Wednesday, November 4, 2015


I can confirm the following.

Late afternoon, October 30th, prior to the chancery closing, there was a panic within Archbishop's office.  The chancellor reported that he had uncovered an intended plot to disrupt Archbishop's birthday by protests planned to evolve from within the Hyatt Hotel.   

It was reported to Archbishop Apuron that an identified non-American citizen entered Guam Friday on board a flight from Manila Philippines. The identified non-American citizen checked into the Hyatt Hotel with the intention of  disrupting the Sunday evening event.  

The non-American citizen was identified as Father Matthew Blockley.  

Archbishop Apuron immediately ordered a tightening of security at San Ramon and Hyatt Hotel. 

Archbishop was led to believe Fr. Blockley was visiting Guam with the intention of speaking against the Archbishop on his 70th birthday. This was based on Anon messages left on Diana's blog. 

The Archbishop instructed Hyatt Hotel of the potential security dangers threatening the birthday celebration.  By Monday morning it was confirmed to the Archbishop that Fr. Matthew Blockley had not left Manila bound for Guam. This was confirmed by the Archdiocese of Manila.

Sent from
Fr.Matthew Blockley


  1. Panicky are we now, archbishop???? Here's another rumor....."The sky is falling, The sky is falling!!!!"

    1. Raymond - the sky IS falling. In approximately 1977 seconds.

      At least that's what I heard...

      PS - keep swatting boyz...I'm too fast for ya!

  2. More like paranoid..............

  3. What is he afraid of ?

    1. that I'd like to know as well. too funny.

      Sorry AA but you are sooo running scared of being confronted that it's only your wrong doings you are running from.....look at yourself in the mirror, proud of what you've become? No one is perfect, we are ''all'' sinners. but you? You are pure evil.

      Flo B.

  4. What I'm hearing from inside chancery. Fr. Blockley made a post yesterday ( not sure which post as he made several) certain post led to Archbishop being questioned by a person in high political office.

    1. Rev and Tax investigators must look into this. The amount of money made in this single event is too great to ignore. Feds should also look into this as it could have been another occasion to launder money.

    2. Oooohhhh. Too bad, Apuron. Liar and thief. You have a lot more com in' at ya.


  5. Resign Archbishop glorious reign is over.

  6. Tony worried? Nawh, he has Diana and her googling skills to fabricate anything to protect the TRUTH. Obviously if Diana can think of a disabled lady as being a terrorist with a bomb, then you know she spends her time researching on the Internet. Lol.

    Maybe the next threat would be an UNMANNED ARIEL FLY DRONE fitted with kaka.... What a stupid pawn she is and tony is just a dumbass to believe these neos....

    1. Did somebody say fly drone?

      No worries, I'm on station waiting for the next juicy tidbit.

  7. soon he will start to fear his own shadow! Funny. Key Stone Cop, Sucks to be fearful of your "own" sorry, I meant the flock you've abandoned. Do you what archie, we too, have abandoned you. Notice the numbers of posting it is getting overwhelming, people are becoming more bold by the inaction of Rome, so now they are taking matters in to their own hands and shame you and your cohorts out of guam. The people whom you convinced kiko were docile have turned have enough of your deceit.

  8. does this qualify as what we kids on guam used to call a "malert"? malert! :)

    1. I thought it was "mallerd."
      Whichever way it's spelled, I remember it well.
      Eileen Benavente-Blas

    2. It's mullerd as in you mamalao yourself.

  9. I'll beat the living daylight of Blockley if he ever lay a hand on my Uncle.

    1. Who will lay hands on your uncle is not the issue. It's WHO YOUR UNCLE LAID HANDS ON!

    2. True dat, Tim! 0850 PM would do well to dig into his repressed memory and check the number of times Uncle Ton slept over in his room and the silly games they played. Then again, little nephew is not from South America so I doubt whether poor nephie held any fascination for Unkie Tony. Who would want to lay hands on your uncle, eeewwwwwww, not worth jail time or any kind of time. Beat the living daylights on Pius or Kiko who really controls your uncle, kid!

  10. Fr.Matthew Blockley.November 6, 2015 at 1:51 AM

    Please know 8.50pm I have armed security with me at all times.
