Some Catholics continue protest against Apuron
- FRIDAY, 11 SEP 2015 03:00AM
Dozens of Guam Catholics are upset with Archbishop Anthony Apuron and are planning to protest in front of the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica periodically until they get some answers.
I wonder if they say the Prayer to Blessed Diego in the Neo mass. How about the new Jubilee prayer.
ReplyDeleteIf it wasn't in the early Church then they should be against it. Carmen will have a fit. She looks like an incorruptible from the early church. Just sayin.
DeleteIs Fr. Mel Assigned to Piti parish in the NCW? He said he wrote the prayer.
DeleteHave you paid attention to the words in the Jubilee prayer that is now recited after mass? It has a statement about embracing or being open to the new evangelisation!
ReplyDeleteI refuse to go along with this prayer. It sounds so contrived just to please whoever is behind this. The Pope did not write this prayer.
DeleteAnonymous 2:52 p.m. Yes, I also noticed that the Jubilee prayer has us asking for the new evangelization-it made me feel uneasy because I think the "new evangelization" is a code word for NCW. And I'm a lector and am required to read it aloud at the lectern. It's like I'm required to pray for the destruction of our Church.
DeleteNo need for the NEO to say the Jubilee prayer. They are already "evangelized". Unlike us normal unworthy Catholics.
ReplyDeleteAfter hearing and reciting that prayer last Sunday, I now refuse to Ever say it again. It's degrading, disrespectful and a bunch of BS in my humble opinion.
The New Jubilee sound more like it is written by a NEO. I am so sorry but just the way it is written.
ReplyDeleteJust like the word persecution, the new evangelization has been commandeered and manipulated to fit their rhetoric and needs.
ReplyDeleteHowever, although it was not written by a member of the ncw, this prayer has elements that, which linked in context to the current sentiment that permeates our Archdiocese, make it difficult to digest thus we are challenged to find credibility in where/whom it came down from.
It's a NEO brainwashing technique to subliminally get the Catholic Church to accept them and their new evangelization but we're too smart for that. Don't recite it whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteJames T.
It's not their new evangelization. It's their new theology. Don't allow them to replace, in your mind, the Church's calling for evangelization with their version.
DeleteAs faithfully practicing Catholics, we are called to evangelize to all people. And the Church has recognized that we also need to find new perspectives in evangelizing those Catholics who have strayed and become lost. However, as we are called to create new evangelization for these lost souls, we are not called to create new theology.
The CHURCH called for the New Evangelization, NOT the stupid WAY
DeleteANON at 2:52, I noticed that too and like you, I immediately became suspicious when I saw the word, "evangelization" and stopped reciting it. I'm beginning to get tired of all these prayers we recite before, during and after mass that we so dutifully go along with, which in my mind takes away from the solemnity of the holy sacrifice of the mass. Ai dios mio, we already pray for the dead, the sick, the poor, the Holy Father, the religious and what-not! Then we added the prayers for the family, for the sanctity of life, Blessed Diego, and now the Jubilee of the diocese of Hagatna. Can someone explain to me why we need so many special prayers before and after the mass?
ReplyDeleteWhat this Archbishop fails to understand is that the Sacrifice of the Mass is the greatest prayer we can ever offer, as a petition, thanksgiving, praise to God for ourselves, our dearly departed and the cause of the entire world. The reason this is the greatest prayer, is that it is Christ who is both the High Priest and Sacrifice that is being offered to the Father. Not even a million rosaries or extra prayers will ever be as efficacious as Holy Mass. When we attempt to add all these extra prayers into the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, against what the GIRM has already prescribed in the rubrics, is an adulteration of that which the Church has deemed necessary to preserve the sacredness of this Holy Sacrifice. It is very evident this is the intent of the NCW celebration as they include Kiko's Song, Dance, Echo's, and other human elements into the Holy Mass. These actions by the NCW presbyters, allowed by this Archbishop makes us ask the question, Is there something lacking in the Mass instituted by Christ and His Church that the NCW needs to add to? Do this additions make it More Holy ? of does it attempt to ursurp the work of Christ with those of the creatures? And Who is Kiko or the NCW that gives them the compentancy to change the rubrics of the way the Church celebrates Holy Mass? Brothers and Sisters, we have to resist the movement of this cult and their attempts to desecrate what the Church Christ Founded has given us in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
DeleteFact: prayer composed by the new Father Mel. Pastor of Piti. Don't know if he is a NCW sympathizer.
