It's not a hard think to do.


    1. 4:48, you must be a NEO then.


    1. 4:48. I see the therapy has finally worked! Keep it up!

  9. In a few words: John Toves wants Apuron to sue him. Apuron threatens to sue him if John does not "cease and desist" his "defamatory" activities. The ball is now in John's court. If he stops his attacks on Apuron, what will we think of John? But, if John does not stop and Apuron does not sue him, what will we think of Apuron? We live in interesting times!

  10. Wasn't it Apuron that fired Monsignor Benavente for misuse of funds? Hiring a lawyer to shut Mr. Toves up is an admission of guilt in my opinion. Apuron doesn't have a regular paying job and with that said, he must be using church funds for his own personal use so he needs to be held accountable.

    James T.

    1. And adding to my comment above (in the words of Deacon Lying Larry), there will be no investigation because the AFC has been replaced by AAA with NEO cronies and that's more than enough evidence that AAA didn't do anything wrong!! lol. Rome, the shepherd on Guam is dividing the Church.

      James T.

    2. This Sunday's first reading JER 23:1-6 hits home. It begins with "Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture, says the LORD."
      Anthony Apuron, you are the shepherd of Guam's Catholics and you have misled and scattered the flock. Tony, your day of reckoning is coming and there's nothing you can say or do to change the outcome. Our Lord's justice will prevail.

    3. Are you Anonymous July 19, 2015 at 10:17 PM OR James T ??

    4. 2:37. Reread the post. You might get your answer if you read it S-L-O-W-L-Y.

      James T

    5. J-a-m-e-s t just a lot of talk about n-o-t-h-I-n-g

    6. And 2:09, you are responding to "a lot of talk about nothing"??? LOL.

    7. 2:09 PM, Thank you for taking my advice and I see that you answered your own question. No need to use hyphens in your response. I can read just fine. Have a nice day. ~~~~~}<(())@,>

      James T.

  11. In other words, we will soon see who has the "cojones," John Toves or Apuron.

  12. While many of us have been frustrated by the endless "drip, drip" coming from the useless leadership up on the Hill, and the apparent lack of reaction from the people in charge in Rome; several persons have been advocating patience with the process, knowing how slowly the "machine" can be in getting started.
    Recently, I also thanked Zoltan for his great contribution of information, regarding the intricate and devious way the NCW proceeds here on Guam.
    Apuron, his minions and his puppet masters in New Jersey, made what is often seen as a common mistake, a little over two years ago, by going after a beloved priest here on Guam, in a vicious, violent and vile way.
    Why is this seen as a common mistake?
    Simply because when any organization, person and /or group. ends up feeling they are getting away with things without being confronted by anybody of consequence, they become arrogant to the point of starting to underestimate the risk that their behavior or actions, eventually generates.
    There are countless example in the political or in the business sector to prove that point.

    In our case, the NCW henchmen had it easy for almost 20 years, doing their little work, mostly under the radar, without making too many waves. A few ripples here and there, were quickly blown away by the power of the pulpit waved by the Archbishop and the natural respect of the office, most Guamanians shared.

    Simply the arrogance of the Genarinis, Pius, Apuron and the flies around them, always thirsty for power, had reached a level, they did not even noticed.

    By going after Father Gofigan in the way they did, they failed to realized that they had chosen the wrong person to dance with. Behind the face of compassion, dedication to his parish and its parishioners, and the love of his familly, Father Gofigan has a resolve made of steel, which has allowed him to conquer many obstacles throughout his life. If you add to this, his profound faith in the Lord and a loving and supportive familly, you had found the perfect case of who not to pick up a fight with.
    Indeed as a late vocation Father Paul, was not a "fresh babe" just out of the seminary, that can be pushed around. His friendly demeanor and open access earned him many life long friends over the years. This network of support, soon rallied to his cause, and the timely intervention of this blog created the perfect storm for the NCW arrogant leadership .

  13. (Continued of "perfect storm")

    At first Apuron and his "cabinet" thought that the tactics they had used in the past against previous "rebels" would work one more time.
    Father Paul was therefore under attack by the Chancery, as soon as they realized their blackmail would not work, and a campaign of slander, lies, and gross characterisation started, engulfing in the process the reputation of an innocent familly, who would suffer greatly from these injustices.
    Tim Rohr, having experienced the twisted and devious logic of the Archbishop decided to throw his hat in the ring.
    From here on, we found to most Catholic's on this island, and around the world, dismay, the extent of corruption, coverup, injustices and plain financial misdeeds that had occured over the last twenty years under the hospices of the NCW, this secretive, ritualistic and some say sectarian organization, which was aided and abeted by our Archbishop.
    The more they tried to hide things, the more they come back up from under the trash they hid it under.

    We also found out, thanks to the great investigative work of Chuck White and other organizations around the world, the dark side of the NCW, and the extent of their reach around the world and at the Vatican.
    We started to realized that not only our Church in the Marianas had been targeted as a perfect place for them to grow and use their predatory practices, but also that there had been victims prior to our awakening, here and around the world. Some had successfully fought that group and rid themselves of this gangrene.
    It was now our turn to pick up our banner and start the fight.
    Two years later and almost three and a quarter million views on this blog, the small pimple that Rome thought it had seen on its face, has become a festering cancer.
    Now it is becoming almost impossible to ignore.
    Rome knew this last year, when they sent the investigators, in the hope of ironing out our differences, but they fail to really understand the extent of the corruption at the core of our problem.
    Pius and Genarini themselves still think, that they have in their bag of tricks what it takes to put the genie back in the bag. They are gravely mistaken. The game has changed.

    We can see from the instructions Pius gave to the Catechists that they are in full damage control. On top of the usual martyr complex the NCW is famous for, they are now trying to add another layer, to keep the troops going. But even there, among their faithful, people are starting to ask questions about the wisdom of their leaders.
    This latest gross intimidation of John Toves is another miscalculation, because as Tim clearly pointed, John Boy relishes that kind of fight. He always was, and always will be a loose cannon.
    An honest loose cannon, but a true loose cannon. Again the gnomes on the Hill are picking up a fight with the wrong guy.

    The final factor is that while the Guamanians: Chamorros, Phillipinos, whites and others are slow to upset and get started, we have now reached that critical mass.
    People, through the great work of the CCOG are instructing themselves, the tide has turned, the storm is coming.
    The bag of tricks will no longer suffice to keep things quiet. The people is awakening, and the reckonning is approaching.
    John Toves might be our next catalyst, but he certainly is not the only one, or the last one.
    AAA feeble attempts are so delusional and pathetic....
    Courage Guam! All of this is actually good news for our Church in the long run.

  14. John C. Ada Toves "Typhoon"July 19, 2015 at 5:57 AM

    Tk u mon ami. Vous ette une grane tonte

  15. Fr.Matthew Blockley.July 21, 2015 at 11:49 PM

    Thank you Frenchie.

    One thing I never worked out is who you are. But whoever you are you have my respect.

    fr Matthew.

  16. Ditto here, Frenchie. Neither Fr Matthew Blockley nor I know you personally, but I, too, have respect for your writings and thoughts. Neither do I know Fr Matthew Blockley well either. But no matter - we are all in Army of Christ! Perhaps, one of these days we'll all get to know you each other better! Nonetheless, thanks for your very supportive writings - you too, Fr Blockley. God bless. - Joe R.
