Monday, October 5, 2015



"Estad alerta sobre los hombres, ellos dirán cualquier cosa para atraeros y luego trataros como una naranja: Ellos chuparán todo el jugo y, cuando no quede más, os escupirán y os botarán lejos". - Presbítero neocatecumenal Edivaldo Da Silva Oliveira


  1. The three stooges look like they are having a good time. Apuron probably looking at his watch; Pius forgot to wear his DEPENDS (leaves stage soon after this footage) and OJ just lets his eyes wonder like he usually does at mass during the readings! What joy!

    1. Yes, joy! Apuron is making a fashion statement by sporting a gay green shirt inside his suit while the rest are in black. Call me Tony!

  2. Pezzi and Pius white as ghosts. Pius wearing his death mask.

  3. OJ Sure likes to take photos with young ladies, mostly with his arms around them. What image is this guy trying to portray? He should keep his hands to himself. Who's taking care of the spiritual needs of his parish if he's out globe trotting alot. What a joke...

  4. They were all singing traditional catholic hymns. OJ only knows Kiko songs.

  5. In the picture, Tony is looking down and muttering, " Damn zipper is stuck again." O.J. watching and wondering if he should help.
    O.J. posing with the girls and thinking, "Luis, eat your heart out, boy!"

  6. One person that seem to try to find a way out, and away, from all the kikos is on the last raw, right in between the Arch and Pius.
    He probably has to be here, because his diocese was partially hosting the event.
    Bishop Timothy Senior. Auxillary Bishop of Philadelphia, St Charles Borromeo Seminary Rector in Overbrook, Pennsylvania.
    Since Pius think that St Charles is like St Patrick on the west coast: " A nest of homossechuals", I doubt these two had much to exchange.
    BTW, the putrid looks like he is getting ready to meet his master, in the eternal fire.
    He is a rising star of the American Episcopate, and unlike his direct boss, Cardinal Chaput, he is not too found of the NCW.
    He is probably feeling very much out of water surrendered that he is by the intellectual dwarfs in front of him.
    Wish I had been a fly on that wall.

  7. There are some really rude and hateful people on this blog. why reply if all you have to say is something negative. oh I forgot you're on Tim's blog.

    1. 2:29 AM: and your insinuation is not rude, hateful and negative? Get a grip on yourself. Your bitchy remark says volumes about who you are.

    2. 2:29 AM, fine. Why don't YOU tell us something positive on how the archbishop and the Neos screwed us over? And you expect us to be courteous? Nice is out, Bitch is in. Comprende?

    3. LOL. The people who respond on this blog were silent for many years while Apuron and his boys raped Guam. NO MORE.

    4. Apuron and his boys raped Guam in more ways than one. Youths lost their innocence, the faithful are divided, valuable church property turned over to a cult pretending to be Catholic, parishes taken over by half-baked presbyters, fraudulent insurance claims, illicit masses, and the list goes on. And we're expected to shut up and obey?

  8. Tim, great photo at the top. Was this during a mass? Look at all the kikos, arms crossed, they look bored and distracted. It is the same look they portray at masses in Guam. No sense of reverence whatsoever. My guess is those that seem to be aware are the non-kikos.

    Gotta love the obnoxious green shirt on the Tony. If standing out is the look he was going for, he hit a home run! My only shock is that there were only three idiots from Guam there. Why not also bring along David the VG, Adrian, and maybe Louis Camacho? Add a little local to the mix. Maybe Tony cannot trust the locals anymore? Eh?

    And at the bottom left is Giuseppi Gennarini, looking off to the far far west. Probably trying to see the $40 million asset he legally stole from the people of Guam. Thanks again to Tony for aiding and abetting. Kiko will give you an eternal reward. Bake in peace!

    1. Right on everything Janet. To the point as usual.
      Few points:
      I think we have seen the Archbishop with an array of colored shirts over the last three years. I venture to guess they are usually matching the color of the vestments for that period. Will be consulting older pix to confirm. (talk about ego!)

      The person you identified as Giuseppe is in fact his older brother, but they look alike.

      There is a silent struggle these days between the Gennarini Clan, (Giuseppe's Son is getting more and more involved, and is portrayed as a mainstream Catholic, watch out for this latest version) and Pezzi against Carmen.
      Kiko is going through the motions, but he is like a rudderless boat.
      Carmen has some health issue, but she is a fighter. Kiko is under a strong medical treatment, Pezzi is becoming liquid, even if he is younger.....
      The sharks are circling in the water, and the Genarrini are positioning themselves to take over the money machine, Giussepe has put in place. (leave it to a former far left revolutionary to be so fascinated by money)
      He is the main contact with Philadelphia and Boston, and he is consolidating his assets on the east coast.
      Even if most of it falls to pieces when the old guard is pushed overboard, he will have so many assets, in so many places, and a network of corrupt Church princes and US politicians that he feels untouchable.
      But the Feds know, and they are patient. Plus they have abused so many people that things will start floating back up to the surface.
      One word : RICO

  9. Well, I'll B !! Janet B. That's not a Mass, that's Vocation Rally Featuring Kiko! Live show. Best thing that could have happened. On display for all to see. NCW crumbling fiasco of disarray.

  10. Generrini??? He's no Kiko.