ReplyDeleteThe Mass, the perfect prayer, is being de-solemnized by this verbose, repetitive prayer that attempts to pacify everyone. It is longer than the Creed and is a total mish-mash. Why add wordy prayers to the already perfect prayer?
ReplyDeleteWritten by Father MEL....approved by Archie- baldi. He will sign anything. Why don't we allow the Mass to stand alone without decorating all around with all these ditties ??? Sheesh!
ReplyDeleteRemember that these 'prayers' are 'political prayers' and are meant for control purposes.
ReplyDeleteMajority of liturgists worthy of their chosen avocation would be quick to say that compressing all these wordy prayers around the Eucharist is a liturgical abuse. Apuron who is a liturgist ought to stop all these verbosity but it seems he is the main culprit in massing all the unnecessary prayers before and after Mass. The preceding comments that express confusion and outrage are right on. These prayers did not pass first test, which is the common sense test. What apuron is up to, one never knows, he is in amposition to filter these abuses but dows not have the moral uprighteousness to say anything.
ReplyDeleteMy first "encounter" with the Jubilee Prayer was on 5 September at the Saturday Vigil Mass at SASVCC. It was an interesting experience because only one person in the church — the commentator — was reading the prayer. The priest did not read it, possibly because it had not been included in the Presider's Binder. Someone told me that at another Mass the next day the priest did not join in the prayer, hence my assumption that it was not included in the binder. The prayer was not projected on the wall for the congregation to join in the recitation — I'm guessing that someone forgot to insert it into the existing slides which had been projected to assist the congregation in their "active participation" during the Mass.
ReplyDeleteAs I listened to the commentator reading through the prayer, several thoughts came to mind. Anonymous (September 11, 2015 at 5:11 PM) stated one of my initial reactions: the prayer sounds so contrived … as though it had been designed to further the NCW Agenda. The observation of Jose M. at 6:34 PM that the prayer has elements that, which linked in context to the current sentiment that permeates our Archdiocese, make it difficult to digest certainly resonates with me, too!
I must admit that as I heard the prayer go on and on — it's a very long prayer! — I caught myself doing multiple eye rolls. While most of the previous comments have focused on the mention of the "New Evangelization" — which to my recollection was toward the end of the prayer — my first eye roll came quite early with the mention of the year being one of reconciliation in the context of "division." Really?!? In light of where the division — which AAA has characterized as a perception of division — originated, has there been any effort toward reconciliation from the leaders of our Church? NO! My guess is that they're expecting the sheep — the "Regular Catholics," the Non-Neos — to just reconcile ourselves to their NCW Agenda. No thank you!
My next eye rolls came with the mention of compassion and mercy as well as with the realization that the components of the Respect Life Prayer and the Prayer for the Support of Marriage and Family Life were synthesized into this mishmash of words.
Can AAA and minions claim that they are models of compassion and mercy? NO!
Looking back over the years, it's obvious that AAA has been more passionate about protecting the island from casino gambling than any other issue. If he was as passionate about protecting the lives of the Unborn, there is the possibility that our island would not have such a high rate of abortion. The same goes for his lack of passion about protecting marriage and family life.
As the Anonymous commenters from 3:53 PM, 5:11 PM, and 6:24 PM have indicated, I do not intend to recite that prayer at the Masses I attend. While at another Mass later in the week, one in which a handout with the prayer had been given — but which I had not received — I pulled out my prayer book, Blessed Be God, to avoid any more eye rolls. Then and there I decided that I'm not going to waste my breath babbling empty phrases and/or many words, per the Gospel of Matthew (6:7). I'm going to spend that time in prayer with the help of my little book.
Saint Athanasius … Pray for us!
To F. Leon Guerrero at 7:10pm - Not to answer your question, but I agree with you 100%! There are just too many prayers for this this intention and that intention. (And since we'll never run out of intentions, we might just as well stay another hour or so in church to let God know!) Why not just assist at Mass attentively and place ALL our intentions during Mass in the Hands of the All-Knowing God in the silence of our hearts. He knows all our needs anyway; He doesn't need to be reminded! As for the Jubilee Prayer, I don't know about you, but I personally find it very dry - and "a little bit cunning in delivering a subliminal message". Let's place all our focus on the Holy SACRIFICE of the Mass, and partake of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ in Holy Communion. Those few moments of silent prayer after receiving Him in Communion is worth more than a volume of intentions said aloud for all to hear and be impressed of our erudite recitation.
ReplyDeleteCould it be that they add all these trimmings because the Mass is not viewed as a sacrifice, but a celebration only anyway?? "Orate, fratres, ut meum ac vestrum sacrificium.....Pray, brethren, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the Father Almighty". That's it! No need to widen our phylacteries! Do we? - jrsa.(9/11/15)
Well said, to paraphrase Jesus says in the scriptures..."my Father in heaven knows the intent of your hearts even without you saying it."
Deletethank you for bringing up the add-on prayers. to me, one or two prayers post-Mass--for a limited time--is alright. but i agree that after months and years, they've begun to take on the feel of becoming part of the Holy Mass.
ReplyDeletei also can't help but think that the add-on prayers was partly intended as an easy substitute for real catechesis and actual teaching. you know, like how some parents use ipads and tv as substitute for actual parenting?
I suggest we use this as an opportunity to continue with our silent protest, i.e. remain "silent" when it comes time to recite this "new evangelization" prayer.
ReplyDeleteA false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish. all of you CCOG.
ReplyDelete1:33 AM - stay away rudy rude! We do not need you breathing out at all! Just stay away, okay? You are an ignorant ass kisser to neo crap...and oh, to that woman too
DeleteTo Anon 9/12 at 1:33am's "A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish. all of you CCOG."
DeleteIs this the best you can have to write about the Prayer Rally? Please have something substantive to contribute other than to denigrate CCOG - not that your comment really upsets us. It simply invites us to have some fun exposing your "argumentum ad hominem" and "argumentum ad absurdum" philosophy - or do you know what these terms mean to start with?
PS: Look into a mirror for a picture of the "false witness". My prayers to you for enlightenment. - jrsa.
And ass kisser to whomever will give him five bucks.
Delete1:33 AM - WOW! Says who? You? Sounds like someone believes they have the power to condemn!!!
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:33 The Way are the one who are false witnesses. You after all have recently discovered that after 2000 years of Church history, Kiko suddenly discovered that the only Way to salvation is through Communities and therefore you are hell bent is taking over and destroying our parishes so that we also can be saved. Think about it Kiko whom you call prophet, he indeed is a prophet, a false prophet who want to worm his way into our Churches. Do you not wonder that after 30 years of evangelizing that your Sect is only able to convert 500 faithfuls and yet your archbishop saw fit to create a seminary, I will give you a hint, no matter how hard your Sect tries, the faithful of Guam is wise to your ways and the only thing left to do is Go Away!
ReplyDeleteWhat is rather curious is that KIKO declares his Way to be the embodiment of Vatican II. One of the things that changed after Vatican II was the elimination of the "prayers at the foot of the altar" (I go up to the altar of God) before the Mass and the reading of "the Last Gospel" and the recitation of the Leoninie Prayers after the Mass ( said at first for the intention of Pope Leo and later for the conversion of Russia as per the message of Our Lady of Fatima).
ReplyDeleteBecause Vatican II and its post-conciliar committees wanted to emphasize the completeness of the Mass without anything extra, those prayers were eliminated as well as benediction following any Mass. Yet here we have a bishop, a Kiko-ite, and presumably a further "embodiment" of Vatican II, proceeding to do exactly what Vatican II proceeded to undo.
Personally I see no problem with prayers before or after Mass as were the old Prayers at the Foot of the Altar (before Mass) and the Last Gospel and Leonine prayers (officially after the Mass). The problem with Apuron's prayers - at least at the end of Mass - is that they are done before the final blessing and thus included in the Mass.
Click here to see why Kiko's Way is not even close to being "the embodiment of Vatican II".
ReplyDeleteI hear that Archbishop Apuron has gone to Rome and is going to meet the Holy Father sometime this month. Can someone confirm this?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 2:41 p.m. September 20th.
DeleteHoly Father and Cardinal O'Brien in a huddle what to do with a problem like Tim Rohr. It's a tough one.
ReplyDeleteYou're really kidding me! You guys need better talking points, new handlers, and a damn new playbook. Adrian, et. al., please do better. You make me want to give to your charitable cause...dumb ass intl.
Delete3.30pm. Only a retard makes that kind of comment.
r-t-rd is politically incorrect, 5:21
DeleteDear Santa, I have been pretty good this past year. What I really want for Christmas is a New Archbishop. It's up to you. I know a lot of Dioceses need good leadership. Just want to ask early, OK. Love You, Santa Claus.
DeleteJust make sure the new archbishop is non-NCW. Otherwise, it will be more of the same.
DeleteSanta, btw, make the new Arch non- neo , ok? Thanks.
Delete3:30 PM, ambi fan, do we take that as an empty threat or just a fanciful gossip? If you see Tim Rohr as a problem you are also taking 90+% of Guam Catholics as problems. It is indeed a tough decision because the only problem here is spineless apuron and his being beholden to ncw fraudsters. Open your eyes and heart, and you will understand why Catholics are up in arms over the highly unusual dilemma that apuron brought upon Guam Catholics. It is indeed a tough decision because Guam situation opened the eyes of other dioceses of the perils brought by ncw to their backyards.
ReplyDeleteThese before-mass and after-mass prayers force us to mouth off a bunch of nonsensical prayers regarding the greatest failures of AAA during the last decade:
ReplyDeleteRESPECT LIFE – Has the Archdiocese of Agana really helped reduce the rate of abortions? The track record speaks for itself. Plus, the Archdiocese (schools, churches, chancery) gives the bulk of its business to the Bank of Guam and turns a blind eye to the public pro-life / pro-abortion statements of its president, Lou Leon Guerrero.
PRAYER TO BLESSED DIEGO LUIS DE SAN VITORES – What has the Archdiocese of Agana really done to advance the canonization of Father San Vitores? San Pedro Calungsod, a near-forgotten 17th-century Filipino teenager, was canonized through the lifetime work of Father Ildebrando Leyson, a Cebuano priest. Early clergy investigators even said San Pedro’s canonization was “a lost cause.” Guam’s feeble efforts have only yielded “Blessed” status for San Vitores, the very Spanish priest that this Filipino teenager was martyred for. Poor Guam just stood silently in the sidelines in Rome to the Philippines while the glorious crown of sainthood was placed on San Pedro. Enthused Filipino pilgrims travel to Guam to pay homage to THEIR saint at the Tumon site of martyrdom, which is largely ignored by Guam Catholics.
GOLDEN JUBILEE PRAYER – This new poorly written prayer is a devious way to extole the “new evangelization” of the controversial / divisive Neocatechemenal Way and its followers in the Archdiocese of Agana during the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese of Agaña (Oct. 14, 1965). It is shameful that our Catholic leaders address the unhappiness of the Catholic non-Neo community and the forced silence of the non-Neo clergy / religious communities by making vague references to “reconciliation.”
When the great and powerful assemble under the great icon of Santa Marian Kamalen at the Basilica-Cathedral on Oct. 14, 2015 to celebrate this jubilee, all will say these three wonderful prayers filled with half-truths and lies.
Good insights, Fina. Just to correct though: San Pedro Calungsod was not martyred for Blessed Diego as you say, rather San Pedro was martyred FOR THE CATHOLIC FAITH alongside Blessed Diego. It was also Fr Ledesma, a Filipino Jesuit priest who did the legwork and research on Father San Vitores that made him "blessed." Now with Presbyter David C. Quitugua at the helm of the cause for Blessed Diego's canonization, the cause has stalled to a standstill. As is typical of Quitugua, he wears many hats but only in name, no action because he is so sickly, the poor guy. This stern "canon lawyer" financed for nine years in Rome by the people of the Archdiocese of Agana has NADA, TAYA, WALA, USELESS result to add to his name.